#!/usr/bin/env bash installType='yum -y install --nobest' removeType='yum -y remove' upgrade="yum -y update" echoType='echo -e' domain= add= globalType= customPath=alone centosVersion=0 totalProgress=1 iplc=$1 uuidws= uuidtcp= uuidVlessWS= trap 'onCtrlC' INT function onCtrlC () { echo killSleep > /dev/null 2>&1 exit; } # echo颜色方法 echoContent(){ case $1 in # 红色 "red") ${echoType} "\033[31m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # 天蓝色 "skyBlue") ${echoType} "\033[1;36m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # 绿色 "green") ${echoType} "\033[32m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # 白色 "white") ${echoType} "\033[37m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; "magenta") ${echoType} "\033[31m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; "skyBlue") ${echoType} "\033[36m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # 黄色 "yellow") ${echoType} "\033[33m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; esac } # 新建目录 mkdirTools(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 创建文件夹" mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/tls mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/ } # 安装工具包 installTools(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 安装工具" if [[ "${release}" = "centos" ]] then echoContent green " ---> 检查安装jq、nginx epel源、yum-utils" # jq epel源 rpm -ivh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm > /dev/null 2>&1 nginxEpel="" if [[ ! -z `rpm -qa|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] then rpm -qa|grep -v grep|grep nginx|xargs rpm -e > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [[ "${centosVersion}" = "6" ]] then nginxEpel="http://nginx.org/packages/centos/6/x86_64/RPMS/nginx-1.18.0-1.el6.ngx.x86_64.rpm" elif [[ "${centosVersion}" = "7" ]] then nginxEpel="http://nginx.org/packages/centos/7/noarch/RPMS/nginx-release-centos-7-0.el7.ngx.noarch.rpm" elif [[ "${centosVersion}" = "8" ]] then nginxEpel="http://nginx.org/packages/centos/8/x86_64/RPMS/nginx-1.18.0-1.el8.ngx.x86_64.rpm" fi # nginx epel源 rpm -ivh ${nginxEpel} > /etc/v2ray-agent/error.log 2>&1 # yum-utils yum install yum-utils --nobest -y > /etc/v2ray-agent/error.log 2>&1 fi # 修复ubuntu个别系统问题 if [[ "${release}" = "ubuntu" ]] then dpkg --configure -a fi if [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep apt` ]] then ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep apt|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 fi echoContent green " ---> 检查、安装更新【新机器会很慢,耐心等待】" # if [[ "${release}" = "centos" ]] # then # yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only # fi ${upgrade} > /dev/null if [[ "${release}" = "centos" ]] then rm -rf /var/run/yum.pid fi if [[ -z `find /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin |grep -v grep|grep -w wget` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装wget" ${installType} wget > /dev/null fi if [[ -z `find /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin |grep -v grep|grep -w unzip` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装unzip" ${installType} unzip > /dev/null fi if [[ -z `find /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin |grep -v grep|grep -w socat` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装socat" ${installType} socat > /dev/null fi if [[ -z `find /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin |grep -v grep|grep -w tar` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装tar" ${installType} tar > /dev/null fi if [[ -z `find /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin |grep -v grep|grep cron` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装crontabs" if [[ "${release}" = "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "${release}" = "debian" ]] then ${installType} cron > /dev/null else ${installType} crontabs > /dev/null fi fi if [[ -z `find /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin |grep -v grep|grep -w jq` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装jq" ${installType} jq > /dev/null fi if [[ -z `find /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin |grep -v grep|grep binutils` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装binutils" ${installType} binutils > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [[ -z `find /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin |grep -v grep|grep -w nginx` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装nginx" ${installType} nginx > /dev/null fi if [[ -z `find /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin |grep -v grep|grep -w sudo` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装sudo" ${installType} sudo > /dev/null fi # todo 关闭防火墙 # 新建所需目录 # mkdirTools if [[ ! -d "/root/.acme.sh" ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装acme.sh" curl -s https://get.acme.sh | sh > /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log if [[ -d "~/.acme.sh" ]] && [[ -z `ls -F ~/.acme.sh/|grep -w "acme.sh"` ]] then echoContent red " acme安装失败--->" echoContent yellow "错误排查:" echoContent red " 1.获取Github文件失败,请等待GitHub恢复后尝试,恢复进度可查看 [https://www.githubstatus.com/]" echoContent red " 2.acme.sh脚本出现bug,可查看[https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh] issues" echoContent red " 3.反馈给开发者[私聊:https://t.me/mack_a] 或 [提issues]" killSleep > /dev/null 2>&1 exit 0 fi fi if [[ -d "/root/.acme.sh" ]] && [[ -z `find /root/.acme.sh/ -name "acme.sh"` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装acme.sh" curl -s https://get.acme.sh | sh > /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log if [[ -d "~/.acme.sh" ]] && [[ -z `find /root/.acme.sh/ -name "acme.sh"` ]] then echoContent red " acme安装失败--->" echoContent yellow "错误排查:" echoContent red " 1.获取Github文件失败,请等待GitHub恢复后尝试,恢复进度可查看 [https://www.githubstatus.com/]" echoContent red " 2.acme.sh脚本出现bug,可查看[https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh] issues" echoContent red " 3.反馈给开发者[私聊:https://t.me/mack_a] 或 [提issues]" killSleep > /dev/null 2>&1 exit 0 fi fi } # 初始化Nginx申请证书配置 initTLSNginxConfig(){ handleNginx stop killSleep > /dev/null 2>&1 killSleep > /dev/null 2>&1 echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 初始化Nginx申请证书配置" echoContent yellow "请输入要配置的域名 例:blog.v2ray-agent.com --->" read -p "域名:" domain if [[ -z ${domain} ]] then echoContent red " 域名不可为空--->" initTLSNginxConfig else # 修改配置 echoContent green " ---> 配置Nginx" touch /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf echo "server {listen 80;server_name ${domain};root /usr/share/nginx/html;location ~ /.well-known {allow all;}location /test {return 200 'fjkvymb6len';}}" > /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf # 启动nginx handleNginx start # 测试nginx echoContent green " ---> 检查Nginx是否正常访问" domainResult=`curl -s ${domain}/test|grep fjkvymb6len` if [[ ! -z ${domainResult} ]] then handleNginx stop echoContent green " ---> Nginx配置成功" else echoContent red " 无法正常访问服务器,请检测域名是否正确、域名的DNS解析以及防火墙设置是否正确--->" killSleep > /dev/null 2>&1 exit 0; fi fi } # 安装TLS installTLS(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 申请TLS证书" if [[ -z `find /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/ -name "${domain}*"` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 安装TLS证书" sudo ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue -d ${domain} --standalone -k ec-256 >/dev/null ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --installcert -d ${domain} --fullchainpath /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.crt --keypath /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.key --ecc >/dev/null if [[ -z `cat /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.crt` ]] then progressTools "yellow" " TLS安装失败,请检查acme日志--->" exit 0 elif [[ -z `cat /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.key` ]] then progressTools "yellow" " TLS安装失败,请检查acme日志--->" exit 0 fi echoContent green " ---> TLS生成成功" # 记录证书生成的时间 # echo ${domain} `date +%s` > /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/config elif [[ -z `cat /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.crt` ]] || [[ -z `cat /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.key` ]] then progressTools "red" " 检测到错误证书,需重新生成,重新生成中--->" 18 rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/* installTLS else echoContent green " ---> 检测到证书" read -p "是否重新生成?