$(function () { //超大屏幕 var toolbarButtons = ['fullscreen', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikeThrough', 'subscript', 'superscript', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', '|', 'color', 'emoticons', 'inlineStyle', 'paragraphStyle', '|', 'paragraphFormat', 'align', 'formatOL', 'formatUL', 'outdent', 'indent', 'quote', 'insertHR', '-', 'insertLink', 'insertImage', 'insertVideo', 'insertFile', 'insertTable', 'undo', 'redo', 'clearFormatting', 'selectAll', 'html']; //大屏幕 var toolbarButtonsMD = ['fullscreen', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'color', 'paragraphStyle', 'paragraphFormat', 'align', 'formatOL', 'formatUL', 'outdent', 'indent', 'quote', 'insertHR', 'insertLink', 'insertImage', 'insertVideo', 'insertFile', 'insertTable', 'undo', 'redo', 'clearFormatting']; //小屏幕 var toolbarButtonsSM = ['fullscreen', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'insertLink', 'insertImage', 'insertTable', 'undo', 'redo']; //手机 var toolbarButtonsXS = ['bold', 'italic', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'undo', 'redo']; window.addDocumentModalFormHtml = $(this).find("form").html(); window.editor = new FroalaEditor("#froalaEditor", { // enter: $.FroalaEditor.ENTER_P, placeholderText: '请输入内容', charCounterCount: true, //默认 // charCounterMax : -1,//默认 saveInterval: 0, //不自动保存,默认10000 // theme : "red", height: "100%", toolbarBottom: false, //默认 toolbarButtonsMD: toolbarButtonsMD, toolbarButtonsSM: toolbarButtonsSM, toolbarButtonsXS: toolbarButtonsXS, toolbarInline: false, //true选中设置样式,默认false imageUploadMethod: 'POST', // heightMin: 450, charCounterMax: 3000, // imageUploadURL: "uploadImgEditor", // imageParams: { postId: "123" }, params: { // acl: '01', // AWSAccessKeyId: '02', // policy: '03', // signature: '04', editor : "froalaEditor", }, autosave: true, autosaveInterval: 2500, // saveURL: 'hander/FroalaHandler.ashx', saveParams: { postId: '1' }, spellcheck: false, imageUploadURL: window.imageUploadURL, //'/uploadimg', //上传到本地服务器 // imageUploadParams: { pid: '{{.product.ProjectId}}' }, // imageDeleteURL: 'lib/delete_image.php', //删除图片 // imagesLoadURL: 'lib/load_images.php', //管理图片 videoUploadURL: window.imageUploadURL, // videoUploadParams: { pid: '{{.product.ProjectId}}' }, fileUploadURL: window.imageUploadURL, // fileUploadParams: { pid: '{{.product.ProjectId}}' }, // enter: $.FroalaEditor.ENTER_BR, language: 'zh_cn', // Add the custom buttons in the toolbarButtons list, after the separator. toolbarButtons: [toolbarButtons, ['saveIcon', 'insert','alert']] // toolbarButtons: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'paragraphFormat', 'align','color','fontSize','insertImage','insertTable','undo', 'redo'] }); FroalaEditor.DefineIcon('alert', {NAME: 'info', SVG_KEY: 'user'}); FroalaEditor.RegisterCommand('alert', { title: 'Hello', focus: false, undo: false, refreshAfterCallback: false, callback: function () { alert('Hello!'); } }); // FroalaEditor.DefineIcon('magicIcon', {NAME: 'magic'}); FroalaEditor.DefineIcon('saveIcon', {NAME: 'plus', SVG_KEY: 'cogs'}); FroalaEditor.RegisterCommand('saveIcon', { title: '保存', focus: false, undo: true, refreshAfterCallback: true, callback: function () { saveDocument(); } }); FroalaEditor.DefineIcon('insert', {NAME: 'plus', SVG_KEY: 'add'}); FroalaEditor.RegisterCommand('insert', { title: '发布', focus: true, undo: true, refreshAfterCallback: true, callback: function () { // this.html.insert('My New HTML'); // saveDocument(true,callback); releaseBook(); } }); // new