diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index a36861b..8333e92 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ # Created by .ignore support plugin (hsz.mobi) .idea +fodder/.DS_Store +.DS_Store diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 62f80bc..0cfece2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -2,51 +2,29 @@ >我始终相信人是自由的,这是本项目设立的初衷,同时也感谢各种软件的开发者与维护者。 >世界就是这样,当你开始思考时,你已经是小部分中的一员了。祝大家使用愉快。 -- 本项目涉及知识点较多请耐心看完,知其然知其所以然。 -- 此项目分别采用CDN+TLS+Nginx+V2Ray、Trojan进行模拟正常网站并突破防火墙,同时包含优化方法,以及简单的原理讲解。 -- 极力推荐【[自建教程](#自建教程)】,自建教程可以快速入手并知晓其中的步骤。如遇到不懂以及不理解的可以加入[TG群讨论【对小白尤其友好】](https://t.me/v2rayAgent)。 -- 优化方案包含对Cloudflare的优化([CNAME优化、DNS优化、断流优化、](#优化方案)),VPS处理性能优化(bbr、bbr plus【阻塞拥堵算法,加快对流量的处理】)、其余设置(开机启动)、docker镜像、防火墙设置。 -- 同时提供[流量中转教程](#流量转发服务)【大大提高流量传输的速度,减少丢包】、[免费测试账号](#免费账号正常使用点击查看)。 +- 推荐 [全新一键CDN+TLS+WebSocket+Nginx+V2Ray脚本](#一键脚本全自动websockettlscdn一键脚本) +- 此项目采用[CDN+TLS+Nginx+V2Ray](1V2Ray)、[Trojan](2Trojan)、[Cloudflare Workers](#方法3workers) 进行模拟正常网站并突破防火墙,同时包含优化方法,以及简单的原理讲解。 +- [自建教程](#自建教程)可以快速入手并知晓其中的步骤。如遇到不懂以及不理解的可以加入[TG群讨论](https://t.me/v2rayAgent)。 +- [优化方案](#优化方案)包含对Cloudflare的优化(CNAME优化、DNS优化、断流优化),VPS处理性能优化(bbr、bbr plus【阻塞拥堵算法,加快对流量的处理】)、其余设置(开机启动)、docker镜像、防火墙设置。 +- [流量中转教程](#流量转发服务)【大大提高流量传输的速度,减少丢包】、[免费测试账号](#免费账号正常使用点击查看)。 - 接下来会提供V2Ray配置生成器、iptables流量转发、Docker镜像、私有Docker仓库、私有git仓库【gitlab】、以及可供部署k8s容器等方面的内容。 -- 提供免费订阅链接【[点击查看](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/free_account.md)】【如无法使用可加入TG群反馈】。 -- 如本项目缺少还未加入或者完善的教程,肯定是群主懒,加入TG群鞭打群主,让群主更有动力。 +- [测试订阅链接](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/free_account.md)【如无法使用可加入TG群反馈】。 +- 如本项目缺少或者待完善的教程,肯定是群主懒,加入TG群鞭打群主,让群主更有动力。 -## 欢迎加入TG群,共同学习、共同成长。 -[点击此链接加入电报群](https://t.me/v2rayAgent) * * * # 目录 +- [全新一键CDN+TLS+WebSocket+Nginx+V2Ray脚本](#一键脚本全自动websockettlscdn一键脚本) - [技能点列表](#技能点列表) - [自建教程](#自建教程) * [1.V2Ray](#1v2ray) - + [1.方法1](#方法1flexible建议使用该方法) - + [2.方法2](#方法2full) * [2.Trojan](#2trojan) - [流量转发服务](#流量转发服务) * [1.tls+ws](1tlsws点击查看) * [2.tcp+vmess](#2tcpvmess点击查看) - [客户端](#客户端) - * [1.windows](#1windows) - * [2.Android](#2android) - * [2.ios](#3ios需要自行购买或者使用共享账号安装) - * [2.Mac](#4mac) -- ~~[一键脚本](#一键脚本)~~ - * [1.自动模式](#1自动模式) - * [2.手动模式](#2手动模式) - [防护墙设置](#防火墙设置点击查看) -- [免费账号【正常使用】](#免费账号正常使用点击查看) -- [备注](#备注) - * [1.推荐使用v2ray+CDN的方式](#1推荐使用v2ray-cdn的方式) - + [1.优点](#1优点) - + [2.缺点](#2缺点) - + [3.数据包解析](#3数据包解析) - + [4.建议](#4建议) - * [2.速度首选V2Ray TCP方式](#2速度首选v2ray-tcp方式) - * [3.本地网络环境不稳定首选mKCP](#3本地网络环境不稳定首选mkcp) - * [4.目前不推荐使用ss、ssr](#4目前不推荐使用ss-ssr) -- [维护进程[todo List]](#维护进程todo-list) - * [1.一键脚本](#1一键脚本) - + [1.自动模式](#1自动模式) - + [2.手动模式](#2手动模式) +- [测试账号](#免费账号正常使用点击查看) +- [维护进程[todo List]](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/recover_version.md) * * * ### 优化方案 @@ -63,7 +41,26 @@ - [Nginx](https://www.nginx.com/)【域名反向代理】 - [V2Ray](v2ray.com)【代理工具】 + +## 欢迎加入TG群,共同学习、共同成长。 +[点击此链接加入电报群](https://t.me/v2rayAgent) + * * * +# 一键脚本【全自动WebSocket+TLS+CDN一键脚本】 +- 目前支持Centos、Ubuntu、Debian +``` +bash <(curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/install.sh) +``` +- 1.自动检测并安装所需环境 +- 2.自动安装Nginx、TLS并生成TLS证书,并验证是否正常工作。 +- 3.自动安装V2Ray、配置文件、生成随机uuid以及开机自启。 +- 4.自动验证是否服务搭建成功 +- 5.自动伪装博客 +- 6.下个版本增加真实可用、并且可以手动书写文章的博客。 + +# 示例图 + + # 自建教程 # 1.V2Ray @@ -80,6 +77,9 @@ - 客户端->CloudFlare使用CLoudFlare TLS+vmess加密,CloudFlare->VPS使用let's encrypt TLS+vmess加密,[点击查看](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/Cloudflare_Full.md) - 与方法1不同的是,CloudFlare和VPS通讯时也会使用TLS加密。两个方法安全方面区别不是很大。 +## 方法3(Workers) +- [点击查看](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/cloudflare_workers.md) + # 2.Trojan - 需要自己生成证书 - 客户端->使用自己生成的tls加密无其他加密->VPS,[点击查看](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/Trojan.md) @@ -107,93 +107,6 @@ ## 4.Mac - [V2rayU](https://github.com/yanue/V2rayU/releases) -# 一键脚本 -- 执行一键脚本的前提是下面的 【1.准备工作】完成并正确 -``` -bash <(curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/install.sh) -``` - -## 1.自动模式 -- 只需要输入域名即可 -- 仔细检查【1.准备工作】正确 - - -## 2.手动模式 -- 可以指定需要执行的内容 - - # 防火墙设置[点击查看](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/firewall.md) -# 免费账号【正常使用】[点击查看](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/free_account.md) -# 备注 -## 1.推荐使用v2ray+CDN的方式 -### 1.优点 -- 1.防止境外vps被墙 -- 2.由于CDN的方式是通过完全模拟正常网站,也可以是说本来就是一个正常的网站,同时又使用正常的CDN厂商(全球最大),有很多的外贸以及国外公司使用,墙一般不敢ban这些ip -- 3.可以用于被墙vps的搭建 -- 4.相对来说更加安全 - -### 2.缺点 -- 1.配置过程复杂 -- 2.知识点相对比较多 -- 3.维护相对复杂 -- 4.由于CloudFlare不是国内的CDN厂商,速度相对来说慢一些(可以尝试CNAME优化方案[CNAME因为要使用国内的dns,相对于来说有风险]、或者使用自定义dns服务器[分享相对小一些]) - -### 3.数据包解析 -- 1.首先运营商以及GFW获取到的数据包,无法作为中间人进行攻击(中间人可以直接获取到v2ray的加密数据包) -- 2.即使获取到数据包之后,还需要对数据包进行解密,所以证书推荐使用第三方的,而不使用官方提供的,用了TLS加密的数据不是说不能解密,而是需要耗费巨大的时间以及运算能力 -- 3.解密完成后 还需要对v2ray加密的数据进行解密、嗅探等操作 -- 4.不建议使用不明来历的机场,如果机场主是国内的某些关系户,你用的代理相当于实名翻墙(违法) - -### 4.建议 -- 1.注意隐私保护(今日不同往日) -- 2.建议只用做学习以及娱乐使用,不建议发表一些敏感言论(不管是诋毁自己所在的国家,还是诋毁别的国家) -- 3.不建议人身攻击(有被起底的先例) - -## 2.速度首选V2Ray TCP方式 -- 1.本脚本目前不支持(后续可能会添加) - -## 3.本地网络环境不稳定首选mKCP -- 1.本脚本目前不支持(后续可能会添加) - -## 4.目前不推荐使用ss、ssr - -# 维护进程[todo List] -## 1.一键脚本 -### 1.自动模式 -- [x] 1.检查系统版本是否为Ubuntu、Centos、Debian -- [x] 2.安装工具包 -- [x] 3.检测nginx是否安装并配置 -- [x] 4.检测https是否安装并配置 -- [x] 5.检测V2Ray是否安装并配置 -- [x] 6.生成vmess、二维码链接 -- - [x] 1.shadowrocket -- - [ ] 2.Quantumult -- [x] 7.启动服务并退出脚本 -- [ ] 8.HTTPS续签 -- [ ] 9.开机自启动 -- [ ] 10.面板搭建 -- - [ ] 1.在线创建、删除、修改账户 -- - [ ] 2.一键管理Nginx、TLS -- - [ ] 3.开机自启动 -- - [ ] 4.流量控制 -- - [ ] 5.日志查看 -- [x] 11.Docker[开箱即用] -- [x] 12.自定义DNS服务器替换CNAME优化方案 -- [ ] 13.k8s+docker一键构建V2Ray Nginx - -### 2.手动模式 -- [x] 1.检查系统版本是否为Ubuntu、Centos、Debian -- [x] 2.安装工具包 -- [x] 3.检测nginx是否安装并配置 -- [x] 4.检测https是否安装并配置 -- [x] 5.检测V2Ray是否安装并配置 -- [x] 6.启动服务并退出脚本 -- [x] 7.卸载安装的所有内容 -- [x] 8.查看配置文件路径 -- [x] 9.生成Vmess链接 -- [x] 10.返回主目录 -- [x] 11.退出脚本 - -## 1.手动搭建 -- [x] 手动搭建 +# 测试订阅链接【正常使用】[点击查看](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/free_account.md) diff --git a/blog/unable/html.zip b/blog/unable/html.zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc68ca6 Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/unable/html.zip differ diff --git a/cloudflare_workers.md b/cloudflare_workers.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b23008 --- /dev/null +++ b/cloudflare_workers.md @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +- [注意事项](#注意事项) +- [步骤](#步骤) + * [1.创建Workers自定义域名](#1创建Workers自定义域名) + * [2.绑定域名](#2绑定域名) + * [3.创建Workers](#3创建Workers) + * [4.使用](#4使用) + +# 注意事项 +- Wokers是Cloudflare基于CDN的无服务器应用程序。 +- 想使用Wokers,域名必须必须托管在Cloudflare +- 每天10万条请求 +- 保证在没有使用Workers的情况可以正常使用服务【CDN+WebSocket+TLS】 + +# 步骤 +## 1.创建Workers自定义域名 +- 域名的前缀可以自定义 +- Plan选择free即可 +- 会验证邮箱 + + + +## 2.绑定域名 +- 1.添加域名 + + +- 2.修改域名注册商的Nameserver + + +- 3.创建域名解析,这里域名可以直接用能正常访问的服务或者创建新的,如果创建新的并且证书是通配符证书则用新旧域名都无影响,如果不是通配符需要重新生成证书以及配置相关的Nginx服务 + + + +## 3.创建Workers +- 1.填写Workers的Script为下方内容【hostname部分要修改上方创建的域名解析的域名,比如 workerproxy.v2ray-agent.com 】 +``` +addEventListener( + "fetch",event => { + let url=new URL(event.request.url); + url.hostname="这里要修改为自己的"; + let request=new Request(url,event.request); + event. respondWith( + fetch(request) + ) + } +) +``` + + + +## 4.