[y/n]:" reInstalTLStatus if [[ "${reInstalTLStatus}" = "y" ]] then rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/* installTLS $1 fi fi } # 安装Nginx科学上网配置 initNginxConfig(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $2/${totalProgress} : 配置Nginx" installType=$1 # 这里的wss是Nginx前置用的,这里已经改为VLESS前置,所以不需要review代码 if [[ "${installType}" = "wss" ]] then cat << EOF > /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf server { listen 443 ssl; server_name ${domain}; root /usr/share/nginx/html; ssl_certificate /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.crt;ssl_certificate_key /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.key; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; ssl_ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE:ECDH:AES:HIGH:!NULL:!aNULL:!MD5:!ADH:!RC4;ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; location / {} location /alone { proxy_redirect off; proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host \$host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } location /vlesspath { proxy_redirect off; proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host \$host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } } EOF elif [[ "${installType}" = "vlesstcpws" ]] then cat << EOF > /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf server { listen 80; server_name ${domain}; root /usr/share/nginx/html; location ~ /.well-known {allow all;} location /test {return 200 'fjkvymb6len';} } EOF fi } # 自定义/随机路径 randomPathFunction(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 生成随机路径" progressTools "yellow" "请输入自定义路径[例: alone],不需要斜杠,[回车]随机路径" read -p '路径:' customPath if [[ -z "${customPath}" ]] then customPath=`head -n 50 /dev/urandom|sed 's/[^a-z]//g'|strings -n 4|tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'|head -1` fi echoContent yellow "path:${customPath}" } # Nginx伪装博客 nginxBlog(){ # echoContent yellow "添加伪装博客--->" echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 添加伪装博客" rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html wget -q -P /usr/share/nginx https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/fodder/blog/unable/html.zip > /dev/null unzip /usr/share/nginx/html.zip -d /usr/share/nginx/html > /dev/null echoContent green " ---> 添加伪装博客成功" } # 操作Nginx handleNginx(){ if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] && [[ "$1" = "start" ]] then nginx if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] then progressTools "red" " Nginx启动失败,请检查日志--->" exit 0 fi elif [[ "$1" = "stop" ]] && [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] then nginx -s stop > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 0.5 if [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] then ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 fi fi } # 定时任务更新tls证书 installCronTLS(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 添加定时维护证书" if [[ -z `crontab -l|grep -v grep|grep 'reloadInstallTLS'` ]] then crontab -l >> /etc/v2ray-agent/backup_crontab.cron # 定时任务 echo "30 1 * * * /bin/bash /etc/v2ray-agent/reloadInstallTLS.sh" >> /etc/v2ray-agent/backup_crontab.cron crontab /etc/v2ray-agent/backup_crontab.cron fi # 备份 cat << EOF > /etc/v2ray-agent/reloadInstallTLS.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash echoContent(){ case \$1 in # 红色 "red") echo -e "\033[31m\${printN}\$2 \033[0m" ;; # 天蓝色 "skyBlue") echo -e "\033[1;36m\${printN}\$2 \033[0m" ;; # 绿色 "green") echo -e "\033[32m\${printN}\$2 \033[0m" ;; # 白色 "white") echo -e "\033[37m\${printN}\$2 \033[0m" ;; "magenta") echo -e "\033[31m\${printN}\$2 \033[0m" ;; "skyBlue") echo -e "\033[36m\${printN}\$2 \033[0m" ;; # 黄色 "yellow") echo -e "\033[33m\${printN}\$2 \033[0m" ;; esac } echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 1/1 : 更新证书" if [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent" ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray" ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls" ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent" ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray" ]] && [[ -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json" ]] && [[ -d "/root/.acme.sh" ]] then tcp=\`cat /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json|jq .inbounds[0]\` host=\`echo \${tcp}|jq .streamSettings.tlsSettings.certificates[0].certificateFile|awk -F '[t][l][s][/]' '{print \$2}'|awk -F '["]' '{print \$1}'|awk -F '[.][c][r][t]' '{print \$1}'\` if [[ -d "/root/.acme.sh/\${host}_ecc" ]] && [[ -f "/root/.acme.sh/\${host}_ecc/\${host}.key" ]] && [[ -f "/root/.acme.sh/\${host}_ecc/\${host}.cer" ]] then modifyTime=\`stat /root/.acme.sh/\${host}_ecc/\${host}.key|sed -n '6,6p'|awk '{print \$2" "\$3" "\$4" "\$5}'\` modifyTime=\`date +%s -d "\${modifyTime}"\` currentTime=\`date +%s\` # currentTime=\`date +%s -d "2021-09-04 02:15:56.438105732 +0000"\` # currentTIme=1609459200 stampDiff=\`expr \${currentTime} - \${modifyTime}\` days=\`expr \${stampDiff} / 86400\` remainingDays=\`expr 90 - \${days}\` tlsStatus=\${remainingDays} if [[ \${remainingDays} -le 0 ]] then tlsStatus="已过期" fi echoContent skyBlue " ---> 证书生成日期:"\`date -d @\${modifyTime} +"%F %H:%M:%S"\` echoContent skyBlue " ---> 证书生成天数:"\${days} echoContent skyBlue " ---> 证书剩余天数:"\${tlsStatus} if [[ \${remainingDays} -le 1 ]] then echoContent yellow " ---> 重新生成证书" if [[ \`ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx\` ]] then nginx -s stop fi sudo ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --installcert -d \${host} --fullchainpath /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/\${host}.crt --keypath /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/\${host}.key --ecc >> /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log nginx if [[ \`ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx\` ]] then echoContent green " ---> nginx启动成功" else echoContent red " ---> nginx启动失败,请检查[/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log]" fi else echoContent green " ---> 证书有效" fi else echoContent red " ---> 无法找到相应路径,请使用脚本重新安装" fi else echoContent red " ---> 无法找到相应路径,请使用脚本重新安装" fi EOF if [[ ! -z `crontab -l|grep -v grep|grep 'reloadInstallTLS'` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 添加定时维护证书成功" else crontab -l >> /etc/v2ray-agent/backup_crontab.cron # 定时任务 crontab /etc/v2ray-agent/backup_crontab.cron echoContent green " ---> 添加定时维护证书成功" fi } # 更新证书 renewalTLS(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 1/1 : 更新证书" if [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent" ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray" ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls" ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent" ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray" ]] && [[ -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json" ]] && [[ -d "/root/.acme.sh" ]] then tcp=`cat /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json|jq .inbounds[0]` host=`echo ${tcp}|jq .streamSettings.tlsSettings.certificates[0].certificateFile|awk -F '[t][l][s][/]' '{print $2}'|awk -F '["]' '{print $1}'|awk -F '[.][c][r][t]' '{print $1}'` if [[ -d "/root/.acme.sh/${host}_ecc" ]] && [[ -f "/root/.acme.sh/${host}_ecc/${host}.key" ]] && [[ -f "/root/.acme.sh/${host}_ecc/${host}.cer" ]] then modifyTime=`stat /root/.acme.sh/${host}_ecc/${host}.key|sed -n '6,6p'|awk '{print $2" "$3" "$4" "$5}'` modifyTime=`date +%s -d "${modifyTime}"` currentTime=`date +%s` # currentTime=`date +%s -d "2021-09-04 02:15:56.438105732 +0000"` # currentTIme=1609459200 stampDiff=`expr ${currentTime} - ${modifyTime}` days=`expr ${stampDiff} / 86400` remainingDays=`expr 90 - ${days}` tlsStatus=${remainingDays} if [[ ${remainingDays} -le 0 ]] then tlsStatus="已过期" fi echoContent skyBlue " ---> 证书生成日期:"`date -d @${modifyTime} +"%F %H:%M:%S"` echoContent skyBlue " ---> 证书生成天数:"${days} echoContent skyBlue " ---> 证书剩余天数:"${tlsStatus} if [[ ${remainingDays} -le 1 ]] then echoContent yellow " ---> 重新生成证书" if [[ `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] then nginx -s stop fi sudo ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --installcert -d ${host} --fullchainpath /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${host}.crt --keypath /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${host}.key --ecc >> /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log nginx if [[ `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] then echoContent green " ---> nginx启动成功" else echoContent red " ---> nginx启动失败,请检查[/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log]" fi else echoContent green " ---> 证书有效" fi else echoContent red " ---> 无法找到相应路径,请使用脚本重新安装" fi else echoContent red " ---> 无法找到相应路径,请使用脚本重新安装" fi } # 安装V2Ray installV2Ray(){ # ls -F /usr/bin/v2ray/|grep "v2ray" # mkdir -p /usr/bin/v2ray/ # mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 安装V2Ray" if [[ -z `ls -F /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/|grep "v2ray"` ]] || [[ -z `ls -F /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/|grep "v2ctl"` ]] then version=`curl -s https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases|grep /v2ray-core/releases/tag/|head -1|awk -F "[/]" '{print $6}'|awk -F "[>]" '{print $2}'|awk -F "[<]" '{print $1}'` # version="v4.27.4" echoContent green " ---> v2ray-core版本:${version}" wget -q -P /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/ https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases/download/${version}/v2ray-linux-64.zip unzip /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray-linux-64.zip -d /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray > /dev/null rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray-linux-64.zip else # progressTools "green" " v2ray-core版本:`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1`" echoContent green " ---> v2ray-core版本:`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1`" read -p "是否重新安装?[y/n]:" reInstalV2RayStatus if [[ "${reInstalV2RayStatus}" = "y" ]] then rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/* installV2Ray $1 fi fi } # 安装Trojan-go installTrojanGo(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 安装Trojan-Go" if [[ -z `ls -F /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/|grep "trojan-go"` ]] || [[ -z `ls -F /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/|grep "trojan-go"` ]] then version=`curl -s https://github.com/p4gefau1t/trojan-go/releases|grep /trojan-go/releases/tag/|head -1|awk -F "[/]" '{print $6}'|awk -F "[>]" '{print $2}'|awk -F "[<]" '{print $1}'` # version="v4.27.4" echoContent green " ---> Trojan-Go版本:${version}" wget -q -P /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/ https://github.com/p4gefau1t/trojan-go/releases/download/${version}/trojan-go-linux-amd64.zip unzip /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan-go-linux-amd64.zip -d /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan > /dev/null rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan-go-linux-amd64.zip else # progressTools "green" " v2ray-core版本:`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1`" echoContent green " ---> Trojan-Go版本:`/etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan-go --version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1`" read -p "是否重新安装?[y/n]:" reInstalTrojanStatus if [[ "${reInstalV2RayStatus}" = "y" ]] then rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/* installTrojanGo $1 fi fi } # 更新V2Ray updateV2Ray(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 更新V2Ray" if [[ ! -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/" ]] then echoContent red " ---> 没有检测到安装目录,请执行脚本安装内容" menu exit 0; fi if [[ -z `ls -F /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/|grep "v2ray"` ]] || [[ -z `ls -F /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/|grep "v2ctl"` ]] then version=`curl -s https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases|grep /v2ray-core/releases/tag/|head -1|awk -F "[/]" '{print $6}'|awk -F "[>]" '{print $2}'|awk -F "[<]" '{print $1}'` echoContent green " ---> v2ray-core版本:${version}" wget -q -P /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/ https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases/download/${version}/v2ray-linux-64.zip unzip /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray-linux-64.zip -d /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray > /dev/null if [[ "$2" = "backup" ]] then cp /tmp/config.json /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json fi rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray-linux-64.zip handleV2Ray stop handleV2Ray start else echoContent green " ---> 当前v2ray-core版本:`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1`" if [[ ! -z `/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version` ]] then version=`curl -s https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases|grep /v2ray-core/releases/tag/|head -1|awk -F "[/]" '{print $6}'|awk -F "[>]" '{print $2}'|awk -F "[<]" '{print $1}'` # echo version:${version} # echo version2:`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1` if [[ "${version}" = "v`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1`" ]] then read -p "当前版本与最新版相同,是否重新安装?[y/n]:" reInstalV2RayStatus if [[ "${reInstalV2RayStatus}" = "y" ]] then handleV2Ray stop cp /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json /tmp/config.json rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/* updateV2Ray $1 backup else echoContent green " ---> 放弃重新安装" fi else read -p "最新版本为:${version},是否更新?[y/n]:" installV2RayStatus if [[ "${installV2RayStatus}" = "y" ]] then cp /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json /tmp/config.json rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/* updateV2Ray $1 backup else echoContent green " ---> 放弃更新" fi fi fi fi } # 更新Trojan-Go updateTrojanGo(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 更新Trojan-Go" if [[ ! -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/" ]] then echoContent red " ---> 没有检测到安装目录,请执行脚本安装内容" menu exit 0; fi if [[ -z `ls -F /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/|grep "trojan-go"` ]] then version=`curl -s https://github.com/p4gefau1t/trojan-go/releases|grep /trojan-go/releases/tag/|head -1|awk -F "[/]" '{print $6}'|awk -F "[>]" '{print $2}'|awk -F "[<]" '{print $1}'` echoContent green " ---> Trojan-Go版本:${version}" wget -q -P /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/ https://github.com/p4gefau1t/trojan-go/releases/download/${version}/trojan-go-linux-amd64.zip unzip /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan-go-linux-amd64.zip -d /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan > /dev/null if [[ "$2" = "backup" ]] then cp /tmp/trojan_config.json /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/config.json fi rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan-go-linux-amd64.zip handleTrojanGo stop handleTrojanGo start else echoContent green " ---> 当前Trojan-Go版本:`/etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan-go --version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1`" if [[ ! -z `/etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan-go --version` ]] then version=`curl -s https://github.com/p4gefau1t/trojan-go/releases|grep /trojan-go/releases/tag/|head -1|awk -F "[/]" '{print $6}'|awk -F "[>]" '{print $2}'|awk -F "[<]" '{print $1}'` # echo version:${version} # echo version2:`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1` if [[ "${version}" = "`/etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan-go --version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1`" ]] then read -p "当前版本与最新版相同,是否重新安装?