#!/usr/bin/env bash # detection area #---------------------------------------------------- # check system export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 echoContent() { case $1 in # red "red") # shellcheck disable=SC2154 ${echoType} "\033[31m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # sky blue "skyBlue") ${echoType} "\033[1;36m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # green "green") ${echoType} "\033[32m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # White "white") ${echoType} "\033[37m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; "magenta") ${echoType} "\033[31m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # yellow "yellow") ${echoType} "\033[33m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; esac } checkSystem() { if [[ -n $(find /etc -name "redhat-release") ]] || grep " exit 1 ;; esac fi else echoContent red "This CPU architecture cannot be recognized, default amd64, x86_64--->" xrayCoreCPUVendor="Xray-linux-64" v2rayCoreCPUVendor="v2ray-linux-64" fi } # initialize global variables initVar() { installType='yum -y install' removeType='yum -y remove' upgrade="yum -y update" echoType='echo -e' # Core supported cpu version xrayCoreCPUVendor="" v2rayCoreCPUVendor="" hysteriaCoreCPUVendor="" # domain name domain= # address of the CDN node add= # The total progress of the installation totalProgress=1 # 1.xray-core installation # 2.v2ray-core installation # 3.v2ray-core[xtls] installation coreInstallType= # core installation path # coreInstallPath= # v2ctl Path ctlPath= # 1.Install all # 2.Personalized installation # v2rayAgentInstallType= # Current personalized installation method 01234 currentInstallProtocolType= # The order of the current alpn currentAlpn= # prepended type frontingType= # Personalized installation method selected selectCustomInstallType= # Path to v2ray-core, xray-core configuration files configPath= # Path to hysteria configuration file hysteriaConfigPath= # The path to the configuration file currentPath= # config file host currentHost= # The core type selected during installation selectCoreType= # Default core version v2rayCoreVersion= # random path customPath= # centos version centosVersion= # UUID currentUUID= # previousClients previousClients= localIP= # Integrated update certificate logic no longer uses a separate script --RenewTLS renewTLS=$1 # The number of attempts after tls install failed installTLSCount= # BTPanel state # BTPanelStatus= # nginx configuration file path nginxConfigPath=/etc/nginx/conf.d/ # Is it a preview version prereleaseStatus=false # ssl type sslType= # ssl mailbox sslEmail= # check the number of days sslRenewalDays=90 # dns ssl status dnsSSLStatus= # dns tls domain dnsTLSDomain= # Whether the domain name installs a wildcard certificate through dns installDNSACMEStatus= # custom port customPort= # hysteria port hysteriaPort= # hysteria protocol hysteriaProtocol= # hysteria delay hysteriaLag= # hysteria downlink speed hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed= # hysteria uplink speed hysteriaClientUploadSpeed= } # read tls certificate details readAcmeTLS() { if [[ -n "${currentHost}" ]]; then dnsTLSDomain=$(echo "${currentHost}" | awk -F "[.]" '{print $(NF-1)"."$NF}') fi if [[ -d "$HOME/.acme.sh/*.${dnsTLSDomain}_ecc" && -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/*.${dnsTLSDomain}_ecc/*.${dnsTLSDomain}.key" && -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/*.${dnsTLSDomain}_ecc/*.${dnsTLSDomain}.cer" ]]; then installDNSACMEStatus=true fi } # Read the default custom port readCustomPort() { if [[ -n "${configPath}" ]]; then local port= port=$(jq -r .inbounds[0].port "${configPath}${frontingType}.json") if [[ "${port}" != "443" ]]; then customPort=${port} fi fi } # Check the installation method readInstallType() { coreInstallType= configPath= hysteriaConfigPath= # 1.Detect the installation directory if [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent" ]]; then # Detect installation method v2ray-core if [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray" && -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray" && -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl" ]]; then if [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf" && -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/02_VLESS_TCP_inbounds.json" ]]; then configPath=/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/ if grep /dev/null | grep -q "active (exited)"; then local updateFirewalldStatus= if ! iptables -L | grep -q "$1(mack-a)"; then updateFirewalldStatus=true iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport "$1" -m comment --comment "allow $1(mack-a)" -j ACCEPT fi if echo "${updateFirewalldStatus}" | grep -q "true"; then netfilter-persistent save fi elif systemctl status ufw 2>/dev/null | grep -q "active (exited)"; then if ufw status | grep -q "Status: active"; then if ! ufw status | grep -q "$1"; then sudo ufw allow "$1" checkUFWAllowPort "$1" fi fi elif systemctl status firewalld 2>/dev/null | grep -q "active (running)" then local updateFirewalldStatus= if ! firewall-cmd --list-ports --permanent | grep -qw "$1/tcp"; then updateFirewalldStatus=true firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port="$1/tcp" --permanent checkFirewalldAllowPort "$1" fi if echo "${updateFirewalldStatus}" | grep -q "true"; then firewall-cmd --reload fi fi } # Check the occupancy of ports 80 and 443 checkPortUsedStatus() { if lsof -i tcp:80 | grep -q LISTEN; then echoContent red "\n ---> Port 80 is occupied, please close it manually and install\n" lsof -i tcp:80 | grep LISTEN exit 0 fi if lsof -i tcp:443 | grep -q LISTEN; then echoContent red "\n ---> Port 443 is occupied, please close it manually and install\n" lsof -i tcp:80 | grep LISTEN exit 0 fi } # output ufw port open status checkUFWAllowPort() { if ufw status | grep -q "$1"; then echoContent green "---> $1 port opened successfully" else echoContent red "---> $1 port opening failed" exit 0 fi } # Output firewall-cmd port open status checkFirewalldAllowPort() { if firewall-cmd --list-ports --permanent | grep -q "$1"; then echoContent green "---> $1 port opened successfully" else echoContent red "---> $1 port opening failed" exit 0 fi } # Read the hysteria network environment readHysteriaConfig() { if [[ -n "${hysteriaConfigPath}" ]]; then hysteriaLag=$(jq -r .hysteriaLag <"${hysteriaConfigPath}client_network.json") hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed=$(jq -r .hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed <"${hysteriaConfigPath}client_network.json") hysteriaClientUploadSpeed=$(jq -r .hysteriaClientUploadSpeed <"${hysteriaConfigPath}client_network.json") hysteriaPort=$(jq -r .listen <"${hysteriaConfigPath}config.json" | awk -F "[:]" '{print $2}') hysteriaProtocol=$(jq -r .protocol <"${hysteriaConfigPath}config.json") fi } # Check the file directory and path path readConfigHostPathUUID() { currentPath= currentDefaultPort= currentUUID= currentHost= currentPort= currentAdd= # read path if [[ -n "${configPath}" ]]; then local fallback fallback=$(jq -r -c '.inbounds[0].settings.fallbacks[]|select(.path)' ${configPath}${frontingType}.json | head -1) local path path=$(echo "${fallback}" | jq -r .path | awk -F "[/]" '{print $2}') if [[ $(echo "${fallback}" | jq -r .dest) == 31297 ]]; then currentPath=$(echo "${path}" | awk -F "[w][s]" '{print $1}') elif [[ $(echo "${fallback}" | jq -r .dest) == 31298 ]]; then currentPath=$(echo "${path}" | awk -F "[t][c][p]" '{print $1}') elif [[ $(echo "${fallback}" | jq -r .dest) == 31299 ]]; then currentPath=$(echo "${path}" | awk -F "[v][w][s]" '{print $1}') fi # try to read alpn h2 Path if [[ -z "${currentPath}" ]]; then dest=$(jq -r -c '.inbounds[0].settings.fallbacks[]|select(.alpn)|.dest' ${configPath}${frontingType}.json | head -1) if [[ "${dest}" == "31302" || "${dest}" == "31304" ]]; then if grep -q "trojangrpc {" <${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf; then currentPath=$(grep "trojangrpc {" <${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf | awk -F "[/]" '{print $2}' | awk -F "[t][r][o][j][a][n]" '{print $1}') elif grep -q "grpc {" <${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf; then currentPath=$(grep "grpc {" <${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf | head -1 | awk -F "[/]" '{print $2}' | awk -F "[g][r][p][c]" '{print $1}') fi fi fi local defaultPortFile= defaultPortFile=$(find ${configPath}* | grep "default") if [[ -n "${defaultPortFile}" ]]; then currentDefaultPort=$(echo "${defaultPortFile}" | awk -F [_] '{print $4}') else currentDefaultPort=$(jq -r .inbounds[0].port ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) fi fi if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "1" ]]; then currentHost=$(jq -r .inbounds[0].streamSettings.xtlsSettings.certificates[0].certificateFile ${configPath}${frontingType}.json | awk -F '[t][l][s][/]' '{print $2}' | awk -F '[.][c][r][t]' '{print $1}') currentUUID=$(jq -r .inbounds[0].settings.clients[0].id ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) currentAdd=$(jq -r .inbounds[0].settings.clients[0].add ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) if [[ "${currentAdd}" == "null" ]]; then currentAdd=${currentHost} fi currentPort=$(jq .inbounds[0].port ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) elif [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "2" || "${coreInstallType}" == "3" ]]; then if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "3" ]]; then currentHost=$(jq -r .inbounds[0].streamSettings.xtlsSettings.certificates[0].certificateFile ${configPath}${frontingType}.json | awk -F '[t][l][s][/]' '{print $2}' | awk -F '[.][c][r][t]' '{print $1}') else currentHost=$(jq -r .inbounds[0].streamSettings.tlsSettings.certificates[0].certificateFile ${configPath}${frontingType}.json | awk -F '[t][l][s][/]' '{print $2}' | awk -F '[.][c][r][t]' '{print $1}') fi currentAdd=$(jq -r .inbounds[0].settings.clients[0].add ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) if [[ "${currentAdd}" == "null" ]]; then currentAdd=${currentHost} fi currentUUID=$(jq -r .inbounds[0].settings.clients[0].id ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) currentPort=$(jq .inbounds[0].port ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) fi } # status display showInstallStatus() { if [[ -n "${coreInstallType}" ]]; then if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == 1 ]]; then if [[ -n $(pgrep -f xray/xray) ]]; then echoContent yellow "\nCore: Xray-core [running]" else echoContent yellow "\nCore: Xray-core[not running]" fi elif [[ "${coreInstallType}" == 2 || "${coreInstallType}" == 3 ]]; then if [[ -n $(pgrep -f v2ray/v2ray) ]]; then echoContent yellow "\nCore: v2ray-core[running]" else echoContent yellow "\nCore: v2ray-core[not running]" fi fi # read protocol type readInstallProtocolType if [[ -n ${currentInstallProtocolType} ]]; then echoContent yellow "Protocol installed: \c" fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 0; then if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == 2 ]]; then echoContent yellow "VLESS+TCP[TLS] \c" else echoContent yellow "VLESS+TCP[TLS/XTLS] \c" fi fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q trojan; then if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == 1 ]]; then echoContent yellow "Trojan+TCP[TLS/XTLS] \c" fi fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 1; then echoContent yellow "VLESS+WS[TLS] \c" fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 2; then echoContent yellow "Trojan+gRPC[TLS] \c" fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 3; then echoContent yellow "VMess+WS[TLS] \c" fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 4; then echoContent yellow "Trojan+TCP[TLS] \c" fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 5; then echoContent yellow "VLESS+gRPC[TLS] \c" fi fi } # clean up old residue cleanUp() { if [[ "$1" == "v2rayClean" ]]; then rm -rf "$(find /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/* | grep -E '(config_full.json|conf)')" handleV2Ray stop >/dev/null rm -f /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service elif [[ "$1" == "xrayClean" ]]; then rm -rf "$(find /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/* | grep -E '(config_full.json|conf)')" handleXray stop >/dev/null rm -f /etc/systemd/system/xray.service elif [[ "$1" == "v2rayDel" ]]; then rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/* elif [[ "$1" == "xrayDel" ]]; then rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/* fi } initVar "$1" checkSystem checkCPUVendor readInstallType readInstallProtocolType readConfigHostPathUUID readInstallAlpn readCustomPort checkBTPanel #---------------------------------------------------- # Initialize the installation directory mkdirTools() { mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/tls mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/tmp mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/tmp mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/trojan mkdir -p /etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/conf mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/ mkdir -p /tmp/v2ray-agent-tls/ } # install toolkit installTools() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Install Tool" # Fix ubuntu individual system issues if [[ "${release}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then dpkg --configure -a fi if [[ -n $(pgrep -f "apt") ]]; then pgrep -f apt | xargs kill -9 fi echoContent green " ---> Check and install updates [The new machine will be very slow, if there is no response for a long time, please stop it manually and execute it again]" ${upgrade} >/etc/v2ray-agent/install.log 2>&1 if grep <"/etc/v2ray-agent/install.log" -q "changed"; then ${updateReleaseInfoChange} >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [[ "${release}" == "centos" ]]; then rm -rf /var/run/yum.pid ${installType} epel-release >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # [[ -z `find /usr/bin /usr/sbin |grep -v grep|grep -w curl` ]] if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w wget; then echoContent green " ---> install wget" ${installType} wget >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w curl; then echoContent green " ---> install curl" ${installType} curl >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w unzip; then echoContent green " ---> install unzip" ${installType} unzip >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w socat; then echoContent green " ---> install socat" ${installType} socat >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w tar; then echoContent green " ---> install tar" ${installType} tar >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w cron; then echoContent green " ---> install crontabs" if [[ "${release}" == "ubuntu" ]] || [[ "${release}" == "debian" ]]; then ${installType} cron >/dev/null 2>&1 else ${installType} crontabs >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w jq; then echoContent green " ---> install jq" ${installType} jq >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w binutils; then echoContent green " ---> install binutils" ${installType} binutils >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w ping6; then echoContent green " ---> install ping6" ${installType} inetutils-ping >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w qrencode; then echoContent green " ---> install qrencode" ${installType} qrencode >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w sudo; then echoContent green " ---> install sudo" ${installType} sudo >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w lsb-release; then echoContent green " ---> install lsb-release" ${installType} lsb-release >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w lsof; then echoContent green " ---> install lsof" ${installType} lsof >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w dig; then echoContent green " ---> install dig" if echo "${installType}" | grep -q -w "apt"; then ${installType} dnsutils >/dev/null 2>&1 elif echo "${installType}" | grep -q -w "yum"; then ${installType} bind-utils >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi # Detect the nginx version and provide the option to uninstall if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w nginx; then echoContent green " ---> install nginx" installNginxTools else nginxVersion=$(nginx -v 2>&1) nginxVersion=$(echo "${nginxVersion}" | awk -F "[n][g][i][n][x][/]" '{print $2}' | awk -F "[.]" '{print $2}') if [[ ${nginxVersion} -lt 14 ]]; then read -r -p "Read that the current Nginx version does not support gRPC, which will cause the installation to fail.Do you want to uninstall Nginx and then reinstall it? [y/n]:" unInstallNginxStatus if [[ "${unInstallNginxStatus}" == "y" ]]; then ${removeType} nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 echoContent yellow " ---> nginx uninstallation completed" echoContent green " ---> install nginx" installNginxTools >/dev/null 2>&1 else exit 0 fi fi fi if ! find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w semanage; then echoContent green " ---> install semanage" ${installType} bash-completion >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ "${centosVersion}" == "7" ]]; then policyCoreUtils="policycoreutils-python.x86_64" elif [[ "${centosVersion}" == "8" ]]; then policyCoreUtils="policycoreutils-python-utils-2.9-9.el8.noarch" fi if [[ -n "${policyCoreUtils}" ]]; then ${installType} ${policyCoreUtils} >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [[ -n $(which semanage) ]]; then semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 31300 fi fi if [[ ! -d "$HOME/.acme.sh" ]] || [[ -d "$HOME/.acme.sh" && -z $(find "$HOME/.acme.sh/acme.sh") ]]; then echoContent green " ---> install acme.sh" curl -s https://get.acme.sh | sh >/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log 2>&1 if [[ ! -d "$HOME/.acme.sh" ]] || [[ -z $(find "$HOME/.acme.sh/acme.sh") ]]; then echoContent red "acme installation failed--->" tail -n 100 /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log echoContent yellow "Error troubleshooting:" echoContent red " 1.Failed to obtain Github files, please wait for Github to recover and try, the recovery progress can be viewed at [https://www.githubstatus.com/]" echoContent red "There is a bug in the 2.acme.sh script, see [https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh] issues" echoContent red " 3.For pure IPv6 machines, please set up NAT64 and execute the following commands" echoContent skyBlue " echo -e \"nameserver 2001:67c:2b0::4\\\nnameserver 2001:67c:2b0::6\" >> /etc/resolv.conf" exit 0 fi fi } # Install Nginx installNginxTools() { if [[ "${release}" == "debian" ]]; then sudo apt install gnupg2 ca-certificates lsb-release -y >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "deb http://nginx.org/packages/mainline/debian $(lsb_release -cs) nginx" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list >/dev/null 2>&1 echo -e "Package: *\nPin: origin nginx.org\nPin: release o=nginx\nPin-Priority: 900\n" | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/99nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 curl -o /tmp/nginx_signing.key https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key >/dev/null 2>&1 # gpg --dry-run --quiet --import --import-options import-show /tmp/nginx_signing.key sudo mv /tmp/nginx_signing.key /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/nginx_signing.asc sudo apt update >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [[ "${release}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then sudo apt install gnupg2 ca-certificates lsb-release -y >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "deb http://nginx.org/packages/mainline/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) nginx" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list >/dev/null 2>&1 echo -e "Package: *\nPin: origin nginx.org\nPin: release o=nginx\nPin-Priority: 900\n" | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/99nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 curl -o /tmp/nginx_signing.key https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key >/dev/null 2>&1 # gpg --dry-run --quiet --import --import-options import-show /tmp/nginx_signing.key sudo mv /tmp/nginx_signing.key /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/nginx_signing.asc sudo apt update >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [[ "${release}" == "centos" ]]; then ${installType} yum-utils >/dev/null 2>&1 cat </etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo [nginx-stable] name=nginx stable repo baseurl=http://nginx.org/packages/centos/\$releasever/\$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 gpgkey=https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key module_hotfixes=true [nginx-mainline] name=nginx mainline repo baseurl=http://nginx.org/packages/mainline/centos/\$releasever/\$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 enabled=0 gpgkey=https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key module_hotfixes=true EOF sudo yum-config-manager --enable nginx-mainline >/dev/null 2>&1 fi ${installType} nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable nginx } # install warp installWarp() { ${installType} gnupg2 -y >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ "${release}" == "debian" ]]; then curl -s https://pkg.cloudflareclient.com/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add - >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "deb http://pkg.cloudflareclient.com/ $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudflare-client.list >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo apt update >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [[ "${release}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then curl -s https://pkg.cloudflareclient.com/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add - >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "deb http://pkg.cloudflareclient.com/ focal main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudflare-client.list >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo apt update >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [[ "${release}" == "centos" ]]; then ${installType} yum-utils >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo rpm -ivh "http://pkg.cloudflareclient.com/cloudflare-release-el${centosVersion}.rpm" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi echoContent green " ---> install WARP" ${installType} cloudflare-warp >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ -z $(which warp-cli) ]]; then echoContent red "---> Failed to install WARP" exit 0 fi systemctl enable warp-svc warp-cli --accept-tos register warp-cli --accept-tos set-mode proxy warp-cli --accept-tos set-proxy-port 31303 warp-cli --accept-tos connect warp-cli --accept-tos enable-always-on # if [[]];then # fi # todo curl --socks5 https://www.