使用 +- 1.客户端只需要将address部分修改为上图第二个红框位置的内容即可 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fodder/Workers/Workders_02.png b/fodder/Workers/Workders_02.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0dea0fe Binary files /dev/null and b/fodder/Workers/Workders_02.png differ diff --git a/fodder/Workers/Workders_07.png b/fodder/Workers/Workders_07.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6570885 Binary files /dev/null and b/fodder/Workers/Workders_07.png differ diff --git a/fodder/Workers/Workers_01.png b/fodder/Workers/Workers_01.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a00b4b Binary files /dev/null and b/fodder/Workers/Workers_01.png differ diff --git a/fodder/Workers/Workers_03.png b/fodder/Workers/Workers_03.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8a0704 Binary files /dev/null and b/fodder/Workers/Workers_03.png differ diff --git a/fodder/Workers/Workers_04.png b/fodder/Workers/Workers_04.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf472ee Binary files /dev/null and b/fodder/Workers/Workers_04.png differ diff --git a/fodder/Workers/Workers_05.png b/fodder/Workers/Workers_05.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fdfef22 Binary files /dev/null and b/fodder/Workers/Workers_05.png differ diff --git a/fodder/Workers/Workers_06.png b/fodder/Workers/Workers_06.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1352ff0 Binary files /dev/null and b/fodder/Workers/Workers_06.png differ diff --git a/fodder/install/一键脚本示例图01.png b/fodder/install/一键脚本示例图01.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..615ac28 Binary files /dev/null and b/fodder/install/一键脚本示例图01.png differ diff --git a/fodder/install/一键脚本示例图02.png b/fodder/install/一键脚本示例图02.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..774e35f Binary files /dev/null and b/fodder/install/一键脚本示例图02.png differ diff --git a/init_GCP_ssh.sh b/init_GCP_ssh.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c3d45d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/init_GCP_ssh.sh @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +# bash <(curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/init_GCP_ssh.sh) +if [[ -z `find ~/.ssh -name authorized_keys` ]] +then + echo -e "\033[36m 初始化 authorized_keys \033[0m" + mkdir -p ~/.ssh + touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys + chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys +fi + +sed -i '1iRSAAuthentication yes' /etc/ssh/sshd_config +if [[ ! -z `cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config|grep -v grep|grep -n "PermitRootLogin no"|awk -F "[:]" '{print $1}'` ]] +then + deleteLine=`cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config|grep -v grep|grep -n "PermitRootLogin no"|awk -F "[:]" '{print $1}'` + sed -i "${deleteLine}d" /etc/ssh/sshd_config +fi +service sshd restart +# echo '' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/install.sh b/install.sh old mode 100755 new mode 100644 index a84bba2..01e5dca --- a/install.sh +++ b/install.sh @@ -1,502 +1,420 @@ #!/usr/bin/env bash -export PATH="/usr/bin/:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin:$PATH" -purple="\033[35m" -skyBlue="\033[36m" -red="\033[31m" -green="\033[32m" -yellow="\e[93m" -magenta="\e[95m" -cyan="\e[96m" -none="\e[0m" -installType='yum' + +installType='yum -y install' removeType='yum -y remove' -echoType='echo' +upgrade="yum -y update" +echoType='echo -e' -#检查Linux版本 -check_version(){ - if [[ -s /etc/redhat-release ]]; then - version=`grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/redhat-release | cut -d . -f 1` - else - version=`grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/issue | cut -d . -f 1` - fi - bit=`uname -m` - if [[ ${bit} = "x86_64" ]]; then - bit="x64" - else - bit="x32" - fi -} - -installNginx(){ - ## todo 兼容debian - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}检查Nginx中...${none} " - existProcessNginx=`ps -ef|grep nginx|grep -v grep` - existNginx=`command -v nginx` - if [ -z "$existProcessNginx" ] && [ -z "$existNginx" ] - then - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装Nginx中,如遇到是否安装输入y${none}" - ${installType} -y install nginx - rm -rf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf - wget -P /etc/nginx/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/config/nginx.conf - ${echoType} "${green}步骤二:Nginx安装成功,执行下一步 ${none}" - else - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}检测到已安装Nginx,是否卸载${none}" - ${echoType} "${red} 1.卸载并重新安装【会把默认的安装目录的内容删除】${none}" - ${echoType} "${red} 2.跳过并使用已经安装的Nginx以及配置文件【请确认是否是此脚本的配置文件】${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" - read nginxStatus - if [ "${nginxStatus}" = 1 ] - then - if [ -n "$existProcessNginx" ] - then - ${echoType} "${purple}Nginx已启动,关闭中...${none}" - nginx -s stop - fi - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}卸载Nginx中... ${none}" - ${removeType} nginx - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}卸载Nginx完毕,重装中... ${none}" - installNginx; - else - echo "不卸载,返回主目录" - echo - manageFun - fi - fi -} -installHttps(){ - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装https中,请输入你要生成tls证书的域名${none}" - read domain - # grep "domain" * -R|awk -F: "{print $1}"|sort|uniq|xargs sed -i "s/domain/$domain/g" - # cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf |grep "domain" * -R|awk -F: "{print $1}"|sort|uniq|xargs sed -i "s/domain/$domain/g" - existProcessNginx=`ps -ef|grep nginx|grep -v grep` - if [ ! -z "${existProcessNginx}" ] - then - echo '检测到Nginx正在运行,关闭中...' - nginx -s stop - fi - - if [ -f "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" ] - then - noExistNginxConfigDomain=`cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf|grep $domain|grep -v grep` - if [ ! -z "${noExistNginxConfigDomain}" ] - then - sed -i "s/$domain/domain/g" `grep $domain -rl /etc/nginx/nginx.conf` - fi - sed -i "s/domain/$domain/g" `grep domain -rl /etc/nginx/nginx.conf` - fi - - uninstallAcmeStatus="false" - if [ ! -d "/root/.acme.sh" ] - then - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装acme.sh中...${none}" - curl https://get.acme.sh | sh - sudo ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue -d $domain --standalone -k ec-256 - else - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}检测到已安装acme.sh,是否卸载${none}" - ${echoType} "${red} 1.卸载并重新安装【以前生成的TLS证书会被删除,需要重新输入域名】${none}" - ${echoType} "${red} 2.跳过并使用已经安装的acme.sh${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" - read acmeStatus - if [ "${acmeStatus}" = 1 ] - then - rm -rf ~/.acme.sh - uninstallAcmeStatus="true" - else - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}生成证书中...${none}" - fi - fi - - if [ "${uninstallAcmeStatus}" = "true" ] - then - installHttps - else - ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --installcert -d $domain --fullchainpath /etc/nginx/$domain.crt --keypath /etc/nginx/$domain.key --ecc - sed -i "s/# ssl_certificate/ssl_certificate/g" `grep "# ssl_certificate" -rl /etc/nginx/nginx.conf` - sed -i "s/listen 443/listen 443 ssl/g" `grep "listen 443" -rl /etc/nginx/nginx.conf` - ${echoType} "${green}步骤三:HTTPS执行完毕,请手动确认上方是否有错误,执行下一步${none}" - fi -} -installV2Ray(){ - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}检查V2Ray中...