package controllers import ( "encoding/json" "html/template" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "net/url" "image/png" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // DocumentController struct type DocumentController struct { BaseController } // 文档首页 func (c *DocumentController) Index() { c.Prepare() identify := c.Ctx.Input.Param(":key") token := c.GetString("token") if identify == "" { c.ShowErrorPage(404, "项目不存在或已删除") } // 如果没有开启匿名访问则跳转到登录 if !c.EnableAnonymous && !c.isUserLoggedIn() { promptUserToLogIn(c) return } bookResult := c.isReadable(identify, token) c.TplName = "document/" + bookResult.Theme + "_read.tpl" selected := 0 if bookResult.IsUseFirstDocument { doc, err := bookResult.FindFirstDocumentByBookId(bookResult.BookId) if err == nil { selected = doc.DocumentId c.Data["Title"] = doc.DocumentName c.Data["Content"] = template.HTML(doc.Release) c.Data["Description"] = utils.AutoSummary(doc.Release, 120) } } else { c.Data["Title"] = "概要" c.Data["Content"] = template.HTML(blackfriday.Run([]byte(bookResult.Description))) } tree, err := models.NewDocument().CreateDocumentTreeForHtml(bookResult.BookId, selected) if err != nil { if err == orm.ErrNoRows { c.ShowErrorPage(404, "当前项目没有文档") } else { beego.Error("生成项目文档树时出错 -> ", err) c.ShowErrorPage(500, "生成项目文档树时出错") } } c.Data["Model"] = bookResult c.Data["Result"] = template.HTML(tree) } // 阅读文档 func (c *DocumentController) Read() { c.Prepare() identify := c.Ctx.Input.Param(":key") token := c.GetString("token") id := c.GetString(":id") c.Data["DocumentId"] = id if identify == "" || id == "" { c.ShowErrorPage(404, "项目不存或已删除") } // 如果没有开启匿名访问则跳转到登录 if !c.EnableAnonymous && !c.isUserLoggedIn() { promptUserToLogIn(c) return } bookResult := c.isReadable(identify, token) c.TplName = fmt.Sprintf("document/%s_read.tpl", bookResult.Theme) doc := models.NewDocument() if docId, err := strconv.Atoi(id); err == nil { doc, err = doc.FromCacheById(docId) if err != nil { beego.Error("从缓存中读取文档时失败 ->", err) c.ShowErrorPage(404, "文档不存在或已删除") } } else { doc, err = doc.FromCacheByIdentify(id, bookResult.BookId) if err != nil { if err == orm.ErrNoRows { c.ShowErrorPage(404, "文档不存在或已删除") } else { beego.Error("从缓存查询文档时出错 ->", err) c.ShowErrorPage(500, "未知异常") } } } if doc.BookId != bookResult.BookId { c.ShowErrorPage(404, "文档不存在或已删除") } doc.Processor() attach, err := models.NewAttachment().FindListByDocumentId(doc.DocumentId) if err == nil { doc.AttachList = attach } if c.IsAjax() { var data struct { DocTitle string `json:"doc_title"` Body string `json:"body"` Title string `json:"title"` Version int64 `json:"version"` } data.DocTitle = doc.DocumentName data.Body = doc.Release data.Title = doc.DocumentName + " - Powered by MinDoc" data.Version = doc.Version c.JsonResult(0, "ok", data) } tree, err := models.NewDocument().CreateDocumentTreeForHtml(bookResult.BookId, doc.DocumentId) if err != nil && err != orm.ErrNoRows { beego.Error("生成项目文档树时出错 ->", err) c.ShowErrorPage(500, "生成项目文档树时出错") } c.Data["Description"] = utils.AutoSummary(doc.Release, 120) c.Data["Model"] = bookResult c.Data["Result"] = template.HTML(tree) c.Data["Title"] = doc.DocumentName c.Data["Content"] = template.HTML(doc.Release) } // 编辑文档 func (c *DocumentController) Edit() { c.Prepare() identify := c.Ctx.Input.Param(":key") if identify == "" { c.ShowErrorPage(404, "无法解析项目标识") } bookResult := models.NewBookResult() var err error // 如果是管理者,则不判断权限 if c.Member.IsAdministrator() { book, err := models.NewBook().FindByFieldFirst("identify", identify) if err != nil { c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } bookResult = models.NewBookResult().ToBookResult(*book) } else { bookResult, err = models.NewBookResult().FindByIdentify(identify, c.Member.MemberId) if err != nil { if err == orm.ErrNoRows || err == models.ErrPermissionDenied{ c.ShowErrorPage(403, "项目不存在或没有权限") } else { beego.Error("查询项目时出错 -> ", err) c.ShowErrorPage(500, "查询项目时出错") } } if bookResult.RoleId == conf.BookObserver { c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } } // 根据不同编辑器类型加载编辑器 if bookResult.Editor == "markdown" { c.TplName = "document/markdown_edit_template.tpl" } else if bookResult.Editor == "html" { c.TplName = "document/new_html_edit_template.tpl" } else { c.TplName = "document/" + bookResult.Editor + "_edit_template.tpl" } c.Data["Model"] = bookResult r, _ := json.Marshal(bookResult) c.Data["ModelResult"] = template.JS(string(r)) c.Data["Result"] = template.JS("[]") trees, err := models.NewDocument().FindDocumentTree(bookResult.BookId) if err != nil { beego.Error("FindDocumentTree => ", err) } else { if len(trees) > 0 { if jtree, err := json.Marshal(trees); err == nil { c.Data["Result"] = template.JS(string(jtree)) } } else { c.Data["Result"] = template.JS("[]") } } c.Data["BaiDuMapKey"] = beego.AppConfig.DefaultString("baidumapkey", "") if conf.GetUploadFileSize() > 0 { c.Data["UploadFileSize"] = conf.GetUploadFileSize() } else { c.Data["UploadFileSize"] = "undefined"; } } // 创建一个文档 func (c *DocumentController) Create() { identify := c.GetString("identify") docIdentify := c.GetString("doc_identify") docName := c.GetString("doc_name") parentId, _ := c.GetInt("parent_id", 0) docId, _ := c.GetInt("doc_id", 0) isOpen, _ := c.GetInt("is_open", 0) if identify == "" { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } if docName == "" { c.JsonResult(6004, "文档名称不能为空") } bookId := 0 // 如果是超级管理员则不判断权限 if c.Member.IsAdministrator() { book, err := models.NewBook().FindByFieldFirst("identify", identify) if err != nil { beego.Error(err) c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } bookId = book.BookId } else { bookResult, err := models.NewBookResult().FindByIdentify(identify, c.Member.MemberId) if err != nil || bookResult.RoleId == conf.BookObserver { beego.Error("FindByIdentify => ", err) c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } bookId = bookResult.BookId } if docIdentify != "" { if ok, err := regexp.MatchString(`[a-z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_.\-]*$`, docIdentify); !ok || err != nil { c.JsonResult(6003, "文档标识只能包含小写字母、数字,以及“-”、“.”和“_”符号") } d, _ := models.NewDocument().FindByIdentityFirst(docIdentify, bookId) if d.DocumentId > 0 && d.DocumentId != docId { c.JsonResult(6006, "文档标识已被使用") } } if parentId > 0 { doc, err := models.NewDocument().Find(parentId) if err != nil || doc.BookId != bookId { c.JsonResult(6003, "父分类不存在") } } document, _ := models.NewDocument().Find(docId) document.MemberId = c.Member.MemberId document.BookId = bookId document.Identify = docIdentify document.Version = time.Now().Unix() document.DocumentName = docName document.ParentId = parentId if isOpen == 1 { document.IsOpen = 1 } else { document.IsOpen = 0 } if err := document.InsertOrUpdate(); err != nil { beego.Error("添加或更新文档时出错 -> ", err) c.JsonResult(6005, "保存失败") } else { c.JsonResult(0, "ok", document) } } // 上传附件或图片 func (c *DocumentController) Upload() { identify := c.GetString("identify") docId, _ := c.GetInt("doc_id") isAttach := true if identify == "" { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } name := "editormd-file-file" file, moreFile, err := c.GetFile(name) if err == http.ErrMissingFile { name = "editormd-image-file" file, moreFile, err = c.GetFile(name) if err == http.ErrMissingFile { c.JsonResult(6003, "没有发现需要上传的文件") } } if err != nil { c.JsonResult(6002, err.Error()) } defer file.Close() type Size interface { Size() int64 } if