
488 lines
19 KiB

//===- RecognizeKernels.cpp -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This file is licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "PassDetail.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/GreedyPatternRewriteDriver.h"
#include "npcomp/Dialect/ATen/IR/ATenDialect.h"
#include "npcomp/Dialect/ATen/Transforms/Passes.h"
#include "npcomp/Dialect/Basicpy/IR/BasicpyDialect.h"
#include "npcomp/Dialect/Numpy/IR/NumpyDialect.h"
#include "npcomp/Dialect/Numpy/IR/NumpyOps.h"
#include "npcomp/Dialect/Torch/IR/OpInterfaces.h"
#include "npcomp/Dialect/Torch/IR/TorchOps.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "aten-recognize-kernels"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::NPCOMP;
using namespace mlir::NPCOMP::aten;
using namespace mlir::NPCOMP::Torch;
namespace {
bool isTorchTensorType(StringRef torchType) {
return torchType == "Tensor" || torchType == "Tensor?";
bool isTorchOptionalType(StringRef torchType) {
return torchType.endswith("?");
struct TypeConversion {
Type targetType;
std::function<Value(Location loc, Value originalValue,
PatternRewriter &rewriter)>
/// Converts a Torch argument type so it is compatible with a target type
/// and flags. "Source" refers to the original operand value/type. "Target"
/// refers to the new op's operand value/type.
convertTorchArgType(StringRef sourceTorchType, StringRef targetTorchType,
KernelValueConversion::BitMask flag, Type sourceMlirType) {
using KVC = KernelValueConversion::BitMask;
// Default trivial case.
if (sourceTorchType == targetTorchType && flag == 0)
return TypeConversion{sourceMlirType, nullptr};
// Immutable tensor conversion.
if (flag & KVC::kImmutableTensor) {
// TODO: Support the kPromoteScalar flag.
if (!isTorchTensorType(sourceTorchType) ||
return None;
// If the target is optional and the type is NoneType, passthrough.
if (isTorchOptionalType(targetTorchType) &&
return TypeConversion{sourceMlirType, nullptr};
// Already immutable.
if (sourceMlirType.isa<TensorType>())
return TypeConversion{sourceMlirType, nullptr};
// Convert NdArray type.
if (auto ndArrayType = sourceMlirType.dyn_cast<Numpy::NdArrayType>()) {
auto tensorType = ndArrayType.toTensorType();
auto callback = [=](Location loc, Value originalValue,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) -> Value {
return rewriter.create<Numpy::CopyToTensorOp>(loc, tensorType,
return TypeConversion{tensorType, callback};
return None;
// TODO: Special case promotions and conversions.
return None;
/// Converts a Torch result type so it is compatible with the target type and
/// flags of a new op. "Source" refers to the original result value/type.
/// "Target" refers to the new ops's result value/type. The conversions
/// supported for results are, in general, much more constrained than those
/// supported for operands since these vary far less. The returned conversion
/// callback will convert from the target's type to the source's type.
convertTorchReturnType(StringRef sourceTorchType, StringRef targetTorchType,
KernelValueConversion::BitMask flag,
Type sourceMlirType) {
using KVC = KernelValueConversion::BitMask;
// Default trivial case.
if (sourceTorchType == targetTorchType && flag == 0) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " * Return types already match\n");
return TypeConversion{sourceMlirType, nullptr};
// Immutable tensor conversion.
if (flag & KVC::kImmutableTensor) {
<< " * Return conversion flag kImmutableTensor\n");
if (!isTorchTensorType(sourceTorchType) ||
!isTorchTensorType(targetTorchType)) {
<< " * Source or target not a Tensor type\n");
return None;
// Already immutable.
if (sourceMlirType.isa<TensorType>()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " * Source is already immutable\n");
return TypeConversion{sourceMlirType, nullptr};
// Convert NdArray type.
if (sourceMlirType.isa<Basicpy::NoneType>() &&
isTorchOptionalType(targetTorchType)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " * None Tensor type passthrough\n");
return TypeConversion{sourceMlirType, nullptr};
} else if (auto ndArrayType =
sourceMlirType.dyn_cast<Numpy::NdArrayType>()) {
auto tensorType = ndArrayType.toTensorType();
auto callback = [=](Location loc, Value newOpResultValue,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) -> Value {
return rewriter.create<Numpy::CreateArrayFromTensorOp>(
loc, ndArrayType, newOpResultValue);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " * Convert return type\n");
return TypeConversion{tensorType, callback};
} else {
<< " * Return type is not a supported tensor type\n");
return None;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " * Return type conversion fallthrough\n");
return None;
/// Transforms from torch.kernel_call to recognized ops that implement the
/// TorchBuildableKernelOpInterface.
class KernelCallTransformer {
struct CandidateTransform;
KernelCallTransformer(MLIRContext &context) : context(context) {}
template <typename DialectTy> void addDialectOps() {
Dialect *dialect = context.getOrLoadDialect<DialectTy>();
// TODO: This is not efficient. We should have a mechanism for dialects to
// track their own ops and allow a more fine grained mechanism.