FroalaEditor('div#froala-editor', { // // Add the custom buttons in the toolbarButtons list, after the separator. // toolbarButtons: [['undo', 'redo' , 'bold'], ['alert', 'clear', 'insert']] // }) // editor.config.mapAk = window.baiduMapKey; // editor.config.printLog = false; // editor.config.showMenuTooltips = true // editor.config.menuTooltipPosition = 'down' // editor.config.uploadImgUrl = window.imageUploadURL; // editor.config.uploadImgFileName = "editormd-image-file"; // editor.config.uploadParams = { // "editor" : "froalaEditor" // }; // editor.config.uploadImgServer = window.imageUploadURL; // editor.config.customUploadImg = function (resultFiles, insertImgFn) { // // resultFiles 是 input 中选中的文件列表 // // insertImgFn 是获取图片 url 后,插入到编辑器的方法 // var file = resultFiles[0]; // // file type is only image. // if (/^image\//.test(file.type)) { // var form = new FormData(); // form.append('editormd-image-file', file, file.name); // var layerIndex = 0; // $.ajax({ // url: window.imageUploadURL, // type: "POST", // dataType: "json", // data: form, // processData: false, // contentType: false, // error: function() { // layer.close(layerIndex); // layer.msg("图片上传失败"); // }, // success: function(data) { // layer.close(layerIndex); // if(data.errcode !== 0){ // layer.msg(data.message); // }else{ // insertImgFn(data.url); // } // } // }); // } else { // console.warn('You could only upload images.'); // } // }; // editor.config.lang = window.lang; // editor.i18next = window.i18next; // editor.config.languages['en']['froalaEditor']['menus']['title']['保存'] = 'save'; // editor.config.languages['en']['froalaEditor']['menus']['title']['发布'] = 'publish'; // editor.config.languages['en']['froalaEditor']['menus']['title']['附件'] = 'attachment'; // editor.config.languages['en']['froalaEditor']['menus']['title']['history'] = 'history'; window.editormdLocales = { 'zh-CN': { placeholder: '本编辑器支持 Markdown 编辑,左边编写,右边预览。', contentUnsaved: '编辑内容未保存,需要保存吗?', noDocNeedPublish: '没有需要发布的文档', loadDocFailed: '文档加载失败', fetchDocFailed: '获取当前文档信息失败', cannotAddToEmptyNode: '空节点不能添加内容', overrideModified: '文档已被其他人修改确定覆盖已存在的文档吗?', confirm: '确定', cancel: '取消', contentsNameEmpty: '目录名称不能为空', addDoc: '添加文档', edit: '编辑', delete: '删除', loadFailed: '加载失败请重试', tplNameEmpty: '模板名称不能为空', tplContentEmpty: '模板内容不能为空', saveSucc: '保存成功', serverExcept: '服务器异常', paramName: '参数名称', paramType: '参数类型', example: '示例值', remark: '备注', }, 'en': { placeholder: 'This editor supports Markdown editing, writing on the left and previewing on the right.', contentUnsaved: 'The edited content is not saved, need to save it?', noDocNeedPublish: 'No Document need to be publish', loadDocFailed: 'Load Document failed', fetchDocFailed: 'Fetch Document info failed', cannotAddToEmptyNode: 'Cannot add content to empty node', overrideModified: 'The document has been modified by someone else, are you sure to overwrite the document?', confirm: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancel', contentsNameEmpty: 'Document Name cannot be empty', addDoc: 'Add Document', edit: 'Edit', delete: 'Delete', loadFailed: 'Failed to load, please try again', tplNameEmpty: 'Template name cannot be empty', tplContentEmpty: 'Template content cannot be empty', saveSucc: 'Save success', serverExcept: 'Server Exception', paramName: 'Parameter', paramType: 'Type', example: 'Example', remark: 'Remark', } }; // window.editor.config.onchange = function (newHtml) { // var saveMenu = window.editor.menus.menuList.find((item) => item.key == 'save'); // // 判断内容是否改变 // if (window.source !