${none} " - existProcessV2Ray=`ps -ef|grep v2ray|grep -v grep` - existV2Ray=`command -v v2ray` - if [ -z "$existProcessV2Ray" ] && [ -z "$existV2Ray" ] && [ ! -x "/usr/bin/v2ray" ] - then - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装V2Ray中... ${none}" - wget -P /tmp/V2Ray https://github.com/V2Ray/V2Ray-core/releases/download/v4.21.3/V2Ray-linux-64.zip - cd /tmp/V2Ray - unzip /tmp/V2Ray/V2Ray-linux-64.zip - mv /tmp/V2Ray/v2ray /usr/bin/ - mv /tmp/V2Ray/v2ctl /usr/bin/ - mkdir /usr/bin/V2RayConfig - wget -P /usr/bin/V2RayConfig https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/V2Ray-agent/master/config/config_ws_tls.json - touch /usr/bin/V2RayConfig/V2Ray_access.log - touch /usr/bin/V2RayConfig/V2Ray_error.log - ${echoType} "${green} 步骤三:V2Ray安装成功,执行下一步" - else - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}检测到已安装V2Ray,是否卸载${none}" - ${echoType} "${red} 1.卸载并重新安装【配置文件会重新生成】${none}" - ${echoType} "${red} 2.跳过并使用已经安装的V2Ray【请确认Nginx的配置与V2Ray配置相同【端口号、Path】】${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" - read acmeStatus - if [ "${acmeStatus}" -eq 1 ] - then - rm -rf /tmp/V2Ray - rm -rf /usr/bin/v2ray - rm -rf /usr/bin/v2ctl - rm -rf /usr/bin/V2RayConfig - if [ -z `ps -ef|grep v2ray|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'` ] - then - ps -ef|grep v2ray|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 - fi - installV2Ray - else - ${echoType} "${green} 忽略V2Ray并继续执行" - fi - fi -} -checkOS(){ - systemVersion=`cat /etc/redhat-release|grep CentOS|awk '{print $1}'` - if [ -n "$systemVersion" ] && [ "$systemVersion" -eq "CentOS" ] - then - ${echoType} "${green}步骤一:系统为CentOS脚本可执行 ${none} " - else - ${echoType} "${red}目前仅支持Centos${none}" - ${echoType} "${red}退出脚本${none}" - exit - fi -} -# 生成vmess链接 -generatorVmess(){ - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}选择要生成vmess的V2Ray配置文件${none}" - ${echoType} "${green} 1.默认【/usr/bin/V2RayConfig/config_ws_tls.json】${none}" - ${echoType} "${green} 2.官方默认【/etc/v2ray/config.json】${none}" - ${echoType} "${green} 3.手动输入${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" - read V2RayPathSelect - V2RayPath=""; - - if [ "$V2RayPathSelect" -eq "3" ] - then - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请输入配置文件路径:${none}" - read V2RayPath - fi - case $V2RayPathSelect in - 1) - V2RayPath="/usr/bin/V2RayConfig/config_ws_tls.json" - ;; - 2) - V2RayPath="/etc/v2ray/config.json" - ;; - esac - - if [ -z "${V2RayPath}" ] - then - ${echoType} ${red}"V2Ray配置文件读取失败,请检查路径"${none} - init - else - # 读取nginx配置文件 - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}选择要生成vmess的Nginx配置文件路径${none}" - ${echoType} "${green} 1.CDN【默认读取/etc/nginx/nginx.conf】${none}" - ${echoType} "${green} 2.手动输入Nginx配置文件路径${none}" - ${echoType} "${green} 3.非CDN${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" - read NginxPathSelect - - if [ "$NginxPathSelect" -eq "2" ] - then - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请输入Nginx配置文件路径:${none}" - read NginxPath - fi - - case $NginxPathSelect in - 1) - NginxPath="/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" - ;; - esac - if [ -z "${NginxPath}" ] - then - ${echoType} ${red}"Nginx配置文件读取失败,请检查路径"${none} - init - fi - # 执行node生成vmess链接 - nodePath='/root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin/node' - if [ ! -x "/root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin/node" ] - then - ${echoType} ${red}"安装工具包中..."${none} - installTools - fi - echo - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}V2Ray配置文件路径:${none}" - ${echoType} "${green} ${V2RayPath}${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}Nginx配置文件路径:${none}" - ${echoType} "${green} ${NginxPath}${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - echo - vmessResult=`curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/generator_client_links.js | ${nodePath} - "${V2RayPath}" "${NginxPath}"` - - ${echoType} "${green}===============================${none}" - echo - eval $(echo "$vmessResult" |awk '{split($0,vmess," ");for(i in vmess) print "lenArr["i"]="vmess[i]}') - for value in ${lenArr[*]} - do - ${echoType} "${purple}客户端链接:${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} $value${none}" - echo - ${echoType} "${purple}二维码:${none}" - echo $value | qrencode -s 10 -m 1 -t UTF8 - echo - done - ${echoType} "${green}===============================${none}" - echo - # curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/generator_client_links.js | /root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin/node - "/usr/bin/V2RayConfig/config_ws_tls.json" "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" - fi -} -startServer(){ - ${echoType} "${green}启动服务${none}" - nginx - /usr/bin/v2ray -config /usr/bin/V2RayConfig/config_ws_tls.json & - echo "启动完毕" -} -installTools(){ - existProcessWget=`ps -ef|grep wget|grep -v grep` - existWget=`command -v wget` - ${installType} -y update - if [ -z "$existProcessWget" ] && [ -z "$existWget" ] - then - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装wget中...${none}" - ${installType} -y install wget - else - echo - fi - existUnzip=`command -v unzip` - if [ -z "$existUnzip" ] - then - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装zip中...${none}" - ${installType} -y install unzip - fi - existSocat=`command -v socat` - if [ -z "$existSocat" ] - then - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装socat中...${none}" - ${installType} -y install socat - fi - existJq=`command -v jq` - if [ -z "$existJq" ] - then - ${echoType} ${skyBlue}安装jq中...${none} - ${installType} -y install jq - fi -# existNode=`/root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin` - if [ ! -x "/root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin/node" ] - then - ${echoType} ${skyBlue}安装nvm中...${none} - curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.1/install.sh | bash - ${echoType} ${skyBlue}安装Node.js中...${none} - . /root/.nvm/nvm.sh - nvm install v10.17.0 - fi - existQrencode=`command -v qrencode` - if [ -z "$existQrencode" ] - then - ${echoType} ${skyBlue}安装qrencode中...${none} - ${installType} -y install qrencode - fi -} -unInstall(){ - nginx -s stop - rm -rf ~/.acme.sh - ${removeType} nginx - rm -rf /tmp/V2Ray - rm -rf /usr/bin/v2ray - rm -rf /usr/bin/v2ctl - rm -rf /usr/bin/V2RayConfig - rm -rf /etc/nginx - rm -rf /root/.nvm - ps -ef|grep v2ray|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 - if [[ "${release}" -eq "ubuntu" || "${release}" -eq "debian" ]] - then - sed -i 's/. "\/root\/.acme.sh\/acme.sh.env"//g' `grep '. "/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh.env"' -rl /root/.bashrc` - fi - . /root/.bashrc -} -configPath(){ - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${red}路径如下${none}" - ${echoType} "${green} 1.v2ray${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 1./usr/bin/v2ray 【V2Ray 程序】${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 2./usr/bin/v2ctl 【V2Ray 工具】${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 3./usr/bin/V2RayConfig 【V2Ray配置文件,配置文件、log文件】${none}" - ${echoType} "${green} 2.Nginx${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 1./usr/sbin/nginx 【Nginx 程序】${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 2./etc/nginx/nginx.conf 【Nginx 配置文件】${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - echo -} -manageFun(){ - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}手动模式功能点目录:${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 1.