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace # systemctl daemon-reload # systemctl enable cloudflare-warp } # Initialize Nginx application certificate configuration initTLSNginxConfig() { handleNginx stop echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Initialize Nginx application certificate configuration" if [[ -n "${currentHost}" ]]; then echo read -r -p "Read the last installation record, do you use the domain name of the last installation? [y/n]:" historyDomainStatus if [[ "${historyDomainStatus}" == "y" ]]; then domain=${currentHost} echoContent yellow "\n ---> Domain name: ${domain}" else echo echoContent yellow "Please enter the domain name to be configured Example: www.v2ray-agent.com --->" read -r -p "domain name:" domain fi else echo echoContent yellow "Please enter the domain name to be configured Example: www.v2ray-agent.com --->" read -r -p "domain name:" domain fi if [[ -z ${domain} ]]; then echoContent red "The domain name cannot be empty--->" initTLSNginxConfig 3 else dnsTLSDomain=$(echo "${domain}" | awk -F "[.]" '{print $(NF-1)"."$NF}') customPortFunction local port=80 if [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then port=${customPort} fi # Change setting touch ${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf cat <${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf server { listen ${port}; listen [::]:${port}; server_name ${domain}; root /usr/share/nginx/html; location ~ /.well-known { allow all; } location /test { return 200 'fjkvymb6len'; } location /ip { proxy_set_header Host \$host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr; proxy_set_header REMOTE-HOST \$remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; default_type text/plain; return 200 \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } } EOF fi readAcmeTLS } # Modify nginx redirect configuration updateRedirectNginxConf() { # if [[ ${BTPanelStatus} == "true" ]]; then # # cat <${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf # server { # listen; # server_name _; # return 403; # } #EOF # # elif [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then # cat <${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf # server { # listen; # server_name _; # return 403; # } #EOF # fi local redirectDomain=${domain} if [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then redirectDomain=${domain}:${customPort} fi cat <${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf server { listen 80; server_name ${domain}; return 302 https://${redirectDomain}; } server { listen; server_name _; return 403; } EOF if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 2 && echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 5 || [[ -z "${selectCustomInstallType}" ]]; then cat <>${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf server { listen http2 so_keepalive=on; server_name ${domain}; root /usr/share/nginx/html; client_header_timeout 1071906480m; keepalive_timeout 1071906480m; location /s/ { add_header Content-Type text/plain; alias /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe/; } location /${currentPath}grpc { if (\$content_type !~ "application/grpc") { return 404; } client_max_body_size 0; grpc_set_header X-Real-IP \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; client_body_timeout 1071906480m; grpc_read_timeout 1071906480m; grpc_pass grpc://; } location /${currentPath}trojangrpc { if (\$content_type !~ "application/grpc") { return 404; } client_max_body_size 0; grpc_set_header X-Real-IP \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; client_body_timeout 1071906480m; grpc_read_timeout 1071906480m; grpc_pass grpc://; } location / { add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15552000; preload" always; } } EOF elif echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 5 || [[ -z "${selectCustomInstallType}" ]]; then cat <>${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf server { listen http2; server_name ${domain}; root /usr/share/nginx/html; location /s/ { add_header Content-Type text/plain; alias /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe/; } location /${currentPath}grpc { client_max_body_size 0; # keepalive_time 1071906480m; keepalive_requests 4294967296; client_body_timeout 1071906480m; send_timeout 1071906480m; lingering_close always; grpc_read_timeout 1071906480m; grpc_send_timeout 1071906480m; grpc_pass grpc://; } } EOF elif echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 2 || [[ -z "${selectCustomInstallType}" ]]; then cat <>${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf server { listen http2; server_name ${domain}; root /usr/share/nginx/html; location /s/ { add_header Content-Type text/plain; alias /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe/; } location /${currentPath}trojangrpc { client_max_body_size 0; # keepalive_time 1071906480m; keepalive_requests 4294967296; client_body_timeout 1071906480m; send_timeout 1071906480m; lingering_close always; grpc_read_timeout 1071906480m; grpc_send_timeout 1071906480m; grpc_pass grpc://; } } EOF else cat <>${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf server { listen http2; server_name ${domain}; root /usr/share/nginx/html; location /s/ { add_header Content-Type text/plain; alias /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe/; } location / { } } EOF fi cat <>${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf server { listen; server_name ${domain}; root /usr/share/nginx/html; location /s/ { add_header Content-Type text/plain; alias /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe/; } location / { add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15552000; preload" always; } } EOF } # check ip checkIP() { echoContent skyBlue "\n ---> Check the domain name ip" local checkDomain=${domain} if [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then checkDomain="http://${domain}:${customPort}" fi localIP=$(curl -s -m 2 "${checkDomain}/ip") handleNginx stop if [[ -z ${localIP} ]] || ! echo "${localIP}" | sed '1{s/[^(]*(//;s/).*//;q}' | grep -q '\.' && ! echo "${localIP}" | sed '1{s/[^(]*(//;s/).*//;q}' | grep -q ':'; then echoContent red "\n ---> The ip of the current domain name was not detected" echoContent skyBlue " ---> Please perform the following checks in order" echoContent yellow " ---> 1.Check whether the domain name is written correctly" echoContent yellow " ---> 2.Check whether the domain name dns resolution is correct" echoContent yellow " ---> 3.If the parsing is correct, please wait for dns to take effect, it is expected to take effect within three minutes" echoContent yellow " ---> 4.If a problem with Nginx startup is reported, please manually start nginx to check the error.If you can't handle it yourself, please file issues" echoContent yellow " ---> 5.Error log: ${localIP}" echo echoContent skyBlue " ---> If the above settings are correct, please reinstall the pure system and try again" if [[ -n ${localIP} ]]; then echoContent yellow " ---> The detection return value is abnormal, it is recommended to manually uninstall nginx and re-execute the script" fi local portFirewallPortStatus="443、80" if [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then portFirewallPortStatus="${customPort}" fi echoContent red " ---> Please check if firewall rules are open ${portFirewallPortStatus}\n" read -r -p "Do you want to modify the firewall rules by script to open the port ${portFirewallPortStatus}? [y/n]:" allPortFirewallStatus if [[ ${allPortFirewallStatus} == "y" ]]; then if [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then allowPort "${customPort}" else allowPort 80 allowPort 443 fi handleNginx start checkIP else exit 0 fi else if echo "${localIP}" | awk -F "[,]" '{print $2}' | grep -q "." || echo "${localIP}" | awk -F "[,]" '{print $2}' | grep -q ":"; then echoContent red "\n ---> Multiple IPs detected, please confirm whether to close cloudflare's cloud" echoContent yellow " ---> After closing the cloud, wait three minutes and try again" echoContent yellow " ---> The detected ip is as follows: [${localIP}]" exit 0 fi echoContent green " ---> The current domain name ip is: [${localIP}]" fi } # custom email customSSLEmail() { if echo "$1" | grep -q "validate email"; then read -r -p "Whether to re-enter the email address [y/n]:" sslEmailStatus if [[ "${sslEmailStatus}" == "y" ]]; then sed '/ACCOUNT_EMAIL/d' /root/.acme.sh/account.conf >/root/.acme.sh/account.conf_tmp && mv /root/.acme.sh/account.conf_tmp /root/.acme.sh/account.conf else exit 0 fi fi if [[ -d "/root/.acme.sh" && -f "/root/.acme.sh/account.conf" ]]; then if ! grep -q "ACCOUNT_EMAIL" <"/root/.acme.sh/account.conf" && ! echo "${sslType}" | grep -q "letsencrypt"; then read -r -p "Please enter email address:" sslEmail if echo "${sslEmail}" | grep -q "@"; then echo "ACCOUNT_EMAIL='${sslEmail}'" >>/root/.acme.sh/account.conf echoContent green " ---> Add successfully" else echoContent yellow "Please re-enter the correct email format [example: username@example.com]" customSSLEmail fi fi fi } # select ssl installation type switchSSLType() { if [[ -z "${sslType}" ]]; then echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "1.letsencrypt[default]" echoContent yellow "2.zerossl" echoContent yellow "3.buypass[DNS request not supported]" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select [Enter] to use default:" selectSSLType case ${selectSSLType} in 1) sslType="letsencrypt" ;; 2) sslType="zerossl" ;; 3) sslType="buypass" ;; *) sslType="letsencrypt" ;; esac touch /etc/v2ray-agent/tls echo "${sslType}" >/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/ssl_type fi } # Select the acme installation certificate method selectAcmeInstallSSL() { local installSSLIPv6= if echo "${localIP}" | grep -q ":"; then installSSLIPv6="--listen-v6" fi echo if [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then if [[ "${selectSSLType}" == "3" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> buypass does not support free wildcard certificates" echo exit fi dnsSSLStatus=true else read -r -p "Whether to use DNS to apply for certificate [y/n]:" installSSLDNSStatus if [[ ${installSSLDNStatus} == 'y' ]]; then dnsSSLStatus=true fi fi acmeInstallSSL readAcmeTLS } # Install SSL certificate acmeInstallSSL() { if [[ "${dnsSSLStatus}" == "true" ]]; then sudo "$HOME/.acme.sh/acme.sh" --issue -d "*.${dnsTLSDomain}" --dns --yes-I-know-dns-manual-mode-enough-go-ahead-please --standalone -k ec-256 --server "${sslType}" ${installSSLIPv6} 2>&1 | tee -a /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log >/dev/null local txtValue= txtValue=$(tail -n 10 /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log | grep "TXT value" | awk -F "'" '{print $2}') if [[ -n "${txtValue}" ]]; then echoContent green " ---> Please manually add DNS TXT record" echoContent yellow " ---> Please refer to this tutorial for adding methods, https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/dns_txt.md" echoContent green " ---> name:_acme-challenge" echoContent green " ---> value:${txtValue}" echoContent yellow " ---> Please wait for 1-2 minutes after the addition is complete" echo read -r -p "Whether the addition is complete [y/n]:" addDNSTXTRecordStatus if [[ "${addDNSTXTRecordStatus}" == "y" ]]; then local txtAnswer= txtAnswer=$(dig +nocmd "_acme-challenge.${dnsTLSDomain}" txt +noall +answer | awk -F "[\"]" '{print $2}') if [[ "${txtAnswer}" == "${txtValue}" ]]; then echoContent green " ---> TXT record verification passed" echoContent green "---> Generating certificate" sudo "$HOME/.acme.sh/acme.sh" --renew -d "*.${dnsTLSDomain}" --yes-I-know-dns-manual-mode-enough-go-ahead-please --ecc --server "${sslType}" ${installSSLIPv6} 2>&1 | tee -a /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log >/dev/null else echoContent red " ---> Authentication failed, please try again after 1-2 minutes" acmeInstallSSL fi else echoContent red " ---> give up" exit 0 fi fi else echoContent green "---> Generating certificate" sudo "$HOME/.acme.sh/acme.sh" --issue -d "${tlsDomain}" --standalone -k ec-256 --server "${sslType}" ${installSSLIPv6} 2>&1 | tee -a /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log >/dev/null fi } # custom port customPortFunction() { local historyCustomPortStatus= local showPort= if [[ -n "${customPort}" || -n "${currentPort}" ]]; then echo read -r -p "Read the port of the last installation, do you use the port of the last installation? [y/n]:" historyCustomPortStatus if [[ "${historyCustomPortStatus}" == "y" ]]; then showPort="${currentPort}" if [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then showPort="${customPort}" fi echoContent yellow "\n ---> Port: ${showPort}" fi fi if [[ "${historyCustomPortStatus}" == "n" ]] && [[ -z "${customPort}" && -z "${currentPort}" ]]; then echo echoContent yellow "Please enter the port [default: 443], such as a custom port, only allow the use of DNS to apply for a certificate [enter to use the default]" read -r -p "port:" customPort if [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then if ((customPort >= 1 && customPort <= 65535)); then checkCustomPort allowPort "${customPort}" else echoContent red " ---> Port input error" exit fi else echoContent yellow "\n ---> Port: 443" fi fi } # Check if the port is occupied checkCustomPort() { if lsof -i "tcp:${customPort}" | grep -q LISTEN; then echoContent red "\n ---> ${customPort} port is occupied, please close it manually and install it\n" lsof -i tcp:80 | grep LISTEN exit 0 fi } # install TLS installTLS() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Apply for TLS certificate\n" local tlsDomain=${domain} # install tls if [[ -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.crt" && -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.key" && -n $(cat "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.crt") ]] || [[ -d "$HOME/.acme.sh/${tlsDomain}_ecc" && -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/${tlsDomain}_ecc/${tlsDomain}.key" && -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/${tlsDomain}_ecc/${tlsDomain}.cer" ]]; then echoContent green " ---> Certificate detected" # checkTLStatus renewalTLS if [[ -z $(find /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/ -name "${tlsDomain}.crt") ]] || [[ -z $(find /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/ -name "${tlsDomain}.key") ]] || [[ -z $(cat "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.crt") ]]; then sudo "$HOME/.acme.sh/acme.sh" --installcert -d "${tlsDomain}" --fullchainpath "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.crt" --keypath "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.key" --ecc >/dev/null else echoContent yellow " ---> If not expired or custom certificate, please select [n]\n" read -r -p "Reinstall? [y/n]:" reInstallStatus if [[ "${reInstallStatus}" == "y" ]]; then rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/* installTLS "$1" fi fi elif [[ -d "$HOME/.acme.sh" ]] && [[ ! -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/${tlsDomain}_ecc/${tlsDomain}.cer" || ! -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/${tlsDomain}_ecc/${tlsDomain}.key" ]]; then echoContent green " ---> Install TLS certificate" if [[ "${installDNSACMEStatus}" != "true" ]]; then switchSSLType customSSLEmail selectAcmeInstallSSL else echoContent green " ---> Detected that a wildcard certificate has been installed, automatically generating" fi if [[ "${installDNSACMEStatus}" == "true" ]]; then echo if [[ -d "$HOME/.acme.sh/*.${dnsTLSDomain}_ecc" && -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/*.${dnsTLSDomain}_ecc/*.${dnsTLSDomain}.key" && -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/*.${dnsTLSDomain}_ecc/*.${dnsTLSDomain}.cer" ]]; then sudo "$HOME/.acme.sh/acme.sh" --installcert -d "${dnsTLSDomain}" -d "*.${dnsTLSDomain}" --fullchainpath "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.crt" --keypath "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.key" --ecc >/dev/null fi elif [[ -d "$HOME/.acme.sh/${tlsDomain}_ecc" && -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/${tlsDomain}_ecc/${tlsDomain}.key" && -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/${tlsDomain}_ecc/${tlsDomain}.cer" ]]; then sudo "$HOME/.acme.sh/acme.sh" --installcert -d "${tlsDomain}" --fullchainpath "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.crt" --keypath "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.key" --ecc >/dev/null fi if [[ ! -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.crt" || ! -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.key" ]] || [[ -z $(cat "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.key") || -z $(cat "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${tlsDomain}.crt") ]]; then tail -n 10 /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log if [[ ${installTLSCount} == "1" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> TLS installation failed, please check the acme log" exit 0 fi installTLSCount=1 echo echoContent red "---> TLS installation failed, checking whether ports 80 and 443 are open" allowPort 80 allowPort 443 echoContent yellow " ---> Retry to install TLS certificate" if tail -n 10 /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log | grep -q "Could not validate email address as valid"; then echoContent red " ---> The mailbox cannot be verified by the SSL manufacturer, please re-enter" echo customSSLEmail "validate email" installTLS "$1" else installTLS "$1" fi fi echoContent green "---> TLS generated successfully" else echoContent yellow " ---> acme.sh is not installed" exit 0 fi } # Configure fake blog initNginxConfig() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : configure Nginx" cat <${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name ${domain}; root /usr/share/nginx/html; location ~ /.well-known {allow all;} location /test {return 200 'fjkvymb6len';} } EOF } # custom/random path randomPathFunction() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : generate random path" if [[ -n "${currentPath}" ]]; then echo read -r -p "Read the last installation record, do you use the path of the last installation? [y/n]:" historyPathStatus echo fi if [[ "${historyPathStatus}" == "y" ]]; then customPath=${currentPath} echoContent green " ---> Use successfully\n" else echoContent yellow "Please enter a custom path [example: alone], no slashes required, [enter] random path" read -r -p 'path:' customPath if [[ -z "${customPath}" ]]; then customPath=$(head -n 50 /dev/urandom | sed 's/[^a-z]//g' | strings -n 4 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | head -1) currentPath=${customPath:0:4} customPath=${currentPath} else currentPath=${customPath} fi fi echoContent yellow "\n path:${currentPath}" echoContent skyBlue "\n----------------------------" } # Nginx Camouflage Blog nginxBlog() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Add fake site" if [[ -d "/usr/share/nginx/html" && -f "/usr/share/nginx/html/check" ]]; then echo read -r -p "Detected installation of fake sites, do you need to reinstall [y/n]:" nginxBlogInstallStatus if [[ "${nginxBlogInstallStatus}" == "y" ]]; then rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html randomNum=$((RANDOM % 6 + 1)) wget -q -P /usr/share/nginx https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/fodder/blog/unable/html${randomNum}.zip >/dev/null unzip -o /usr/share/nginx/html${randomNum}.zip -d /usr/share/nginx/html >/dev/null rm -f /usr/share/nginx/html${randomNum}.zip* echoContent green " ---> Add fake site successfully" fi else randomNum=$((RANDOM % 6 + 1)) rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html wget -q -P /usr/share/nginx https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/fodder/blog/unable/html${randomNum}.zip >/dev/null unzip -o /usr/share/nginx/html${randomNum}.zip -d /usr/share/nginx/html >/dev/null rm -f /usr/share/nginx/html${randomNum}.zip* echoContent green " ---> Add fake site successfully" fi } # Modify http_port_t port updateSELinuxHTTPPortT() { $(find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -w journalctl) -xe >/etc/v2ray-agent/nginx_error.log 2>&1 if find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w semanage && find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -q -w getenforce && grep -E "31300|31302" Check if SELinux port is open" if ! $(find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -w semanage) port -l | grep http_port | grep -q 31300; then $(find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -w semanage) port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 31300 echoContent green " ---> http_port_t 31300 port opened successfully" fi if ! $(find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -w semanage) port -l | grep http_port | grep -q 31302; then $(find /usr/bin /usr/sbin | grep -w semanage) port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 31302 echoContent green " ---> http_port_t 31302 port opened successfully" fi handleNginx start else exit 0 fi } # Operate Nginx handleNginx() { if [[ -z $(pgrep -f "nginx") ]] && [[ "$1" == "start" ]]; then systemctl start nginx 2>/etc/v2ray-agent/nginx_error.log sleep 0.5 if [[ -z $(pgrep -f nginx) ]]; then echoContent red "---> Nginx failed to start" echoContent red " ---> Please try to install nginx manually and execute the script again" if grep -q "journalctl -xe" Nginx started successfully" fi elif [[ -n $(pgrep -f "nginx") ]] && [[ "$1" == "stop" ]]; then systemctl stop nginx sleep 0.5 if [[ -n $(pgrep -f "nginx") ]]; then pgrep -f "nginx" | xargs kill -9 fi echoContent green "---> Nginx closed successfully" fi } # Scheduled task to update tls certificate installCronTLS() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Add scheduled maintenance certificate" crontab -l >/etc/v2ray-agent/backup_crontab.cron local historyCrontab historyCrontab=$(sed '/v2ray-agent/d;/acme.sh/d' /etc/v2ray-agent/backup_crontab.cron) echo "${historyCrontab}" >/etc/v2ray-agent/backup_crontab.cron echo "30 1 * * * /bin/bash /etc/v2ray-agent/install.sh RenewTLS >> /etc/v2ray-agent/crontab_tls.log 2>&1" >>/etc/v2ray-agent/backup_crontab.cron crontab /etc/v2ray-agent/backup_crontab.cron echoContent green "\n ---> Adding the timing maintenance certificate successfully" } # update certificate renewalTLS() { if [[ -n $1 ]]; then echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/1 : Renew certificate" fi readAcmeTLS local domain=${currentHost} if [[ -z "${currentHost}" && -n "${tlsDomain}" ]]; then domain=${tlsDomain} fi if [[ -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/ssl_type" ]]; then if grep -q "buypass" <"/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/ssl_type"; then sslRenewalDays=180 fi fi if [[ -d "$HOME/.acme.sh/${domain}_ecc" && -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/${domain}_ecc/${domain}.key" && -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/${domain}_ecc/${domain}.cer" ]] || [[ "${installDNSACMEStatus}" == "true" ]]; then modifyTime= if [[ "${installDNSACMEStatus}" == "true" ]]; then modifyTime=$(stat "$HOME/.acme.sh/*.