== window.editor.txt.html()) { // saveMenu.$elem.addClass('selected'); // } else { // saveMenu.$elem.removeClass('selected'); // } // }; // window.editor.create(); // $("#froalaEditor").css("height","100%"); if(window.documentCategory.length > 0){ var item = window.documentCategory[0]; var $select_node = { node : {id : item.id}}; loadDocument($select_node); } /*** * 加载指定的文档到编辑器中 * @param $node */ function loadDocument($node) { var index = layer.load(1, { shade: [0.1,'#fff'] //0.1透明度的白色背景 }); $.get(window.editURL + $node.node.id ).done(function (res) { layer.close(index); if(res.errcode === 0){ window.isLoad = true; // window.editor.txt.clear(); // window.editor.txt.html(res.data.content); window.editor.html.set(''); window.editor.events.focus(); window.editor.html.set(res.data.content); // 将原始内容备份 window.source = res.data.content; var node = { "id" : res.data.doc_id,'parent' : res.data.parent_id === 0 ? '#' : res.data.parent_id ,"text" : res.data.doc_name,"identify" : res.data.identify,"version" : res.data.version}; pushDocumentCategory(node); window.selectNode = node; pushVueLists(res.data.attach); }else{ layer.msg("文档加载失败"); } }).fail(function () { layer.close(index); layer.msg("文档加载失败"); }); } /** * 保存文档到服务器 * @param $is_cover 是否强制覆盖 */ function saveDocument($is_cover,callback) { var index = null; var node = window.selectNode; // var html = window.editor.txt.html() ; var html = window.editor.html.get(); var content = ""; if($.trim(html) !== ""){ content = toMarkdown(html, { gfm: true }); } var version = ""; if (!node) { layer.msg(editormdLocales[lang].fetchDocFailed); return; } var doc_id = parseInt(node.id); for(var i in window.documentCategory){ var item = window.documentCategory[i]; if(item.id === doc_id){ version = item.version; break; } } $.ajax({ beforeSend : function () { index = layer.load(1, {shade: [0.1,'#fff'] }); }, url : window.editURL, data : {"identify" : window.book.identify,"doc_id" : doc_id,"markdown" : content,"html" : html,"cover" : $is_cover ? "yes":"no","version": version}, type :"post", dataType :"json", success : function (res) { layer.close(index); if(res.errcode === 0){ for(var i in window.documentCategory){ var item = window.documentCategory[i]; if(item.id === doc_id){ window.documentCategory[i].version = res.data.version; break; } } // 更新内容备份 window.source = res.data.content; // 触发编辑器 onchange 回调函数 // window.editor.config.onchange(); // window.editor.onchange(); // window.editor.events: { // 'contentChanged': function () { // // Do something here. // // this is the editor instance. // console.log(this); // } // } if(typeof callback === "function"){ callback(); } }else if(res.errcode === 6005){ var confirmIndex = layer.confirm(editormdLocales[lang].overrideModified, { btn: [editormdLocales[lang].confirm, editormdLocales[lang].cancel] // 按钮 }, function () { layer.close(confirmIndex); saveDocument(true,callback); }); }else{ layer.msg(res.message); } } }); } /** * 添加顶级文档 */ $("#addDocumentForm").ajaxForm({ beforeSubmit : function () { var doc_name = $.trim($("#documentName").val()); if (doc_name === ""){ return showError("目录名称不能为空","#add-error-message") } window.addDocumentFormIndex = layer.load(1, { shade: [0.1,'#fff'] }); return true; }, success : function (res) { if(res.errcode === 0){ var data = { "id" : res.data.doc_id,'parent' : res.data.parent_id === 0 ? '#' : res.data.parent_id ,"text" : res.data.doc_name,"identify" : res.data.identify,"version" : res.data.version}; var node = window.treeCatalog.get_node(data.id); if(node){ window.treeCatalog.rename_node({"id":data.id},data.text); }else { window.treeCatalog.create_node(data.parent, data); window.treeCatalog.deselect_all(); window.treeCatalog.select_node(data); } pushDocumentCategory(data); $("#markdown-save").removeClass('change').addClass('disabled'); $("#addDocumentModal").modal('hide'); }else{ showError(res.message,"#add-error-message") } layer.close(window.addDocumentFormIndex); } }); /** * 文档目录树 */ $("#sidebar").jstree({ 'plugins': ["wholerow", "types", 'dnd', 'contextmenu'], "types": { "default": { "icon": false // 删除默认图标 } }, 'core': { 'check_callback': true, "multiple": false, 'animation': 0, "data": window.documentCategory }, "contextmenu": { show_at_node: false, select_node: false, "items": { "添加文档": { "separator_before": false, "separator_after": true, "_disabled": false, "label": window.editormdLocales[window.lang].addDoc,//"添加文档", "icon": "fa fa-plus", "action": function (data) { var inst = $.jstree.reference(data.reference), node = inst.get_node(data.reference); openCreateCatalogDialog(node); } }, "编辑": { "separator_before": false, "separator_after": true, "_disabled": false, "label": window.editormdLocales[window.lang].edit, "icon": "fa fa-edit", "action": function (data) { var inst = $.jstree.reference(data.reference); var node = inst.get_node(data.reference); openEditCatalogDialog(node); } }, "删除": { "separator_before": false, "separator_after": true, "_disabled": false, "label": window.editormdLocales[window.lang].delete, "icon": "fa fa-trash-o", "action": function (data) { var inst = $.jstree.reference(data.reference); var node = inst.get_node(data.reference); openDeleteDocumentDialog(node); } } } } }).on('loaded.jstree', function () { window.treeCatalog = $(this).jstree(); }).on('select_node.jstree', function (node, selected, event) { // if(window.editor.menus.menuList.find((item) => item.key == 'save').$elem.hasClass('selected')) { // if (confirm(window.editormdLocales[window.lang].contentUnsaved)) { // saveDocument(false,function () { // loadDocument(selected); // }); // return true; // } // } loadDocument(selected); }).on("move_node.jstree", jstree_save); window.saveDocument = saveDocument; window.releaseBook = function () { // if(Object.prototype.toString.call(window.documentCategory) === '[object Array]' && window.documentCategory.length > 0){ // if(window.editor.menus.menuList.find((item) => item.key == 'save').$elem.hasClass('selected')) { // if(confirm(editormdLocales[lang].contentUnsaved)) { // saveDocument(); // } // } locales = { 'zh-CN': { publishToQueue: '发布任务已推送到任务队列,稍后将在后台执行。', }, 'en': { publishToQueue: 'The publish task has been pushed to the queue
and will be executed soon.', } } $.ajax({ url: window.releaseURL, data: {"identify": window.book.identify}, type: "post", dataType: "json", success: function (res) { if (res.errcode === 0) { layer.msg(locales[lang].publishToQueue); } else { layer.msg(res.message); } } }); // }else{ // layer.msg(editormdLocales[lang].noDocNeedPublish) // } }; // $(window).resize(function(e) { // var $container = $(editor.$textContainerElem.elems[0]); // var $manual = $container.closest('.manual-froalaEditor'); // var maxHeight = $manual.closest('.manual-editor-container').innerHeight(); // var statusHeight = $manual.siblings('.manual-editor-status').outerHeight(true); // var manualHeihgt = maxHeight - statusHeight; // $manual.height(manualHeihgt); // var toolbarHeight = $container.siblings('.w-e-toolbar').outerHeight(true); // $container.height($container.parent().innerHeight() - toolbarHeight); // }); // $(window).trigger('resize'); });