[y/n]:" reInstalTrojanGoStatus if [[ "${reInstalTrojanGoStatus}" = "y" ]] then handleTrojanGo stop cp /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/config.json /tmp/trojan_config.json rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/* updateTrojanGo $1 backup else echoContent green " ---> 放弃重新安装" fi else read -p "最新版本为:${version},是否更新?[y/n]:" installTrojanGoStatus if [[ "${installTrojanGoStatus}" = "y" ]] then cp /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/config.json /tmp/trojan_config.json rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/* updateTrojanGo $1 backup else echoContent green " ---> 放弃更新" fi fi fi fi } # 自动升级 automaticUpgrade(){ if [[ -f "/root/install.sh" ]] && [[ ! -z `cat ~/install.sh|grep -v grep|grep mack-a` ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent" ]] then local currentTime=`date +%s` local version=0 local currentVersion=0 # 首次安装完毕后再次使用时出发 if [[ ! -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus" ]] then echo "firstUpgrade|${currentTime}" > /etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus fi if [[ -z `cat /etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus` ]] then echo "firstUpgrade|${currentTime}" > /etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus fi # 第一次升级不计算时间 if [[ "`cat /etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus|awk -F '[|]' '{print $1}'`" = "firstUpgrade" ]] then version=`curl -s https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/releases|grep -v grep|grep /mack-a/v2ray-agent/releases/tag/|head -1|awk -F "[/]" '{print $6}'|awk -F "[>]" '{print $2}'|awk -F "[<]" '{print $1}'` currentVersion=`cat /root/install.sh|grep -v grep|grep "当前版本:"|awk '{print $3}'|awk -F "[\"]" '{print $2}'|awk -F "[v]" '{print $2}'` echo "upgrade|${currentTime}" > /etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus elif [[ "`cat /etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus|awk -F '[|]' '{print $1}'`" = "upgrade" ]] && [[ ! -z `cat /etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus|awk -F '[|]' '{print $2}'` ]] then # 第二次计算时间 三天 local lastTime=`cat /etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus|awk -F '[|]' '{print $2}'` local stampDiff=`expr ${currentTime} - ${lastTime}` dayDiff=`expr ${stampDiff} / 86400` if [[ ${dayDiff} -gt 3 ]] then version=`curl -s https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/releases|grep -v grep|grep /mack-a/v2ray-agent/releases/tag/|head -1|awk -F "[/]" '{print $6}'|awk -F "[>]" '{print $2}'|awk -F "[<]" '{print $1}'` currentVersion=`cat /root/install.sh|grep -v grep|grep "当前版本:"|awk '{print $3}'|awk -F "[\"]" '{print $2}'|awk -F "[v]" '{print $2}'` echo "upgrade|${currentTime}" > /etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus fi fi if [[ "v${currentVersion}" != "${version}" ]] && [[ "${version}" != "0" ]] && [[ "${currentVersion}" != "0" ]] then echoContent yellow " ---> 当前版本:`echo ${version}|grep -v grep|awk -F '[v]' '{print $2}'`" echoContent green " ---> 新 版 本:${currentVersion}" read -p "发现新版本,是否更新[y/n]?:" upgradeStatus if [[ "${upgradeStatus}" = "y" ]] then updateV2RayAgent 1 menu else echo "notUpgrade|${currentTime}" > /etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus menu exit; fi fi fi } updateV2RayAgent(){ local currentTime=`date +%s` echo "upgrade|${currentTime}" > /etc/v2ray-agent/upgradeStatus echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 更新v2ray-agent脚本" wget -N --no-check-certificate "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/install.sh" && chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh } # 验证整个服务是否可用 checkGFWStatue(){ # 验证整个服务是否可用 # progressTools "yellow" "验证服务是否可用--->" echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 验证服务是否可用" if [[ "${globalType}" = "wss" ]] then sleep 3 if [[ ! -z `curl -s -L https://${domain}/${customPath}|grep -v grep|grep "Bad Request"` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 服务可用" else echoContent red " ---> 服务不可用" progressTools "red" " 1.请检查Cloudflare->域名->SSL/TLS->Overview->Your SSL/TLS encryption mode is 是否是Full--->" progressTools "red" " 2.请执行[ps -ef|grep v2ray]查看结果是否有如下信息,如果存在则执行脚本选择[4查看账号]即可--->" progressTools "red" " /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan-go -config /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/config.json" progressTools "red" " /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray -config /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json" progressTools "red" " 3.如以上都无法解决,请联系开发者[https://t.me/mack_a]" progressTools "red" " 错误日志:`curl -s -L https://${domain}/${customPath}`" exit 0 fi elif [[ "${globalType}" = "tcp" ]] then echo '' > /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_access.log curl --connect-time 3 --max-time 1 --url https://${domain} > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 0.1 if [[ ! -z `cat /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_access.log|grep -v grep|grep "Not Found"` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 服务可用" else progressTools "red" " 服务不可用" progressTools "red" " 1.请检查云朵是否关闭" progressTools "red" " 2.请手动尝试使用账号并观察日志,日志路径[/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_access.log]" exit 0 fi elif [[ "${globalType}" = "vlesstcpws" ]] then echoContent green " ---> 等待三秒" sleep 3 if [[ ! -z `curl -s -L https://${domain}/${customPath}|grep -v grep|grep "Bad Request"` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 服务可用" else progressTools "red" " 服务不可用,请检查Cloudflare->域名->SSL/TLS->Overview->Your SSL/TLS encryption mode is 是否是Full--->" progressTools "red" " 错误日志:`curl -s -L https://${domain}/${customPath}`" exit 0 fi fi } # V2Ray开机自启 installV2RayService(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 配置V2Ray开机自启" if [[ ! -z `find /bin /usr/bin -name "systemctl"` ]] then rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service touch /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service [Unit] Description=V2Ray - A unified platform for anti-censorship Documentation=https://v2ray.com https://guide.v2fly.org After=network.target nss-lookup.target Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple User=root CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE CAP_NET_RAW NoNewPrivileges=yes ExecStart=/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray -config /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json Restart=on-failure RestartPreventExitStatus=23 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable v2ray.service echoContent green " ---> 配置V2Ray开机自启成功" fi } # Trojan开机自启 installTrojanService(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 配置Trojan开机自启" if [[ ! -z `find /bin /usr/bin -name "systemctl"` ]] then rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/trojan-go.service touch /etc/systemd/system/trojan-go.service cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/trojan-go.service [Unit] Description=Trojan-Go - A unified platform for anti-censorship Documentation=Trojan-Go After=network.target nss-lookup.target Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple User=root CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE CAP_NET_RAW NoNewPrivileges=yes ExecStart=/etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan-go -config /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/config.json Restart=on-failure RestartPreventExitStatus=23 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable trojan-go.service echoContent green " ---> 配置Trojan开机自启成功" fi } # 操作V2Ray handleV2Ray(){ if [[ ! -z `find /bin /usr/bin -name "systemctl"` ]] && [[ ! -z `ls /etc/systemd/system/|grep -v grep|grep v2ray.service` ]] then if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep "v2ray/v2ray"` ]] && [[ "$1" = "start" ]] then systemctl start v2ray.service elif [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep "v2ray/v2ray"` ]] && [[ "$1" = "stop" ]] then systemctl stop v2ray.service fi elif [[ -z `find /bin /usr/bin -name "systemctl"` ]] then if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep v2ray` ]] && [[ "$1" = "start" ]] then /usr/bin/v2ray/v2ray -config /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json & > /dev/null 