检查系统版本是否为CentOS${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 2.安装工具包${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 3.检测nginx是否安装并配置${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 4.检测https是否安装并配置${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 5.检测V2Ray是否安装并配置${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 6.启动服务并退出脚本${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 7.卸载安装的所有内容${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 8.查看配置文件路径${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 9.生成Vmess、二维码链接${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 10.返回主目录${none}" - ${echoType} "${red} 11.退出脚本${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请输入要执行的功能【数字编号】:${none}" - read funType - echo - case $funType in - 1) -# checkOS - ;; - 2) - installTools - ;; - 3) - installNginx - ;; - 4) - ${echoType} "${red}此步骤依赖【3.检测nginx是否安装并配置】${none}" - installHttps - ;; - 5) - installV2Ray - ;; - 6) - startServer - ;; - 7) - unInstall - ;; - 8) - configPath - ;; - 9) - generatorVmess - ;; - 10) - init - ;; - 11) - exit - ;; - esac - manageFun -} -automationFun(){ +# echo颜色方法 +echoContent(){ case $1 in - 1) -# checkOS - installTools - automationFun 2 + # 红色 + "red") + ${echoType} "\033[31m$2 \033[0m" ;; - 2) - installNginx - automationFun 3 + # 天蓝色 + "skyBlue") + ${echoType} "\033[36m$2 \033[0m" ;; - 3) - installHttps - automationFun 4 + # 绿色 + "green") + ${echoType} "\033[32m$2 \033[0m" ;; - 4) - installV2Ray - automationFun 5 + # 白色 + "white") + ${echoType} "\033[37m$2 \033[0m" ;; - 5) - generatorVmess - automationFun 6 + "magenta") + ${echoType} "\033[31m$2 \033[0m" ;; - 6) - startServer - exit + "skyBlue") + ${echoType} "\033[36m$2 \033[0m" + ;; + # 黄色 + "yellow") + ${echoType} "\033[33m$2 \033[0m" ;; esac } +fixBug(){ + if [[ "${release}" = "ubuntu" ]] + then + cd /var/lib/dpkg/ + + fi +} +# 安装工具包 +installTools(){ + # echo "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> /etc/profile + # source /etc/profile + echoContent yellow "删除Nginx、V2Ray、acme" + if [[ ! -z `find /usr/sbin/ -name nginx` ]] + then + if [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep nginx|grep -v grep` ]] + then + nginx -s stop + fi + + if [[ "${release}" = "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "${release}" = "debian" ]] + then + dpkg --get-selections | grep nginx|awk '{print $1}'|xargs sudo apt --purge remove -y > /dev/null + else + removeLog=`${removeType} nginx` + fi + rm -rf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf + rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html.zip + fi + + if [[ ! -z `find /usr/bin/ -name "v2ray*"` ]] + then + if [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep v2ray|grep -v grep` ]] + then + ps -ef|grep v2ray|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 + fi + rm -rf /usr/bin/v2ray + fi + + if [[ ! -z `cat /root/.bashrc|grep -n acme` ]] + then + acmeBashrcLine=`cat /root/.bashrc|grep -n acme|awk -F "[:]" '{print $1}'|head -1` + sed -i "${acmeBashrcLine}d" /root/.bashrc + fi + rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + systemctl daemon-reload + + rm -rf ~/.acme.sh > /dev/null + echoContent green " 删除完成" + + echoContent skyBlue "检查、安装工具包:" + + echoContent green " 更新中,请等待" + ${upgrade} > /dev/null + rm -rf /var/run/yum.pid + echoContent green "更新完毕" + + echoContent yellow "检查、安装wget--->" + progressTool wget & + ${installType} wget > /dev/null + + echoContent yellow "检查、安装unzip--->" + progressTool unzip & + ${installType} unzip > /dev/null + + # echoContent yellow "检查、安装qrencode--->" + # progressTool qrencode & + # ${installType} qrencode > /dev/null + + echoContent yellow "检查、安装socat--->" + progressTool socat & + ${installType} socat > /dev/null + + echoContent yellow "检查、安装crontabs--->" + progressTool crontabs & + if [[ "${release}" = "ubuntu" ]] + then + ${installType} cron > /dev/null + else + ${installType} crontabs > /dev/null + fi + + echoContent yellow "检查、安装jq--->" + progressTool jq & + ${installType} jq > /dev/null + + # echoContent skyBlue "检查、安装bind-utils--->" + # progressTool bind-utils + # 关闭防火墙 + +} +# 安装Nginx tls证书 +installNginx(){ + echoContent skyBlue "检查、安装Nginx、TLS:" + echoContent yellow "请输入要配置的域名 例:worker.v2ray-agent.com --->" + rm -rf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf + read domain + if [[ -z ${domain} ]] + then + echoContent red " 域名不可为空--->" + installNginx + else + # 安装nginx + echoContent yellow " 检查、安装Nginx--->" + progressTool nginx & + ${installType} nginx > /dev/null + + if [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] + then + nginx -s stop + fi + + # 修改配置 + echoContent yellow "修改配置文件--->" + + + touch /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf + # installLine=`cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf|grep -n root|awk -F "[:]" '{print $1+1}'|head -1` + # ${installLine} + # ${domain} + echo "server {listen 80;server_name ${domain};root /usr/share/nginx/html;location ~ /.well-known {allow all;}location /test {return 200 'fjkvymb6len';}}" > /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf + # sed -i "1i 1" /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf + # installLine=`expr ${installLine} + 1` + # sed -i "${installLine}i location /test {return 200 'fjkvymb6len';}" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf + # 启动nginx + nginx + + # 测试nginx + echoContent yellow "检查Nginx是否正常访问,请等待--->" + # ${domain} + domainResult=`curl -s ${domain}/test|grep fjkvymb6len` + if [[ ! -z ${domainResult} ]] + then + echoContent green " Nginx访问成功--->" + nginx -s stop + installTLS ${domain} + installV2Ray ${domain} + else + echoContent red " 无法正常访问服务器,请检查域名的DNS解析是否正确--->" + exit 0; + fi + fi +} +# 安装TLS +installTLS(){ + + if [[ -z `find /tmp -name "$1*"` ]] + then + echoContent yellow "安装TLS证书--->" + echoContent yellow " 安装acme--->" + curl -s https://get.acme.sh | sh > /dev/null + echoContent green " acme安装完毕--->" + echoContent yellow "生成TLS证书中,请等待--->" + sudo ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue -d $1 --standalone -k ec-256 >/dev/null + ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --installcert -d $1 --fullchainpath /etc/nginx/$1.crt --keypath /etc/nginx/$1.key --ecc >/dev/null + if [[ -z `cat /etc/nginx/$1.crt` ]] + then + echoContent red " TLS安装失败,请检查acme日志--->" + exit 0 + elif [[ -z `cat /etc/nginx/$1.key` ]] + then + echoContent red " TLS安装失败,请检查acme日志--->" + exit 0 + fi + echoContent green " TLS生成成功--->" + mkdir -p /tmp/tls + cp -R /etc/nginx/$1.crt /tmp/tls/$1.crt + cp -R /etc/nginx/$1.key /tmp/tls/$1.key + echoContent green " TLS证书备份成功,证书位置:/tmp/tls--->" + elif [[ -z `cat /tmp/tls/$1.crt` ]] || [[ -z `cat /tmp/tls/$1.key` ]] + then + echoContent red " 检测到错误证书,需重新生成,重新生成中--->" + rm -rf /tmp/tls + installTLS $1 + else + echoContent yellow "检测到备份证书,如需重新生成,请执行 【rm -rf /tmp/tls】,然后重新执行脚本--->" + cp -R /tmp/tls/$1.crt /etc/nginx/$1.crt + cp -R /tmp/tls/$1.key /etc/nginx/$1.key + fi + + # nginxInstallLine=`cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf|grep -n "}"|awk -F "[:]" 'END{print $1-1}'` + # sed -i "${nginxInstallLine}i server {listen 443 ssl;server_name $1;root /usr/share/nginx/html;ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/$1.crt;ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/$1.key;ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;ssl_ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE:ECDH:AES:HIGH:!NULL:!aNULL:!MD5:!ADH:!RC4;ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;location / {} location /alone { proxy_redirect off;proxy_pass;proxy_http_version 1.1;proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade;proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr;proxy_set_header Host \$host;proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;}}" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf + echo "server {listen 443 ssl;server_name $1;root /usr/share/nginx/html;ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/$1.crt;ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/$1.key;ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;ssl_ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE:ECDH:AES:HIGH:!NULL:!aNULL:!MD5:!ADH:!RC4;ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;location / {} location /alone { proxy_redirect off;proxy_pass;proxy_http_version 1.1;proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade;proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr;proxy_set_header Host \$host;proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;}}" > /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf + rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html + wget -q -P /usr/share/nginx https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/blog/unable/html.zip >> /dev/null + unzip /usr/share/nginx/html.zip -d /usr/share/nginx/html > /dev/null + nginx + if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] + then + echoContent red " Nginx启动失败,请检查日志--->" + exit 0 + fi + echoContent green " Nginx启动成功,TLS配置成功--->" +} +# V2Ray +installV2Ray(){ + if [[ -z `find /tmp -name "v2ray*"` ]] + then + if [[ -z `find /usr/bin/ -name "v2ray*"` ]] + then + echoContent yellow "安装V2Ray--->" + version=`curl -s https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/releases|grep /v2ray/v2ray-core/releases/tag/|head -1|awk -F "[/]" '{print $6}'|awk -F "[V]" '{print $2}'|awk -F "[<]" '{print $1}'` + mkdir -p /tmp/v2ray + mkdir -p /usr/bin/v2ray/ + wget -q -P /tmp/v2ray https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/releases/download/v${version}/v2ray-linux-64.zip + unzip /tmp/v2ray/v2ray-linux-64.zip -d /tmp/v2ray > /dev/null + cp /tmp/v2ray/v2ray /usr/bin/v2ray/ + cp /tmp/v2ray/v2ctl /usr/bin/v2ray/ + rm -rf /tmp/v2ray/v2ray-linux-64.zip + fi + echoContent green " V2Ray安装成功--->" + else + echoContent yellow "检测到V2Ray安装程序,如需重新安装,请执行【rm -rf /tmp/v2ray】,然后重新执行脚本--->" + mkdir -p /usr/bin/v2ray/ + cp /tmp/v2ray/v2ray /usr/bin/v2ray/ && cp /tmp/v2ray/v2ctl /usr/bin/v2ray/ + fi + installV2RayService + initV2RayConfig + systemctl daemon-reload + systemctl enable v2ray.service + systemctl start v2ray.service + if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep v2ray|grep -v grep` ]] + then + echoContent red " V2Ray启动失败,请检查日志后,重新执行脚本--->" + exit 0; + fi + echoContent green " V2Ray启动成功--->" + echoContent yellow "V2Ray日志目录:" + echoContent green " access: /tmp/v2ray/v2ray_access_ws_tls.log" + echoContent green " error: /tmp/v2ray/v2ray_error_ws_tls.log" + + # 验证整个服务是否可用 + echoContent yellow "验证服务是否可用--->" + if [[ `curl -s -L https://$1/alone` = "Bad Request" ]] + then + echoContent green " 服务可用--->" + else + echoContent red " 服务不可用,请检查Cloudflare->域名->SSL/TLS->Overview->Your SSL/TLS encryption mode is 是否是Full--->" + exit 0 + fi + echoContent yellow "客户端链接--->" + qrEncode $1 + echoContent yellow "监听V2Ray日志,如有日志出现则证明线路可用,Ctrl+c停止--->" + tail -f /tmp/v2ray/v2ray_access_ws_tls.log +} +# 开机自启 +installV2RayService(){ + echoContent skyBlue " 配置V2Ray开机自启--->" + rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + touch /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + + echo '[Unit]' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'Description=V2Ray - A unified platform for anti-censorship' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'Documentation=https://v2ray.com https://guide.v2fly.org' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'After=network.target nss-lookup.target' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'Wants=network-online.target' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo '' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo '[Service]' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'Type=simple' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'User=root' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE CAP_NET_RAW' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'NoNewPrivileges=yes' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'ExecStart=/usr/bin/v2ray/v2ray -config /etc/v2ray/config.json' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'Restart=on-failure' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'RestartPreventExitStatus=23' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo '' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo '' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo '[Install]' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echo 'WantedBy=multi-user.target' >> /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service + echoContent green " 配置V2Ray开机自启成功--->" +} +# 初始化V2Ray 配置文件 +initV2RayConfig(){ + mkdir -p /etc/v2ray/ + touch /etc/v2ray/config.json + uuid=`/usr/bin/v2ray/v2ctl uuid` + echo '{"log":{"access":"/tmp/v2ray/v2ray_access_ws_tls.log","error":"/tmp/v2ray/v2ray_error_ws_tls.log","loglevel":"debug"},"stats":{},"api":{"services":["StatsService"],"tag":"api"},"policy":{"levels":{"1":{"handshake":4,"connIdle":300,"uplinkOnly":2,"downlinkOnly":5,"statsUserUplink":false,"statsUserDownlink":false}},"system":{"statsInboundUplink":true,"statsInboundDownlink":true}},"allocate":{"strategy":"always","refresh":5,"concurrency":3},"inbounds":[{"port":31299,"protocol":"vmess","settings":{"clients":[{"id":"654765fe-5fb1-271f-7c3f-18ed82827f72","alterId":64,"level":1,"email":"test@v2ray.com"}]},"streamSettings":{"network":"ws","wsSettings":{"path":"/alone"}}}],"outbounds":[{"protocol":"freedom","settings":{"OutboundConfigurationObject":{"domainStrategy":"AsIs","userLevel":0}}}],"routing":{"settings":{"rules":[{"inboundTag":["api"],"outboundTag":"api","type":"field"}]},"strategy":"rules"},"dns":{"servers":["",""],"tag":"dns_inbound"}}' > /etc/v2ray/config.json + sed -i "s/654765fe-5fb1-271f-7c3f-18ed82827f72/${uuid}/g" `grep 654765fe-5fb1-271f-7c3f-18ed82827f72 -rl /etc/v2ray/config.json` +} +qrEncode(){ + user=`cat /etc/v2ray/config.json|jq .inbounds[0]` + ps="$1" + id=`echo ${user}|jq .settings.clients[0].id` + aid=`echo ${user}|jq .settings.clients[0].alterId` + host="$1" + path=`echo ${user}|jq .streamSettings.wsSettings.path` + qrCodeBase64=`echo -n '{"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"64","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","path":'${path}',"net":"ws","add":"'${host}'"}'|sed 's#/#\\\/#g'|base64` + qrCodeBase64=`echo ${qrCodeBase64}|sed 's/ //g'` + echoContent green " 通用链接--->" + echoContent green vmess://${qrCodeBase64} + # | qrencode -t UTF8 + # echo ${qrCodeBase64} +} +# 查看dns解析ip +checkDNS(){ + echo '' > /tmp/pingLog + ping -c 3 $1 >> /tmp/pingLog + serverStatus=`ping -c 3 $1|head -1|awk -F "[service]" '{print $1}'` + pingLog=`ping -c 3 $1|tail -n 5|head -1|awk -F "[ ]" '{print $4 $7}'` + echoContent skyBlue "DNS解析ip:"${pingLog} +} +# 查看本机ip +checkDomainIP(){ + currentIP=`curl -s ifconfig.me|awk '{print}'` + echoContent skyBlue ${currentIP} +} +progressTool(){ + # + i=0 + toolName=$1 + sp='/-\|' + n=${#sp} + printf ' ' + if [[ "${toolName}" = "crontabs" ]] + then + toolName="crontab" + fi + while true; do + status= + if [[ -z `find /usr/bin/ -name ${toolName}` ]] && [[ -z `find /usr/sbin/ -name ${toolName}` ]] + then + printf '\b%s' "${sp:i++%n:1}" + else + break; + fi + sleep 0.1 + done + echoContent green " $1已安装--->" +} init(){ - ${echoType} "${purple}目前此脚本支持Ubuntu、Centos、Debian${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}支持两种模式:${none}" - ${echoType} "${red} 1.自动模式${none}" - ${echoType} "${red} 2.手动模式${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" - read automatic - if [ "${automatic}" = 1 ] + + echoContent white "===============================" + echoContent skyBlue "欢迎使用v2ray-agent,Cloudflare+WS+TLS+Nginx自动化脚本,如有使用问题欢迎加入TG群【https://t.me/v2rayAgent】,Github【https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent】" + echoContent yellow "注意事项:" + echoContent red " 1.脚本适合新机器,会删除、卸载已经安装的应用,包括V2Ray、Nginx" + echoContent red " 2.如果有使用此脚本生成TLS证书、V2Ray,会继续使用上次生成、安装的内容。" + echoContent red " 3.脚本会检查并安装工具包" + echoContent red " 4.会自动关闭防火墙" + echoContent white "===============================" + echoContent red "请输入【1】确认执行脚本、Ctrl+c退出脚本:" + read installStatus + if [[ "${installStatus}" = "1" ]] then - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}自动模式会执行以下内容:${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 1.检查系统版本是否为Ubuntu、Centos、Debian${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 2.安装工具包${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 3.检测nginx是否安装并配置${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 4.检测https是否安装并配置${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 5.检测V2Ray是否安装并配置${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 6.生成vmess、二维码链接${none}" - ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 7.启动服务并退出脚本${none}" - ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" - automationFun 1 - elif [ "${automatic}" = 2 ] - then - manageFun + installTools + installNginx + else + echoContent yellow "输入有误请重新输入--->\n" + init fi } -# 检查系统 - checkSystem(){ - if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then + + if [[ ! -z `find /etc -name "redhat-release"` ]] || [[ ! -z `cat /proc/version | grep -i "centos" | grep -v grep ` ]] || [[ ! -z `cat /proc/version | grep -i "red hat" | grep -v grep ` ]] || [[ ! -z `cat /proc/version | grep -i "redhat" | grep -v grep ` ]] + then release="centos" - installType='yum' - echoType='echo -e' + installType='yum -y install' removeType='yum -y remove' - elif cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "debian"; then + upgrade="yum update -y" + elif [[ ! -z `cat /etc/issue | grep -i "debian" | grep -v grep` ]] || [[ ! -z `cat /proc/version | grep -i "debian" | grep -v grep` ]] + then release="debian" - installType='apt' - echoType='echo -e' + installType='apt -y install' + upgrade="apt update -y" removeType='apt -y autoremove' - elif cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "ubuntu"; then + elif [[ ! -z `cat /etc/issue | grep -i "ubuntu" | grep -v grep` ]] || [[ ! -z `cat /proc/version | grep -i "ubuntu" | grep -v grep` ]] + then release="ubuntu" - installType='apt' - echoType='echo -e' - removeType='apt -y autoremove' - elif cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "centos|red hat|redhat"; then - release="centos" - installType='yum' - echoType='echo -e' - removeType='yum -y remove' - elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "debian"; then - release="debian" - installType='apt' - removeType='apt -y autoremove' - echoType='echo -e' - elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "ubuntu"; then - release="ubuntu" - installType='apt' - removeType='apt -y autoremove' - echoType='echo -e' - elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "centos|red hat|redhat"; then - release="centos" - installType='yum' - removeType='yum -y remove' - echoType='echo -e' + installType='apt -y install' + upgrade="apt update -y" + removeType='apt --purge remove' + + fi + if [[ -z ${release} ]] + then + echoContent red "本脚本不支持此系统,请将下方日志反馈给开发者" + cat /etc/issue + cat /proc/version + exit 0; fi } checkSystem -[ ${release} != "debian" ] && [ ${release} != "ubuntu" ] && [ ${release} != "centos" ] && ${echoType} "${Error} 本脚本不支持当前系统 ${release} !" && exit 1 init diff --git a/install_old.sh b/install_old.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a84bba2 --- /dev/null +++ b/install_old.sh @@ -0,0 +1,502 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +export PATH="/usr/bin/:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin:$PATH" +purple="\033[35m" +skyBlue="\033[36m" +red="\033[31m" +green="\033[32m" +yellow="\e[93m" +magenta="\e[95m" +cyan="\e[96m" +none="\e[0m" +installType='yum' +removeType='yum -y remove' +echoType='echo' + +#检查Linux版本 +check_version(){ + if [[ -s /etc/redhat-release ]]; then + version=`grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/redhat-release | cut -d . -f 1` + else + version=`grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/issue | cut -d . -f 1` + fi + bit=`uname -m` + if [[ ${bit} = "x86_64" ]]; then + bit="x64" + else + bit="x32" + fi +} + +installNginx(){ + ## todo 兼容debian + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}检查Nginx中...${none} " + existProcessNginx=`ps -ef|grep nginx|grep -v grep` + existNginx=`command -v nginx` + if [ -z "$existProcessNginx" ] && [ -z "$existNginx" ] + then + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装Nginx中,如遇到是否安装输入y${none}" + ${installType} -y install nginx + rm -rf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf + wget -P /etc/nginx/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/config/nginx.conf + ${echoType} "${green}步骤二:Nginx安装成功,执行下一步 ${none}" + else + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}检测到已安装Nginx,是否卸载${none}" + ${echoType} "${red} 1.