/** * Created by lifei6671 on 2017/4/29 0029. */ /** * 打开最后选中的节点 */ function openLastSelectedNode() { //如果文档树或编辑器没有准备好则不加载文档 if (window.treeCatalog == null || window.editor == null) { return false; } var $isSelected = false; if (window.localStorage) { var $selectedNodeId = window.sessionStorage.getItem("MinDoc::LastLoadDocument:" + window.book.identify); try { if ($selectedNodeId) { //遍历文档树判断是否存在节点 $.each(window.documentCategory, function (i, n) { if (n.id == $selectedNodeId && !$isSelected) { var $node = {"id": n.id}; window.treeCatalog.deselect_all(); window.treeCatalog.select_node($node); $isSelected = true; } }); } } catch ($ex) { console.log($ex) } } //如果节点不存在,则默认选中第一个节点 if (!$isSelected && window.documentCategory.length > 0) { var doc = window.documentCategory[0]; if (doc && doc.id > 0) { var node = {"id": doc.id}; $("#sidebar").jstree(true).select_node(node); $isSelected = true; } } return $isSelected; } /** * 设置最后选中的文档 * @param $node */ function setLastSelectNode($node) { if (window.localStorage) { if (typeof $node === "undefined" || !$node) { window.sessionStorage.removeItem("MinDoc::LastLoadDocument:" + window.book.identify); } else { var nodeId = $node.id ? $node.id : $node.node.id; window.sessionStorage.setItem("MinDoc::LastLoadDocument:" + window.book.identify, nodeId); } } } /** * 保存排序 * @param node * @param parent */ function jstree_save(node, parent) { var parentNode = window.treeCatalog.get_node(parent.parent); var nodeData = window.getSiblingSort(parentNode); if (parent.parent !== parent.old_parent) { parentNode = window.treeCatalog.get_node(parent.old_parent); var newNodeData = window.getSiblingSort(parentNode); if (newNodeData.length > 0) { nodeData = nodeData.concat(newNodeData); } } var index = layer.load(1, { shade: [0.1, '#fff'] //0.1透明度的白色背景 }); locales = { 'zh-CN': { saveSortSucc: '保存排序成功', }, 'en': { saveSortSucc: 'Save sort success', } } $.ajax({ url: window.sortURL, type: "post", data: JSON.stringify(nodeData), success: function (res) { layer.close(index); if (res.errcode === 0) { layer.msg(locales[lang].saveSortSucc); } else { layer.msg(res.message); } } }) } /** * 创建文档 */ function openCreateCatalogDialog($node) { var $then = $("#addDocumentModal"); var doc_id = $node ? $node.id : 0; $then.find("input[name='parent_id']").val(doc_id); $then.find("input[name='doc_id']").val(''); $then.find("input[name='doc_name']").val(''); $then.modal("show"); } /** * 处理排序 * @param node * @returns {Array} */ function getSiblingSort(node) { var data = []; for (var key in node.children) { var index = data.length; data[index] = { "id": parseInt(node.children[key]), "sort": parseInt(key), "parent": Number(node.id) ? Number(node.id) : 0 }; } return data; } /** * 删除一个文档 * @param $node */ function openDeleteDocumentDialog($node) { locales = { 'zh-CN': { saveSortSucc: '保存排序成功', confirmDeleteDoc: '你确定要删除该文档吗?', confirm: '确定', cancel: '取消', deleteFailed: '删除失败', confirmLeave: '您输入的内容尚未保存,确定离开此页面吗?' }, 'en': { saveSortSucc: 'Save sort success', confirmDeleteDoc: 'Are you sure you want to delete this document?', confirm: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancel', deleteFailed: 'Delete Failed', confirmLeave: 'The content you entered has not been saved. Are you sure you want to leave this page?' } } langs = locales[lang]; var index = layer.confirm(langs.confirmDeleteDoc, { btn: [langs.confirm, langs.cancel] //按钮 }, function () { $.post(window.deleteURL, {"identify": window.book.identify, "doc_id": $node.id}).done(function (res) { layer.close(index); if (res.errcode === 0) { window.treeCatalog.delete_node($node); window.documentCategory.remove(function (item) { return item.id == $node.id; }); // console.log(window.documentCategory) setLastSelectNode(); } else { layer.msg(lang.deleteFailed, {icon: 2}) } }).fail(function () { layer.close(index); layer.msg(lang.deleteFailed, {icon: 2}) }); }); } /** * 打开文档编辑界面 * @param $node */ function openEditCatalogDialog($node) { var $then = $("#addDocumentModal"); var doc_id = parseInt($node ? $node.id : 0); var text = $node ? $node.text : ''; var parentId = $node && $node.parent !== '#' ? $node.parent : 0; $then.find("input[name='doc_id']").val(doc_id); $then.find("input[name='parent_id']").val(parentId); $then.find("input[name='doc_name']").val(text); var open = $node.a_attr && $node.a_attr.opened ? $node.a_attr.opened : 0; console.log($node) $then.find("input[name='is_open'][value='" + open + "']").prop("checked", "checked"); for (var index in window.documentCategory) { var item = window.documentCategory[index]; if (item.id === doc_id) { $then.find("input[name='doc_identify']").val(item.identify); break; } } $then.modal({show: true}); } /** * 将一个节点推送到现有数组中 * @param $node */ function pushDocumentCategory($node) { for (var index in window.documentCategory) { var item = window.documentCategory[index]; if (item.id === $node.id) { window.documentCategory[index] = $node; return; } } window.documentCategory.push($node); } /** * 将数据重置到Vue列表中 * @param $lists */ function pushVueLists($lists) { window.vueApp.lists = []; $.each($lists, function (i, item) { window.vueApp.lists.push(item); }); } /** * 发布项目 */ function releaseBook() { locales = { 'zh-CN': { publishToQueue: '发布任务已推送到任务队列,稍后将在后台执行。', }, 'en': { publishToQueue: 'The publish task has been pushed to the queue
