
104 lines
2.4 KiB

//===- CPASupport.h - Support types and utilities for CPA -----------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "npcomp/Typing/CPASupport.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
using namespace mlir::npcomp::typing::CPA;
ObjectBase::~ObjectBase() = default;
void Identifier::print(raw_ostream &os, bool brief) {
os << "'" << value << "'";
void TypeVar::print(raw_ostream &os, bool brief) {
os << "TypeVar(" << ordinal;
if (!brief) {
os << ", ";
auto blockArg = anchor.dyn_cast<BlockArgument>();
if (blockArg) {
os << "BlockArgument(" << blockArg.getArgNumber();
auto *definingOp = blockArg.getDefiningOp();
if (definingOp) {
os << ", " << blockArg.getDefiningOp()->getName();
os << ")";
} else {
os << "{" << anchor << "}";
os << ")";
void CastType::print(raw_ostream &os, bool brief) {
os << "cast(" << *typeIdentifier << ", ";
typeVar->print(os, true);
os << ")";
void ReadType::print(raw_ostream &os, bool brief) {
os << "read(";
type->print(os, true);
os << ")";
void WriteType::print(raw_ostream &os, bool brief) {
os << "write(";
type->print(os, true);
os << ")";
void IRValueType::print(raw_ostream &os, bool brief) {
os << "irtype(" << irType << ")";
void ObjectValueType::print(raw_ostream &os, bool brief) {
os << "object(" << *typeIdentifier;
bool first = true;
for (auto it : llvm::zip(getFieldIdentifiers(), getFieldTypes())) {
if (!first)
os << ", ";
first = false;
os << *std::get<0>(it) << ":";
auto *ft = std::get<1>(it);
if (ft)
ft->print(os, true);
os << "NULL";
os << ")";
void Constraint::print(raw_ostream &os, bool brief) {
t1->print(os, brief);
os << " <: ";
t2->print(os, brief);
if (!brief && contextOp) {
os << "\n " << *contextOp;
void ConstraintSet::print(raw_ostream &os, bool brief) {
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(constraints)) {
os << it.index() << ": ";
it.value().print(os, brief);
os << "\n";
void TypeVarSet::print(raw_ostream &os, bool brief) {
for (auto it : typeVars) {
os << it.getOrdinal() << ": ";
it.print(os, brief);
os << "\n";