卸载并重新安装【会把默认的安装目录的内容删除】${none}" + ${echoType} "${red} 2.跳过并使用已经安装的Nginx以及配置文件【请确认是否是此脚本的配置文件】${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" + read nginxStatus + if [ "${nginxStatus}" = 1 ] + then + if [ -n "$existProcessNginx" ] + then + ${echoType} "${purple}Nginx已启动,关闭中...${none}" + nginx -s stop + fi + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}卸载Nginx中... ${none}" + ${removeType} nginx + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}卸载Nginx完毕,重装中... ${none}" + installNginx; + else + echo "不卸载,返回主目录" + echo + manageFun + fi + fi +} +installHttps(){ + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装https中,请输入你要生成tls证书的域名${none}" + read domain + # grep "domain" * -R|awk -F: "{print $1}"|sort|uniq|xargs sed -i "s/domain/$domain/g" + # cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf |grep "domain" * -R|awk -F: "{print $1}"|sort|uniq|xargs sed -i "s/domain/$domain/g" + existProcessNginx=`ps -ef|grep nginx|grep -v grep` + if [ ! -z "${existProcessNginx}" ] + then + echo '检测到Nginx正在运行,关闭中...' + nginx -s stop + fi + + if [ -f "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" ] + then + noExistNginxConfigDomain=`cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf|grep $domain|grep -v grep` + if [ ! -z "${noExistNginxConfigDomain}" ] + then + sed -i "s/$domain/domain/g" `grep $domain -rl /etc/nginx/nginx.conf` + fi + sed -i "s/domain/$domain/g" `grep domain -rl /etc/nginx/nginx.conf` + fi + + uninstallAcmeStatus="false" + if [ ! -d "/root/.acme.sh" ] + then + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装acme.sh中...${none}" + curl https://get.acme.sh | sh + sudo ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue -d $domain --standalone -k ec-256 + else + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}检测到已安装acme.sh,是否卸载${none}" + ${echoType} "${red} 1.卸载并重新安装【以前生成的TLS证书会被删除,需要重新输入域名】${none}" + ${echoType} "${red} 2.跳过并使用已经安装的acme.sh${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" + read acmeStatus + if [ "${acmeStatus}" = 1 ] + then + rm -rf ~/.acme.sh + uninstallAcmeStatus="true" + else + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}生成证书中...${none}" + fi + fi + + if [ "${uninstallAcmeStatus}" = "true" ] + then + installHttps + else + ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --installcert -d $domain --fullchainpath /etc/nginx/$domain.crt --keypath /etc/nginx/$domain.key --ecc + sed -i "s/# ssl_certificate/ssl_certificate/g" `grep "# ssl_certificate" -rl /etc/nginx/nginx.conf` + sed -i "s/listen 443/listen 443 ssl/g" `grep "listen 443" -rl /etc/nginx/nginx.conf` + ${echoType} "${green}步骤三:HTTPS执行完毕,请手动确认上方是否有错误,执行下一步${none}" + fi +} +installV2Ray(){ + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}检查V2Ray中...${none} " + existProcessV2Ray=`ps -ef|grep v2ray|grep -v grep` + existV2Ray=`command -v v2ray` + if [ -z "$existProcessV2Ray" ] && [ -z "$existV2Ray" ] && [ ! -x "/usr/bin/v2ray" ] + then + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装V2Ray中... ${none}" + wget -P /tmp/V2Ray https://github.com/V2Ray/V2Ray-core/releases/download/v4.21.3/V2Ray-linux-64.zip + cd /tmp/V2Ray + unzip /tmp/V2Ray/V2Ray-linux-64.zip + mv /tmp/V2Ray/v2ray /usr/bin/ + mv /tmp/V2Ray/v2ctl /usr/bin/ + mkdir /usr/bin/V2RayConfig + wget -P /usr/bin/V2RayConfig https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/V2Ray-agent/master/config/config_ws_tls.json + touch /usr/bin/V2RayConfig/V2Ray_access.log + touch /usr/bin/V2RayConfig/V2Ray_error.log + ${echoType} "${green} 步骤三:V2Ray安装成功,执行下一步" + else + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}检测到已安装V2Ray,是否卸载${none}" + ${echoType} "${red} 1.卸载并重新安装【配置文件会重新生成】${none}" + ${echoType} "${red} 2.跳过并使用已经安装的V2Ray【请确认Nginx的配置与V2Ray配置相同【端口号、Path】】${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" + read acmeStatus + if [ "${acmeStatus}" -eq 1 ] + then + rm -rf /tmp/V2Ray + rm -rf /usr/bin/v2ray + rm -rf /usr/bin/v2ctl + rm -rf /usr/bin/V2RayConfig + if [ -z `ps -ef|grep v2ray|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'` ] + then + ps -ef|grep v2ray|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 + fi + installV2Ray + else + ${echoType} "${green} 忽略V2Ray并继续执行" + fi + fi +} +checkOS(){ + systemVersion=`cat /etc/redhat-release|grep CentOS|awk '{print $1}'` + if [ -n "$systemVersion" ] && [ "$systemVersion" -eq "CentOS" ] + then + ${echoType} "${green}步骤一:系统为CentOS脚本可执行 ${none} " + else + ${echoType} "${red}目前仅支持Centos${none}" + ${echoType} "${red}退出脚本${none}" + exit + fi +} +# 生成vmess链接 +generatorVmess(){ + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}选择要生成vmess的V2Ray配置文件${none}" + ${echoType} "${green} 1.默认【/usr/bin/V2RayConfig/config_ws_tls.json】${none}" + ${echoType} "${green} 2.官方默认【/etc/v2ray/config.json】${none}" + ${echoType} "${green} 3.手动输入${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" + read V2RayPathSelect + V2RayPath=""; + + if [ "$V2RayPathSelect" -eq "3" ] + then + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请输入配置文件路径:${none}" + read V2RayPath + fi + case $V2RayPathSelect in + 1) + V2RayPath="/usr/bin/V2RayConfig/config_ws_tls.json" + ;; + 2) + V2RayPath="/etc/v2ray/config.json" + ;; + esac + + if [ -z "${V2RayPath}" ] + then + ${echoType} ${red}"V2Ray配置文件读取失败,请检查路径"${none} + init + else + # 读取nginx配置文件 + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}选择要生成vmess的Nginx配置文件路径${none}" + ${echoType} "${green} 1.CDN【默认读取/etc/nginx/nginx.conf】${none}" + ${echoType} "${green} 2.手动输入Nginx配置文件路径${none}" + ${echoType} "${green} 3.非CDN${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" + read NginxPathSelect + + if [ "$NginxPathSelect" -eq "2" ] + then + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请输入Nginx配置文件路径:${none}" + read NginxPath + fi + + case $NginxPathSelect in + 1) + NginxPath="/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" + ;; + esac + if [ -z "${NginxPath}" ] + then + ${echoType} ${red}"Nginx配置文件读取失败,请检查路径"${none} + init + fi + # 执行node生成vmess链接 + nodePath='/root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin/node' + if [ ! -x "/root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin/node" ] + then + ${echoType} ${red}"安装工具包中..."