and will be executed soon.', } } $.ajax({ url: window.releaseURL, data: {"identify": window.book.identify}, type: "post", dataType: "json", success: function (res) { if (res.errcode === 0) { layer.msg(locales[lang].publishToQueue); } else { layer.msg(res.message); } } }); } //实现小提示 $("[data-toggle='tooltip']").hover(function () { var title = $(this).attr('data-title'); var direction = $(this).attr("data-direction"); var tips = 3; if (direction === "top") { tips = 1; } else if (direction === "right") { tips = 2; } else if (direction === "bottom") { tips = 3; } else if (direction === "left") { tips = 4; } index = layer.tips(title, this, { tips: tips }); }, function () { layer.close(index); }); //弹出创建文档的遮罩层 $("#btnAddDocument").on("click", function () { $("#addDocumentModal").modal("show"); }); //用于还原创建文档的遮罩层 $("#addDocumentModal").on("hidden.bs.modal", function () { $(this).find("form").html(window.sessionStorage.getItem("MinDoc::addDocumentModal")); var $then = $("#addDocumentModal"); $then.find("input[name='parent_id']").val(''); $then.find("input[name='doc_id']").val(''); $then.find("input[name='doc_name']").val(''); }).on("shown.bs.modal", function () { $(this).find("input[name='doc_name']").focus(); }).on("show.bs.modal", function () { window.sessionStorage.setItem("MinDoc::addDocumentModal", $(this).find("form").html()) }); function showError($msg, $id) { if (!$id) { $id = "#form-error-message" } $($id).addClass("error-message").removeClass("success-message").text($msg); return false; } function showSuccess($msg, $id) { if (!$id) { $id = "#form-error-message" } $($id).addClass("success-message").removeClass("error-message").text($msg); return true; } window.documentHistory = function () { locales = { 'zh-CN': { hisVer: '历史版本', }, 'en': { hisVer: 'Historic version', } } layer.open({ type: 2, title: locales[lang].hisVer, shadeClose: true, shade: 0.8, area: ['700px', '80%'], content: window.historyURL + "?identify=" + window.book.identify + "&doc_id=" + window.selectNode.id, end: function () { if (window.SelectedId) { var selected = { node: { id: window.SelectedId } }; window.loadDocument(selected); window.SelectedId = null; } } }); }; function uploadImage($id, $callback) { locales = { 'zh-CN': { unsupportType: '不支持的图片格式', uploadFailed: '图片上传失败' }, 'en': { unsupportType: 'Unsupport image type', uploadFailed: 'Upload image failed' } } /** 粘贴上传图片 **/ document.getElementById($id).addEventListener('paste', function (e) { if (e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.items) { var clipboard = e.clipboardData; for (var i = 0, len = clipboard.items.length; i < len; i++) { if (clipboard.items[i].kind === 'file' || clipboard.items[i].type.indexOf('image') > -1) { var imageFile = clipboard.items[i].getAsFile(); var fileName = String((new Date()).valueOf()); switch (imageFile.type) { case "image/png" : fileName += ".png"; break; case "image/jpg" : fileName += ".jpg"; break; case "image/jpeg" : fileName += ".jpeg"; break; case "image/gif" : fileName += ".gif"; break; default : layer.msg(locales[lang].unsupportType); return; } var form = new FormData(); form.append('editormd-image-file', imageFile, fileName); var layerIndex = 0; $.ajax({ url: window.imageUploadURL, type: "POST", dataType: "json", data: form, processData: false, contentType: false, beforeSend: function () { layerIndex = $callback('before'); }, error: function () { layer.close(layerIndex); $callback('error'); layer.msg(locales[lang].uploadFailed); }, success: function (data) { layer.close(layerIndex); $callback('success', data); if (data.errcode !== 0) { layer.msg(data.message); } } }); e.preventDefault(); } } } }); } /** * 初始化代码高亮 */ function initHighlighting() { $('pre code,pre.ql-syntax').each(function (i, block) { hljs.highlightBlock(block); }); } $(function () { window.vueApp = new Vue({ el: "#attachList", data: { lists: [] }, delimiters: ['${', '}'], methods: { removeAttach: function ($attach_id) { var $this = this; var item = $this.lists.filter(function ($item) { return $item.attachment_id == $attach_id; }); if (item && item[0].hasOwnProperty("state")) { $this.lists = $this.lists.filter(function ($item) { return $item.attachment_id != $attach_id; }); return; } $.ajax({ url: window.removeAttachURL, type: "post", data: {"attach_id": $attach_id}, success: function (res) { if (res.errcode === 0) { $this.lists = $this.lists.filter(function ($item) { return $item.attachment_id != $attach_id; }); } else { layer.msg(res.message); } } }); } }, watch: { lists: function ($lists) { $("#attachInfo").text(" " + $lists.length + " 个附件") } } }); /** * 启动自动保存,默认30s自动保存一次 */ if (window.book && window.book.auto_save) { setTimeout(function () { setInterval(function () { var $then = $("#markdown-save"); if (!window.saveing && $then.hasClass("change")) { $then.trigger("click"); } }, 30000); }, 30000); } /** * 当离开窗口时存在未保存的文档会提示保存 */ $(window).on("beforeunload", function () { if ($("#markdown-save").hasClass("change")) { return '您输入的内容尚未保存,确定离开此页面吗?'; } }); });