$(function () { editormd.katexURL = { js : window.katex.js, css : window.katex.css }; window.editormdLocales = { 'zh-CN': { placeholder: '本编辑器支持 Markdown 编辑,左边编写,右边预览。', contentUnsaved: '编辑内容未保存,需要保存吗?', noDocNeedPublish: '没有需要发布的文档', loadDocFailed: '文档加载失败', fetchDocFailed: '获取当前文档信息失败', cannotAddToEmptyNode: '空节点不能添加内容', overrideModified: '文档已被其他人修改确定覆盖已存在的文档吗?', confirm: '确定', cancel: '取消', contentsNameEmpty: '目录名称不能为空', addDoc: '添加文档', edit: '编辑', delete: '删除', loadFailed: '加载失败请重试', tplNameEmpty: '模板名称不能为空', tplContentEmpty: '模板内容不能为空', saveSucc: '保存成功', serverExcept: '服务器异常', paramName: '参数名称', paramType: '参数类型', example: '示例值', remark: '备注', }, 'en': { placeholder: 'This editor supports Markdown editing, writing on the left and previewing on the right.', contentUnsaved: 'The edited content is not saved, need to save it?', noDocNeedPublish: 'No Document need to be publish', loadDocFailed: 'Load Document failed', fetchDocFailed: 'Fetch Document info failed', cannotAddToEmptyNode: 'Cannot add content to empty node', overrideModified: 'The document has been modified by someone else, are you sure to overwrite the document?', confirm: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancel', contentsNameEmpty: 'Document Name cannot be empty', addDoc: 'Add Document', edit: 'Edit', delete: 'Delete', loadFailed: 'Failed to load, please try again', tplNameEmpty: 'Template name cannot be empty', tplContentEmpty: 'Template content cannot be empty', saveSucc: 'Save success', serverExcept: 'Server Exception', paramName: 'Parameter', paramType: 'Type', example: 'Example', remark: 'Remark', } }; var htmlDecodeList = ["style","script","title","onmouseover","onmouseout","style"]; if (!window.IS_ENABLE_IFRAME) { htmlDecodeList.unshift("iframe"); } window.editor = editormd("docEditor", { width: "100%", height: "100%", path: window.editormdLib, toolbar: true, placeholder: window.editormdLocales[window.lang].placeholder, imageUpload: true, imageFormats: ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png","svg", "JPG", "JPEG", "GIF", "PNG","SVG"], imageUploadURL: window.imageUploadURL, toolbarModes: "full", fileUpload: true, fileUploadURL: window.fileUploadURL, taskList: true, flowChart: true, htmlDecode: htmlDecodeList.join(','), lineNumbers: true, sequenceDiagram: true, tocStartLevel: 1, tocm: true, previewCodeHighlight: 1, highlightStyle: window.highlightStyle ? 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