$(function () { window.editormdLocales = { 'zh-CN': { placeholder: '本编辑器支持 Markdown 编辑,左边编写,右边预览。', contentUnsaved: '编辑内容未保存,需要保存吗?', noDocNeedPublish: '没有需要发布的文档', loadDocFailed: '文档加载失败', fetchDocFailed: '获取当前文档信息失败', cannotAddToEmptyNode: '空节点不能添加内容', overrideModified: '文档已被其他人修改确定覆盖已存在的文档吗?', confirm: '确定', cancel: '取消', contentsNameEmpty: '目录名称不能为空', addDoc: '添加文档', edit: '编辑', delete: '删除', loadFailed: '加载失败请重试', tplNameEmpty: '模板名称不能为空', tplContentEmpty: '模板内容不能为空', saveSucc: '保存成功', serverExcept: '服务器异常', paramName: '参数名称', paramType: '参数类型', example: '示例值', remark: '备注', }, 'en': { placeholder: 'This editor supports Markdown editing, writing on the left and previewing on the right.', contentUnsaved: 'The edited content is not saved, need to save it?', noDocNeedPublish: 'No Document need to be publish', loadDocFailed: 'Load Document failed', fetchDocFailed: 'Fetch Document info failed', cannotAddToEmptyNode: 'Cannot add content to empty node', overrideModified: 'The document has been modified by someone else, are you sure to overwrite the document?', confirm: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancel', contentsNameEmpty: 'Document Name cannot be empty', addDoc: 'Add Document', edit: 'Edit', delete: 'Delete', loadFailed: 'Failed to load, please try again', tplNameEmpty: 'Template name cannot be empty', tplContentEmpty: 'Template content cannot be empty', saveSucc: 'Save success', serverExcept: 'Server Exception', paramName: 'Parameter', paramType: 'Type', example: 'Example', remark: 'Remark', } }; var CustomHookA = Cherry.createSyntaxHook('codeBlock', Cherry.constants.HOOKS_TYPE_LIST.PAR, { makeHtml(str) { console.warn('custom hook', 'hello'); return str; }, rule(str) { const regex = { begin: '', content: '', end: '', }; regex.reg = new RegExp(regex.begin + regex.content + regex.end, 'g'); return regex; }, }); /** * 自定义一个自定义菜单 * 点第一次时,把选中的文字变成同时加粗和斜体 * 保持光标选区不变,点第二次时,把加粗斜体的文字变成普通文本 */ var customMenuA = Cherry.createMenuHook('加粗斜体', { iconName: 'font', onClick: function (selection) { // 获取用户选中的文字,调用getSelection方法后,如果用户没有选中任何文字,会尝试获取光标所在位置的单词或句子 let $selection = this.getSelection(selection) || '同时加粗斜体'; // 如果是单选,并且选中内容的开始结束内没有加粗语法,则扩大选中范围 if (!this.isSelections && !/^\s*(\*\*\*)[\s\S]+(\1)/.test($selection)) { this.getMoreSelection('***', '***', () => { const newSelection = this.editor.editor.getSelection(); const isBoldItalic = /^\s*(\*\*\*)[\s\S]+(\1)/.test(newSelection); if (isBoldItalic) { $selection = newSelection; } return isBoldItalic; }); } // 如果选中的文本中已经有加粗语法了,则去掉加粗语法 if (/^\s*(\*\*\*)[\s\S]+(\1)/.test($selection)) { return $selection.replace(/(^)(\s*)(\*\*\*)([^\n]+)(\3)(\s*)($)/gm, '$1$4$7'); } /** * 注册缩小选区的规则 * 注册后,插入“***TEXT***”,选中状态会变成“***【TEXT】***” * 如果不注册,插入后效果为:“【***TEXT***】” */ this.registerAfterClickCb(() => { this.setLessSelection('***', '***'); }); return $selection.replace(/(^)([^\n]+)($)/gm, '$1***$2***$3'); } }); /** * 定义一个空壳,用于自行规划cherry已有工具栏的层级结构 */ var customMenuB = Cherry.createMenuHook('发布', { iconName: 'publish', onClick: releaseDocument, }); var customMenuC = Cherry.createMenuHook("返回", { iconName: 'back', onClick: backWard, }) var customMenuD = Cherry.createMenuHook('保存', { id: "markdown-save", iconName: 'save', onClick: saveDocument, }); var customMenuE = Cherry.createMenuHook('边栏', { iconName: 'sider', onClick: siderChange, }); var customMenuF = Cherry.createMenuHook('历史', { iconName: 'history', onClick: showHistory, }); let customMenuTools = Cherry.createMenuHook('工具', { iconName: '', subMenuConfig: [ { iconName: 'word', name: 'Word转笔记', onclick: ()=>{ let converter = new WordToHtmlConverter(); converter.handleFileSelect(function (response) { if (response.messages.length) { let messages = response.messages.map((item)=>{ return item.message + "