2>&1 elif [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep v2ray` ]] && [[ "$1" = "stop" ]] then ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep v2ray|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 fi fi if [[ "$1" = "start" ]] then if [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep "v2ray/v2ray"` ]] then echoContent green " ---> V2Ray启动成功" else echoContent red "V2Ray启动失败" echoContent red "请手动执行【/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray -config /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json】,查看错误日志" exit 0; fi elif [[ "$1" = "stop" ]] then if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep "v2ray/v2ray"` ]] then echoContent green " ---> V2Ray关闭成功" else echoContent red "V2Ray关闭失败" echoContent red "请手动执行【ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep v2ray|awk '{print \$2}'|xargs kill -9】" exit 0; fi fi } # 操作Trojan-Go handleTrojanGo(){ if [[ ! -z `find /bin /usr/bin -name "systemctl"` ]] && [[ ! -z `ls /etc/systemd/system/|grep -v grep|grep trojan-go.service` ]] then if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep trojan-go` ]] && [[ "$1" = "start" ]] then systemctl start trojan-go.service elif [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep trojan-go` ]] && [[ "$1" = "stop" ]] then systemctl stop trojan-go.service fi elif [[ -z `find /bin /usr/bin -name "systemctl"` ]] then if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep trojan-go` ]] && [[ "$1" = "start" ]] then /usr/bin/trojan/trojan-go -config /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/config.json & > /dev/null 2>&1 elif [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep trojan-go` ]] && [[ "$1" = "stop" ]] then ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep trojan-go|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9 fi fi if [[ "$1" = "start" ]] then if [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep trojan-go ` ]] then echoContent green " ---> Trojan-Go启动成功" else echoContent red "Trojan-Go启动失败" echoContent red "请手动执行【/usr/bin/trojan/trojan-go -config /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/config.json】,查看错误日志" exit 0; fi elif [[ "$1" = "stop" ]] then if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep trojan-go` ]] then echoContent green " ---> Trojan-Go关闭成功" else echoContent red "Trojan-Go关闭失败" echoContent red "请手动执行【ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep trojan-go|awk '{print \$2}'|xargs kill -9】" exit 0; fi fi } # 初始化V2Ray 配置文件 initV2RayConfig(){ uuidtcp=`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl uuid` uuidws=`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl uuid` uuidVmessTcp=`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl uuid` uuidVlessWS=`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl uuid` echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $2/${totalProgress} : 初始化V2Ray配置" # 自定义IPLC端口 if [[ ! -z ${iplc} ]] then cat << EOF > /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json { "log":{ "access":"/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_access.log", "error":"/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_error.log", "loglevel":"debug" }, "stats":{ }, "api":{ "services":[ "StatsService" ], "tag":"api" }, "policy":{ "levels":{ "1":{ "handshake":4, "connIdle":300, "uplinkOnly":2, "downlinkOnly":5, "statsUserUplink":false, "statsUserDownlink":false } }, "system":{ "statsInboundUplink":true, "statsInboundDownlink":true } }, "allocate":{ "strategy":"always", "refresh":5, "concurrency":3 }, "inbounds":[ { "port":31299, "protocol":"vmess", "settings":{ "clients":[ { "id":"${uuidws}", "alterId":64, "level":1, "email":"test@v2ray.com" } ] }, "streamSettings":{ "network":"ws", "wsSettings":{ "path":"/${customPath}" } } }, { "port":31298, "protocol":"vless", "settings":{ "clients":[ { "id":"${uuid}", "level":1, "email":"test_vless@v2ray.com" } ], "decryption": "none" }, "streamSettings":{ "network":"ws", "wsSettings":{ "path":"/${customPath}vld" } } }, { "port":31294, "protocol":"vmess", "settings":{ "clients":[ { "id":"ab11e002-7008-ef16-4363-217aea8dc81c", "alterId":64, "level":1, "email":"HK_深港0.35x IPLC@v2ray.com" }, { "id":"246d748a-dd07-2172-a397-ab110aa5ad2a", "alterId":64, "level":1, "email":"HK_莞港IPLC@v2ray.com" } ] } } ], "outbounds":[ { "protocol":"freedom", "settings":{ "OutboundConfigurationObject":{ "domainStrategy":"AsIs", "userLevel":0 } } } ], "routing":{ "settings":{ "rules":[ { "inboundTag":[ "api" ], "outboundTag":"api", "type":"field" } ] }, "strategy":"rules" }, "dns":{ "servers":[ "", "" ], "tag":"dns_inbound" } } EOF elif [[ "$1" = "wss" ]] then # todo vless 废弃 cat << EOF > /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json { "log":{ "access":"/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_access.log", "error":"/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_error.log", "loglevel":"debug" }, "allocate":{ "strategy":"always", "refresh":5, "concurrency":3 }, "inbounds":[ { "port":31299, "protocol":"vmess", "settings":{ "clients":[ { "id":"${uuidws}", "alterId":0, "level":1, "email":"test@v2ray.com" } ] }, "streamSettings":{ "network":"ws", "wsSettings":{ "path":"/${customPath}" } } }, { "port":31298, "protocol":"vless", "settings":{ "clients":[ { "id":"${uuid}", "alterId":0, "level":1, "email":"test_vless@v2ray.com" } ], "decryption": "none" }, "streamSettings":{ "network":"ws", "wsSettings":{ "path":"/${customPath}vld" } } } ], "outbounds":[ { "protocol":"freedom", "settings":{ "OutboundConfigurationObject":{ "domainStrategy":"AsIs", "userLevel":0 } } } ], "dns":{ "servers":[ "", "" ], "tag":"dns_inbound" } } EOF elif [[ "$1" = "tcp" ]] then cat << EOF > /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json { "log":{ "access":"/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_access.log", "error":"/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_error.log", "loglevel":"debug" }, "inbounds": [ { "port": 443, "protocol": "vmess", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuidtcp}", "alterId": 0, "email":"test@v2ray.com" } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "tls", "tlsSettings": { "certificates": [ { "certificateFile": "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.crt", "keyFile": "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.key" } ] } } } ], "outbounds":[ { "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {} } ], "dns":{ "servers":[ "", "" ], "tag":"dns_inbound" } } EOF elif [[ "$1" = "vlesstcpws" ]] then cat << EOF > /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json { "log": { "access": "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_access.log", "error": "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_error.log", "loglevel": "debug" }, "inbounds": [ { "port": 443, "protocol": "vless", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuidtcp}", "alterId": 0, "email": "${domain}_VLESS_TCP" } ], "decryption": "none", "fallbacks": [ { "dest": 31296, "xver": 0 }, { "path": "/${customPath}", "dest": 31299, "xver": 1 }, { "path": "/${customPath}tcp", "dest": 31298, "xver": 1 }, { "path": "/${customPath}ws", "dest": 31297, "xver": 1 } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "tls", "tlsSettings": { "alpn": [ "http/1.1" ], "certificates": [ { "certificateFile": "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.crt", "keyFile": "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.key" } ] } } }, { "port": 31299, "protocol": "vmess", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuidws}", "alterId": 1, "add": "${add}", "level": 0, "email": "${domain}_vmess_ws" } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "ws", "security": "none", "wsSettings": { "acceptProxyProtocol": true, "path": "/${customPath}" } } }, { "port": 31298, "listen": "", "protocol": "vmess", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuidVmessTcp}", "level": 0, "alterId": 1, "email": "${domain}_vmess_tcp" } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "none", "tcpSettings": { "acceptProxyProtocol": true, "header": { "type": "http", "request": { "path": [ "/${customPath}tcp" ] } } } } }, { "port": 31297, "listen": "", "protocol": "vless", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuidVlessWS}", "level": 0, "email": "${domain}_vless_ws" } ], "decryption": "none" }, "streamSettings": { "network": "ws", "security": "none", "wsSettings": { "acceptProxyProtocol": true, "path": "/${customPath}ws" } } } ], "outbounds": [ { "protocol": "freedom", "settings": { "domainStrategy": "UseIP" } } ], "dns": { "servers": [ "", "", "", "", "localhost" ] } } EOF fi } # 初始化Trojan-Go配置 initTrojanGoConfig(){ uuidTrojanGo=`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl uuid` echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 初始化Trojan配置" cat << EOF > /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/config.json { "run_type": "server", "local_addr": "", "local_port": 31296, "remote_addr": "", "remote_port": 80, "log_level":0, "log_file":"/etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan.log", "password": [ "${uuidTrojanGo}" ], "transport_plugin":{ "enabled":true, "type":"plaintext" } } EOF } # 自定义CDN IP customCDNIP(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 添加DNS智能解析" echoContent yellow " 移动:" echoContent yellow " 联通:" echoContent yellow " 电信:" read -p '是否使用?[y/n]:' dnsProxy if [[ "${dnsProxy}" = "y" ]] then add="domain08.qiu4.ml" else add="${domain}" fi } # 通用 defaultBase64Code(){ local type=$1 local ps=$2 local id=$3 local host=$4 local path=$5 local add=$6 if [[ ${type} = "tcp" ]] then qrCodeBase64Default=`echo -n '{"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"0","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","net":"tcp","add":"'${host}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":""}'|sed 's#/#\\\/#g'|base64` qrCodeBase64Default=`echo ${qrCodeBase64Default}|sed 's/ //g'` echoContent yellow " ---> 通用json(tcp+tls)" echoContent green ' {"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"0","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","net":"tcp","add":"'${host}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":""}\n' # 通用Vmess echoContent yellow " ---> 通用vmess(tcp+tls)链接" echoContent green " vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}\n" echo "通用vmess(tcp+tls)链接: " > /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/usersv2ray.conf echo " vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}" >> /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/usersv2ray.conf elif [[ ${type} = "wss" ]] then qrCodeBase64Default=`echo -n '{"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"0","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","path":'${path}',"net":"ws","add":"'${add}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":"'${host}'"}'|sed 's#/#\\\/#g'|base64` qrCodeBase64Default=`echo ${qrCodeBase64Default}|sed 's/ //g'` echoContent yellow " ---> 通用json(ws+tls)" echoContent green ' {"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"0","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","path":'${path}',"net":"ws","add":"'${add}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":"'${host}'"}\n' echoContent yellow " ---> 通用vmess(ws+tls)链接" echoContent green " vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}\n" echo "通用vmess(ws+tls)链接: " > /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/usersv2ray.conf echo " vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}" >> /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/usersv2ray.conf elif [[ "${type}" = "h2" ]] then qrCodeBase64Default=`echo -n '{"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"0","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","path":'${path}',"net":"h2","add":"'${add}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":""}'|sed 's#/#\\\/#g'|base64` qrCodeBase64Default=`echo ${qrCodeBase64Default}|sed 's/ //g'` echoContent red "通用json--->" echoContent green ' {"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"0","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","path":'${path}',"net":"h2","add":"'${add}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":""}\n' elif [[ "${type}" = "vlesstcp" ]] then qrCodeBase64Default=`echo -n '{"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"0","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","path":'${path}',"net":"tcp","add":"'${add}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":"'${host}'"}'|sed 's#/#\\\/#g'|base64` qrCodeBase64Default=`echo ${qrCodeBase64Default}|sed 's/ //g'` echo "通用vmess(VLESS+TCP+TLS)链接: " > /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/usersv2ray.conf echo " vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}" >> /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/usersv2ray.conf echoContent yellow " ---> 通用json(VLESS+TCP+TLS)" echoContent green ' {"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"host":"'${host}'","type":"none","net":"tcp","add":"'${host}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":""}\n' echoContent green ' V2Ray v4.27.4+ 目前无通用订阅,需要手动配置,VLESS和tcp大部分一样,其余内容不变\n' elif [[ "${type}" = "vmessws" ]] then qrCodeBase64Default=`echo -n '{"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"1","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","path":'${path}',"net":"ws","add":"'${add}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":"'${host}'"}'|sed 's#/#\\\/#g'|base64` qrCodeBase64Default=`echo ${qrCodeBase64Default}|sed 's/ //g'` echoContent yellow " ---> 通用json(VMess+WS+TLS)" echoContent green ' {"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"1","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","path":'${path}',"net":"ws","add":"'${add}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":"'${host}'"}\n' echoContent yellow " ---> 通用vmess(VMess+WS+TLS)链接" echoContent green " vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}\n" echoContent yellow " ---> 二维码 vmess(VMess+WS+TLS)" echoContent green "https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}\n" elif [[ "${type}" = "vmesstcp" ]] then qrCodeBase64Default=`echo -n '{"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"1","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"http","path":'${path}',"net":"tcp","add":"'${add}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":"'${host}'","obfs":"http","obfsParam":"'${host}'"}'|sed 's#/#\\\/#g'|base64` qrCodeBase64Default=`echo ${qrCodeBase64Default}|sed 's/ //g'` echoContent yellow " ---> 通用json(VMess+TCP+TLS)" echoContent green ' {"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"1","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"http","path":'${path}',"net":"tcp","add":"'${add}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":"'${host}'","obfs":"http","obfsParam":"'${host}'"}\n' echoContent yellow " ---> 通用vmess(VMess+TCP+TLS)链接" echoContent green " vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}\n" echoContent yellow " ---> 二维码 vmess(VMess+TCP+TLS)" echoContent green "https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}\n" elif [[ "${type}" = "vlessws" ]] then qrCodeBase64Default=`echo -n '{"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"0","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","path":'${path}',"net":"ws","add":"'${add}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":"'${host}'"}'|sed 's#/#\\\/#g'|base64` qrCodeBase64Default=`echo ${qrCodeBase64Default}|sed 's/ //g'` echoContent yellow " ---> 通用json(VLESS+WS+TLS)" echoContent green ' {"port":"443","ps":"'${ps}'","tls":"tls","id":'"${id}"',"aid":"0","v":"2","host":"'${host}'","type":"none","path":'${path}',"net":"ws","add":"'${add}'","allowInsecure":0,"method":"none","peer":"'${host}'"}\n' elif [[ "${type}" = "trojan" ]] then qrCodeBase64Default=`echo -n ${id}@${host}:443?peer=${host}&sni=${host}|base64` qrCodeBase64Default=`echo ${qrCodeBase64Default}|sed 's/ //g'` echoContent yellow " ---> Trojan(TLS)" echoContent green " trojan://${id}@${host}:443?peer=${host}&sni=${host}\n" echoContent yellow " ---> 二维码 vmess(VMess+TCP+TLS)" echoContent green "https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=trojan://${qrCodeBase64Default}\n" fi } # quanMult base64Code quanMultBase64Code(){ local ps=$1 local id=$2 local host=$3 local path=$4 qrCodeBase64Quanmult=`echo -n ''${ps}' = vmess, '${add}', 443, aes-128-cfb, '${id}', over-tls=true, tls-host='${host}', certificate=1, obfs=ws, obfs-path='${path}', obfs-header="Host: '${host}'[Rr][Nn]User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_2_6 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.5.