
90 lines
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# List of unsupported ops in LTC autogen because of some error
- _index_put_impl_ # Error: TODO not sure if there are other valid types to handle here
- empty_like # Error: TODO add support for type BaseType(name=<BaseTy.MemoryFormat: 12>)
- index.Tensor # Error: TODO not sure if there are other valid types to handle here
- index_put # Error: TODO not sure if there are other valid types to handle here
- index_put_ # Error: TODO not sure if there are other valid types to handle here
- stack # Error: TODO not sure if there are other valid types to handle here
# Additional ops which autogen is supported for but don't compile yet
- _convolution
- detach
- item
- size
- where
- copy_
# Disabled for consistency with TS backend
- new_empty
- rsub
- slice.Tensor # Disabled in favour of slice_copy.Tensor
# Disabled in favour of functionalized alternatives
- _reshape_alias
- expand
- permute
- squeeze
- squeeze.dim
- t
- unsqueeze
- view
# whitelist:
# List of ops to autogen even if not supported by Torch-MLIR explicitly
#- split_copy.Tensor
#- split_with_sizes_copy
# List of supported ops that we don't want to do the full codegen for
# - bernoulli
# - bernoulli_
- _to_copy
- clone
- empty.memory_format
- empty_strided
- fill_.Scalar
- _unsafe_view
# ops required for functionalization
- lift
- lift_fresh
# Below are all operators that are "composite" in core,
# but require us to explicitly re-enable functionalization in order to use them.
# Why? These operators are all CompositeExplicitAutograd, which mean that they run
# after functionalization,
# but their implementations call view operators (which we need to functionalize away).
- block_diag
- new_empty_strided
- narrow_copy
- pixel_shuffle
- pixel_unshuffle
- select_backward
- slice_backward
- diagonal_backward
- _trilinear
- linalg_inv_ex
- linalg_pinv.atol_rtol_tensor
- logsumexp.out
# Additional ops to support that are not supported by Torch-MLIR explicitly
- _copy_from
- _copy_from_and_resize
# List of non native ops that we only want to do IR node class generation for
- func: scalar(Scalar value, ScalarType type) -> Tensor
opkind: at::prim::Constant
- ShapeCompute
- TreatScalarsAsConstants
- func: cast(Tensor input, ScalarType dtype, ScalarType? stype) -> Tensor
opkind: ltc_cast
- ShapeCompute