auto allOps = context.getRegisteredOperations();
for (AbstractOperation *absOp : allOps) {
if (&absOp->dialect != dialect)
auto *concept = absOp->getInterface<TorchBuildableKernelOpInterface>();
if (!concept)
const BuildKernelMetadata &buildMetadata =
addBuildableOperation(absOp->name, buildMetadata);
void addBuildableOperation(Identifier opName,
const BuildKernelMetadata &buildMetadata) {
<< "Register kernel call translation for: " << opName << "\n");
CandidateTransformList &candidates =
candidates.emplace_back(opName, buildMetadata);
for (StringRef aliasKernelName : buildMetadata.aliasKernelNames) {
CandidateTransformList &candidates = kernelTransforms[aliasKernelName];
candidates.emplace_back(opName, buildMetadata);
if (buildMetadata.inplaceVariantKernelName) {
CandidateTransformList &candidates =
candidates.emplace_back(opName, buildMetadata);
LogicalResult transformKernelCall(KernelCallOp kernelCall,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
StringRef kernelName = kernelCall.kernelName();
<< "Evaluate kernel transform '" << kernelName << "':\n");
auto it = kernelTransforms.find(kernelName);
if (it == kernelTransforms.end()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " - No candidate ops for kernel name\n");
return failure();
const CandidateTransformList &candidates = it->second;
for (const CandidateTransform &candidate : candidates) {
if (succeeded(rewriteForCandidateOp(kernelCall, candidate, rewriter)))
return success();
return failure();
LogicalResult rewriteForCandidateOp(KernelCallOp kernelCall,
const CandidateTransform &candidate,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
<< " * Evaluate op " << candidate.targetOpName << "\n");
Torch::KernelMetadata sourceMetadata = kernelCall.getTorchKernelMetadata();
// Fail on presently unsupported cases.
if (sourceMetadata.isVararg || candidate.buildMetadata.isVararg) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " - Skip candidate op: vararg kernels "
"presently not supported\n");
return failure();
if (sourceMetadata.isVarret || candidate.buildMetadata.isVarret) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " - Skip candidate op: varret kernels "
"presently not supported\n");
return failure();
// In none of the special forms do return arity mismatch.
if (sourceMetadata.returnTypes.size() !=
candidate.buildMetadata.returnTypes.size()) {
<< " - Skip candidate op: return arity mismatch\n");
return failure();
bool sourceHasTrailingOutRef =
candidate.buildMetadata.promoteTrailingOutTensor &&
sourceMetadata.argTypes.size() ==
candidate.buildMetadata.argTypes.size() + 1;
if (sourceHasTrailingOutRef ||
sourceMetadata.argTypes.size() ==
candidate.buildMetadata.argTypes.size()) {
// Arg arity match.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " + Candidate matches based on arity\n");
return rewriteMatchingArity(
kernelCall, sourceMetadata, candidate,
/*sourceHasTrailingOutRef=*/sourceHasTrailingOutRef, rewriter);
return failure();
LogicalResult rewriteMatchingArity(KernelCallOp kernelCall,
const Torch::KernelMetadata sourceMetadata,
const CandidateTransform &candidate,
size_t fixedArgArity, size_t fixedRetArity,
bool sourceHasTrailingOutRef,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
using KVC = KernelValueConversion::BitMask;
// Pre-conditions.
if (sourceHasTrailingOutRef)
assert((sourceMetadata.argTypes.size() ==
candidate.buildMetadata.argTypes.size() + 1) &&
"arg arity mismatch for trailing outref conversion");
assert(sourceMetadata.argTypes.size() ==
candidate.buildMetadata.argTypes.size() &&
"arg arity mismatch");
bool isInplaceVariant =
candidate.buildMetadata.inplaceVariantKernelName &&
kernelCall.kernelName() ==
// Convert fixed return types.
using PostConversionCallback = std::function<void()>;
SmallVector<PostConversionCallback, 4> postConversionCallbacks;
struct ConversionInfo {
Value originalValue;
TypeConversion conversion;
SmallVector<Type, 4> resultTypes;
SmallVector<ConversionInfo, 4> resultConversions;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fixedRetArity; ++i) {
StringRef sourceTorchType = sourceMetadata.returnTypes[i];
StringRef targetTorchType = candidate.buildMetadata.returnTypes[i];
KVC flag = candidate.buildMetadata.getReturnConversion(i);
Value sourceValue = kernelCall.getResult(i);
Type sourceMlirType = kernelCall.getResultTypes()[i];
if (flag & KVC::kDropReturnAndAliasArg0) {
// Reduce result arity and alias any uses to arg0.
if (kernelCall.args().empty()) {
<< " - Cannot alias arg0 (no arguments)\n");
return failure();
Value arg0 = kernelCall.args()[0];
[sourceValue, arg0]() { sourceValue.replaceAllUsesWith(arg0); });
} else {
// General, arity-preserving type conversion.
auto conversion = convertTorchReturnType(
sourceTorchType, targetTorchType, flag, sourceMlirType);
if (!conversion) {
<< " - Return type[" << i << "] incompatible: source="
<< sourceTorchType << ", target=" << targetTorchType
<< ", flag=" << flag << "\n");
return failure();
resultConversions.push_back({sourceValue, std::move(*conversion)});
// Convert fixed arg types.