${dnsTLSDomain}_ecc/*.${dnsTLSDomain}.cer" | sed -n '7,6p' | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$4" "$5}') else modifyTime=$(stat "$HOME/.acme.sh/${domain}_ecc/${domain}.cer" | sed -n '7,6p' | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$4" "$5}') fi modifyTime=$(date +%s -d "${modifyTime}") currentTime=$(date +%s) ((stampDiff = currentTime - modifyTime)) ((days = stampDiff / 86400)) ((remainingDays = sslRenewalDays - days)) tlsStatus=${remainingDays} if [[ ${remainingDays} -le 0 ]]; then tlsStatus="Expired" fi echoContent skyBlue " ---> Certificate check date: $(date "+%F %H:%M:%S")" echoContent skyBlue " ---> Certificate generation date: $(date -d @"${modifyTime}" +"%F %H:%M:%S")" echoContent skyBlue " ---> Certificate generation days: ${days}" echoContent skyBlue " ---> Certificate remaining days:"${tlsStatus} echoContent skyBlue " ---> The certificate will be automatically updated on the last day before the certificate expires.If the update fails, please update it manually" if [[ ${remainingDays} -le 1 ]]; then echoContent yellow " ---> regenerate certificate" handleNginx stop sudo "$HOME/.acme.sh/acme.sh" --cron --home "$HOME/.acme.sh" sudo "$HOME/.acme.sh/acme.sh" --installcert -d "${domain}" --fullchainpath /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/"${domain}.crt" --keypath /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/"${domain}.key" --ecc reloadCore handleNginx start else echoContent green " ---> Certificate valid" fi else echoContent red "---> not installed" fi } # View the status of the TLS certificate checkTLStatus() { if [[ -d "$HOME/.acme.sh/${currentHost}_ecc" ]] && [[ -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/${currentHost}_ecc/${currentHost}.key" ]] && [[ -f "$HOME/.acme.sh/${currentHost}_ecc/${currentHost}.cer" ]]; then modifyTime=$(stat "$HOME/.acme.sh/${currentHost}_ecc/${currentHost}.cer" | sed -n '7,6p' | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$4" "$5}') modifyTime=$(date +%s -d "${modifyTime}") currentTime=$(date +%s) ((stampDiff = currentTime - modifyTime)) ((days = stampDiff / 86400)) ((remainingDays = sslRenewalDays - days)) tlsStatus=${remainingDays} if [[ ${remainingDays} -le 0 ]]; then tlsStatus="Expired" fi echoContent skyBlue " ---> Certificate generation date: $(date -d "@${modifyTime}" +"%F %H:%M:%S")" echoContent skyBlue " ---> Certificate generation days: ${days}" echoContent skyBlue " ---> Certificate remaining days: ${tlsStatus}" fi } # Install V2Ray, specify the version installV2Ray() { readInstallType echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Install V2Ray" if [[ "${coreInstallType}" != "2" && "${coreInstallType}" != "3" ]]; then if [[ "${selectCoreType}" == "2" ]]; then version=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases | jq -r '.[]|select (.prerelease==false)|.tag_name' | grep -v 'v5' | head -1) else version=${v2rayCoreVersion} fi echoContent green " ---> v2ray-core version: ${version}" if wget --help | grep -q show-progress; then wget -c -q --show-progress -P /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/ "https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases/download/${version}/${v2rayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" else wget -c -P /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/ "https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases/download/${version}/${v2rayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi unzip -o "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/${v2rayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" -d /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray >/dev/null rm -rf "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/${v2rayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" else if [[ "${selectCoreType}" == "3" ]]; then echoContent green " ---> lock v2ray-core version to v4.32.1" rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl installV2Ray "$1" else echoContent green " ---> v2ray-core version:$(/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version | awk '{print $2}' | head -1)" read -r -p "Update, upgrade? [y/n]:" reInstallV2RayStatus if [[ "${reInstallV2RayStatus}" == "y" ]]; then rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl installV2Ray "$1" fi fi fi } # install hysteria installHysteria() { readInstallType echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Install Hysteria" if [[ -z "${hysteriaConfigPath}" ]]; then version=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/apernet/hysteria/hysteria/releases | jq -r '.[]|select (.prerelease==false)|.tag_name' | head -1) echoContent green " ---> Hysteria version: ${version}" if wget --help | grep -q show-progress; then wget -c -q --show-progress -P /etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/ "https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/hysteria/releases/download/${version}/${hysteriaCoreCPUVendor}" else wget -c -P /etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/ "https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/hysteria/releases/download/${version}/${hysteriaCoreCPUVendor}" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi mv "/etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/${hysteriaCoreCPUVendor}" /etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/hysteria chmod 655 /etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/hysteria else echoContent green " ---> Hysteria version:$(/etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/hysteria --version | awk '{print $3}')" read -r -p "Update, upgrade? [y/n]:" reInstallHysteriaStatus if [[ "${reInstallHysteriaStatus}" == "y" ]]; then rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/hysteria installHysteria "$1" fi fi } # install xray installXray() { readInstallType echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Install Xray" if [[ "${coreInstallType}" != "1" ]]; then version=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/XTLS/Xray-core/releases | jq -r '.[]|select (.prerelease==false)|.tag_name' | head -1) echoContent green " ---> Xray-core version: ${version}" if wget --help | grep -q show-progress; then wget -c -q --show-progress -P /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/ "https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/download/${version}/${xrayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" else wget -c -P /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/ "https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/download/${version}/${xrayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi unzip -o "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/${xrayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" -d /etc/v2ray-agent/xray >/dev/null rm -rf "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/${xrayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" chmod 655 /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray else echoContent green " ---> Xray-core version:$(/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray --version | awk '{print $2}' | head -1)" read -r -p "Update, upgrade? [y/n]:" reInstallXrayStatus if [[ "${reInstallXrayStatus}" == "y" ]]; then rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray installXray "$1" fi fi } # v2ray version management v2rayVersionManageMenu() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : V2Ray version management" if [[ ! -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> No installation directory detected, please execute the script to install the content" menu exit 0 fi echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "1.Upgrade v2ray-core" echoContent yellow "2.Fallback v2ray-core" echoContent yellow "3.Close v2ray-core" echoContent yellow "4.Open v2ray-core" echoContent yellow "5.Restart v2ray-core" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" selectV2RayType if [[ "${selectV2RayType}" == "1" ]]; then updateV2Ray elif [[ "${selectV2RayType}" == "2" ]]; then echoContent yellow "\n1.Only the last five versions can be rolled back" echoContent yellow "2.It is not guaranteed that it can be used normally after the rollback" echoContent yellow "3.If the rolled back version does not support the current config, it will not be able to connect, operate with caution" echoContent skyBlue "------------------------Version-------------------------------" curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases | jq -r '.[]|select (.prerelease==false)|.tag_name' | grep -v 'v5' | head -5 | awk '{print ""NR""":"$0}' echoContent skyBlue "--------------------------------------------------------------" read -r -p "Please enter the version to be rolled back:" selectV2rayVersionType version=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases | jq -r '.[]|select (.prerelease==false)|.tag_name' | grep -v 'v5' | head -5 | awk '{print ""NR""":"$0}' | grep "${selectV2rayVersionType}:" | awk -F "[:]" '{print $2}') if [[ -n "${version}" ]]; then updateV2Ray "${version}" else echoContent red "\n ---> Input error, please re-enter" v2rayVersionManageMenu 1 fi elif [[ "${selectV2RayType}" == "3" ]]; then handleV2Ray stop elif [[ "${selectV2RayType}" == "4" ]]; then handleV2Ray start elif [[ "${selectV2RayType}" == "5" ]]; then reloadCore fi } # xray version management xrayVersionManageMenu() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Xray Version Management" if [[ ! -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> No installation directory detected, please execute the script to install the content" menu exit 0 fi echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "1.Upgrade Xray-core" echoContent yellow "2.Upgrade Xray-core preview version" echoContent yellow "3.Fallback Xray-core" echoContent yellow "4.Close Xray-core" echoContent yellow "5.Open Xray-core" echoContent yellow "6.Restart Xray-core" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" selectXrayType if [[ "${selectXrayType}" == "1" ]]; then updateXray elif [[ "${selectXrayType}" == "2" ]]; then prereleaseStatus=true updateXray elif [[ "${selectXrayType}" == "3" ]]; then echoContent yellow "\n1.Only the last five versions can be rolled back" echoContent yellow "2.It is not guaranteed that it can be used normally after the rollback" echoContent yellow "3.If the rolled back version does not support the current config, it will not be able to connect, operate with caution" echoContent skyBlue "------------------------Version-------------------------------" curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/XTLS/Xray-core/releases | jq -r '.[]|select (.prerelease==false)|.tag_name' | head -5 | awk '{print ""NR""":"$0}' echoContent skyBlue "--------------------------------------------------------------" read -r -p "Please enter the version to be rolled back:" selectXrayVersionType version=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/XTLS/Xray-core/releases | jq -r '.[]|select (.prerelease==false)|.tag_name' | head -5 | awk '{print ""NR""":"$0}' | grep "${selectXrayVersionType}:" | awk -F "[:]" '{print $2}') if [[ -n "${version}" ]]; then updateXray "${version}" else echoContent red "\n ---> Input error, please re-enter" xrayVersionManageMenu 1 fi elif [[ "${selectXrayType}" == "4" ]]; then handleXray stop elif [[ "${selectXrayType}" == "5" ]]; then handleXray start elif [[ "${selectXrayType}" == "6" ]]; then reloadCore fi } # Update V2Ray updateV2Ray() { readInstallType if [[ -z "${coreInstallType}" ]]; then if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then version=$1 else version=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases | jq -r '.[]|select (.prerelease==false)|.tag_name' | grep -v 'v5' | head -1) fi # use locked version if [[ -n "${v2rayCoreVersion}" ]]; then version=${v2rayCoreVersion} fi echoContent green " ---> v2ray-core version: ${version}" if wget --help | grep -q show-progress; then wget -c -q --show-progress -P /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/ "https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases/download/${version}/${v2rayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" else wget -c -P "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/ https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases/download/${version}/${v2rayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi unzip -o "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/${v2rayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" -d /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray >/dev/null rm -rf "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/${v2rayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" handleV2Ray stop handleV2Ray start else echoContent green " ---> Current v2ray-core version: $(/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version | awk '{print $2}' | head -1)" if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then version=$1 else version=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/v2fly/v2ray-core/releases | jq -r '.[]|select (.prerelease==false)|.tag_name' | grep -v 'v5' | head -1) fi if [[ -n "${v2rayCoreVersion}" ]]; then version=${v2rayCoreVersion} fi if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then read -r -p "The rollback version is ${version}, do you want to continue? [y/n]:" rollbackV2RayStatus if [[ "${rollbackV2RayStatus}" == "y" ]]; then if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "2" || "${coreInstallType}" == "3" ]]; then echoContent green " ---> Current v2ray-core version: $(/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version | awk '{print $2}' | head -1)" elif [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "1" ]]; then echoContent green " ---> Current Xray-core version: $(/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray --version | awk '{print $2}' | head -1)" fi handleV2Ray stop rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl updateV2Ray "${version}" else echoContent green " ---> Abort the fallback version" fi elif [[ "${version}" == "v$(/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray --version | awk '{print $2}' | head -1)" ]]; then read -r -p "The current version is the same as the latest version, do you want to reinstall? [y/n]:" reInstallV2RayStatus if [[ "${reInstallV2RayStatus}" == "y" ]]; then handleV2Ray stop rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl updateV2Ray else echoContent green " ---> Abort reinstallation" fi else read -r -p "The latest version is: ${version}, update? [y/n]:" installV2RayStatus if [[ "${installV2RayStatus}" == "y" ]]; then rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl updateV2Ray else echoContent green " ---> Abort update" fi fi fi } # Update Xray updateXray() { readInstallType if [[ -z "${coreInstallType}" ]]; then if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then version=$1 else version=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/XTLS/Xray-core/releases | jq -r ".[]|select (.prerelease==${prereleaseStatus})|.tag_name" | head -1) fi echoContent green " ---> Xray-core version: ${version}" if wget --help | grep -q show-progress; then wget -c -q --show-progress -P /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/ "https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/download/${version}/${xrayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" else wget -c -P /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/ "https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/download/${version}/${xrayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi unzip -o "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/${xrayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" -d /etc/v2ray-agent/xray >/dev/null rm -rf "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/${xrayCoreCPUVendor}.zip" chmod 655 /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray handleXray stop handleXray start else echoContent green " ---> Current Xray-core version: $(/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray --version | awk '{print $2}' | head -1)" if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then version=$1 else version=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/XTLS/Xray-core/releases | jq -r ".[]|select (.prerelease==${prereleaseStatus})|.tag_name" | head -1) fi if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then read -r -p "The rollback version is ${version}, do you want to continue? [y/n]:" rollbackXrayStatus if [[ "${rollbackXrayStatus}" == "y" ]]; then echoContent green " ---> Current Xray-core version: $(/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray --version | awk '{print $2}' | head -1)" handleXray stop rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray updateXray "${version}" else echoContent green " ---> Abort the fallback version" fi elif [[ "${version}" == "v$(/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray --version | awk '{print $2}' | head -1)" ]]; then read -r -p "The current version is the same as the latest version, do you want to reinstall? [y/n]:" reInstallXrayStatus if [[ "${reInstallXrayStatus}" == "y" ]]; then handleXray stop rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray updateXray else echoContent green " ---> Abort reinstallation" fi else read -r -p "The latest version is: ${version}, update? [y/n]:" installXrayStatus if [[ "${installXrayStatus}" == "y" ]]; then rm -f /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray updateXray else echoContent green " ---> Abort update" fi fi fi } # Verify that the entire service is available checkGFWStatue() { readInstallType echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Verify service startup status" if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "1" ]] && [[ -n $(pgrep -f xray/xray) ]]; then echoContent green " ---> Service started successfully" elif [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "2" || "${coreInstallType}" == "3" ]] && [[ -n $(pgrep -f v2ray/v2ray) ]]; then echoContent green " ---> Service started successfully" else echoContent red " ---> The service failed to start, please check whether the terminal has log printing" exit 0 fi } # V2Ray starts automatically installV2RayService() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : configure V2Ray to start automatically" if [[ -n $(find /bin /usr/bin -name "systemctl") ]]; then rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service touch /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service execStart='/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray -confdir /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf' cat </etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service [Unit] Description=V2Ray - A unified platform for anti-censorship Documentation=https://v2ray.com https://guide.v2fly.org After=network.target nss-lookup.target Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple User=root CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE CAP_NET_RAW NoNewPrivileges=yes ExecStart=${execStart} Restart=on-failure RestartPreventExitStatus=23 LimitNPROC=10000 LimitNOFILE=1000000 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable v2ray.service echoContent green " ---> Configure V2Ray to start automatically after booting successfully" fi } # Install hysteria to start automatically installHysteriaService() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : configure Hysteria to start automatically" if [[ -n $(find /bin /usr/bin -name "systemctl") ]]; then rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/hysteria.service touch /etc/systemd/system/hysteria.service execStart='/etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/hysteria --log-level info -c /etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/conf/config.json server' cat </etc/systemd/system/hysteria.service [Unit] Description=Hysteria Service Documentation=https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/hysteria/wiki After=network.target nss-lookup.target Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple User=root CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE CAP_NET_RAW NoNewPrivileges=yes ExecStart=${execStart} Restart=on-failure RestartPreventExitStatus=23 LimitNPROC=10000 LimitNOFILE=1000000 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable hysteria.service echoContent green " ---> Configure Hysteria to boot successfully" fi } # Xray starts automatically at boot installXrayService() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : configure Xray to start automatically" if [[ -n $(find /bin /usr/bin -name "systemctl") ]]; then rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/xray.service touch /etc/systemd/system/xray.service execStart='/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray run -confdir /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf' cat </etc/systemd/system/xray.service [Unit] Description=Xray Service Documentation=https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core After=network.target nss-lookup.target Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple User=root CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE CAP_NET_RAW NoNewPrivileges=yes ExecStart=${execStart} Restart=on-failure RestartPreventExitStatus=23 LimitNPROC=10000 LimitNOFILE=1000000 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable xray.service echoContent green " ---> Configure Xray to boot successfully" fi } # Operate V2Ray handleV2Ray() { # shellcheck disable=SC2010 if find /bin /usr/bin | grep -q systemctl && ls /etc/systemd/system/ | grep -q v2ray.service; then if [[ -z $(pgrep -f "v2ray/v2ray") ]] && [[ "$1" == "start" ]]; then systemctl start v2ray.service elif [[ -n $(pgrep -f "v2ray/v2ray") ]] && [[ "$1" == "stop" ]]; then systemctl stop v2ray.service fi fi sleep 0.8 if [[ "$1" == "start" ]]; then if [[ -n $(pgrep -f "v2ray/v2ray") ]]; then echoContent green " ---> V2Ray started successfully" else echoContent red "V2Ray failed to start" echoContent red "Please manually execute [/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ray -confdir /etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf] to view the error log" exit 0 fi elif [[ "$1" == "stop" ]]; then if [[ -z $(pgrep -f "v2ray/v2ray") ]]; then echoContent green "---> V2Ray closed successfully" else echoContent red "Failed to close V2Ray" echoContent red "Please manually execute [ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep v2ray|awk '{print \$2}'|xargs kill -9]" exit 0 fi fi } # Operate Hysteria handleHysteria() { # shellcheck disable=SC2010 if find /bin /usr/bin | grep -q systemctl && ls /etc/systemd/system/ | grep -q hysteria.service; then if [[ -z $(pgrep -f "hysteria/hysteria") ]] && [[ "$1" == "start" ]]; then systemctl start hysteria.service elif [[ -n $(pgrep -f "hysteria/hysteria") ]] && [[ "$1" == "stop" ]]; then systemctl stop hysteria.service fi fi sleep 0.8 if [[ "$1" == "start" ]]; then if [[ -n $(pgrep -f "hysteria/hysteria") ]]; then echoContent green " ---> Hysteria started successfully" else echoContent red "Hysteria failed to start" echoContent red "Please manually execute [/etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/hysteria --log-level debug -c /etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/conf/config.json server] to view the error log" exit 0 fi elif [[ "$1" == "stop" ]]; then if [[ -z $(pgrep -f "hysteria/hysteria") ]]; then echoContent green " ---> Hysteria closed successfully" else echoContent red "Hysteria shutdown failed" echoContent red "Please manually execute [ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep hysteria|awk '{print \$2}'|xargs kill -9]" exit 0 fi fi } # Manipulate xray handleXray() { if [[ -n $(find /bin /usr/bin -name "systemctl") ]] && [[ -n $(find /etc/systemd/system/ -name "xray.service") ]]; then if [[ -z $(pgrep -f "xray/xray") ]] && [[ "$1" == "start" ]]; then systemctl start xray.service elif [[ -n $(pgrep -f "xray/xray") ]] && [[ "$1" == "stop" ]]; then systemctl stop xray.service fi fi sleep 0.8 if [[ "$1" == "start" ]]; then if [[ -n $(pgrep -f "xray/xray") ]]; then echoContent green "---> Xray started successfully" else echoContent red "Xray failed to start" echoContent red "Please manually execute [/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray -confdir /etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf] to view the error log" exit 0 fi elif [[ "$1" == "stop" ]]; then if [[ -z $(pgrep -f "xray/xray") ]]; then echoContent green "---> Xray closed successfully" else echoContent red "xray close failed" echoContent red "Please manually execute [ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep xray|awk '{print \$2}'|xargs kill -9]" exit 0 fi fi } # Get clients configuration getClients() { local path=$1 local addClientsStatus=$2 previousClients= if [[ ${addClientsStatus} == "true" ]]; then if [[ ! -f "${path}" ]]; then echo local protocol protocol=$(echo "${path}" | awk -F "[_]" '{print $2 $3}') echoContent yellow "The last installed configuration file of this protocol [${protocol}] was not read, the first uuid of the configuration file is used" else previousClients=$(jq -r ".inbounds[0].settings.clients" "${path}") fi fi } # Add client configuration addClients() { local path=$1 local addClientsStatus=$2 if [[ ${addClientsStatus} == "true" && -n "${previousClients}" ]]; then config=$(jq -r ".inbounds[0].settings.clients = ${previousClients}" "${path}") echo "${config}" | jq .>"${path}" fi } # Add hysteria configuration addClientsHysteria() { local path=$1 local addClientsStatus=$2 if [[ ${addClientsStatus} == "true" && -n "${previousClients}" ]]; then local uuids= uuids=$(echo "${previousClients}" | jq -r [.[].id]) if [[ "${frontingType}" == "02_trojan_TCP_inbounds" ]]; then uuids=$(echo "${previousClients}" | jq -r [.[].password]) fi config=$(jq -r ".auth.config = ${uuids}" "${path}") echo "${config}" | jq .>"${path}" fi } # Initialize the hysteria port initHysteriaPort() { readHysteriaConfig if [[ -n "${hysteriaPort}" ]]; then read -r -p "Read the port of the last installation, do you use the port of the last installation? [y/n]:" historyHysteriaPortStatus if [[ "${historyHysteriaPortStatus}" == "y" ]]; then echoContent yellow "\n ---> Port: ${hysteriaPort}" else hysteriaPort= fi fi if [[ -z "${hysteriaPort}" ]]; then echoContent yellow "Please enter the Hysteria port [Example: 10000], which cannot be repeated with other services" read -r -p "Port:" hysteriaPort fi if [[ -z ${hysteriaPort} ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Port cannot be empty" initHysteriaPort "$2" elif ((hysteriaPort < 1 || hysteriaPort > 65535)); then echoContent red " ---> The port is invalid" initHysteriaPort "$2" fi allowPort "${hysteriaPort}" } # Initialize the protocol of hysteria initHysteriaProtocol() { echoContent skyBlue "\nPlease select a protocol type" echoContent red "==============================================================" echoContent yellow "1.udp(QUIC) (default)" echoContent yellow "2.faketcp" echoContent yellow "3.wechat-video" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" selectHysteriaProtocol case ${selectHysteriaProtocol} in 1) hysteriaProtocol="udp" ;; 2) hysteriaProtocol="faketcp" ;; 3) hysteriaProtocol="wechat-video" ;; *) hysteriaProtocol="udp" ;; esac echoContent yellow "\n ---> Protocol: ${hysteriaProtocol}\n" } # Initialize hysteria network information initHysteriaNetwork() { echoContent yellow "Please enter the average delay from local to server, please fill in according to the actual situation (default: 180, unit: ms)" read -r -p "delay:" hysteriaLag if [[ -z "${hysteriaLag}" ]]; then hysteriaLag=180 echoContent yellow "\n ---> Delay: ${hysteriaLag}\n" fi echoContent yellow "Please enter the local bandwidth peak downlink speed (default: 100, unit: Mbps)" read -r -p "Download speed:" hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed if [[ -z "${hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed}" ]]; then hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed=100 echoContent yellow "\n ---> Downlink speed: ${hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed}\n" fi echoContent yellow "Please enter the local bandwidth peak uplink speed (default: 50, unit: Mbps)" read -r -p "Upload speed:" hysteriaClientUploadSpeed if [[ -z "${hysteriaClientUploadSpeed}" ]]; then hysteriaClientUploadSpeed=50 echoContent yellow "\n ---> Uplink speed: ${hysteriaClientUploadSpeed}\n" fi cat </etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/conf/client_network.json { "hysteriaLag":"${hysteriaLag}", "hysteriaClientUploadSpeed":"${hysteriaClientUploadSpeed}", "hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed":"${hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed}" } EOF } # Initialize Hysteria configuration initHysteriaConfig() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Initialize Hysteria configuration" initHysteriaPort initHysteriaProtocol initHysteriaNetwork getClients "${configPath}${frontingType}.json" true cat </etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/conf/config.json { "listen": ":${hysteriaPort}", "protocol": "${hysteriaProtocol}", "disable_udp": false, "cert": "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${currentHost}.crt", "key": "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${currentHost}.key", "auth": { "mode": "passwords", "config": [] }, "alpn": "h3", "recv_window_conn": 15728640, "recv_window_client": 67108864, "max_conn_client": 4096, "disable_mtu_discovery": true, "resolve_preference": "46", "resolver": "" } EOF addClientsHysteria "/etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/conf/config.json" true } # Initialize V2Ray configuration file initV2RayConfig() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $2/${totalProgress} : Initialize V2Ray configuration" echo read -r -p "Custom UUID? [y/n]:" customUUIDStatus echo if [[ "${customUUIDStatus}" == "y" ]]; then read -r -p "Please enter a valid UUID:" currentCustomUUID if [[ -n "${currentCustomUUID}" ]]; then uuid=${currentCustomUUID} fi fi local addClientsStatus= if [[ -n "${currentUUID}" && -z "${uuid}" ]]; then read -r -p "Read the last installation record, do you use the UUID of the last installation? [y/n]:" historyUUIDStatus if [[ "${historyUUIDStatus}" == "y" ]]; then uuid=${currentUUID} addClientsStatus=true else uuid=$(/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl uuid) fi elif [[ -z "${uuid}" ]]; then uuid=$(/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl uuid) fi if [[ -z "${uuid}" ]]; then addClientsStatus= echoContent red "\n ---> uuid read error, regenerate" uuid=$(/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/v2ctl uuid) fi movePreviousConfig # log cat </etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/00_log.json { "log": { "error": "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/error.log", "loglevel": "warning" } } EOF # outbounds if [[ -n "${pingIPv6}" ]]; then cat </etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/10_ipv6_outbounds.json { "outbounds": [ { "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {}, "tag": "direct" } ] } EOF else cat </etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/10_ipv4_outbounds.json { "outbounds":[ { "protocol":"freedom", "settings":{ "domainStrategy":"UseIPv4" }, "tag":"IPv4-out" }, { "protocol":"freedom", "settings":{ "domainStrategy":"UseIPv6" }, "tag":"IPv6-out" }, { "protocol":"blackhole", "tag":"blackhole-out" } ] } EOF fi # dns cat </etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/11_dns.json { "dns": { "servers": [ "localhost" ] } } EOF # VLESS_TCP_TLS # fall back to nginx local fallbacksList='{"dest":31300,"xver":0},{"alpn":"h2","dest":31302,"xver":0}' # trojan if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 4 || [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then fallbacksList='{"dest":31296,"xver":1},{"alpn":"h2","dest":31302,"xver":0}' getClients "${configPath}../tmp/04_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" cat </etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/04_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json { "inbounds":[ { "port": 31296, "listen": "", "protocol": "trojan", "tag":"trojanTCP", "settings": { "clients": [ { "password": "${uuid}", "email": "${domain}_${uuid}" } ], "fallbacks":[ {"dest":"31300"} ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "none", "tcpSettings": { "acceptProxyProtocol": true } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/04_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" fi # VLESS_WS_TLS if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 1 || [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then fallbacksList=${fallbacksList}',{"path":"/'${customPath}'ws","dest":31297,"xver":1}' getClients "${configPath}../tmp/03_VLESS_WS_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" cat </etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/03_VLESS_WS_inbounds.json { "inbounds":[ { "port": 31297, "listen": "", "protocol": "vless", "tag":"VLESSWS", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuid}", "email": "${domain}_${uuid}" } ], "decryption": "none" }, "streamSettings": { "network": "ws", "security": "none", "wsSettings": { "acceptProxyProtocol": true, "path": "/${customPath}ws" } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/03_VLESS_WS_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" fi # trojan_grpc if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 2 || [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then if ! echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 5 && [[ -n ${selectCustomInstallType} ]]; then fallbacksList=${fallbacksList//31302/31304} fi getClients "${configPath}../tmp/04_trojan_gRPC_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" cat </etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/04_trojan_gRPC_inbounds.json { "inbounds": [ { "port": 31304, "listen": "", "protocol": "trojan", "tag": "trojangRPCTCP", "settings": { "clients": [ { "password": "${uuid}", "email": "${domain}_${uuid}" } ], "fallbacks": [ { "dest": "31300" } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "grpc", "grpcSettings": { "serviceName": "${customPath}trojangrpc" } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/04_trojan_gRPC_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" fi # VMess_WS if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 3 || [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then fallbacksList=${fallbacksList}',{"path":"/'${customPath}'vws","dest":31299,"xver":1}' getClients "${configPath}../tmp/05_VMess_WS_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" cat </etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/05_VMess_WS_inbounds.json { "inbounds":[ { "listen": "", "port": 31299, "protocol": "vmess", "tag":"VMessWS", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuid}", "alterId": 0, "add": "${add}", "email": "${domain}_${uuid}" } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "ws", "security": "none", "wsSettings": { "acceptProxyProtocol": true, "path": "/${customPath}vws" } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/05_VMess_WS_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" fi if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 5 || [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then getClients "${configPath}../tmp/06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" cat </etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json { "inbounds":[ { "port": 31301, "listen": "", "protocol": "vless", "tag":"VLESSGRPC", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuid}", "add": "${add}", "email": "${domain}_${uuid}" } ], "decryption": "none" }, "streamSettings": { "network": "grpc", "grpcSettings": { "serviceName": "${customPath}grpc" } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" fi # VLESS_TCP getClients "${configPath}../tmp/02_VLESS_TCP_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" local defaultPort=443 if [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then defaultPort=${customPort} fi cat </etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/02_VLESS_TCP_inbounds.json { "inbounds":[ { "port": ${defaultPort}, "protocol": "vless", "tag":"VLESSTCP", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuid}", "add":"${add}", "email": "${domain}_VLESS_TLS-direct_TCP" } ], "decryption": "none", "fallbacks": [ ${fallbacksList} ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "tls", "tlsSettings": { "minVersion": "1.2", "alpn": [ "http/1.1", "h2" ], "certificates": [ { "certificateFile": "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.crt", "keyFile": "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.key", "ocspStapling": 3600, "usage":"encipherment" } ] } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/v2ray/conf/02_VLESS_TCP_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" } # Initialize Xray Trojan XTLS configuration file initXrayFrontingConfig() { if [[ -z "${configPath}" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Not installed, please use script to install" menu exit 0 fi if [[ "${coreInstallType}" != "1" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Available types are not installed" fi local xtlsType= if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q trojan; then xtlsType=VLESS else xtlsType=Trojan fi echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : switch to ${xtlsType}" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes\n" echoContent yellow "replaces the prefix with ${xtlsType}" echoContent yellow "If the prefix is ​​Trojan, when viewing the account, there will be two nodes of the Trojan protocol, one of which is unavailable xtls" echoContent yellow "Execute again to switch to the previous preamble\n" echoContent yellow "1.Switch to ${xtlsType}" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" selectType if [[ "${selectType}" == "1" ]]; then if [[ "${xtlsType}" == "Trojan" ]]; then local VLESSConfig VLESSConfig=$(cat ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) VLESSConfig=${VLESSConfig//"id"/"password"} VLESSConfig=${VLESSConfig//VLESSTCP/TrojanTCPXTLS} VLESSConfig=${VLESSConfig//VLESS/Trojan} VLESSConfig=${VLESSConfig//"vless"/"trojan"} VLESSConfig=${VLESSConfig//"id"/"password"} echo "${VLESSConfig}" | jq .>${configPath}02_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json rm ${configPath}${frontingType}.json elif [[ "${xtlsType}" == "VLESS" ]]; then local VLESSConfig VLESSConfig=$(cat ${configPath}02_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json) VLESSConfig=${VLESSConfig//"password"/"id"} VLESSConfig=${VLESSConfig//TrojanTCPXTLS/VLESSTCP} VLESSConfig=${VLESSConfig//Trojan/VLESS} VLESSConfig=${VLESSConfig//"trojan"/"vless"} VLESSConfig=${VLESSConfig//"password"/"id"} echo "${VLESSConfig}" | jq .>${configPath}02_VLESS_TCP_inbounds.json rm ${configPath}02_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json fi reloadCore fi exit 0 } # Move the last configuration file to a temporary file movePreviousConfig() { if [[ -n "${configPath}" ]] && [[ -f "${configPath}02_VLESS_TCP_inbounds.json" ]]; then rm -rf ${configPath}../tmp/* mv ${configPath}* ${configPath}../tmp/ fi } # Initialize Xray configuration file initXrayConfig() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $2/${totalProgress} : Initialize Xray configuration" echo local uuid= local addClientsStatus= if [[ -n "${currentUUID}" ]]; then read -r -p "Read the last installation record, do you use the UUID of the last installation? [y/n]:" historyUUIDStatus if [[ "${historyUUIDStatus}" == "y" ]]; then addClientsStatus=true uuid=${currentUUID} echoContent green "\n ---> Successfully used" fi fi if [[ -z "${uuid}" ]]; then echoContent yellow "Please enter a custom UUID [must be legal], [enter] random UUID" read -r -p 'UUID:' customUUID if [[ -n ${customUUID} ]]; then uuid=${customUUID} else uuid=$(/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray uuid) fi fi if [[ -z "${uuid}" ]]; then addClientsStatus= echoContent red "\n ---> uuid read error, regenerate" uuid=$(/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/xray uuid) fi echoContent yellow "\n ${uuid}" movePreviousConfig # log cat </etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/00_log.json { "log": { "error": "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/error.log", "loglevel": "warning" } } EOF # outbounds if [[ -n "${pingIPv6}" ]]; then cat </etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/10_ipv6_outbounds.json { "outbounds": [ { "protocol": "freedom", "settings": {}, "tag": "direct" } ] } EOF else cat </etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/10_ipv4_outbounds.json { "outbounds":[ { "protocol":"freedom", "settings":{ "domainStrategy":"UseIPv4" }, "tag":"IPv4-out" }, { "protocol":"freedom", "settings":{ "domainStrategy":"UseIPv6" }, "tag":"IPv6-out" }, { "protocol":"blackhole", "tag":"blackhole-out" } ] } EOF fi # dns cat </etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/11_dns.json { "dns": { "servers": [ "localhost" ] } } EOF # VLESS_TCP_TLS/XTLS # fall back to nginx local fallbacksList='{"dest":31300,"xver":0},{"alpn":"h2","dest":31302,"xver":0}' # trojan if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 4 || [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then fallbacksList='{"dest":31296,"xver":1},{"alpn":"h2","dest":31302,"xver":0}' getClients "${configPath}../tmp/04_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" cat </etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/04_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json { "inbounds":[ { "port": 31296, "listen": "", "protocol": "trojan", "tag":"trojanTCP", "settings": { "clients": [ { "password": "${uuid}", "email": "${domain}_${uuid}" } ], "fallbacks":[ {"dest":"31300"} ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "none", "tcpSettings": { "acceptProxyProtocol": true } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/04_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" fi # VLESS_WS_TLS if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 1 || [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then fallbacksList=${fallbacksList}',{"path":"/'${customPath}'ws","dest":31297,"xver":1}' getClients "${configPath}../tmp/03_VLESS_WS_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" cat </etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/03_VLESS_WS_inbounds.json { "inbounds":[ { "port": 31297, "listen": "", "protocol": "vless", "tag":"VLESSWS", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuid}", "email": "${domain}_${uuid}" } ], "decryption": "none" }, "streamSettings": { "network": "ws", "security": "none", "wsSettings": { "acceptProxyProtocol": true, "path": "/${customPath}ws" } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/03_VLESS_WS_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" fi # trojan_grpc if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 2 || [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then if ! echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 5 && [[ -n ${selectCustomInstallType} ]]; then fallbacksList=${fallbacksList//31302/31304} fi getClients "${configPath}../tmp/04_trojan_gRPC_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" cat </etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/04_trojan_gRPC_inbounds.json { "inbounds": [ { "port": 31304, "listen": "", "protocol": "trojan", "tag": "trojangRPCTCP", "settings": { "clients": [ { "password": "${uuid}", "email": "${domain}_${uuid}" } ], "fallbacks": [ { "dest": "31300" } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "grpc", "grpcSettings": { "serviceName": "${customPath}trojangrpc" } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/04_trojan_gRPC_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" fi # VMess_WS if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 3 || [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then fallbacksList=${fallbacksList}',{"path":"/'${customPath}'vws","dest":31299,"xver":1}' getClients "${configPath}../tmp/05_VMess_WS_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" cat </etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/05_VMess_WS_inbounds.json { "inbounds":[ { "listen": "", "port": 31299, "protocol": "vmess", "tag":"VMessWS", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuid}", "alterId": 0, "add": "${add}", "email": "${domain}_${uuid}" } ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "ws", "security": "none", "wsSettings": { "acceptProxyProtocol": true, "path": "/${customPath}vws" } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/05_VMess_WS_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" fi if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 5 || [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then getClients "${configPath}../tmp/06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" cat </etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json { "inbounds":[ { "port": 31301, "listen": "", "protocol": "vless", "tag":"VLESSGRPC", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuid}", "add": "${add}", "email": "${domain}_${uuid}" } ], "decryption": "none" }, "streamSettings": { "network": "grpc", "grpcSettings": { "serviceName": "${customPath}grpc" } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" fi # VLESS_TCP getClients "${configPath}../tmp/02_VLESS_TCP_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" local defaultPort=443 if [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then defaultPort=${customPort} fi cat </etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/02_VLESS_TCP_inbounds.json { "inbounds":[ { "port": ${defaultPort}, "protocol": "vless", "tag":"VLESSTCP", "settings": { "clients": [ { "id": "${uuid}", "add":"${add}", "flow":"xtls-rprx-direct", "email": "${domain}_${uuid}" } ], "decryption": "none", "fallbacks": [ ${fallbacksList} ] }, "streamSettings": { "network": "tcp", "security": "xtls", "xtlsSettings": { "minVersion": "1.2", "alpn": [ "http/1.1", "h2" ], "certificates": [ { "certificateFile": "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.crt", "keyFile": "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls/${domain}.key", "ocspStapling": 3600, "usage":"encipherment" } ] } } } ] } EOF addClients "/etc/v2ray-agent/xray/conf/02_VLESS_TCP_inbounds.json" "${addClientsStatus}" } # Initialize Trojan-Go configuration initTrojanGoConfig() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Initialize Trojan configuration" cat </etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/config_full.json { "run_type": "server", "local_addr": "", "local_port": 31296, "remote_addr": "", "remote_port": 31300, "disable_http_check":true, "log_level":3, "log_file":"/etc/v2ray-agent/trojan/trojan.log", "password": [ "${uuid}" ], "dns":[ "localhost" ], "transport_plugin":{ "enabled":true, "type":"plaintext" }, "websocket": { "enabled": true, "path": "/${customPath}tws", "host": "${domain}", "add":"${add}" }, "router": { "enabled": false } } EOF } # Custom CDN IP customCDNIP() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : add cloudflare custom CNAME" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes" echoContent yellow "\nTutorial address:" echoContent skyBlue "https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/optimize_V2Ray.md" echoContent red "\nIf you don't know about Cloudflare optimization, please don't use" echoContent yellow "\n 1.Mobile:" echoContent yellow " 2.Unicom: www.cloudflare.com" echoContent yellow " 3.Telecom: www.digitalocean.com" echoContent skyBlue "----------------------------" read -r -p "Please select [Enter not used]:" selectCloudflareType case ${selectCloudflareType} in 1) add="" ;; 2) add="www.cloudflare.com" ;; 3) add="www.digitalocean.com" ;; *) add="${domain}" echoContent yellow "\n ---> not used" ;; esac } # generic defaultBase64Code() { local type=$1 local email=$2 local id=$3 port=${currentDefaultPort} local subAccount subAccount=$(echo "${email}" | awk -F "[_]" '{print $1}')_$(echo "${id}_currentHost" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "${type}" == "vlesstcp" ]]; then if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "1" ]] && echo "${currentInstallProtocolType}" | grep -q 0; then echoContent yellow " ---> General format (VLESS+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-direct)" echoContent green " vless://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=xtls&type=tcp&host=${currentHost}&headerType=none&sni=${currentHost}&flow=xtls-rprx-direct#${email}\n" echoContent yellow " ---> formatted plaintext (VLESS+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-direct)" echoContent green "Protocol type: VLESS, address: ${currentHost}, port: ${currentDefaultPort}, user ID: ${id}, security: xtls, transmission method: tcp, flow: xtls-rprx-direct, account name: ${email}\n" cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" vless://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=xtls&type=tcp&host=${currentHost}&headerType=none&sni=${currentHost}&flow=xtls-rprx-direct#${email} EOF echoContent yellow " ---> QR code VLESS(VLESS+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-direct)" echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=vless%3A%2F%2F${id}%40${currentHost}%3A${currentDefaultPort}%3Fencryption%3Dnone%26security%3Dxtls%26type%3Dtcp%26${currentHost}%3D${currentHost}%26headerType%3Dnone%26sni%3D${currentHost}%26flow%3Dxtls-rprx-direct%23${email}\n" echoContent skyBlue "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echoContent yellow " ---> General format (VLESS+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-splice)" echoContent green " vless://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=xtls&type=tcp&host=${currentHost}&headerType=none&sni=${currentHost}&flow=xtls-rprx-splice#${email/direct/splice}\n" echoContent yellow " ---> formatted plaintext (VLESS+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-splice)" echoContent green " Protocol type: VLESS, address: ${currentHost}, port: ${currentDefaultPort}, user ID: ${id}, security: xtls, transmission method: tcp, flow: xtls-rprx-splice, account name: ${email/direct/splice}\n" cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" vless://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=xtls&type=tcp&host=${currentHost}&headerType=none&sni=${currentHost}&flow=xtls-rprx-splice#${email/direct/splice} EOF echoContent yellow " ---> QR code VLESS(VLESS+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-splice)" echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=vless%3A%2F%2F${id}%40${currentHost}%3A${currentDefaultPort}%3Fencryption%3Dnone%26security%3Dxtls%26type%3Dtcp%26${currentHost}%3D${currentHost}%26headerType%3Dnone%26sni%3D${currentHost}%26flow%3Dxtls-rprx-splice%23${email/direct/splice}\n" elif [[ "${coreInstallType}" == 2 || "${coreInstallType}" == "3" ]]; then echoContent yellow " ---> General format (VLESS+TCP+TLS)" echoContent green " vless://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?security=tls&encryption=none&host=${currentHost}&headerType=none&type=tcp#${email}\n" echoContent yellow " ---> formatted plaintext (VLESS+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-splice)" echoContent green " Protocol type: VLESS, address: ${currentHost}, port: ${currentDefaultPort}, user ID: ${id}, security: tls, transmission method: tcp, account name: ${email/direct/splice} \n" cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" vless://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?security=tls&encryption=none&host=${currentHost}&headerType=none&type=tcp#${email} EOF echoContent yellow " ---> QR code VLESS(VLESS+TCP+TLS)" echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=vless%3a%2f%2f${id}%40${currentHost}%3a${currentDefaultPort}%3fsecurity%3dtls%26encryption%3dnone%26host%3d${currentHost}%26headerType%3dnone%26type%3dtcp%23${email}\n" fi elif [[ "${type}" == "trojanTCPXTLS" ]]; then echoContent yellow " ---> General format (Trojan+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-direct)" echoContent green " trojan://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=xtls&type=tcp&host=${currentHost}&headerType=none&sni=${currentHost}&flow=xtls-rprx-direct#${email}\n" echoContent yellow " ---> formatted plaintext (Trojan+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-direct)" echoContent green "Protocol type: Trojan, address: ${currentHost}, port: ${currentDefaultPort}, user ID: ${id}, security: xtls, transmission method: tcp, flow: xtls-rprx-direct, account name: ${email}\n" cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" trojan://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=xtls&type=tcp&host=${currentHost}&headerType=none&sni=${currentHost}&flow=xtls-rprx-direct#${email} EOF echoContent yellow " ---> QR code Trojan(Trojan+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-direct)" echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=trojan%3A%2F%2F${id}%40${currentHost}%3A${currentDefaultPort}%3Fencryption%3Dnone%26security%3Dxtls%26type%3Dtcp%26${currentHost}%3D${currentHost}%26headerType%3Dnone%26sni%3D${currentHost}%26flow%3Dxtls-rprx-direct%23${email}\n" echoContent skyBlue "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echoContent yellow " ---> Common format (Trojan+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-splice)" echoContent green " trojan://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=xtls&type=tcp&host=${currentHost}&headerType=none&sni=${currentHost}&flow=xtls-rprx-splice#${email/direct/splice}\n" echoContent yellow " ---> formatted plaintext (Trojan+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-splice)" echoContent green " Protocol type: VLESS, address: ${currentHost}, port: ${currentDefaultPort}, user ID: ${id}, security: xtls, transmission method: tcp, flow: xtls-rprx-splice, account name: ${email/direct/splice}\n" cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" trojan://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=xtls&type=tcp&host=${currentHost}&headerType=none&sni=${currentHost}&flow=xtls-rprx-splice#${email/direct/splice} EOF echoContent yellow " ---> QR code Trojan(Trojan+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-splice)" echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=trojan%3A%2F%2F${id}%40${currentHost}%3A${currentDefaultPort}%3Fencryption%3Dnone%26security%3Dxtls%26type%3Dtcp%26${currentHost}%3D${currentHost}%26headerType%3Dnone%26sni%3D${currentHost}%26flow%3Dxtls-rprx-splice%23${email/direct/splice}\n" elif [[ "${type}" == "vmessws" ]]; then qrCodeBase64Default=$(echo -n "{\"port\":${currentDefaultPort},\"ps\":\"${email}\",\"tls\":\"tls\",\"id\":\"${id}\",\"aid\":0,\"v\":2,\"host\":\"${currentHost}\",\"type\":\"none\",\"path\":\"/${currentPath}vws\",\"net\":\"ws\",\"add\":\"${currentAdd}\",\"allowInsecure\":0,\"method\":\"none\",\"peer\":\"${currentHost}\",\"sni\":\"${currentHost}\"}" | base64 -w 0) qrCodeBase64Default="${qrCodeBase64Default// /}" echoContent yellow " ---> 通用json(VMess+WS+TLS)" echoContent green " {\"port\":${currentDefaultPort},\"ps\":\"${email}\",\"tls\":\"tls\",\"id\":\"${id}\",\"aid\":0,\"v\":2,\"host\":\"${currentHost}\",\"type\":\"none\",\"path\":\"/${currentPath}vws\",\"net\":\"ws\",\"add\":\"${currentAdd}\",\"allowInsecure\":0,\"method\":\"none\",\"peer\":\"${currentHost}\",\"sni\":\"${currentHost}\"}\n" echoContent yellow "---> Generic vmess(VMess+WS+TLS) link" echoContent green " vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}\n" echoContent yellow " ---> QR code vmess(VMess+WS+TLS)" cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default} EOF echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}\n" # elif [[ "${type}" == "vmesstcp" ]]; then # # echoContent red "path:${path}" # qrCodeBase64Default=$(echo -n "{\"add\":\"${add}\",\"aid\":0,\"host\":\"${host}\",\"id\":\"${id}\",\"net\":\"tcp\",\"path\":\"${path}\",\"port\":${port},\"ps\":\"${email}\",\"scy\":\"none\",\"sni\":\"${host}\",\"tls\":\"tls\",\"v\":2,\"type\":\"http\",\"allowInsecure\":0,\"peer\":\"${host}\",\"obfs\":\"http\",\"obfsParam\":\"${host}\"}" | base64) # qrCodeBase64Default="${qrCodeBase64Default// /}" # # echoContent yellow " ---> 通用json(VMess+TCP+TLS)" # echoContent green " {\"port\":'${port}',\"ps\":\"${email}\",\"tls\":\"tls\",\"id\":\"${id}\",\"aid\":0,\"v\":2,\"host\":\"${host}\",\"type\":\"http\",\"path\":\"${path}\",\"net\":\"http\",\"add\":\"${add}\",\"allowInsecure\":0,\"method\":\"post\",\"peer\":\"${host}\",\"obfs\":\"http\",\"obfsParam\":\"${host}\"}\n" # echoContent yellow " ---> Generic vmess(VMess+TCP+TLS) link" # echoContent green " vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}\n" # # cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" #vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default} #EOF # echoContent yellow " ---> QR code vmess(VMess+TCP+TLS)" # echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=vmess://${qrCodeBase64Default}\n" elif [[ "${type}" == "vlessws" ]]; then echoContent yellow " ---> General format (VLESS+WS+TLS)" echoContent green " vless://${id}@${currentAdd}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=tls&type=ws&host=${currentHost}&sni=${currentHost}&path=/${currentPath}ws#${email}\n" echoContent yellow " ---> formatted plaintext (VLESS+WS+TLS)" echoContent green " Protocol type: VLESS, address: ${currentAdd}, fake domain name/SNI: ${currentHost}, port: ${currentDefaultPort}, user ID: ${id}, security: tls, transmission method: ws, path :/${currentPath}ws, account name: ${email}\n" cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" vless://${id}@${currentAdd}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=tls&type=ws&host=${currentHost}&sni=${currentHost}&path=/${currentPath}ws#${email} EOF echoContent yellow " ---> QR code VLESS(VLESS+WS+TLS)" echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=vless%3A%2F%2F${id}%40${currentAdd}%3A${currentDefaultPort}%3Fencryption%3Dnone%26security%3Dtls%26type%3Dws%26host%3D${currentHost}%26sni%3D${currentHost}%26path%3D%252f${currentPath}ws%23${email}" elif [[ "${type}" == "vlessgrpc" ]]; then echoContent yellow " ---> General format (VLESS+gRPC+TLS)" echoContent green " vless://${id}@${currentAdd}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=tls&type=grpc&host=${currentHost}&path=${currentPath}grpc&serviceName=${currentPath}grpc&alpn=h2&sni=${currentHost}#${email}\n" echoContent yellow " ---> formatted plaintext (VLESS+gRPC+TLS)" echoContent green " Protocol type: VLESS, address: ${currentAdd}, fake domain name/SNI: ${currentHost}, port: ${currentDefaultPort}, user ID: ${id}, security: tls, transmission method: gRPC, alpn :h2, serviceName: ${currentPath}grpc, account name: ${email}\n" cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" vless://${id}@${currentAdd}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&security=tls&type=grpc&host=${currentHost}&path=${currentPath}grpc&serviceName=${currentPath}grpc&alpn=h2&sni=${currentHost}#${email} EOF echoContent yellow " ---> QR code VLESS(VLESS+gRPC+TLS)" echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=vless%3A%2F%2F${id}%40${currentAdd}%3A${currentDefaultPort}%3Fencryption%3Dnone%26security%3Dtls%26type%3Dgrpc%26host%3D${currentHost}%26serviceName%3D${currentPath}grpc%26path%3D${currentPath}grpc%26sni%3D${currentHost}%26alpn%3Dh2%23${email}" elif [[ "${type}" == "trojan" ]]; then # URLEncode echoContent yellow " ---> Trojan(TLS)" echoContent green " trojan://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?peer=${currentHost}&sni=${currentHost}&alpn=http/1.1#${currentHost}_Trojan\n" cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" trojan://${id}@${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}?peer=${currentHost}&sni=${currentHost}&alpn=http/1.1#${email}_Trojan EOF echoContent yellow " ---> QR code Trojan(TLS)" echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=trojan%3a%2f%2f${id}%40${currentHost}%3a${port}%3fpeer%3d${currentHost}%26sni%3d${currentHost}%26alpn%3Dhttp/1.1%23${email}\n" elif [[ "${type}" == "trojangrpc" ]]; then # URLEncode echoContent yellow " ---> Trojan gRPC(TLS)" echoContent green " trojan://${id}@${currentAdd}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&peer=${currentHost}&security=tls&type=grpc&sni=${currentHost}&alpn=h2&path=${currentPath}trojangrpc&serviceName=${currentPath}trojangrpc#${email}\n" cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" trojan://${id}@${currentAdd}:${currentDefaultPort}?encryption=none&peer=${currentHost}&security=tls&type=grpc&sni=${currentHost}&alpn=h2&path=${currentPath}trojangrpc&serviceName=${currentPath}trojangrpc#${email} EOF echoContent yellow " ---> QR code Trojan gRPC(TLS)" echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=trojan%3a%2f%2f${id}%40${currentAdd}%3a${currentDefaultPort}%3Fencryption%3Dnone%26security%3Dtls%26peer%3d${currentHost}%26type%3Dgrpc%26sni%3d${currentHost}%26path%3D${currentPath}trojangrpc%26alpn%3Dh2%26serviceName%3D${currentPath}trojangrpc%23${email}\n" elif [[ "${type}" == "hysteria" ]]; then echoContent yellow " ---> Hysteria(TLS)" echoContent green " hysteria://${currentHost}:${hysteriaPort}?protocol=${hysteriaProtocol}&auth=${id}&peer=${currentHost}&insecure=0&alpn=h3&upmbps=${hysteriaClientUploadSpeed}&downmbps=${hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed}#${email}\n" cat <>"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/${subAccount}" hysteria://${currentHost}:${hysteriaPort}?protocol=${hysteriaProtocol}&auth=${id}&peer=${currentHost}&insecure=0&alpn=h3&upmbps=${hysteriaClientUploadSpeed}&downmbps=${hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed}#${email} EOF echoContent yellow " ---> QR code Hysteria(TLS)" echoContent green " https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=hysteria%3A%2F%2F${currentHost}%3A${hysteriaPort}%3Fprotocol%3D${hysteriaProtocol}%26auth%3D${id}%26peer%3D${currentHost}%26insecure%3D0%26alpn%3Dh3%26upmbps%3D${hysteriaClientUploadSpeed}%26downmbps%3D${hysteriaClientDownloadSpeed}%23${email}\n" fi } # account showAccounts() { readInstallType readInstallProtocolType readConfigHostPathUUID readHysteriaConfig echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Account" local show # VLESS TCP if [[ -n "${configPath}" ]]; then show=1 if echo "${currentInstallProtocolType}" | grep -q trojan; then echoContent skyBlue "===================== Trojan TCP TLS/XTLS-direct/XTLS-splice ======================\n" jq .inbounds[0].settings.clients ${configPath}02_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r user; do local email= email=$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .email) echoContent skyBlue "\n ---> Account:${email}" defaultBase64Code trojanTCPXTLS "${email}" "$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .password)" done else echoContent skyBlue "===================== VLESS TCP TLS/XTLS-direct/XTLS-splice ======================\n" jq .inbounds[0].settings.clients ${configPath}02_VLESS_TCP_inbounds.json | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r user; do local email= email=$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .email) echoContent skyBlue "\n ---> Account:${email}" echo defaultBase64Code vlesstcp "${email}" "$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .id)" done fi # VLESS WS if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 1; then echoContent skyBlue "\n================================ VLESS WS TLS CDN ================================\n" jq .inbounds[0].settings.clients ${configPath}03_VLESS_WS_inbounds.json | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r user; do local email= email=$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .email) echoContent skyBlue "\n ---> Account:${email}" echo local path="${currentPath}ws" # if [[ ${coreInstallType} == "1" ]]; then # echoContent yellow "Xray's 0-RTT path will be behind it.It is not compatible with v2ray-based clients.Please delete it manually and use it\n" # path="${currentPath}ws" # fi defaultBase64Code vlessws "${email}" "$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .id)" done fi # VMess WS if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 3; then echoContent skyBlue "\n================================ VMess WS TLS CDN ================================\n" local path="${currentPath}vws" if [[ ${coreInstallType} == "1" ]]; then path="${currentPath}vws" fi jq .inbounds[0].settings.clients ${configPath}05_VMess_WS_inbounds.json | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r user; do local email= email=$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .email) echoContent skyBlue "\n ---> Account:${email}" echo defaultBase64Code vmessws "${email}" "$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .id)" done fi # VLESS grpc if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 5; then echoContent skyBlue "\n=============================== VLESS gRPC TLS CDN ===============================\n" echoContent red "\n ---> gRPC is in the testing stage and may not be compatible with the client you are using.If it cannot be used, please ignore it" # local serviceName # serviceName=$(jq -r .inbounds[0].streamSettings.grpcSettings.serviceName ${configPath}06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json) jq .inbounds[0].settings.clients ${configPath}06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r user; do local email= email=$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .email) echoContent skyBlue "\n ---> Account:${email}" echo defaultBase64Code vlessgrpc "${email}" "$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .id)" done fi fi # trojan tcp if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 4; then echoContent skyBlue "\n================================== Trojan TLS ==================================\n" jq .inbounds[0].settings.clients ${configPath}04_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r user; do local email= email=$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .email) echoContent skyBlue "\n ---> Account:${email}" defaultBase64Code trojan "${email}" "$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .password)" done fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 2; then echoContent skyBlue "\n================================ Trojan gRPC TLS ================================\n" echoContent red "\n ---> gRPC is in the testing stage and may not be compatible with the client you are using.If it cannot be used, please ignore it" jq .inbounds[0].settings.clients ${configPath}04_trojan_gRPC_inbounds.json | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r user; do local email= email=$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .email) echoContent skyBlue "\n ---> Account:${email}" echo defaultBase64Code trojangrpc "${email}" "$(echo "${user}" | jq -r .password)" done fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 6; then echoContent skyBlue "\n================================ Hysteria TLS ================================\n" echoContent red "\n ---> The speed of Hysteria depends on the local network environment.If it is used by QoS, the experience will be very poor.IDC may also consider it an attack, please use it with caution" jq .auth.config ${hysteriaConfigPath}config.json | jq -r '.