"; }).join('\n'); layer.msg(messages); } converter.replaceHtmlBase64(response.value).then((html)=>{ window.editor.insertValue(html); }); }) } }, { noIcon: true, name: 'Htm转Markdown', onclick: ()=>{ let converter = new HtmlToMarkdownConverter(); converter.handleFileSelect(function (response) { window.editor.insertValue(response); }) } } ] }); var basicConfig = { id: 'manualEditorContainer', externals: { echarts: window.echarts, katex: window.katex, MathJax: window.MathJax, }, isPreviewOnly: false, fileUpload: myFileUpload, engine: { global: { urlProcessor(url, srcType) { //console.log(`url-processor`, url, srcType); return url; }, }, syntax: { codeBlock: { theme: 'twilight', }, table: { enableChart: false, // chartEngine: Engine Class }, fontEmphasis: { allowWhitespace: false, // 是否允许首尾空格 }, strikethrough: { needWhitespace: false, // 是否必须有前后空格 }, mathBlock: { engine: 'MathJax', // katex或MathJax src: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-svg.js', // 如果使用MathJax plugins,则需要使用该url通过script标签引入 }, inlineMath: { engine: 'MathJax', // katex或MathJax }, emoji: { useUnicode: false, customResourceURL: 'https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/${code}.png?v8', upperCase: true, }, // toc: { // tocStyle: 'nested' // } // 'header': { // strict: false // } }, customSyntax: { // SyntaxHookClass CustomHook: { syntaxClass: CustomHookA, force: false, after: 'br', }, }, }, toolbars: { toolbar: [ 'customMenuCName', 'customMenuDName', 'customMenuBName', 'customMenuEName', 'undo', 'redo', 'bold', 'italic', { strikethrough: ['strikethrough', 'underline', 'sub', 'sup', 'ruby', 'customMenuAName'], }, 'size', '|', 'color', 'header', '|', 'drawIo', '|', 'ol', 'ul', 'checklist', 'panel', 'detail', '|', 'formula', { insert: ['image', 'audio', 'video', 'link', 'hr', 'br', 'code', 'formula', 'toc', 'table', 'pdf', 'word', 'ruby'], }, 'graph', 'togglePreview', 'settings', 'switchModel', 'export', 'customMenuFName', 'customMenuToolsName' ], bubble: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'sub', 'sup', 'quote', 'ruby', '|', 'size', 'color'], // array or false sidebar: ['mobilePreview', 'copy', 'codeTheme', 'theme'], customMenu: { customMenuAName: customMenuA, customMenuBName: customMenuB, customMenuCName: customMenuC, customMenuDName: customMenuD, customMenuEName: customMenuE, customMenuFName: customMenuF, customMenuToolsName: customMenuTools, }, }, drawioIframeUrl: '/static/cherry/drawio_demo.html', editor: { defaultModel: 'edit&preview', height: "100%", }, previewer: { // 自定义markdown预览区域class // className: 'markdown' }, keydown: [], //extensions: [], //callback: { //changeString2Pinyin: pinyin, //} }; fetch('').then((response) => response.text()).then((value) => { //var markdownarea = document.getElementById("markdown_area").value var config = Object.assign({}, basicConfig);// { value: markdownarea });// { value: value });不显示获取的初始化值 window.editor = new Cherry(config); window.editor.getCodeMirror().on('change', (e, detail)=>{ resetEditorChanged(true); }); openLastSelectedNode(); }); /*** * 加载指定的文档到编辑器中 * @param $node */ window.loadDocument = function ($node) { var index = layer.load(1, { shade: [0.1, '#fff'] // 0.1 透明度的白色背景 }); $.get(window.editURL + $node.node.id).done(function (res) { layer.close(index); if (res.errcode === 0) { window.isLoad = true; try { window.editor.setTheme(res.data.markdown_theme); window.editor.setMarkdown(res.data.markdown); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } var node = { "id": res.data.doc_id, 'parent': res.data.parent_id === 0 ? '#' : res.data.parent_id, "text": res.data.doc_name, "identify": res.data.identify, "version": res.data.version }; pushDocumentCategory(node); window.selectNode = node; pushVueLists(res.data.attach); setLastSelectNode($node); } else { layer.msg(editormdLocales[lang].loadDocFailed); } }).fail(function () { layer.close(index); layer.msg(editormdLocales[lang].loadDocFailed); }); }; /** * 保存文档到服务器 * @param $is_cover 是否强制覆盖 */ function saveDocument($is_cover, callback) { var index = null; var node = window.selectNode; var content = window.editor.getMarkdown(); var html = window.editor.getHtml(true); var markdownTheme = window.editor.getTheme(); var version = ""; if (!node) { layer.msg(editormdLocales[lang].fetchDocFailed); return; } if (node.a_attr && node.a_attr.disabled) { layer.msg(editormdLocales[lang].cannotAddToEmptyNode); return; } var doc_id = parseInt(node.id); for (var i in window.documentCategory) { var item = window.documentCategory[i]; if (item.id === doc_id) { version = item.version; break; } } $.ajax({ beforeSend: function () { index = layer.load(1, { shade: [0.1, '#fff'] }); window.saveing = true; }, url: window.editURL, data: { "identify": window.book.identify, "doc_id": doc_id, "markdown": content, "html": html, "markdown_theme": markdownTheme, "cover": $is_cover ? "yes" : "no", "version": version }, type: "post", timeout: 30000, dataType: "json", success: function (res) { if (res.errcode === 0) { resetEditorChanged(false); for (var i in window.documentCategory) { var item = window.documentCategory[i]; if (item.id === doc_id) { window.documentCategory[i].version = res.data.version; break; } } $.each(window.documentCategory, function (i, item) { var $item = window.documentCategory[i]; if (item.id === doc_id) { window.documentCategory[i].version = res.data.version; } }); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } } else if (res.errcode === 6005) { var confirmIndex = layer.confirm(editormdLocales[lang].overrideModified, { btn: [editormdLocales[lang].confirm, editormdLocales[lang].cancel] // 按钮 }, function () { layer.close(confirmIndex); saveDocument(true, callback); }); } else { layer.msg(res.message); } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { layer.msg(window.editormdLocales[window.lang].serverExcept + errorThrown); }, complete: function () { layer.close(index); window.saveing = false; } }); } /** * 设置编辑器变更状态 * @param $is_change */ function resetEditorChanged($is_change) { if ($is_change && !window.isLoad) { $("#markdown-save").removeClass('disabled').addClass('change'); } else { $("#markdown-save").removeClass('change').addClass('disabled'); } window.isLoad = false; } /** * 返回上一个页面 */ function backWard() { if (document.referrer == "") { // 没有上一级 var homepage = window.location.origin; window.location.href = homepage; // 返回首页 return; } window.location.href = document.referrer; } /** * 发布文档 */ function releaseDocument() { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(window.documentCategory) === '[object Array]' && window.documentCategory.length > 0) { if ($("#markdown-save").hasClass('change')) { var confirm_result = confirm(editormdLocales[lang].contentUnsaved); if (confirm_result) { saveDocument(false, releaseBook); return; } } releaseBook(); return } layer.msg(editormdLocales[lang].noDocNeedPublish) } /** * 显示/隐藏边栏 */ function siderChange() { $("#manualCategory").toggle(0, "swing", function () { var $then = $("#manualEditorContainer"); var left = parseInt($then.css("left")); if (left > 0) { window.editorContainerLeft = left; $then.css("left", "0"); } else { $then.css("left", window.editorContainerLeft + "px"); } }); } /** * 显示文档历史 */ function showHistory() { window.documentHistory(); } /** * 添加文档 */ $("#addDocumentForm").ajaxForm({ beforeSubmit: function () { var doc_name = $.trim($("#documentName").val()); if (doc_name === "") { return showError(editormdLocales[lang].contentsNameEmpty, "#add-error-message") } $("#btnSaveDocument").button("loading"); return true; }, success: function (res) { if (res.errcode === 0) { var data = { "id": res.data.doc_id, 'parent': res.data.parent_id === 0 ? 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