SmallVector<ConversionInfo, 4> operandInfos;
for (size_t i = 0, operandIndex = 0; i < fixedArgArity; ++i) {
// Drop this arg?
if (candidate.buildMetadata.argConversions[i] & KVC::kDrop)
if (kernelCall.getNumOperands() <= operandIndex) {
<< " - Arg operand " << i
<< " does not exist in kernel call (missing default?)\n");
return failure();
// Normal type conversion of the operand.
ConversionInfo &info = operandInfos.back();
info.originalValue = kernelCall.getOperand(operandIndex++);
Type sourceMlirType = info.originalValue.getType();
auto conversion = convertTorchArgType(
if (!conversion) {
<< " - Arg type[" << i
<< "] incompatible: source=" << sourceMetadata.argTypes[i]
<< ", target=" << candidate.buildMetadata.argTypes[i]
<< ", flag=" << candidate.buildMetadata.getArgConversion(i)
<< "\n");
return failure();
info.conversion = std::move(*conversion);
// Match criteria are satisfied. The IR can now be rewritten.
// Materialize conversions for operands.
SmallVector<Value, 4> operands;
for (ConversionInfo &info : operandInfos) {
if (!info.conversion.callback) {
// Identity conversion.
} else {
// Computed conversion.
Value newValue = info.conversion.callback(kernelCall.getLoc(),
info.originalValue, rewriter);
// Create the op.
OperationState state(kernelCall.getLoc(), candidate.targetOpName, operands,
resultTypes, {});
Operation *newOp = rewriter.createOperation(state);
// Materialize conversions for results.
// For out params, we need to save off the converted first result -- we will
// just RAUW it with the out param later.
Value firstResultConverted;
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(resultConversions)) {
ConversionInfo &info = it.value();
Value origOpResultValue = info.originalValue;
Value newOpResultValue = newOp->getOpResult(it.index());
Value convertedValue = newOpResultValue;
if (info.conversion.callback) {
// Conversion required.
convertedValue = info.conversion.callback(kernelCall.getLoc(),
newOpResultValue, rewriter);
if (it.index() == 0)
firstResultConverted = convertedValue;
// Post conversion callbacks.
for (auto &callback : postConversionCallbacks)
if (sourceHasTrailingOutRef || isInplaceVariant) {
assert(newOp->getNumResults() > 0 &&
newOp->getResultTypes()[0].isa<TensorType>() &&
"must have tensor first result");
<< " - Ovewriting out param with result tensor.\n");
Value out;
if (sourceHasTrailingOutRef)
out = kernelCall.getOperand(fixedArgArity);
else // isInplaceVariant
out = kernelCall.getOperand(0);
newOp->getResult(0), out);
assert(firstResultConverted && "must have a first result");
// Done.
return success();
struct CandidateTransform {
CandidateTransform(Identifier targetOpName,
const BuildKernelMetadata &buildMetadata)
: targetOpName(targetOpName), buildMetadata(buildMetadata) {}
Identifier targetOpName;
const BuildKernelMetadata &buildMetadata;
using CandidateTransformList = SmallVector<CandidateTransform, 1>;
MLIRContext &context;
// Map of the torch.kernel_call op's kernelName() attribute to a list of
// candidate transforms describing how to map to a specific, recognized op.
// Note that a single generic kernel name can map to more than one candidate
// kernels based on signature. PyTorch has many such overloads that vary
// by signature. Some are handled transparently (such as special handling
// for variants with an out= parameter), while others may map differently
// (i.e. variants that operate on scalars vs tensors, have different arities,
// etc).
llvm::StringMap<CandidateTransformList> kernelTransforms;
class RecognizeOpPattern : public OpRewritePattern<Torch::KernelCallOp> {
RecognizeOpPattern(MLIRContext *context,
const KernelCallTransformer &callTransformer)
: OpRewritePattern(context), callTransformer(callTransformer) {}
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(Torch::KernelCallOp kernelCall,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
return callTransformer.transformKernelCall(kernelCall, rewriter);
const KernelCallTransformer &callTransformer;
class ATenRecognizeKernelsPass
: public ATenRecognizeKernelsBase<ATenRecognizeKernelsPass> {
void getDependentDialects(DialectRegistry &registry) const override {
void runOnOperation() override {
MLIRContext *context = &getContext();
KernelCallTransformer transformer(*context);
RewritePatternSet patterns(context);
patterns.add<RecognizeOpPattern>(context, transformer);
if (failed(
applyPatternsAndFoldGreedily(getOperation(), std::move(patterns))))
} // namespace
mlir::NPCOMP::aten::createRecognizeKernelsPass() {
return std::make_unique<ATenRecognizeKernelsPass>();