[]' | while read -r user; do local defaultUser= local uuidType= uuidType=".id" if [[ "${frontingType}" == "02_trojan_TCP_inbounds" ]]; then uuidType=".password" fi defaultUser=$(jq '.inbounds[0].settings.clients[]|select('${uuidType}'=="'"${user}"'")' ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) local email= email=$(echo "${defaultUser}" | jq -r .email) if [[ -n ${defaultUser} ]]; then echoContent skyBlue "\n ---> Account:${email}" echo defaultBase64Code hysteria "${email}" "${user}" fi done fi if [[ -z ${show} ]]; then echoContent red "---> not installed" fi } # Remove nginx302 configuration removeNginx302() { local count=0 grep -n "return 302" <"/etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf" | while read -r line; do if ! echo "${line}" | grep -q "request_uri"; then local removeIndex= removeIndex=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F "[:]" '{print $1}') removeIndex=$((removeIndex + count)) sed -i "${removeIndex}d" /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf count=$((count - 1)) fi done } # Check if 302 is successful checkNginx302() { local domain302Status= domain302Status=$(curl -s "https://${currentHost}") if echo "${domain302Status}" | grep -q "302"; then local domain302Result= domain302Result=$(curl -L -s "https://${currentHost}") if [[ -n "${domain302Result}" ]]; then echoContent green "---> 302 redirection set successfully" exit 0 fi fi echoContent red "---> 302 redirection setting failed, please double check if it is the same as the example" backupNginxConfig restoreBackup } # Backup and restore nginx files backupNginxConfig() { if [[ "$1" == "backup" ]]; then cp /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf /etc/v2ray-agent/alone_backup.conf echoContent green " ---> nginx configuration file backup successfully" fi if [[ "$1" == "restoreBackup" ]] && [[ -f "/etc/v2ray-agent/alone_backup.conf" ]]; then cp /etc/v2ray-agent/alone_backup.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf echoContent green " ---> nginx configuration file restore and backup successfully" rm /etc/v2ray-agent/alone_backup.conf fi } # Add 302 configuration addNginx302() { # local line302Result= # line302Result=$(| tail -n 1) local count=1 grep -n "Strict-Transport-Security" <"/etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf" | while read -r line; do if [[ -n "${line}" ]]; then local insertIndex= insertIndex="$(echo "${line}" | awk -F "[:]" '{print $1}')" insertIndex=$((insertIndex + count)) sed "${insertIndex}i return 302 '$1';" /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf >/etc/nginx/conf.d/tmpfile && mv /etc/nginx/conf.d/tmpfile /etc/nginx/conf.d/alone.conf count=$((count + 1)) else echoContent red "---> 302 Add failed" backupNginxConfig restoreBackup fi done } # Update camouflage station updateNginxBlog() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Change fake site" echoContent red "==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# For customization, please manually copy the template file to /usr/share/nginx/html \n" echoContent yellow "1.Novice guide" echoContent yellow "2.Game website" echoContent yellow "3.Personal blog 01" echoContent yellow "4.Enterprise Station" echoContent yellow "5.Unlock the encrypted music file template [https://github.com/ix64/unlock-music]" echoContent yellow "6.mikutap[https://github.com/HFIProgramming/mikutap]" echoContent yellow "7.Enterprise station 02" echoContent yellow "8.Personal blog 02" echoContent yellow "9.404 Automatically jump to baidu" echoContent yellow "10.302 redirect site" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" selectInstallNginxBlogType if [[ "${selectInstallNginxBlogType}" == "10" ]]; then echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "The priority of redirection is higher.If you change the fake site after configuring 302, the fake site under the root route will not work" echoContent yellow "If you want to disguise the site to achieve the effect, you need to delete the 302 redirect configuration\n" echoContent yellow "1.Add" echoContent yellow "2.Delete" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" redirectStatus if [[ "${redirectStatus}" == "1" ]]; then backupNginxConfig backup read -r -p "Please enter the domain name to be redirected, such as https://www.baidu.com:" redirectDomain removeNginx302 addNginx302 "${redirectDomain}" handleNginx stop handleNginx start if [[ -z $(pgrep -f nginx) ]]; then backupNginxConfig restoreBackup handleNginx start exit 0 fi checkNginx302 exit 0 fi if [[ "${redirectStatus}" == "2" ]]; then removeNginx302 echoContent green " ---> Remove 302 redirect successfully" exit 0 fi fi if [[ "${selectInstallNginxBlogType}" =~ ^[1-9]$ ]]; then rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/* if wget --help | grep -q show-progress; then wget -c -q --show-progress -P /usr/share/nginx "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/fodder/blog/unable/html${selectInstallNginxBlogType}.zip" >/dev/null else wget -c -P /usr/share/nginx "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/fodder/blog/unable/html${selectInstallNginxBlogType}.zip" >/dev/null fi unzip -o "/usr/share/nginx/html${selectInstallNginxBlogType}.zip" -d /usr/share/nginx/html >/dev/null rm -f "/usr/share/nginx/html${selectInstallNginxBlogType}.zip*" echoContent green " ---> Replace the fake station successfully" else echoContent red " ---> Selection error, please select again" updateNginxBlog fi } # add new port addCorePort() { echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : add new port" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes\n" echoContent yellow "Support batch add" echoContent yellow "does not affect the use of the default port" echoContent yellow "When viewing an account, only the account with the default port will be displayed" echoContent yellow "Special characters are not allowed, pay attention to the comma format" echoContent yellow "Entry example: 2053,2083,2087\n" echoContent yellow "1.Add port" echoContent yellow "2.Delete port" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" selectNewPortType if [[ "${selectNewPortType}" == "1" ]]; then read -r -p "Please enter the port number:" newPort read -r -p "Please enter the default port number, the subscription port and node port will be changed at the same time, [Enter] default 443:" defaultPort if [[ -n "${defaultPort}" ]]; then rm -rf "$(find ${configPath}* | grep "default")" fi if [[ -n "${newPort}" ]]; then while read -r port; do rm -rf "$(find ${configPath}* | grep "${port}")" local fileName= if [[ -n "${defaultPort}" && "${port}" == "${defaultPort}" ]]; then fileName="${configPath}02_dokodemodoor_inbounds_${port}_default.json" else fileName="${configPath}02_dokodemodoor_inbounds_${port}.json" fi # open port allowPort "${port}" local settingsPort=443 if [[ -n "${customPort}" ]]; then settingsPort=${customPort} fi cat <"${fileName}" { "inbounds": [ { "listen": "", "port": ${port}, "protocol": "dokodemo-door", "settings": { "address": "", "port": ${settingsPort}, "network": "tcp", "followRedirect": false }, "tag": "dokodemo-door-newPort-${port}" } ] } EOF done < <(echo "${newPort}" | tr ',' '\n') echoContent green " ---> Add successfully" reloadCore fi elif [[ "${selectNewPortType}" == "2" ]]; then find ${configPath} -name "*dokodemodoor*" | awk -F "[c][o][n][f][/]" '{print ""NR""":"$2}' read -r -p "Please enter the port number to delete:" portIndex local dokoConfig dokoConfig=$(find ${configPath} -name "*dokodemodoor*" | awk -F "[c][o][n][f][/]" '{print ""NR""":"$2}' | grep "${portIndex}:") if [[ -n "${dokoConfig}" ]]; then rm "${configPath}/$(echo "${dokoConfig}" | awk -F "[:]" '{print $2}')" reloadCore else echoContent yellow "\n ---> The input number is wrong, please select again" addCorePort fi fi } # uninstall script unInstall() { read -r -p "Are you sure to uninstall the installation content? [y/n]:" unInstallStatus if [[ "${unInstallStatus}" != "y" ]]; then echoContent green " ---> Abort uninstall" menu exit 0 fi handleNginx stop if [[ -z $(pgrep -f "nginx") ]]; then echoContent green "---> stop Nginx successfully" fi if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "1" ]]; then handleXray stop rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/xray.service echoContent green " ---> Delete Xray boot auto-start complete" elif [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "2" ]]; then handleV2Ray stop rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service echoContent green " ---> Delete V2Ray boot auto-start complete" fi if [[ -z "${hysteriaConfigPath}" ]]; then handleHysteria stop rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/hysteria.service echoContent green " ---> Delete Hysteria boot auto-start complete" fi if [[ -f "/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh.env" ]] && grep -q 'acme.sh.env' delete acme.sh complete" rm -rf /tmp/v2ray-agent-tls/* if [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent/tls" ]] && [[ -n $(find /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/ -name "*.key") ]] && [[ -n $(find /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/ -name "*.crt") ]]; then mv /etc/v2ray-agent/tls /tmp/v2ray-agent-tls if [[ -n $(find /tmp/v2ray-agent-tls -name '*.key') ]]; then echoContent yellow " ---> The backup certificate is successful, please keep it.[/tmp/v2ray-agent-tls]" fi fi rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent rm -rf ${nginxConfigPath}alone.conf if [[ -d "/usr/share/nginx/html" && -f "/usr/share/nginx/html/check" ]]; then rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html echoContent green " ---> Delete the fake website completed" fi rm -rf /usr/bin/vasma rm -rf /usr/sbin/vasma echoContent green " ---> Uninstall shortcut completed" echoContent green "---> Uninstall v2ray-agent script completed" } #updateGeoSite # Modify V2Ray CDN node updateV2RayCDN() { # todo refactor this method echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Modify CDN node" if [[ -n "${currentAdd}" ]]; then echoContent red "==============================================================" echoContent yellow "1.CNAME www.digitalocean.com" echoContent yellow "2.CNAME www.cloudflare.com" echoContent yellow "3.CNAME hostmonit.com" echoContent yellow "4.Manual input" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" selectCDNType case ${selectCDNType} in 1) setDomain="www.digitalocean.com" ;; 2) setDomain="www.cloudflare.com" ;; 3) setDomain="hostmonit.com" ;; 4) read -r -p "Please enter the CDN IP or domain name you want to customize:" setDomain ;; esac if [[ -n ${setDomain} ]]; then if [[ -n "${currentAdd}" ]]; then sed -i "s/\"${currentAdd}\"/\"${setDomain}\"/g" "$(grep "${currentAdd}" -rl ${configPath}${frontingType}.json)" fi if [[ $(jq -r .inbounds[0].settings.clients[0].add ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) == "${setDomain}" ]]; then echoContent green " ---> CDN modified successfully" reloadCore else echoContent red " ---> Failed to modify CDN" fi fi else echoContent red " ---> Available types are not installed" fi } # manageUser user management manageUser() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : multi-user management" echoContent skyBlue "-----------------------------------------------------" echoContent yellow "1.Add user" echoContent yellow "2.Delete user" echoContent skyBlue "-----------------------------------------------------" read -r -p "Please select:" manageUserType if [[ "${manageUserType}" == "1" ]]; then addUser elif [[ "${manageUserType}" == "2" ]]; then removeUser else echoContent red " ---> Selection error" fi } # custom uuid customUUID() { # read -r -p "Do you want to customize UUID? [y/n]:" customUUIDStatus # echo # if [[ "${customUUIDStatus}" == "y" ]]; then read -r -p "Please enter a valid UUID, [Enter] Random UUID:" currentCustomUUID echo if [[ -z "${currentCustomUUID}" ]]; then # echoContent red " ---> UUID cannot be empty" currentCustomUUID=$(${ctlPath} uuid) echoContent yellow "uuid:${currentCustomUUID}\n" else jq -r -c '.inbounds[0].settings.clients[].id' ${configPath}${frontingType}.json | while read -r line; do if [[ "${line}" == "${currentCustomUUID}" ]]; then echo >/tmp/v2ray-agent fi done if [[ -f "/tmp/v2ray-agent" && -n $(cat /tmp/v2ray-agent) ]]; then echoContent red "---> UUID cannot be repeated" rm /tmp/v2ray-agent exit 0 fi fi # fi } # custom email customUserEmail() { # read -r -p "Do you want to customize email? [y/n]:" customEmailStatus # echo # if [[ "${customEmailStatus}" == "y" ]]; then read -r -p "Please enter a valid email, [Enter] random email:" currentCustomEmail echo if [[ -z "${currentCustomEmail}" ]]; then currentCustomEmail="${currentHost}_${currentCustomUUID}" echoContent yellow "email: ${currentCustomEmail}\n" # echoContent red " ---> email cannot be empty" else jq -r -c '.inbounds[0].settings.clients[].email' ${configPath}${frontingType}.json | while read -r line; do if [[ "${line}" == "${currentCustomEmail}" ]]; then echo >/tmp/v2ray-agent fi done if [[ -f "/tmp/v2ray-agent" && -n $(cat /tmp/v2ray-agent) ]]; then echoContent red " ---> email cannot be repeated" rm /tmp/v2ray-agent exit 0 fi fi # fi } # Add user addUser() { echoContent yellow "After adding a new user, you need to review the subscription again" read -r -p "Please enter the number of users to add:" userNum echo if [[ -z ${userNum} || ${userNum} -le 0 ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Input error, please re-enter" exit 0 fi # generate user if [[ "${userNum}" == "1" ]]; then customUUID customUserEmail fi while [[ ${userNum} -gt 0 ]]; do local users= ((userNum--)) || true if [[ -n "${currentCustomUUID}" ]]; then uuid=${currentCustomUUID} else uuid=$(${ctlPath} uuid) fi if [[ -n "${currentCustomEmail}" ]]; then email=${currentCustomEmail} else email=${currentHost}_${uuid} fi # Compatible with v2ray-core users="{\"id\":\"${uuid}\",\"flow\":\"xtls-rprx-direct\",\"email\":\"${email}\",\"alterId\":0}" if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "2" ]]; then users="{\"id\":\"${uuid}\",\"email\":\"${email}\",\"alterId\":0}" fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 0; then local vlessUsers="${users//\,\"alterId\":0/}" local vlessTcpResult vlessTcpResult=$(jq -r ".inbounds[0].settings.clients += [${vlessUsers}]" ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) echo "${vlessTcpResult}" | jq .>${configPath}${frontingType}.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q trojan; then local trojanXTLSUsers="${users//\,\"alterId\":0/}" trojanXTLSUsers=${trojanXTLSUsers//"id"/"password"} local trojanXTLSResult trojanXTLSResult=$(jq -r ".inbounds[0].settings.clients += [${trojanXTLSUsers}]" ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) echo "${trojanXTLSResult}" | jq .>${configPath}${frontingType}.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 1; then local vlessUsers="${users//\,\"alterId\":0/}" vlessUsers="${vlessUsers//\"flow\":\"xtls-rprx-direct\"\,/}" local vlessWsResult vlessWsResult=$(jq -r ".inbounds[0].settings.clients += [${vlessUsers}]" ${configPath}03_VLESS_WS_inbounds.json) echo "${vlessWsResult}" | jq .>${configPath}03_VLESS_WS_inbounds.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 2; then local trojangRPCUsers="${users//\"flow\":\"xtls-rprx-direct\"\,/}" trojangRPCUsers="${trojangRPCUsers//\,\"alterId\":0/}" trojangRPCUsers=${trojangRPCUsers//"id"/"password"} local trojangRPCResult trojangRPCResult=$(jq -r ".inbounds[0].settings.clients += [${trojangRPCUsers}]" ${configPath}04_trojan_gRPC_inbounds.json) echo "${trojangRPCResult}" | jq .>${configPath}04_trojan_gRPC_inbounds.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 3; then local vmessUsers="${users//\"flow\":\"xtls-rprx-direct\"\,/}" local vmessWsResult vmessWsResult=$(jq -r ".inbounds[0].settings.clients += [${vmessUsers}]" ${configPath}05_VMess_WS_inbounds.json) echo "${vmessWsResult}" | jq .>${configPath}05_VMess_WS_inbounds.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 5; then local vlessGRPCUsers="${users//\"flow\":\"xtls-rprx-direct\"\,/}" vlessGRPCUsers="${vlessGRPCUsers//\,\"alterId\":0/}" local vlessGRPCResult vlessGRPCResult=$(jq -r ".inbounds[0].settings.clients += [${vlessGRPCUsers}]" ${configPath}06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json) echo "${vlessGRPCResult}" | jq .>${configPath}06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 4; then local trojanUsers="${users//\"flow\":\"xtls-rprx-direct\"\,/}" trojanUsers="${trojanUsers//id/password}" trojanUsers="${trojanUsers//\,\"alterId\":0/}" local trojanTCPResult trojanTCPResult=$(jq -r ".inbounds[0].settings.clients += [${trojanUsers}]" ${configPath}04_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json) echo "${trojanTCPResult}" | jq .>${configPath}04_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 6; then local hysteriaResult hysteriaResult=$(jq -r ".auth.config += [\"${uuid}\"]" ${hysteriaConfigPath}config.json) echo "${hysteriaResult}" | jq .>${hysteriaConfigPath}config.json fi done reloadCore echoContent green " ---> Add complete" manageAccount 1 } # remove user removeUser() { if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 0 || echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q trojan; then jq -r -c .inbounds[0].settings.clients[].email ${configPath}${frontingType}.json | awk '{print NR""":"$0}' read -r -p "Please select the user number to delete [only single delete is supported]:" delUserIndex if [[ $(jq -r '.inbounds[0].settings.clients|length' ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) -lt ${delUserIndex} ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Selection error" else delUserIndex=$((delUserIndex - 1)) local vlessTcpResult vlessTcpResult=$(jq -r 'del(.inbounds[0].settings.clients['${delUserIndex}'])' ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) echo "${vlessTcpResult}" | jq .>${configPath}${frontingType}.json fi fi if [[ -n "${delUserIndex}" ]]; then if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 1; then local vlessWSResult vlessWSResult=$(jq -r 'del(.inbounds[0].settings.clients['${delUserIndex}'])' ${configPath}03_VLESS_WS_inbounds.json) echo "${vlessWSResult}" | jq .>${configPath}03_VLESS_WS_inbounds.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 2; then local trojangRPCUsers trojangRPCUsers=$(jq -r 'del(.inbounds[0].settings.clients['${delUserIndex}'])' ${configPath}04_trojan_gRPC_inbounds.json) echo "${trojangRPCUsers}" | jq .>${configPath}04_trojan_gRPC_inbounds.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 3; then local vmessWSResult vmessWSResult=$(jq -r 'del(.inbounds[0].settings.clients['${delUserIndex}'])' ${configPath}05_VMess_WS_inbounds.json) echo "${vmessWSResult}" | jq .>${configPath}05_VMess_WS_inbounds.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 5; then local vlessGRPCResult vlessGRPCResult=$(jq -r 'del(.inbounds[0].settings.clients['${delUserIndex}'])' ${configPath}06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json) echo "${vlessGRPCResult}" | jq .>${configPath}06_VLESS_gRPC_inbounds.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 4; then local trojanTCPResult trojanTCPResult=$(jq -r 'del(.inbounds[0].settings.clients['${delUserIndex}'])' ${configPath}04_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json) echo "${trojanTCPResult}" | jq .>${configPath}04_trojan_TCP_inbounds.json fi if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 6; then local hysteriaResult hysteriaResult=$(jq -r 'del(.auth.config['${delUserIndex}'])' ${hysteriaConfigPath}config.json) echo "${hysteriaResult}" | jq .