# v2ray-agent > [Thanks for non-commercial open source development authorization by JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=v2ray-agent) > [Thanks for non-commercial open source development authorization by JetBrains]( https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=v2ray-agent) > [English Version](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/en/README_EN.md) - [Cloudflare Optimization Solution](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/optimize_V2Ray.md) - [Traffic Relay](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/traffic_relay.md) - [manual self-build tutorial](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/Cloudflare_install_manual.md) - [ssh introductory tutorial](https://www.v2ray-agent.com/2020-12-16-ssh%E5%85%A5%E9%97%A8%E6%95%99%E7%A8%8B) - [TG group](https://t.me/technologyshare), [TG channel-update notification](https://t.me/v2rayAgentChannel), [blog address](https://www.v2ray-agent.com/) - **Please give a ⭐ support** * * * # Catalog - [1.Script installation](#1vlesstcptlsvlesswstlsvmesstcptlsvmesswstlstrojan-camouflage site-five-in-one coexistence script) - [Features](#Features) - [Notes](#Notes) - [Installation Script](#Installation Script) * * * # 1.Eight-in-one coexistence script+ Mock Site - [Cloudflare Getting Started Tutorial](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/cloudflare_init.md) ## Features - Support [Xray-core[XTLS]](https ://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core), [v2ray-core](https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core) - support VLESS/VMess/trojan protocol - supports VLESS/Trojan prepending [VLESS XTLS -> Trojan XTLS], [Trojan XTLS -> VLESS XTLS] - Support mutual reading of configuration files between different cores - Trojan+TCP+xtls-rprx-direct - Support Debian, Ubuntu, Centos systems and mainstream CPU architectures. - Support any combination of installation, support for multi-user management, support for DNS streaming media unlock, support for adding multiple ports, [support any door to unlock Netflix](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/netflix/dokodemo-unblock_netflix.md) - support to keep tls certificate after uninstall - support for IPv6, [IPv6 note](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/ipv6_help.md) - Support WARP offload, IPv6 offload - Support BT download management, log management, domain name blacklist management, core management, camouflage site management - [Support custom certificate installation](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/install_tls.md) ## Supported installation types - VLESS+TCP+TLS - VLESS+TCP+xtls-rprx-direct - VLESS+gRPC+TLS [support CDN, IPv6, delay Low] - VLESS+WS+TLS [support CDN, IPv6] - Trojan+TCP+TLS [**recommended**] - Trojan+gRPC+TLS [support CDN, IPv6, low latency] - VMess+WS+TLS [support CDN, IPv6] ## Route recommendation - [CN2 GIA](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/donation_aff.md#1cn2-gia) - Shanghai CN2+HK - [AS9929]( https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/donation_aff.md#2%E8%81%94%E9%80%9A-as9929a%E7%BD%91) - [AS4837](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/donation_aff.md#3%E8%81%94%E9%80%9A-as4837%E6%99%AE%E9%80%9A%E6%B0%91%E7%94%A8%E7%BD%91) - [Unicom Japan Softbank](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/donation_aff.md#4%E8%81%94%E9%80%9A-%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%BD%AF%E9%93%B6) - Unicom+ Taiwan TFN - China Unicom+NTT - Guangzhou Mobile/Zhushift+HKIX/CMI/NTT - Guangzhou Mobile/CN2+Cloudflare+ Global - Guangzhou Mobile/CN2/South Union+Hong Kong AZ+Global - Transit+cloudflare+Landing Machine【Kela Global】 ## Precautions - **Modify Cloudflare->SSL/TLS->Overview->Full** - **Cloudflare ---> Clouds parsed by A record must be gray [if not gray, it will affect the automatic renewal certificate of scheduled tasks]** - **If you use CDN and direct connection at the same time, turn off Yunduo + self-selected IP, refer to the above [Cloudflare optimization plan](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/optimize_V2Ray.md)** - **Use the pure system to install, if you have installed it with other scripts and you cannot modify the error yourself, please reinstall the system and try to install again** - wget: command not found [**Here you need to do it manually Install wget**] , if you have not used Linux, [click to view](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/tree/master/documents/install_tools.md) installation tutorial - does not support non- root account - **If you find Nginx-related problems, please uninstall the self-compiled nginx or reinstall the system** - **In order to save time, please bring detailed screenshots or follow the template specifications for feedback, no screenshots or issues that do not follow the specifications Will be closed directly** - **Not recommended for GCP users** - **Oracle Cloud has an additional firewall that needs to be set manually** - **Centos and lower versions of the system are not recommended, if the Centos installation fails, please switch to Debian10 and try again, the script no longer supports Centos6 , Ubuntu 16.x** - **[If you don't understand the usage, please check the script usage guide first](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/how_to_use.md)** - ** Oracle Cloud only supports Ubuntu** - **If you use gRPC to forward through cloudflare, you need to allow gRPC in cloudflare settings, path: cloudflare Network->gRPC** - **gRPC is currently in beta and may not work for the client you use Compatible, if you can't use it, please ignore ** - ** The problem that the lower version script cannot be started when upgrading the higher version, [please click this link to view the solution](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/how_to_use.md#4%E4%BD%8E%E7%89%88%E6%9C%AC%E5%8D%87%E7%BA%A7%E9%AB%98%E7%89%88%E6%9C%AC%E5%90%8E%E6%97%A0%E6%B3%95%E5%90%AF%E5%8A%A8%E6%A0%B8%E5%BF%83)** ## Donate [You can use my AFF to buy VPS donation-blog](https://www.v2ray-agent.com/%E6%82%A8%E5%8F%AF%E4%BB%A5%E9%80%9A%E8%BF%87%E6%88%91%E7%9A%84AFF%E8%B4%AD%E4%B9%B0vps%E6%8D%90%E8%B5%A0) [You can use my AFF to buy VPS donations - Github](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/donation_aff.md) [Support donations to me via virtual currency](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/donation.md) ## Installation script - supports shortcut startup, after installation, enter [**vasma**] in the shell You can open the script, the script execution path [**/etc/v2ray-agent/install.sh**] - Latest Version [recommended] ``` wget -P/root -N --no-check-certificate "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/shell/install_en.sh" && chmod 700/root/install.sh &&/root/install.sh ``` # example image # licence [AGPL-3.0](https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/LICENSE) ## Stargazers over time [![Stargazers over time](https://starchart.cc/mack-a/v2ray-agent.svg)](https://starchart.cc/mack-a/v2ray-agent)