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15D100"'|base64` qrCodeBase64Quanmult=`echo ${qrCodeBase64Quanmult}|sed 's/ //g'` echoContent red "Quantumult vmess--->" echoContent green " vmess://${qrCodeBase64Quanmult}\n" echo '' >> /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/usersv2ray.conf echo "Quantumult:" >> /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/usersv2ray.conf echo " vmess://${qrCodeBase64Quanmult}" >> /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/usersv2ray.conf echoContent red "Quantumult 明文--->" echoContent green ' '${ps}' = vmess, '${add}', 443, aes-128-cfb, '${id}', over-tls=true, tls-host='${host}', certificate=1, obfs=ws, obfs-path='${path}', obfs-header="Host: '${host}'[Rr][Nn]User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_2_6 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.5.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15D100"' } # 查看本机ip checkDomainIP(){ currentIP=`curl -s ifconfig.me|awk '{print}'` echoContent skyBlue ${currentIP} } progressTool(){ # i=0 toolName=$1 sp='/-\|' n=${#sp} printf ' ' if [[ "${toolName}" = "crontabs" ]] then toolName="crontab" fi while true; do status= if [[ -z `find /usr/bin/ -name ${toolName}` ]] && [[ -z `find /usr/sbin/ -name ${toolName}` ]] then printf '\b%s' "${sp:i++%n:1}" > /dev/null else break; fi sleep 0.1 done echoContent green " $1已安装--->" } # 进度条工具 progressTools(){ color=$1 content=$2 installProgress=$3 # echo ${color},${content},${installProgress} echoContent ${color} "${content}" killSleep > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ ! -z "${installProgress}" ]] then installProgressFunction ${installProgress} ${totalProgress} & fi sleep 0.5 } installProgressFunction(){ installProgress=$1 totalProgress=$2 currentProgress=0 i=0 sp='/-\|' n=${#sp} progressNum=`awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.0f\n",('${installProgress}'/'${totalProgress}')*100}'` printf '\b%s' "[${progressNum}%] " while true; do if [[ ${installProgress} -gt ${currentProgress} ]] && [[ ${installProgress} -lt ${totalProgress} ]] then printf '\b%s' "${sp:i++%n:1}" else break fi sleep 0.1 done } # 账号 showAccounts(){ showStatus= local host= echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 账号" if [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/" ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/" ]] && [[ -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json" ]] then showStatus=true # VLESS tcp local tcp=`cat /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json|jq .inbounds[0]` local tcpID=`echo ${tcp}|jq .settings.clients[0].id` local tcpEmail="`echo ${tcp}|jq .settings.clients[0].email|awk -F '["]' '{print $2}'`" host=`echo ${tcp}|jq .streamSettings.tlsSettings.certificates[0].certificateFile|awk -F '[t][l][s][/]' '{print $2}'|awk -F '["]' '{print $1}'|awk -F '[.][c][r][t]' '{print $1}'` # VLESS ws local vlessWS=`cat /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json|jq .inbounds[3]` local vlessWSID=`echo ${vlessWS}|jq .settings.clients[0].id` local vlessWSAdd=`echo ${vlessWS}|jq .settings.clients[0].add|awk -F '["]' '{print $2}'` local vlessWSEmail="`echo ${vlessWS}|jq .settings.clients[0].email|awk -F '["]' '{print $2}'`" local vlessWSPath=`echo ${vlessWS}|jq .streamSettings.wsSettings.path` # Vmess ws local ws=`cat /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json|jq .inbounds[1]` local wsID=`echo ${ws}|jq .settings.clients[0].id` local wsAdd=`echo ${ws}|jq .settings.clients[0].add|awk -F '["]' '{print $2}'` local wsEmail="`echo ${ws}|jq .settings.clients[0].email|awk -F '["]' '{print $2}'`" local wsPath=`echo ${ws}|jq .streamSettings.wsSettings.path` # Vmess tcp local vmessTCP=`cat /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json|jq .inbounds[2]` local vmessTCPID=`echo ${vmessTCP}|jq .settings.clients[0].id` local vmessTCPAdd=`echo ${vmessTCP}|jq .settings.clients[0].add|awk -F '["]' '{print $2}'` local vmessTCPEmail="`echo ${vmessTCP}|jq .settings.clients[0].email|awk -F '["]' '{print $2}'`" local vmessTCPath=`echo ${vmessTCP}|jq .streamSettings.tcpSettings.header.request.path[0]` echoContent skyBlue "\n=============================== VLESS+TCP+TLS ===============================" defaultBase64Code vlesstcp ${tcpEmail} "${tcpID}" "${host}" ${add} echoContent skyBlue "\n===============================VLESS+WS+TLS+CDN===============================" defaultBase64Code vlessws ${vlessWSEmail} "${vlessWSID}" "${host}" "${vlessWSPath}" ${vlessWSAdd} echoContent skyBlue "\n===============================VMess+WS+TLS+CDN===============================" defaultBase64Code vmessws ${wsEmail} "${wsID}" "${host}" "${wsPath}" ${wsAdd} echoContent skyBlue "\n=============================== VMess+TCP+TLS ===============================" defaultBase64Code vmesstcp ${vmessTCPEmail} "${vmessTCPID}" "${host}" "${vmessTCPath}" "${host}" fi if [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/" ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/" ]] && [[ -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/config.json" ]] then showStatus=true local trojanUUID=`cat /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/config.json |jq .password[0]|awk -F '["]' '{print $2}'` echoContent skyBlue "\n=============================== Trojan TLS ===============================" defaultBase64Code trojan trojan ${trojanUUID} ${host} fi if [[ -z ${showStatus} ]] then echoContent red " ---> 未安装" fi } # 卸载脚本 unInstall(){ read -p "是否确认卸载安装内容?[y/n]:" unInstallStatus if [[ "${unInstallStatus}" != "y" ]] then echoContent green " ---> 放弃卸载" menu exit; fi handleNginx stop if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] then echoContent green " ---> 停止Nginx成功" fi handleV2Ray stop rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service echoContent green " ---> 删除V2Ray开机自启完成" rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/trojan-go.service echoContent green " ---> 删除Trojan-Go开机自启完成" if [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls" ]] && [[ ! -z `find /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/ -name "*.key"` ]] && [[ ! -z `find /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/ -name "*.crt"` ]] then mv /etc/v2ray-agent/tls /tmp if [[ ! -z `find /tmp/tls -name '*.key'` ]] then echoContent yellow " ---> 备份证书成功,请注意留存。[/tmp/tls]" fi fi rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent rm -rf /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf echoContent green " ---> 卸载V2Ray完成" echoContent green " ---> 卸载完成" } # 检查错误 checkFail(){ echoContent skyBlue "\n进度 $1/${totalProgress} : 检查错误" if [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent" ]] then if [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/" ]] then if [[ -z `ls -F /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/|grep "v2ray"` ]] || [[ -z `ls -F /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/|grep "v2ctl"` ]] then echoContent red " ---> V2Ray 未安装" else echoContent green " ---> v2ray-core版本:`/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1`" if [[ -z `/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --test /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json|tail -n +3|grep "Configuration OK"` ]] then echoContent red " ---> V2Ray 配置文件异常" /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --test /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json elif [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep v2ray` ]] then echoContent red " ---> V2Ray 未启动" else echoContent green " ---> V2Ray 正常运行" fi fi else echoContent red " ---> V2Ray 未安装" fi if [[ -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] then echoContent red " ---> Nginx 未启动,伪装博客无法使用" else echoContent green " ---> Nginx 正常运行" fi else echoContent red " ---> 未使用脚本安装" fi } menu(){ cd echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent green "作者:mack-a" echoContent green "当前版本:v2.0.9" echoContent red "==============================================================" echoContent yellow "1.