>${hysteriaConfigPath}config.json fi reloadCore fi manageAccount 1 } # Updated script updateV2RayAgent() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : Update v2ray-agent script" rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/install.sh if wget --help | grep -q show-progress; then wget -c -q --show-progress -P /etc/v2ray-agent/ -N --no-check-certificate "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/install.sh" else wget -c -q -P /etc/v2ray-agent/ -N --no-check-certificate "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/install.sh" fi sudo chmod 700 /etc/v2ray-agent/install.sh local version version=$(grep 'Current version:v' "/etc/v2ray-agent/install.sh" | awk -F "[v]" '{print $2}' | tail -n +2 | head -n 1 | awk -F "[\"]" '{print $1}') echoContent green "\n ---> Update completed" echoContent yellow " ---> Please manually execute [vasma] to open the script" echoContent green " ---> Current version: ${version}\n" echoContent yellow "If the update is unsuccessful, please manually execute the following command\n" echoContent skyBlue "wget -P /root -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/master/install.sh && chmod 700 /root/install.sh && /root/install.sh" echo exit 0 } # Firewall handleFirewall() { if systemctl status ufw 2>/dev/null | grep -q "active (exited)" && [[ "$1" == "stop" ]]; then systemctl stop ufw >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl disable ufw >/dev/null 2>&1 echoContent green "---> ufw closed successfully" fi if systemctl status firewalld 2>/dev/null | grep -q "active (running)" && [[ "$1" == "stop" ]]; then systemctl stop firewalld >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl disable firewalld >/dev/null 2>&1 echoContent green "---> firewalld closed successfully" fi } # install BBR bbrInstall() { echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent green "The mature works of [ylx2016] for BBR and DD scripts, the address is [https://github.com/ylx2016/Linux-NetSpeed], please be familiar with" echoContent yellow "1.Installation script [recommended original BBR+FQ]" echoContent yellow "2.Fallback home directory" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" installBBRStatus if [[ "${installBBRStatus}" == "1" ]]; then wget -N --no-check-certificate "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ylx2016/Linux-NetSpeed/master/tcp.sh" && chmod +x tcp.sh && ./tcp.sh else menu fi } # View and check logs checkLog() { if [[ -z ${configPath} ]]; then echoContent red " ---> No installation directory detected, please execute the script to install the content" fi local logStatus=false if grep -q "access" ${configPath}00_log.json; then logStatus=true fi echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction $1/${totalProgress} : View log" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# It is recommended to open access log only when debugging\n" if [[ "${logStatus}" == "false" ]]; then echoContent yellow "1.Open access log" else echoContent yellow "1.Close the access log" fi echoContent yellow "2.Monitor access log" echoContent yellow "3.Monitor error log" echoContent yellow "4.View the certificate timing task log" echoContent yellow "5.View certificate installation log" echoContent yellow "6.Clear the log" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" selectAccessLogType local configPathLog=${configPath//conf\//} case ${selectAccessLogType} in 1) if [[ "${logStatus}" == "false" ]]; then cat <${configPath}00_log.json { "log": { "access":"${configPathLog}access.log", "error": "${configPathLog}error.log", "loglevel": "debug" } } EOF elif [[ "${logStatus}" == "true" ]]; then cat <${configPath}00_log.json { "log": { "error": "${configPathLog}error.log", "loglevel": "warning" } } EOF fi reloadCore checkLog 1 ;; 2) tail -f ${configPathLog}access.log ;; 3) tail -f ${configPathLog}error.log ;; 4) tail -n 100 /etc/v2ray-agent/crontab_tls.log ;; 5) tail -n 100 /etc/v2ray-agent/tls/acme.log ;; 6) echo >${configPathLog}access.log echo >${configPathLog}error.log ;; esac } # Script shortcut aliasInstall() { if [[ -f "$HOME/install.sh" ]] && [[ -d "/etc/v2ray-agent" ]] && grep <"$HOME/install.sh" -q "作者:mack-a"; then mv "$HOME/install.sh" /etc/v2ray-agent/install.sh local vasmaType= if [[ -d "/usr/bin/" ]]; then if [[ ! -f "/usr/bin/vasma" ]]; then ln -s /etc/v2ray-agent/install.sh /usr/bin/vasma chmod 700 /usr/bin/vasma vasmaType=true fi rm -rf "$HOME/install.sh" elif [[ -d "/usr/sbin" ]]; then if [[ ! -f "/usr/sbin/vasma" ]]; then ln -s /etc/v2ray-agent/install.sh /usr/sbin/vasma chmod 700 /usr/sbin/vasma vasmaType=true fi rm -rf "$HOME/install.sh" fi if [[ "${vasmaType}" == "true" ]]; then echoContent green "Shortcut created successfully, executable [vasma] to reopen the script" fi fi } # check ipv6, ipv4 checkIPv6() { # pingIPv6=$(ping6 -c 1 www.google.com | sed '2{s/[^(]*(//;s/).*//;q;}' | tail -n +2) pingIPv6=$(ping6 -c 1 www.google.com | sed -n '1p' | sed 's/.*(//g;s/).*//g') if [[ -z "${pingIPv6}" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> ipv6 is not supported" exit 0 fi } # ipv6 offload ipv6Routing() { if [[ -z "${configPath}" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Not installed, please use script to install" menu exit 0 fi checkIPv6 echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : IPv6 offload" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "1.Add domain name" echoContent yellow "2.Uninstall IPv6 offload" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" ipv6Status if [[ "${ipv6Status}" == "1" ]]; then echoContent red "==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes\n" echoContent yellow "1.The rule only supports the predefined domain name list [https://github.com/v2fly/domain-list-community]" echoContent yellow "2.Detailed documentation [https://www.v2fly.org/config/routing.html]" echoContent yellow "3.If the kernel fails to start, please check the domain name and add the domain name again" echoContent yellow "4.Special characters are not allowed, pay attention to the format of commas" echoContent yellow "5.Every time you add it, it will be added again, and the last domain name will not be retained" echoContent yellow "6.It is strongly recommended to block domestic websites, enter [cn] below to block" echoContent yellow "7.Input example: google,youtube,facebook,cn\n" read -r -p "Please enter the domain name according to the above example:" domainList if [[ -f "${configPath}09_routing.json" ]]; then unInstallRouting IPv6-out outboundTag routing=$(jq -r ".routing.rules += [{\"type\":\"field\",\"domain\":[\"geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}\"],\"outboundTag\":\"IPv6-out\"}]" ${configPath}09_routing.json) echo "${routing}" | jq .>${configPath}09_routing.json else cat <"${configPath}09_routing.json" { "routing":{ "domainStrategy": "IPOnDemand", "rules": [ { "type": "field", "domain": [ "geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}" ], "outboundTag": "IPv6-out" } ] } } EOF fi unInstallOutbounds IPv6-out outbounds=$(jq -r '.outbounds += [{"protocol":"freedom","settings":{"domainStrategy":"UseIPv6"},"tag":"IPv6-out"}]' ${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json) echo "${outbounds}" | jq .>${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json echoContent green " ---> Add successfully" elif [[ "${ipv6Status}" == "2" ]]; then unInstallRouting IPv6-out outboundTag unInstallOutbounds IPv6-out echoContent green "---> IPv6 offloading succeeded" else echoContent red " ---> Selection error" exit 0 fi reloadCore } # bt download management btTools() { if [[ -z "${configPath}" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Not installed, please use script to install" menu exit 0 fi echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : bt download management" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" if [[ -f ${configPath}09_routing.json ]] && grep -q bittorrent <${configPath}09_routing.json; then echoContent yellow "Current Status: Disabled" else echoContent yellow "Current status: not disabled" fi echoContent yellow "1.Disable" echoContent yellow "2.Open" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" btStatus if [[ "${btStatus}" == "1" ]]; then if [[ -f "${configPath}09_routing.json" ]]; then unInstallRouting blackhole-out outboundTag routing=$(jq -r '.routing.rules += [{"type":"field","outboundTag":"blackhole-out","protocol":["bittorrent"]}]' ${configPath}09_routing.json) echo "${routing}" | jq .>${configPath}09_routing.json else cat <${configPath}09_routing.json { "routing":{ "domainStrategy": "IPOnDemand", "rules": [ { "type": "field", "outboundTag": "blackhole-out", "protocol": [ "bittorrent" ] } ] } } EOF fi installSniffing unInstallOutbounds blackhole-out outbounds=$(jq -r '.outbounds += [{"protocol":"blackhole","tag":"blackhole-out"}]' ${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json) echo "${outbounds}" | jq .>${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json echoContent green "---> BT download disabled successfully" elif [[ "${btStatus}" == "2" ]]; then unInstallSniffing unInstallRouting blackhole-out outboundTag bittorrent # unInstallOutbounds blackhole-out echoContent green " ---> BT download successfully opened" else echoContent red " ---> Selection error" exit 0 fi reloadCore } # Domain blacklist blacklist() { if [[ -z "${configPath}" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Not installed, please use script to install" menu exit 0 fi echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : domain name blacklist" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "1.Add domain name" echoContent yellow "2.Delete blacklist" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" blacklistStatus if [[ "${blacklistStatus}" == "1" ]]; then echoContent red "==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes\n" echoContent yellow "1.The rule only supports the predefined domain name list [https://github.com/v2fly/domain-list-community]" echoContent yellow "2.Detailed documentation [https://www.v2fly.org/config/routing.html]" echoContent yellow "3.If the kernel fails to start, please check the domain name and add the domain name again" echoContent yellow "4.Special characters are not allowed, pay attention to the format of commas" echoContent yellow "5.Every time you add it, it will be added again, and the last domain name will not be retained" echoContent yellow "6.Input example: speedtest,facebook\n" read -r -p "Please enter the domain name according to the above example:" domainList if [[ -f "${configPath}09_routing.json" ]]; then unInstallRouting blackhole-out outboundTag routing=$(jq -r ".routing.rules += [{\"type\":\"field\",\"domain\":[\"geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}\"],\"outboundTag\":\"blackhole-out\"}]" ${configPath}09_routing.json) echo "${routing}" | jq .>${configPath}09_routing.json else cat <${configPath}09_routing.json { "routing":{ "domainStrategy": "IPOnDemand", "rules": [ { "type": "field", "domain": [ "geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}" ], "outboundTag": "blackhole-out" } ] } } EOF fi echoContent green " ---> Add successfully" elif [[ "${blacklistStatus}" == "2" ]]; then unInstallRouting blackhole-out outboundTag echoContent green " ---> Domain name blacklist deleted successfully" else echoContent red " ---> Selection error" exit 0 fi reloadCore } # Uninstall Routing according to tag unInstallRouting() { local tag=$1 local type=$2 local protocol=$3 if [[ -f "${configPath}09_routing.json" ]]; then local routing if grep -q "${tag}" ${configPath}09_routing.json && grep -q "${type}" ${configPath}09_routing.json; then jq -c .routing.rules[] ${configPath}09_routing.json | while read -r line; do local index=$((index + 1)) local delStatus=0 if [[ "${type}" == "outboundTag" ]] && echo "${line}" | jq .outboundTag | grep -q "${tag}"; then partStatus=1 elif [[ "${type}" == "inboundTag" ]] && echo "${line}" | jq .inboundTag | grep -q "${tag}"; then partStatus=1 fi if [[ -n ${protocol} ]] && echo "${line}" | jq .protocol | grep -q "${protocol}"; then partStatus=1 elif [[ -z ${protocol} ]] && [[ $(echo "${line}" | jq .protocol) != "null" ]]; then partStatus=0 fi if [[ ${delStatus} == 1 ]]; then routing=$(jq -r 'del(.routing.rules['"$(("${index}" - 1))"'])' ${configPath}09_routing.json) echo "${routing}" | jq .>${configPath}09_routing.json fi done fi fi } # Uninstall outbound according to tag unInstallOutbounds() { local tag=$1 if grep -q "${tag}" ${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json; then local ipv6OutIndex ipv6OutIndex=$(jq .outbounds[].tag ${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json | awk '{print ""NR""":"$0}' | grep "${tag}" | awk -F "[:]" '{print $1}' | head -1) if [[ ${ipv6OutIndex} -gt 0 ]]; then routing=$(jq -r 'del(.outbounds['$(("${ipv6OutIndex}" - 1))'])' ${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json) echo "${routing}" | jq .>${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json fi fi } # uninstall sniffing unInstallSniffing() { find ${configPath} -name "*inbounds.json*" | awk -F "[c][o][n][f][/]" '{print $2}' | while read -r inbound; do sniffing=$(jq -r 'del(.inbounds[0].sniffing)' "${configPath}${inbound}") echo "${sniffing}" | jq .>"${configPath}${inbound}" done } # install sniff installSniffing() { find ${configPath} -name "*inbounds.json*" | awk -F "[c][o][n][f][/]" '{print $2}' | while read -r inbound; do sniffing=$(jq -r '.inbounds[0].sniffing = {"enabled":true,"destOverride":["http","tls"]}' "${configPath}${inbound}") echo "${sniffing}" | jq .>"${configPath}${inbound}" done } # warp triage warpRouting() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress $1/${totalProgress} : WARP diversion" echoContent red "==============================================================" # echoContent yellow "# Notes\n" # echoContent yellow "1.There are bugs in the official warp after several rounds of testing.Restarting the warp will cause the warp to fail and fail to start, and the CPU usage may also skyrocket" # echoContent yellow "2.The machine can be used normally without restarting the machine.If you have to use the official warp, it is recommended not to restart the machine" # echoContent yellow "3.Some machines still work normally after restarting" # echoContent yellow "4.Can't be used after restart, you can also uninstall and reinstall" # install warp if [[ -z $(which warp-cli) ]]; then echo read -r -p "WARP is not installed, is it installed? [y/n]:" installCloudflareWarpStatus if [[ "${installCloudflareWarpStatus}" == "y" ]]; then installWarp else echoContent yellow " ---> Abort installation" exit 0 fi fi echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "1.Add domain name" echoContent yellow "2.Uninstall WARP offload" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" warpStatus if [[ "${warpStatus}" == "1" ]]; then echoContent red "==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes\n" echoContent yellow "1.The rule only supports the predefined domain name list [https://github.com/v2fly/domain-list-community]" echoContent yellow "2.Detailed documentation [https://www.v2fly.org/config/routing.html]" echoContent yellow "3.Only traffic can be distributed to warp, not ipv4 or ipv6" echoContent yellow "4.If the kernel fails to start, please check the domain name and add the domain name again" echoContent yellow "5.Special characters are not allowed, pay attention to the format of comma" echoContent yellow "6.Every time you add it, it will be added again, and the last domain name will not be retained" echoContent yellow "7.Input example: google,youtube,facebook\n" read -r -p "Please enter the domain name according to the above example:" domainList if [[ -f "${configPath}09_routing.json" ]]; then unInstallRouting warp-socks-out outboundTag routing=$(jq -r ".routing.rules += [{\"type\":\"field\",\"domain\":[\"geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}\"],\"outboundTag\":\"warp-socks-out\"}]" ${configPath}09_routing.json) echo "${routing}" | jq .>${configPath}09_routing.json else cat <${configPath}09_routing.json { "routing":{ "domainStrategy": "IPOnDemand", "rules": [ { "type": "field", "domain": [ "geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}" ], "outboundTag": "warp-socks-out" } ] } } EOF fi unInstallOutbounds warp-socks-out local outbounds outbounds=$(jq -r '.outbounds += [{"protocol":"socks","settings":{"servers":[{"address":"","port":31303}]},"tag":"warp-socks-out"}]' ${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json) echo "${outbounds}" | jq .>${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json echoContent green " ---> Add successfully" elif [[ "${warpStatus}" == "2" ]]; then ${removeType} cloudflare-warp >/dev/null 2>&1 unInstallRouting warp-socks-out outboundTag unInstallOutbounds warp-socks-out echoContent green " ---> WARP offloading uninstalled successfully" else echoContent red " ---> Selection error" exit 0 fi reloadCore } # Streaming Toolbox streamingToolbox() { echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : Streaming Toolbox" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" # echoContent yellow "1.Netflix detection" echoContent yellow "1.Any door landing machine unlocks streaming media" echoContent yellow "2.DNS unlock streaming" echoContent yellow "3.VMess+WS+TLS unlock streaming" read -r -p "Please select:" selectType case ${selectType} in 1) dokodemoDoorUnblockStreamingMedia ;; 2) dnsUnlockNetflix ;; 3) unblockVMessWSTLSStreamingMedia ;; esac } # Arbitrary door unlock streaming dokodemoDoorUnblockStreamingMedia() { echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : Unlock streaming media with any door landing machine" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes" echoContent yellow "Any door unlock details, please check this article [https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/netflix/dokodemo-unblock_netflix.md]\n" echoContent yellow "1.Add outbound" echoContent yellow "2.Add inbound" echoContent yellow "3.Uninstall" read -r -p "Please select:" selectType case ${selectType} in 1) setDokodemoDoorUnblockStreamingMediaOutbounds ;; 2) setDokodemoDoorUnblockStreamingMediaInbounds ;; 3) removeDokodemoDoorUnblockStreamingMedia ;; esac } # VMess+WS+TLS to unlock streaming media [outbound only] unblockVMessWSTLSStreamingMedia() { echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : VMess+WS+TLS outbound unblock streaming" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes" echoContent yellow "Suitable for unlocking services via VMess provided by other service providers\n" echoContent yellow "1.Add outbound" echoContent yellow "2.Uninstall" read -r -p "Please select:" selectType case ${selectType} in 1) setVMessWSTLSUnblockStreamingMediaOutbounds ;; 2) removeVMessWSTLSUnblockStreamingMedia ;; esac } # Set VMess+WS+TLS to unblock Netflix [outbound only] setVMessWSTLSUnblockStreamingMediaOutbounds() { read -r -p "Please enter the address to unlock the streaming media VMess+WS+TLS:" setVMessWSTLSAddress echoContent red "==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes\n" echoContent yellow "1.The rule only supports the predefined domain name list [https://github.com/v2fly/domain-list-community]" echoContent yellow "2.Detailed documentation [https://www.v2fly.org/config/routing.html]" echoContent yellow "3.If the kernel fails to start, please check the domain name and add the domain name again" echoContent yellow "4.Special characters are not allowed, pay attention to the format of commas" echoContent yellow "5.Every time you add it, it will be added again, and the last domain name will not be retained" echoContent yellow "6.Input example: netflix, disney, hulu\n" read -r -p "Please enter the domain name according to the above example:" domainList if [[ -z ${domainList} ]]; then echoContent red " ---> The domain name cannot be empty" setVMessWSTLSUnblockStreamingMediaOutbounds fi if [[ -n "${setVMessWSTLSAddress}" ]]; then unInstallOutbounds VMess-out echo read -r -p "Please enter the port of VMess+WS+TLS:" setVMessWSTLSPort echo if [[ -z "${setVMessWSTLSPort}" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Port cannot be empty" fi read -r -p "Please enter the UUID of VMess+WS+TLS:" setVMessWSTLSUUID echo if [[ -z "${setVMessWSTLSUUID}" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> UUID cannot be empty" fi read -r -p "Please enter the Path of VMess+WS+TLS:" setVMessWSTLSPath echo if [[ -z "${setVMessWSTLSPath}" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Path cannot be empty" fi outbounds=$(jq -r ".outbounds += [{\"tag\":\"VMess-out\",\"protocol\":\"vmess\",\"streamSettings\":{\"network\":\"ws\",\"security\":\"tls\",\"tlsSettings\":{\"allowInsecure\":false},\"wsSettings\":{\"path\":\"${setVMessWSTLSPath}\"}},\"mux\":{\"enabled\":true,\"concurrency\":8},\"settings\":{\"vnext\":[{\"address\":\"${setVMessWSTLSAddress}\",\"port\":${setVMessWSTLSPort},\"users\":[{\"id\":\"${setVMessWSTLSUUID}\",\"security\":\"auto\",\"alterId\":0}]}]}}]" ${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json) echo "${outbounds}" | jq .>${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json if [[ -f "${configPath}09_routing.json" ]]; then unInstallRouting VMess-out outboundTag local routing routing=$(jq -r ".routing.rules += [{\"type\":\"field\",\"domain\":[\"ip.sb\",\"geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}\"],\"outboundTag\":\"VMess-out\"}]" ${configPath}09_routing.json) echo "${routing}" | jq .>${configPath}09_routing.json else cat <${configPath}09_routing.json { "routing": { "rules": [ { "type": "field", "domain": [ "ip.sb", "geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}" ], "outboundTag": "VMess-out" } ] } } EOF fi reloadCore echoContent green " ---> Add outbound unlock success" exit 0 fi echoContent red " ---> The address cannot be empty" setVMessWSTLSUnblockStreamingMediaOutbounds } # Set any door to unlock Netflix [outbound] setDokodemoDoorUnblockStreamingMediaOutbounds() { read -r -p "Please enter the IP to unlock the streaming vps:" setIP echoContent red "==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes\n" echoContent yellow "1.The rule only supports the predefined domain name list [https://github.com/v2fly/domain-list-community]" echoContent yellow "2.Detailed documentation [https://www.v2fly.org/config/routing.html]" echoContent yellow "3.If the kernel fails to start, please check the domain name and add the domain name again" echoContent yellow "4.Special characters are not allowed, pay attention to the format of commas" echoContent yellow "5.Every time you add it, it will be added again, and the last domain name will not be retained" echoContent yellow "6.Input example: netflix, disney, hulu\n" read -r -p "Please enter the domain name according to the above example:" domainList if [[ -z ${domainList} ]]; then echoContent red " ---> The domain name cannot be empty" setDokodemoDoorUnblockStreamingMediaOutbounds fi if [[ -n "${setIP}" ]]; then unInstallOutbounds streamingMedia-80 unInstallOutbounds streamingMedia-443 outbounds=$(jq -r ".outbounds += [{\"tag\":\"streamingMedia-80\",\"protocol\":\"freedom\",\"settings\":{\"domainStrategy\":\"AsIs\",\"redirect\":\"${setIP}:22387\"}},{\"tag\":\"streamingMedia-443\",\"protocol\":\"freedom\",\"settings\":{\"domainStrategy\":\"AsIs\",\"redirect\":\"${setIP}:22388\"}}]" ${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json) echo "${outbounds}" | jq .