${none} + installTools + fi + echo + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}V2Ray配置文件路径:${none}" + ${echoType} "${green} ${V2RayPath}${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}Nginx配置文件路径:${none}" + ${echoType} "${green} ${NginxPath}${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + echo + vmessResult=`curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/generator_client_links.js | ${nodePath} - "${V2RayPath}" "${NginxPath}"` + + ${echoType} "${green}===============================${none}" + echo + eval $(echo "$vmessResult" |awk '{split($0,vmess," ");for(i in vmess) print "lenArr["i"]="vmess[i]}') + for value in ${lenArr[*]} + do + ${echoType} "${purple}客户端链接:${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} $value${none}" + echo + ${echoType} "${purple}二维码:${none}" + echo $value | qrencode -s 10 -m 1 -t UTF8 + echo + done + ${echoType} "${green}===============================${none}" + echo + # curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/generator_client_links.js | /root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin/node - "/usr/bin/V2RayConfig/config_ws_tls.json" "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" + fi +} +startServer(){ + ${echoType} "${green}启动服务${none}" + nginx + /usr/bin/v2ray -config /usr/bin/V2RayConfig/config_ws_tls.json & + echo "启动完毕" +} +installTools(){ + existProcessWget=`ps -ef|grep wget|grep -v grep` + existWget=`command -v wget` + ${installType} -y update + if [ -z "$existProcessWget" ] && [ -z "$existWget" ] + then + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装wget中...${none}" + ${installType} -y install wget + else + echo + fi + existUnzip=`command -v unzip` + if [ -z "$existUnzip" ] + then + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装zip中...${none}" + ${installType} -y install unzip + fi + existSocat=`command -v socat` + if [ -z "$existSocat" ] + then + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}安装socat中...${none}" + ${installType} -y install socat + fi + existJq=`command -v jq` + if [ -z "$existJq" ] + then + ${echoType} ${skyBlue}安装jq中...${none} + ${installType} -y install jq + fi +# existNode=`/root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin` + if [ ! -x "/root/.nvm/versions/node/v10.17.0/bin/node" ] + then + ${echoType} ${skyBlue}安装nvm中...${none} + curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.1/install.sh | bash + ${echoType} ${skyBlue}安装Node.js中...${none} + . /root/.nvm/nvm.sh + nvm install v10.17.0 + fi + existQrencode=`command -v qrencode` + if [ -z "$existQrencode" ] + then + ${echoType} ${skyBlue}安装qrencode中...${none} + ${installType} -y install qrencode + fi +} +unInstall(){ + nginx -s stop + rm -rf ~/.acme.sh + ${removeType} nginx + rm -rf /tmp/V2Ray + rm -rf /usr/bin/v2ray + rm -rf /usr/bin/v2ctl + rm -rf /usr/bin/V2RayConfig + rm -rf /etc/nginx + rm -rf /root/.nvm + ps -ef|grep v2ray|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 + if [[ "${release}" -eq "ubuntu" || "${release}" -eq "debian" ]] + then + sed -i 's/. "\/root\/.acme.sh\/acme.sh.env"//g' `grep '. "/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh.env"' -rl /root/.bashrc` + fi + . /root/.bashrc +} +configPath(){ + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${red}路径如下${none}" + ${echoType} "${green} 1.v2ray${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 1./usr/bin/v2ray 【V2Ray 程序】${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 2./usr/bin/v2ctl 【V2Ray 工具】${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 3./usr/bin/V2RayConfig 【V2Ray配置文件,配置文件、log文件】${none}" + ${echoType} "${green} 2.Nginx${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 1./usr/sbin/nginx 【Nginx 程序】${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 2./etc/nginx/nginx.conf 【Nginx 配置文件】${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + echo +} +manageFun(){ + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}手动模式功能点目录:${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 1.检查系统版本是否为CentOS${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 2.安装工具包${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 3.检测nginx是否安装并配置${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 4.检测https是否安装并配置${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 5.检测V2Ray是否安装并配置${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 6.启动服务并退出脚本${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 7.卸载安装的所有内容${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 8.查看配置文件路径${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 9.生成Vmess、二维码链接${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 10.返回主目录${none}" + ${echoType} "${red} 11.退出脚本${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请输入要执行的功能【数字编号】:${none}" + read funType + echo + case $funType in + 1) +# checkOS + ;; + 2) + installTools + ;; + 3) + installNginx + ;; + 4) + ${echoType} "${red}此步骤依赖【3.检测nginx是否安装并配置】${none}" + installHttps + ;; + 5) + installV2Ray + ;; + 6) + startServer + ;; + 7) + unInstall + ;; + 8) + configPath + ;; + 9) + generatorVmess + ;; + 10) + init + ;; + 11) + exit + ;; + esac + manageFun +} +automationFun(){ + case $1 in + 1) +# checkOS + installTools + automationFun 2 + ;; + 2) + installNginx + automationFun 3 + ;; + 3) + installHttps + automationFun 4 + ;; + 4) + installV2Ray + automationFun 5 + ;; + 5) + generatorVmess + automationFun 6 + ;; + 6) + startServer + exit + ;; + esac +} + +init(){ + ${echoType} "${purple}目前此脚本支持Ubuntu、Centos、Debian${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}支持两种模式:${none}" + ${echoType} "${red} 1.自动模式${none}" + ${echoType} "${red} 2.手动模式${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue}请选择【数字编号】:${none}" + read automatic + if [ "${automatic}" = 1 ] + then + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}自动模式会执行以下内容:${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 1.检查系统版本是否为Ubuntu、Centos、Debian${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 2.安装工具包${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 3.检测nginx是否安装并配置${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 4.检测https是否安装并配置${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 5.检测V2Ray是否安装并配置${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 6.生成vmess、二维码链接${none}" + ${echoType} "${skyBlue} 7.启动服务并退出脚本${none}" + ${echoType} "${purple}===============================${none}" + automationFun 1 + elif [ "${automatic}" = 2 ] + then + manageFun + fi +} +# 检查系统 + +checkSystem(){ + if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then + release="centos" + installType='yum' + echoType='echo -e' + removeType='yum -y remove' + elif cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "debian"; then + release="debian" + installType='apt' + echoType='echo -e' + removeType='apt -y autoremove' + elif cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "ubuntu"; then + release="ubuntu" + installType='apt' + echoType='echo -e' + removeType='apt -y autoremove' + elif cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "centos|red hat|redhat"; then + release="centos" + installType='yum' + echoType='echo -e' + removeType='yum -y remove' + elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "debian"; then + release="debian" + installType='apt' + removeType='apt -y autoremove' + echoType='echo -e' + elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "ubuntu"; then + release="ubuntu" + installType='apt' + removeType='apt -y autoremove' + echoType='echo -e' + elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "centos|red hat|redhat"; then + release="centos" + installType='yum' + removeType='yum -y remove' + echoType='echo -e' + fi +} +checkSystem +[ ${release} != "debian" ] && [ ${release} != "ubuntu" ] && [ ${release} != "centos" ] && ${echoType} "${Error} 本脚本不支持当前系统 ${release} !" && exit 1 +init