安装(VLESS+TCP+TLS/VMess+TCP+TLS/VMess+WS+TLS/VLESS+WS+TLS/Trojan)+伪装博客 五合一共存脚本" echoContent red "==============================================================" echoContent yellow "4.查看账号" echoContent yellow "5.升级V2Ray" echoContent yellow "6.升级Trojan-Go" echoContent yellow "7.升级脚本" echoContent yellow "8.安装BBR" echoContent yellow "9.自动排错" echoContent yellow "10.更新证书" echoContent yellow "11.卸载脚本" echoContent red "==============================================================" automaticUpgrade read -p "请选择:" selectInstallType case ${selectInstallType} in 1) installV2RayVLESSTCPWSTLS ;; 4) showAccounts 1 ;; 5) updateV2Ray 1 ;; 7) updateV2RayAgent 1 ;; 6) updateTrojanGo 1 ;; 8) bbrInstall ;; 9) checkFail 1 ;; 10) renewalTLS 1 ;; 11) unInstall 1 ;; esac exit 0; } # 安装BBR bbrInstall(){ echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent green "BBR脚本用的[ylx2016]的成熟作品,地址[https://github.com/ylx2016/Linux-NetSpeed],请熟知" echoContent red " 1.安装【推荐原版BBR+FQ】" echoContent red " 2.回退主目录" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -p "请选择:" installBBRStatus if [[ "${installBBRStatus}" = "1" ]] then wget -N --no-check-certificate "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ylx2016/Linux-NetSpeed/master/tcp.sh" && chmod +x tcp.sh && ./tcp.sh else menu fi } # 安装V2Ray+wss+Nginx+Web installV2RayVmessWSSNginxWeb(){ globalType=wss installTools initTLSNginxConfig installTLS handleNginx stop initNginxConfig wss randomPathFunction installCronTLS installV2Ray installV2RayService initV2RayConfig wss handleV2Ray start handleNginx start customCDNIP # buildAccounts checkGFWStatue progressTools "yellow" "安装完毕[100%]--->" } # 安装V2Ray+TLS installV2RayVmessTCPTLS(){ globalType=tcp installTools # 申请tls initTLSNginxConfig installTLS handleNginx stop installCronTLS # 安装V2Ray installV2Ray installV2RayService initV2RayConfig tcp handleV2Ray start # 生成账号 checkGFWStatue # buildAccounts } installV2RayVLESSTCPWSTLS(){ totalProgress=17 globalType=vlesstcpws mkdirTools 1 installTools 2 # 申请tls initTLSNginxConfig 3 installTLS 4 handleNginx stop initNginxConfig vlesstcpws 5 randomPathFunction 6 # 安装V2Ray installV2Ray 7 installV2RayService 8 installTrojanGo 9 installTrojanService 10 customCDNIP 11 initTrojanGoConfig 12 initV2RayConfig vlesstcpws 13 installCronTLS 14 nginxBlog 15 handleV2Ray stop handleV2Ray start handleNginx start handleTrojanGo stop handleTrojanGo start # 生成账号 checkGFWStatue 16 showAccounts 17 # progressTools "yellow" "安装完毕[100%]--->" } # 注意事项 warningMessage(){ echoContent green "1.脚本会检查并安装工具包" echoContent green "2.如果使用此脚本生成过TLS证书、V2Ray,会继续使用上次生成、安装的内容。" echoContent green "3.会删除、卸载已经安装的应用,包括V2Ray、Nginx。" echoContent green "4.如果显示Nginx不可用,请检查防火墙端口是否开放。" echoContent green "5.证书会在每天的1点30分检查更新" echoContent red "==============================================================" } # 错误信息处理 errorMessage(){ echoContent yellow "Debian:" echoContent green " 错误1:WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.【这个错误无需处理】" echoContent green " 错误2:如果错误很多,且安装失败,则需要重启vps,无需重新安装OS。这种情况是在安装过程中意外断开导致。" echoContent red "==============================================================" } # 状态展示 state(){ echoContent red "状态展示" echoContent green "已安装账号:" if [[ ! -z `find /etc|grep usersv2ray.conf` ]] && [[ ! -z `cat /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/usersv2ray.conf` ]] then cat /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/usersv2ray.conf else echoContent yellow " 暂无配置" fi echoContent green "\nV2Ray信息:" v2rayStatus=0 if [[ ! -z `ls -F /usr/bin/v2ray/|grep "v2ray"` ]] && [[ ! -z `find /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/ -name "config.json"` ]] then v2rayVersion=`/usr/bin/v2ray/v2ray -version|awk '{print $2}'|head -1` v2rayStatus=1 echoContent yellow " version:${v2rayVersion}" echoContent yellow " 安装路径:/usr/bin/v2ray/" echoContent yellow " 配置文件:/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json" echoContent yellow " 日志路径:" echoContent yellow " access: /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_access.log" echoContent yellow " error: /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray_error.log" else echoContent yellow " 暂未安装" fi tlsStatus=0 echoContent green "\nTLS证书状态:" if [[ ! -z `find /etc/nginx/v2ray-agent-https/ -name config` ]] && [[ ! -z `cat /etc/nginx/v2ray-agent-https/config` ]] then tlsStatus=1 domain=`cat /etc/nginx/v2ray-agent-https/config|awk '{print $1}'` tlsCreateTime=`cat /etc/nginx/v2ray-agent-https/config|awk '{print $2}'` currentTime=`date +%s` stampDiff=`expr ${currentTime} - ${tlsCreateTime}` dayDiff=`expr ${stampDiff} / 86400` echoContent yellow " 证书域名:${domain}" echoContent yellow " 安装日期:`date -d @${tlsCreateTime} +"%F %H:%M:%S"`,剩余天数:`expr 90 - ${dayDiff}`" echoContent yellow " 证书路径:" echoContent yellow " /etc/nginx/v2ray-agent-https/${domain}.key" echoContent yellow " /etc/nginx/v2ray-agent-https/${domain}.crt" else echoContent yellow " 暂未安装或未使用最新的脚本安装" fi echoContent green "\n定时任务相关文件路径:" if [[ ! -z `find /etc/nginx/v2ray-agent-https/ -name backup_crontab.cron` ]] then echoContent yellow " 定时更新tls脚本路径:/etc/nginx/v2ray-agent-https/reloadInstallTLS.sh" echoContent yellow " 定时任务文件路径:/etc/nginx/v2ray-agent-https/backup_crontab.cron" echoContent yellow " 定时任务日志路径:/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/tls.log" echoContent yellow " acme.sh日志路径:/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log" else echoContent yellow " 暂未安装或未使用最新的脚本安装" fi echoContent green "\n软件运行状态:" if [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep nginx` ]] then echoContent yellow " Nginx:【运行中】" elif [[ ! -z `find /usr/sbin/ -name 'nginx'` ]] then echoContent yellow " Nginx:【未运行】,执行【nginx】运行" else echoContent yellow " Nginx:【未安装】" fi if [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep v2ray` ]] then echoContent yellow " V2Ray:【运行中】" elif [[ ! -z `ls -F /usr/bin/v2ray/|grep "v2ray"` ]] then echoContent yellow " V2Ray:【未运行】,执行【/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray -config /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/config.json &】运行" else echoContent yellow " V2Ray:【未安装】" fi } # 杀死sleep killSleep(){ if [[ ! -z `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep sleep` ]] then ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep sleep|awk '{print $3}'|xargs kill -9 > /dev/null 2>&1 killSleep > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } # 检查系统 checkSystem(){ if [[ ! -z `find /etc -name "redhat-release"` ]] || [[ ! -z `cat /proc/version | grep -i "centos" | grep -v grep ` ]] || [[ ! -z `cat /proc/version | grep -i "red hat" | grep -v grep ` ]] || [[ ! -z `cat /proc/version | grep -i "redhat" | grep -v grep ` ]] then centosVersion=`rpm -q centos-release|awk -F "[-]" '{print $3}'` release="centos" installType='yum -y install' removeType='yum -y remove' upgrade="yum update -y --skip-broken" elif [[ ! -z `cat /etc/issue | grep -i "debian" | grep -v grep` ]] || [[ ! -z `cat /proc/version | grep -i "debian" | grep -v grep` ]] then release="debian" installType='apt -y install' upgrade="apt update -y" removeType='apt -y autoremove' elif [[ ! -z `cat /etc/issue | grep -i "ubuntu" | grep -v grep` ]] || [[ ! -z `cat /proc/version | grep -i "ubuntu" | grep -v grep` ]] then release="ubuntu" installType='apt -y install' upgrade="apt update -y" removeType='apt --purge remove' fi if [[ -z ${release} ]] then echoContent red "本脚本不支持此系统,请将下方日志反馈给开发者" cat /etc/issue cat /proc/version killSleep > /dev/null 2>&1 exit 0; fi } checkSystem menu