>${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json if [[ -f "${configPath}09_routing.json" ]]; then unInstallRouting streamingMedia-80 outboundTag unInstallRouting streamingMedia-443 outboundTag local routing routing=$(jq -r ".routing.rules += [{\"type\":\"field\",\"port\":80,\"domain\":[\"ip.sb\",\"geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}\"],\"outboundTag\":\"streamingMedia-80\"},{\"type\":\"field\",\"port\":443,\"domain\":[\"ip.sb\",\"geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}\"],\"outboundTag\":\"streamingMedia-443\"}]" ${configPath}09_routing.json) echo "${routing}" | jq .>${configPath}09_routing.json else cat <${configPath}09_routing.json { "routing": { "domainStrategy": "AsIs", "rules": [ { "type": "field", "port": 80, "domain": [ "ip.sb", "geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}" ], "outboundTag": "streamingMedia-80" }, { "type": "field", "port": 443, "domain": [ "ip.sb", "geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}" ], "outboundTag": "streamingMedia-443" } ] } } EOF fi reloadCore echoContent green " ---> Add outbound unlock success" exit 0 fi echoContent red " ---> ip cannot be empty" } # Set any door to unlock Netflix [inbound] setDokodemoDoorUnblockStreamingMediaInbounds() { echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : add inbound to any door" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes\n" echoContent yellow "1.The rule only supports the predefined domain name list [https://github.com/v2fly/domain-list-community]" echoContent yellow "2.Detailed documentation [https://www.v2fly.org/config/routing.html]" echoContent yellow "3.If the kernel fails to start, please check the domain name and add the domain name again" echoContent yellow "4.Special characters are not allowed, pay attention to the format of commas" echoContent yellow "5.Every time you add it, it will be added again, and the last domain name will not be retained" echoContent yellow "6.ip input example:," echoContent yellow "7.The domain name below must be the same as the outbound vps" # echoContent yellow "8.If there is a firewall, please manually open ports 22387 and 22388" echoContent yellow "8.Example of domain name entry: netflix, disney, hulu\n" read -r -p "Please enter the IP that is allowed to access the unlocked vps:" setIPs if [[ -n "${setIPs}" ]]; then read -r -p "Please enter the domain name according to the above example:" domainList allowPort 22387 allowPort 22388 cat <${configPath}01_netflix_inbounds.json { "inbounds": [ { "listen": "", "port": 22387, "protocol": "dokodemo-door", "settings": { "address": "", "port": 80, "network": "tcp", "followRedirect": false }, "sniffing": { "enabled": true, "destOverride": [ "http" ] }, "tag": "streamingMedia-80" }, { "listen": "", "port": 22388, "protocol": "dokodemo-door", "settings": { "address": "", "port": 443, "network": "tcp", "followRedirect": false }, "sniffing": { "enabled": true, "destOverride": [ "tls" ] }, "tag": "streamingMedia-443" } ] } EOF cat <${configPath}10_ipv4_outbounds.json { "outbounds":[ { "protocol":"freedom", "settings":{ "domainStrategy":"UseIPv4" }, "tag":"IPv4-out" }, { "protocol":"freedom", "settings":{ "domainStrategy":"UseIPv6" }, "tag":"IPv6-out" }, { "protocol":"blackhole", "tag":"blackhole-out" } ] } EOF if [[ -f "${configPath}09_routing.json" ]]; then unInstallRouting streamingMedia-80 inboundTag unInstallRouting streamingMedia-443 inboundTag local routing routing=$(jq -r ".routing.rules += [{\"source\":[\"${setIPs//,/\",\"}\"],\"type\":\"field\",\"inboundTag\":[\"streamingMedia-80\",\"streamingMedia-443\"],\"outboundTag\":\"direct\"},{\"domains\":[\"geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}\"],\"type\":\"field\",\"inboundTag\":[\"streamingMedia-80\",\"streamingMedia-443\"],\"outboundTag\":\"blackhole-out\"}]" ${configPath}09_routing.json) echo "${routing}" | jq .>${configPath}09_routing.json else cat <${configPath}09_routing.json { "routing": { "rules": [ { "source": [ "${setIPs//,/\",\"}" ], "type": "field", "inboundTag": [ "streamingMedia-80", "streamingMedia-443" ], "outboundTag": "direct" }, { "domains": [ "geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}" ], "type": "field", "inboundTag": [ "streamingMedia-80", "streamingMedia-443" ], "outboundTag": "blackhole-out" } ] } } EOF fi reloadCore echoContent green " ---> Add landing machine inbound unlock successfully" exit 0 fi echoContent red " ---> ip cannot be empty" } # Remove any door to unlock Netflix removeDokodemoDoorUnblockStreamingMedia() { unInstallOutbounds streamingMedia-80 unInstallOutbounds streamingMedia-443 unInstallRouting streamingMedia-80 inboundTag unInstallRouting streamingMedia-443 inboundTag unInstallRouting streamingMedia-80 outboundTag unInstallRouting streamingMedia-443 outboundTag rm -rf ${configPath}01_netflix_inbounds.json reloadCore echoContent green " ---> Uninstall successful" } # Remove VMess+WS+TLS to unlock streaming removeVMessWSTLSUnblockStreamingMedia() { unInstallOutbounds VMess-out unInstallRouting VMess-out outboundTag reloadCore echoContent green " ---> Uninstall successful" } # restart the core reloadCore() { if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "1" ]]; then handleXray stop handleXray start elif [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "2" || "${coreInstallType}" == "3" ]]; then handleV2Ray stop handleV2Ray start fi if [[ -n "${hysteriaConfigPath}" ]]; then handleHysteria stop handleHysteria start fi } # dns unblock Netflix dnsUnlockNetflix() { if [[ -z "${configPath}" ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Not installed, please use script to install" menu exit 0 fi echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : DNS unblock streaming" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "1.Add" echoContent yellow "2.Uninstall" read -r -p "Please select:" selectType case ${selectType} in 1) setUnlockDNS ;; 2) removeUnlockDNS ;; esac } # set dns setUnlockDNS() { read -r -p "Please enter Unblock Streaming DNS:" setDNS if [[ -n ${setDNS} ]]; then echoContent red "==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Notes\n" echoContent yellow "1.The rule only supports the predefined domain name list [https://github.com/v2fly/domain-list-community]" echoContent yellow "2.Detailed documentation [https://www.v2fly.org/config/routing.html]" echoContent yellow "3.If the kernel fails to start, please check the domain name and add the domain name again" echoContent yellow "4.Special characters are not allowed, pay attention to the format of commas" echoContent yellow "5.Every time you add it, it will be added again, and the last domain name will not be retained" echoContent yellow "6.Input example: netflix, disney, hulu" echoContent yellow "7.Please enter 1 for the default scheme, the default scheme includes the following" echoContent yellow "netflix,bahamut,hulu,hbo,disney,bbc,4chan,fox,abema,dmm,niconico,pixiv,bilibili,viu" read -r -p "Please enter the domain name according to the above example:" domainList if [[ "${domainList}" == "1" ]]; then cat <${configPath}11_dns.json { "dns": { "servers": [ { "address": "${setDNS}", "port": 53, "domains": [ "geosite:netflix", "geosite:bahamut", "geosite:hulu", "geosite:hbo", "geosite:disney", "geosite:bbc", "geosite:4chan", "geosite:fox", "geosite:abema", "geosite:dmm", "geosite:niconico", "geosite:pixiv", "geosite:bilibili", "geosite:viu" ] }, "localhost" ] } } EOF elif [[ -n "${domainList}" ]]; then cat <${configPath}11_dns.json { "dns": { "servers": [ { "address": "${setDNS}", "port": 53, "domains": [ "geosite:${domainList//,/\",\"geosite:}" ] }, "localhost" ] } } EOF fi reloadCore echoContent yellow "\n ---> If you still can't watch it, you can try the following two solutions" echoContent yellow "1.Restart vps" echoContent yellow " 2.After uninstalling dns unlock, modify the local [/etc/resolv.conf] DNS settings and restart vps\n" else echoContent red " ---> dns cannot be empty" fi exit 0 } # remove Netflix unblock removeUnlockDNS() { cat <${configPath}11_dns.json { "dns": { "servers": [ "localhost" ] } } EOF reloadCore echoContent green " ---> Uninstall successful" exit 0 } # v2ray-core personalized installation customV2RayInstall() { echoContent skyBlue "\n========================Personalized installation==================== ==========" echoContent yellow "VLESS is pre-installed, and 0 is installed by default.If only 0 needs to be installed, only 0 can be selected" echoContent yellow "0.VLESS+TLS/XTLS+TCP" echoContent yellow "1.VLESS+TLS+WS[CDN]" echoContent yellow "2.Trojan+TLS+gRPC[CDN]" echoContent yellow "3.VMess+TLS+WS[CDN]" echoContent yellow "4.Trojan" echoContent yellow "5.VLESS+TLS+gRPC[CDN]" read -r -p "Please select [multiple choices], [eg: 123]:" selectCustomInstallType echoContent skyBlue "--------------------------------------------------------------" if [[ -z ${selectCustomInstallType} ]]; then selectCustomInstallType=0 fi if [[ "${selectCustomInstallType}" =~ ^[0-5]+$ ]]; then cleanUp xrayClean totalProgress=17 installTools 1 # apply for tls initTLSNginxConfig 2 installTLS 3 handleNginx stop # random path if echo ${selectCustomInstallType} | grep -q 1 || echo ${selectCustomInstallType} | grep -q 3 || echo ${selectCustomInstallType} | grep -q 4; then randomPathFunction 5 customCDNIP 6 fi nginxBlog 7 updateRedirectNginxConf handleNginx start # Install V2Ray installV2Ray 8 installV2RayService 9 initV2RayConfig custom 10 cleanUp xrayDel installCronTLS 14 handleV2Ray stop handleV2Ray start # generate account checkGFWStatue 15 showAccounts 16 else echoContent red " ---> Invalid input" customV2RayInstall fi } # Xray-core personalized installation customXrayInstall() { echoContent skyBlue "\n========================Personalized installation==================== ==========" echoContent yellow "VLESS is pre-installed, and 0 is installed by default.If only 0 needs to be installed, only 0 can be selected" echoContent yellow "0.VLESS+TLS/XTLS+TCP" echoContent yellow "1.VLESS+TLS+WS[CDN]" echoContent yellow "2.Trojan+TLS+gRPC[CDN]" echoContent yellow "3.VMess+TLS+WS[CDN]" echoContent yellow "4.Trojan" echoContent yellow "5.VLESS+TLS+gRPC[CDN]" read -r -p "Please select [multiple choices], [eg: 123]:" selectCustomInstallType echoContent skyBlue "--------------------------------------------------------------" if [[ -z ${selectCustomInstallType} ]]; then echoContent red " ---> cannot be empty" customXrayInstall elif [[ "${selectCustomInstallType}" =~ ^[0-5]+$ ]]; then cleanUp v2rayClean totalProgress=17 installTools 1 # apply for tls initTLSNginxConfig 2 handleXray stop handleNginx start checkIP installTLS 3 handleNginx stop # random path if echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 1 || echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 2 || echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 3 || echo "${selectCustomInstallType}" | grep -q 5; then randomPathFunction 5 customCDNIP 6 fi nginxBlog 7 updateRedirectNginxConf handleNginx start # Install V2Ray installXray 8 installXrayService 9 initXrayConfig custom 10 cleanUp v2rayDel installCronTLS 14 handleXray stop handleXray start # generate account checkGFWStatue 15 showAccounts 16 else echoContent red " ---> Invalid input" customXrayInstall fi } # Select core installation---v2ray-core, xray-core selectCoreInstall() { echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : select core installation" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "1.Xray-core" echoContent yellow "2.v2ray-core" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" selectCoreType case ${selectCoreType} in 1) if [[ "${selectInstallType}" == "2" ]]; then customXrayInstall else xrayCoreInstall fi ;; 2) v2rayCoreVersion= if [[ "${selectInstallType}" == "2" ]]; then customV2RayInstall else v2rayCoreInstall fi ;; 3) v2rayCoreVersion=v4.32.1 if [[ "${selectInstallType}" == "2" ]]; then customV2RayInstall else v2rayCoreInstall fi ;; *) echoContent red ' ---> selection error, re-select' selectCoreInstall ;; esac } # v2ray-core install v2rayCoreInstall() { cleanUp xrayClean selectCustomInstallType= totalProgress=13 installTools 2 # apply for tls initTLSNginxConfig 3 handleV2Ray stop handleNginx start checkIP installTLS 4 handleNginx stop # initNginxConfig 5 randomPathFunction 5 # Install V2Ray installV2Ray 6 installV2RayService 7 customCDNIP 8 initV2RayConfig all 9 cleanUp xrayDel installCronTLS 10 nginxBlog 11 updateRedirectNginxConf handleV2Ray stop sleep 2 handleV2Ray start handleNginx start # generate account checkGFWStatue 12 showAccounts 13 } # xray-core install xrayCoreInstall() { cleanUp v2rayClean selectCustomInstallType= totalProgress=13 installTools 2 # apply for tls initTLSNginxConfig 3 handleXray stop handleNginx start checkIP installTLS 4 handleNginx stop randomPathFunction 5 # install Xray # handleV2Ray stop installXray 6 installXrayService 7 customCDNIP 8 initXrayConfig all 9 cleanUp v2rayDel installCronTLS 10 nginxBlog 11 updateRedirectNginxConf handleXray stop sleep 2 handleXray start handleNginx start # generate account checkGFWStatue 12 showAccounts 13 } # Hysteria installation hysteriaCoreInstall() { if [[ -z "${coreInstallType}" ]]; then echoContent red "\n ---> Due to environment dependencies, such as installing hysteria, please install Xray/V2ray first" menu exit 0 fi totalProgress=5 installHysteria 1 initHysteriaConfig 2 installHysteriaService 3 handleHysteria stop handleHysteria start showAccounts 5 } # uninstall hysteria unInstallHysteriaCore() { if [[ -z "${hysteriaConfigPath}" ]]; then echoContent red "\n ---> Not installed" exit 0 fi handleHysteria stop rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/hysteria/* rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/hysteria.service echoContent green " ---> Uninstallation completed" } # Core management coreVersionManageMenu() { if [[ -z "${coreInstallType}" ]]; then echoContent red "\n ---> No installation directory detected, please execute the script to install the content" menu exit 0 fi if [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "1" ]]; then xrayVersionManageMenu 1 elif [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "2" ]]; then v2rayCoreVersion= v2rayVersionManageMenu 1 elif [[ "${coreInstallType}" == "3" ]]; then v2rayCoreVersion=v4.32.1 v2rayVersionManageMenu 1 fi } # cron task check certificate cronRenewTLS() { if [[ "${renewTLS}" == "RenewTLS" ]]; then renewalTLS exit 0 fi } # Account management manageAccount() { echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : Account Management" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent yellow "# Every time you delete or add an account, you need to re-check the subscription to generate a subscription" echoContent yellow "# If Hysteria is installed, the account will be added to Hysteria at the same time\n" echoContent yellow "1.View account" echoContent yellow "2.View subscription" echoContent yellow "3.Add user" echoContent yellow "4.Delete user" echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please enter:" manageAccountStatus if [[ "${manageAccountStatus}" == "1" ]]; then showAccounts 1 elif [[ "${manageAccountStatus}" == "2" ]]; then subscribe 1 elif [[ "${manageAccountStatus}" == "3" ]]; then addUser elif [[ "${manageAccountStatus}" == "4" ]]; then removeUser else echoContent red " ---> Selection error" fi } # subscribe subscribe() { if [[ -n "${configPath}" ]]; then echoContent skyBlue "-------------------------Note-------------------------" echoContent yellow "# Subscriptions will be regenerated when viewing subscriptions" echoContent yellow "# Every time you add or delete an account, you need to check the subscription again" rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe/* rm -rf /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/* showAccounts >/dev/null mv /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe_tmp/* /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe/ if [[ -n $(ls /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe/) ]]; then find /etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe/* | while read -r email; do email=$(echo "${email}" | awk -F "[b][e][/]" '{print $2}') local base64Result base64Result=$(base64 -w 0 "/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe/${email}") echo "${base64Result}" >"/etc/v2ray-agent/subscribe/${email}" echoContent skyBlue "--------------------------------------------------------------" echoContent yellow "email:${email}\n" local currentDomain=${currentHost} if [[ -n "${currentDefaultPort}" && "${currentDefaultPort}" != "443" ]]; then currentDomain="${currentHost}:${currentDefaultPort}" fi echoContent yellow "url:https://${currentDomain}/s/${email}\n" echoContent yellow "Online QR code: https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=400x400&data=https://${currentDomain}/s/${email}\n" echo "https://${currentDomain}/s/${email}" | qrencode -s 10 -m 1 -t UTF8 echoContent skyBlue "--------------------------------------------------------------" done fi else echoContent red "---> not installed" fi } # toggle alpn switchAlpn() { echoContent skyBlue "\nFunction 1/${totalProgress} : toggle alpn" if [[ -z ${currentAlpn} ]]; then echoContent red " ---> Unable to read alpn, please check if it is installed" exit 0 fi echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent green "The current alpn first is: ${currentAlpn}" echoContent yellow " 1.When http/1.1 is the first, trojan is available, and some gRPC clients are available [client supports manual selection of alpn available]" echoContent yellow " 2.When h2 is the first, gRPC is available, and some trojan clients are available [clients support manual selection of alpn available]" echoContent yellow " 3.If the client does not support manual replacement of alpn, it is recommended to use this function to change the order of alpn on the server to use the corresponding protocol" echoContent red "==============================================================" if [[ "${currentAlpn}" == "http/1.1" ]]; then echoContent yellow "1.Switch the first position of alpn h2" elif [[ "${currentAlpn}" == "h2" ]]; then echoContent yellow "1.Switch alpn http/1.1 first" else echoContent red 'incompatible' fi echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" selectSwitchAlpnType if [[ "${selectSwitchAlpnType}" == "1" && "${currentAlpn}" == "http/1.1" ]]; then local frontingTypeJSON frontingTypeJSON=$(jq -r ".inbounds[0].streamSettings.xtlsSettings.alpn = [\"h2\",\"http/1.1\"]" ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) echo "${frontingTypeJSON}" | jq .>${configPath}${frontingType}.json elif [[ "${selectSwitchAlpnType}" == "1" && "${currentAlpn}" == "h2" ]]; then local frontingTypeJSON frontingTypeJSON=$(jq -r ".inbounds[0].streamSettings.xtlsSettings.alpn =[\"http/1.1\",\"h2\"]" ${configPath}${frontingType}.json) echo "${frontingTypeJSON}" | jq .>${configPath}${frontingType}.json else echoContent red " ---> Selection error" exit 0 fi reloadCore } #hysteria management manageHysteria() { echoContent skyBlue "\nProgress 1/1: Hysteria Management" echoContent red "\n==============================================================" local hysteriaStatus= if [[ -n "${hysteriaConfigPath}" ]]; then echoContent yellow "1.Reinstall" echoContent yellow "2.Uninstall" echoContent yellow "3.upgrade core" echoContent yellow "4.View log" hysteriaStatus=true else echoContent yellow "1.Install" fi echoContent red "==============================================================" read -r -p "Please select:" installHysteriaStatus if [[ "${installHysteriaStatus}" == "1" ]]; then hysteriaCoreInstall elif [[ "${installHysteriaStatus}" == "2" && "${hysteriaStatus}" == "true" ]]; then unInstallHysteriaCore elif [[ "${installHysteriaStatus}" == "3" && "${hysteriaStatus}" == "true" ]]; then installHysteria 1 handleHysteria start elif [[ "${installHysteriaStatus}" == "4" && "${hysteriaStatus}" == "true" ]]; then journalctl -fu hysteria fi } # main menu menu() { cd "$HOME" || exit echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent green "author:mack-a" echoContent green "Current version: v2.6.10" echoContent green "Github:https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent" echoContent green "Description: 8-in-1 coexistence script\c" showInstallStatus echoContent red "\n==============================================================" echoContent red "Promotion Area" echoContent green "AFF donation: https://github.com/mack-a/v2ray-agent/blob/master/documents/donation_aff.md\n" echoContent green "Virtual currency donation: 0xB08b731653515b083deE362fefFc45d5eb96c35d\n" echoContent green "Contact TG for promotion: https://t.me/mackaff" echoContent red "==============================================================" if [[ -n "${coreInstallType}" ]]; then echoContent yellow "1.Reinstall" else echoContent yellow "1.Install" fi echoContent yellow "2.Install in any combination" if echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q trojan; then echoContent yellow "3.Switch VLESS[XTLS]" elif echo ${currentInstallProtocolType} | grep -q 0; then echoContent yellow "3.Switch Trojan[XTLS]" fi echoContent yellow "4.Hysteria management" echoContent skyBlue "-------------------------Tool management--------------------" echoContent yellow "5.Account Management" echoContent yellow "6.Replace camouflage station" echoContent yellow "7.Update certificate" echoContent yellow "8.Replace CDN node" echoContent yellow "9.IPv6 offload" echoContent yellow "10.WARP shunt" echoContent yellow "11.Streaming tools" echoContent yellow "12.Add new port" echoContent yellow "13.BT download management" echoContent yellow "14.Switch alpn" echoContent yellow "15.Domain blacklist" echoContent skyBlue "-------------------------Version Management--------------------" echoContent yellow "16.core management" echoContent yellow "17.Update script" echoContent yellow "18.Install BBR and DD scripts" echoContent skyBlue "-------------------------Script management--------------------" echoContent yellow "19.View log" echoContent yellow "20.Uninstall script" echoContent red "==============================================================" mkdirTools aliasInstall read -r -p "Please select:" selectInstallType case ${selectInstallType} in 1) selectCoreInstall ;; 2) selectCoreInstall ;; 3) initXrayFrontingConfig 1 ;; 4) manageHysteria ;; 5) manageAccount 1 ;; 6) updateNginxBlog 1 ;; 7) renewalTLS 1 ;; 8) updateV2RayCDN 1 ;; 9) ipv6Routing 1 ;; 10) warpRouting 1 ;; 11) streamingToolbox 1 ;; 12) addCorePort 1 ;; 13) btTools 1 ;; 14) switchAlpn 1 ;; 15) blacklist 1 ;; 16) coreVersionManageMenu 1 ;; 17) updateV2RayAgent 1 ;; 18) bbrInstall ;; 19) checkLog 1 ;; 20) unInstall 1 ;; esac } cronRenewTLS menu