conf.GetUploadFileSize() > 0 && moreFile.Size > conf.GetUploadFileSize() { c.JsonResult(6009, "文件大小超过了限定的最大值") } ext := filepath.Ext(moreFile.Filename) //文件必须带有后缀名 if ext == "" { c.JsonResult(6003, "无法解析文件的格式") } //如果文件类型设置为 * 标识不限制文件类型 if conf.IsAllowUploadFileExt(ext) == false { c.JsonResult(6004, "不允许的文件类型") } bookId := 0 // 如果是超级管理员,则不判断权限 if c.Member.IsAdministrator() { book, err := models.NewBook().FindByFieldFirst("identify", identify) if err != nil { c.JsonResult(6006, "文档不存在或权限不足") } bookId = book.BookId } else { book, err := models.NewBookResult().FindByIdentify(identify, c.Member.MemberId) if err != nil { beego.Error("DocumentController.Edit => ", err) if err == orm.ErrNoRows { c.JsonResult(6006, "权限不足") } c.JsonResult(6001, err.Error()) } // 如果没有编辑权限 if book.RoleId != conf.BookEditor && book.RoleId != conf.BookAdmin && book.RoleId != conf.BookFounder { c.JsonResult(6006, "权限不足") } bookId = book.BookId } if docId > 0 { doc, err := models.NewDocument().Find(docId) if err != nil { c.JsonResult(6007, "文档不存在") } if doc.BookId != bookId { c.JsonResult(6008, "文档不属于指定的项目") } } fileName := "m_" + cryptil.UniqueId() + "_r" filePath := filepath.Join(conf.WorkingDirectory, "uploads", identify) //将图片和文件分开存放 if strings.EqualFold(ext, ".jpg") || strings.EqualFold(ext, ".jpeg") || strings.EqualFold(ext, ".png") || strings.EqualFold(ext, ".gif") { filePath = filepath.Join(filePath, "images", fileName+ext) } else { filePath = filepath.Join(filePath, "files", fileName+ext) } path := filepath.Dir(filePath) os.MkdirAll(path, os.ModePerm) err = c.SaveToFile(name, filePath) if err != nil { beego.Error("保存文件失败 -> ", err) c.JsonResult(6005, "保存文件失败") } attachment := models.NewAttachment() attachment.BookId = bookId attachment.FileName = moreFile.Filename attachment.CreateAt = c.Member.MemberId attachment.FileExt = ext attachment.FilePath = strings.TrimPrefix(filePath, conf.WorkingDirectory) attachment.DocumentId = docId if fileInfo, err := os.Stat(filePath); err == nil { attachment.FileSize = float64(fileInfo.Size()) } if docId > 0 { attachment.DocumentId = docId } if strings.EqualFold(ext, ".jpg") || strings.EqualFold(ext, ".jpeg") || strings.EqualFold(ext, ".png") || strings.EqualFold(ext, ".gif") { attachment.HttpPath = "/" + strings.Replace(strings.TrimPrefix(filePath, conf.WorkingDirectory), "\\", "/", -1) if strings.HasPrefix(attachment.HttpPath, "//") { attachment.HttpPath = conf.URLForWithCdnImage(string(attachment.HttpPath[1:])) } isAttach = false } err = attachment.Insert() if err != nil { os.Remove(filePath) beego.Error("文件保存失败 ->", err) c.JsonResult(6006, "文件保存失败") } if attachment.HttpPath == "" { attachment.HttpPath = conf.URLForNotHost("DocumentController.DownloadAttachment", ":key", identify, ":attach_id", attachment.AttachmentId) if err := attachment.Update(); err != nil { beego.Error("保存文件失败 ->", err) c.JsonResult(6005, "保存文件失败") } } result := map[string]interface{}{ "errcode": 0, "success": 1, "message": "ok", "url": attachment.HttpPath, "alt": attachment.FileName, "is_attach": isAttach, "attach": attachment, } c.Ctx.Output.JSON(result, true, false) c.StopRun() } // 下载附件 func (c *DocumentController) DownloadAttachment() { c.Prepare() identify := c.Ctx.Input.Param(":key") attachId, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Ctx.Input.Param(":attach_id")) token := c.GetString("token") memberId := 0 if c.Member != nil { memberId = c.Member.MemberId } bookId := 0 // 判断用户是否参与了项目 bookResult, err := models.NewBookResult().FindByIdentify(identify, memberId) if err != nil { // 判断项目公开状态 book, err := models.NewBook().FindByFieldFirst("identify", identify) if err != nil { if err == orm.ErrNoRows { c.ShowErrorPage(404, "项目不存在或已删除") } else { beego.Error("查找项目时出错 ->", err) c.ShowErrorPage(500, "系统错误") } } // 如果不是超级管理员则判断权限 if c.Member == nil || c.Member.Role != conf.MemberSuperRole { // 如果项目是私有的,并且 token 不正确 if (book.PrivatelyOwned == 1 && token == "") || (book.PrivatelyOwned == 1 && book.PrivateToken != token) { c.ShowErrorPage(403, "权限不足") } } bookId = book.BookId } else { bookId = bookResult.BookId } // 查找附件 attachment, err := models.NewAttachment().Find(attachId) if err != nil { beego.Error("查找附件时出错 -> ", err) if err == orm.ErrNoRows { c.ShowErrorPage(404, "附件不存在或已删除") } else { c.ShowErrorPage(500, "查找附件时出错") } } if attachment.BookId != bookId { c.ShowErrorPage(404, "附件不存在或已删除") } c.Ctx.Output.Download(filepath.Join(conf.WorkingDirectory, attachment.FilePath), attachment.FileName) c.StopRun() } // 删除附件 func (c *DocumentController) RemoveAttachment() { c.Prepare() attachId, _ := c.GetInt("attach_id") if attachId <= 0 { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } attach, err := models.NewAttachment().Find(attachId) if err != nil { beego.Error(err) c.JsonResult(6002, "附件不存在") } document, err := models.NewDocument().Find(attach.DocumentId) if err != nil { beego.Error(err) c.JsonResult(6003, "文档不存在") } if c.Member.Role != conf.MemberSuperRole { rel, err := models.NewRelationship().FindByBookIdAndMemberId(document.BookId, c.Member.MemberId) if err != nil { beego.Error(err) c.JsonResult(6004, "权限不足") } if rel.RoleId == conf.BookObserver { c.JsonResult(6004, "权限不足") } } err = attach.Delete() if err != nil { beego.Error(err) c.JsonResult(6005, "删除失败") } os.Remove(filepath.Join(conf.WorkingDirectory, attach.FilePath)) c.JsonResult(0, "ok", attach) } // 删除文档 func (c *DocumentController) Delete() { c.Prepare() identify := c.GetString("identify") docId, err := c.GetInt("doc_id", 0) bookId := 0 // 如果是超级管理员则忽略权限判断 if c.Member.IsAdministrator() { book, err := models.NewBook().FindByFieldFirst("identify", identify) if err != nil { beego.Error("FindByIdentify => ", err) c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } bookId = book.BookId } else { bookResult, err := models.NewBookResult().FindByIdentify(identify, c.Member.MemberId) if err != nil || bookResult.RoleId == conf.BookObserver { beego.Error("FindByIdentify => ", err) c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } bookId = bookResult.BookId } if docId <= 0 { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } doc, err := models.NewDocument().Find(docId) if err != nil { beego.Error("Delete => ", err) c.JsonResult(6003, "删除失败") } // 如果文档所属项目错误 if doc.BookId != bookId { c.JsonResult(6004, "参数错误") } // 递归删除项目下的文档以及子文档 err = doc.RecursiveDocument(doc.DocumentId) if err != nil { c.JsonResult(6005, "删除失败") } // 重置文档数量统计 models.NewBook().ResetDocumentNumber(doc.BookId) c.JsonResult(0, "ok") } // 获取文档内容 func (c *DocumentController) Content() { c.Prepare() identify := c.Ctx.Input.Param(":key") docId, err := c.GetInt("doc_id") if err != nil { docId, _ = strconv.Atoi(c.Ctx.Input.Param(":id")) } bookId := 0 autoRelease := false // 如果是超级管理员,则忽略权限 if c.Member.IsAdministrator() { book, err := models.NewBook().FindByFieldFirst("identify", identify) if err != nil { c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } bookId = book.BookId autoRelease = book.AutoRelease == 1 } else { bookResult, err := models.NewBookResult().FindByIdentify(identify, c.Member.MemberId) if err != nil || bookResult.RoleId == conf.BookObserver { beego.Error("项目不存在或权限不足 -> ", err) c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } bookId = bookResult.BookId autoRelease = bookResult.AutoRelease } if docId <= 0 { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } if c.Ctx.Input.IsPost() { markdown := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("markdown", "")) content := c.GetString("html") version, _ := c.GetInt64("version", 0) isCover := c.GetString("cover") doc, err := models.NewDocument().Find(docId) if err != nil { c.JsonResult(6003, "读取文档错误") } if doc.BookId != bookId { c.JsonResult(6004, "保存的文档不属于指定项目") } if doc.Version != version && !strings.EqualFold(isCover, "yes") { beego.Info("%d|", version, doc.Version) c.JsonResult(6005, "文档已被修改确定要覆盖吗?") } history := models.NewDocumentHistory() history.DocumentId = docId history.Content = doc.Content history.Markdown = doc.Markdown history.DocumentName = doc.DocumentName history.ModifyAt = c.Member.MemberId history.MemberId = doc.MemberId history.ParentId = doc.ParentId history.Version = time.Now().Unix() history.Action = "modify" history.ActionName = "修改文档" if markdown == "" && content != "" { doc.Markdown = content } else { doc.Markdown = markdown } doc.Version = time.Now().Unix() doc.Content = content if err := doc.InsertOrUpdate(); err != nil { beego.Error("InsertOrUpdate => ", err) c.JsonResult(6006, "保存失败") } // 如果启用了文档历史,则添加历史文档 ///如果两次保存的MD5值不同则保存为历史,否则忽略 go func(history *models.DocumentHistory) { if c.EnableDocumentHistory && cryptil.Md5Crypt(history.Markdown) != cryptil.Md5Crypt(doc.Markdown) { _, err = history.InsertOrUpdate() if err != nil { beego.Error("DocumentHistory InsertOrUpdate => ", err) } } }(history) //如果启用了自动发布 if autoRelease { go func() { err := doc.ReleaseContent() if err == nil { logs.Informational("文档自动发布成功 -> document_id=%d;document_name=%s", doc.DocumentId, doc.DocumentName) } }() } c.JsonResult(0, "ok", doc) } doc, err := models.NewDocument().Find(docId) if err != nil { c.JsonResult(6003, "文档不存在") } attach, err := models.NewAttachment().FindListByDocumentId(doc.DocumentId) if err == nil { doc.AttachList = attach } c.JsonResult(0, "ok", doc) } // //func (c *DocumentController) GetDocumentById(id string) (doc *models.Document, err error) { // doc = models.NewDocument() // if doc_id, err := strconv.Atoi(id); err == nil { // doc, err = doc.Find(doc_id) // if err != nil { // return nil, err // } // } else { // doc, err = doc.FindByFieldFirst("identify", id) // if err != nil { // return nil, err // } // } // // return doc, nil //} // 导出 func (c *DocumentController) Export() { c.Prepare() identify := c.Ctx.Input.Param(":key") if identify == "" { c.ShowErrorPage(500, "参数错误") } output := c.GetString("output") token := c.GetString("token") // 如果没有开启匿名访问则跳转到登录 if !c.EnableAnonymous && !c.isUserLoggedIn() { promptUserToLogIn(c) return } if !conf.GetEnableExport() { c.ShowErrorPage(500, "系统没有开启导出功能") } bookResult := models.NewBookResult() if c.Member != nil && c.Member.IsAdministrator() { book, err := models.NewBook().FindByIdentify(identify) if err != nil { if err == orm.ErrNoRows { c.ShowErrorPage(404, "项目不存在") } else { beego.Error("查找项目时出错 ->", err) c.ShowErrorPage(500, "查找项目时出错") } } bookResult = models.NewBookResult().ToBookResult(*book) } else { bookResult = c.isReadable(identify, token) } if !bookResult.IsDownload { c.ShowErrorPage(200, "当前项目没有开启导出功能") } if !strings.HasPrefix(bookResult.Cover, "http:://") && !strings.HasPrefix(bookResult.Cover, "https:://") { bookResult.Cover = conf.URLForWithCdnImage(bookResult.Cover) } if output == "markdown" { if bookResult.Editor != "markdown" { c.ShowErrorPage(500, "当前项目不支持Markdown编辑器") } p, err := bookResult.ExportMarkdown(c.CruSession.SessionID()) if err != nil { c.ShowErrorPage(500, "导出文档失败") } c.Ctx.Output.Download(p, bookResult.BookName+".zip") c.StopRun() return } outputPath := filepath.Join(conf.GetExportOutputPath(), strconv.Itoa(bookResult.BookId)) pdfpath := filepath.Join(outputPath, "book.pdf") epubpath := filepath.Join(outputPath, "book.epub") mobipath := filepath.Join(outputPath, "") docxpath := filepath.Join(outputPath, "book.docx") if output == "pdf" && filetil.FileExists(pdfpath) { c.Ctx.Output.Download(pdfpath, bookResult.BookName+".pdf") c.Abort("200") } else if output == "epub" && filetil.FileExists(epubpath) { c.Ctx.Output.Download(epubpath, bookResult.BookName+".epub") c.Abort("200") } else if output == "mobi" && filetil.FileExists(mobipath) { c.Ctx.Output.Download(mobipath, bookResult.BookName+".mobi") c.Abort("200") } else if output == "docx" && filetil.FileExists(docxpath) { c.Ctx.Output.Download(docxpath, bookResult.BookName+".docx") c.Abort("200") } else if output == "pdf" || output == "epub" || output == "docx" || output == "mobi" { if err := models.BackgroundConvert(c.CruSession.SessionID(), bookResult); err != nil && err != gopool.ErrHandlerIsExist { c.ShowErrorPage(500, "导出失败,请查看系统日志") } c.ShowErrorPage(200, "文档正在后台转换,请稍后再下载") } else { c.ShowErrorPage(200, "不支持的文件格式") } c.ShowErrorPage(404, "项目没有导出文件") } // 生成项目访问的二维码 func (c *DocumentController) QrCode() { c.Prepare() identify := c.GetString(":key") book, err := models.NewBook().FindByIdentify(identify) if err != nil || book.BookId <= 0 { c.ShowErrorPage(404, "项目不存在") } uri := conf.URLFor("DocumentController.Index", ":key", identify) code, err := qr.Encode(uri, qr.L, qr.Unicode) if err != nil { beego.Error("生成二维码失败 ->", err) c.ShowErrorPage(500, "生成二维码失败") } code, err = barcode.Scale(code, 150, 150) if err != nil { beego.Error("生成二维码失败 ->", err) c.ShowErrorPage(500, "生成二维码失败") } c.Ctx.ResponseWriter.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png") // imgpath := filepath.Join("cache","qrcode",identify + ".png") err = png.Encode(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter, code) if err != nil { beego.Error("生成二维码失败 ->", err) c.ShowErrorPage(500, "生成二维码失败") } } // 项目内搜索 func (c *DocumentController) Search() { c.Prepare() identify := c.Ctx.Input.Param(":key") token := c.GetString("token") keyword := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("keyword")) if identify == "" { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } if !c.EnableAnonymous && !c.isUserLoggedIn() { promptUserToLogIn(c) return } bookResult := c.isReadable(identify, token) docs, err := models.NewDocumentSearchResult().SearchDocument(keyword, bookResult.BookId) if err != nil { beego.Error(err) c.JsonResult(6002, "搜索结果错误") } if len(docs) < 0 { c.JsonResult(404, "没有数据库") } for _, doc := range docs { doc.BookId = bookResult.BookId doc.BookName = bookResult.BookName doc.Description = bookResult.Description doc.BookIdentify = bookResult.Identify } c.JsonResult(0, "ok", docs) } // 文档历史列表 func (c *DocumentController) History() { c.Prepare() c.TplName = "document/history.tpl" identify := c.GetString("identify") docId, err := c.GetInt("doc_id", 0) pageIndex, _ := c.GetInt("page", 1) bookId := 0 // 如果是超级管理员则忽略权限判断 if c.Member.IsAdministrator() { book, err := models.NewBook().FindByFieldFirst("identify", identify) if err != nil { beego.Error("查找项目失败 ->", err) c.Data["ErrorMessage"] = "项目不存在或权限不足" return } bookId = book.BookId c.Data["Model"] = book } else { bookResult, err := models.NewBookResult().FindByIdentify(identify, c.Member.MemberId) if err != nil || bookResult.RoleId == conf.BookObserver { beego.Error("查找项目失败 ->", err) c.Data["ErrorMessage"] = "项目不存在或权限不足" return } bookId = bookResult.BookId c.Data["Model"] = bookResult } if docId <= 0 { c.Data["ErrorMessage"] = "参数错误" return } doc, err := models.NewDocument().Find(docId) if err != nil { beego.Error("Delete => ", err) c.Data["ErrorMessage"] = "获取历史失败" return } // 如果文档所属项目错误 if doc.BookId != bookId { c.Data["ErrorMessage"] = "参数错误" return } histories, totalCount, err := models.NewDocumentHistory().FindToPager(docId, pageIndex, conf.PageSize) if err != nil { beego.Error("分页查找文档历史失败 ->", err) c.Data["ErrorMessage"] = "获取历史失败" return } c.Data["List"] = histories c.Data["PageHtml"] = "" c.Data["Document"] = doc if totalCount > 0 { pager := pagination.NewPagination(c.Ctx.Request, totalCount, conf.PageSize, c.BaseUrl()) c.Data["PageHtml"] = pager.HtmlPages() } } func (c *DocumentController) DeleteHistory() { c.Prepare() c.TplName = "document/history.tpl" identify := c.GetString("identify") docId, err := c.GetInt("doc_id", 0) historyId, _ := c.GetInt("history_id", 0) if historyId <= 0 { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } bookId := 0 // 如果是超级管理员则忽略权限判断 if c.Member.IsAdministrator() { book, err := models.NewBook().FindByFieldFirst("identify", identify) if err != nil { beego.Error("查找项目失败 ->", err) c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } bookId = book.BookId } else { bookResult, err := models.NewBookResult().FindByIdentify(identify, c.Member.MemberId) if err != nil || bookResult.RoleId == conf.BookObserver { beego.Error("查找项目失败 ->", err) c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } bookId = bookResult.BookId } if docId <= 0 { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } doc, err := models.NewDocument().Find(docId) if err != nil { beego.Error("Delete => ", err) c.JsonResult(6001, "获取历史失败") } // 如果文档所属项目错误 if doc.BookId != bookId { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } err = models.NewDocumentHistory().Delete(historyId, docId) if err != nil { beego.Error(err) c.JsonResult(6002, "删除失败") } c.JsonResult(0, "ok") } //通过文档历史恢复文档 func (c *DocumentController) RestoreHistory() { c.Prepare() c.TplName = "document/history.tpl" identify := c.GetString("identify") docId, err := c.GetInt("doc_id", 0) historyId, _ := c.GetInt("history_id", 0) if historyId <= 0 { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } bookId := 0 // 如果是超级管理员则忽略权限判断 if c.Member.IsAdministrator() { book, err := models.NewBook().FindByFieldFirst("identify", identify) if err != nil { beego.Error("FindByIdentify => ", err) c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } bookId = book.BookId } else { bookResult, err := models.NewBookResult().FindByIdentify(identify, c.Member.MemberId) if err != nil || bookResult.RoleId == conf.BookObserver { beego.Error("FindByIdentify => ", err) c.JsonResult(6002, "项目不存在或权限不足") } bookId = bookResult.BookId } if docId <= 0 { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } doc, err := models.NewDocument().Find(docId) if err != nil { beego.Error("Delete => ", err) c.JsonResult(6001, "获取历史失败") } // 如果文档所属项目错误 if doc.BookId != bookId { c.JsonResult(6001, "参数错误") } err = models.NewDocumentHistory().Restore(historyId, docId, c.Member.MemberId) if err != nil { beego.Error(err) c.JsonResult(6002, "删除失败") } c.JsonResult(0, "ok", doc) } func (c *DocumentController) Compare() { c.Prepare() c.TplName = "document/compare.tpl" historyId, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Ctx.Input.Param(":id")) identify := c.Ctx.Input.Param(":key") bookId := 0 editor := "markdown" // 如果是超级管理员则忽略权限判断 if c.Member.IsAdministrator() { book, err := models.NewBook().FindByFieldFirst("identify", identify) if err != nil { beego.Error("DocumentController.Compare => ", err) c.ShowErrorPage(403, "权限不足") return } bookId = book.BookId c.Data["Model"] = book editor = book.Editor } else { bookResult, err := models.NewBookResult().FindByIdentify(identify, c.Member.MemberId) if err != nil || bookResult.RoleId == conf.BookObserver { beego.Error("FindByIdentify => ", err) c.ShowErrorPage(403, "权限不足") return } bookId = bookResult.BookId c.Data["Model"] = bookResult editor = bookResult.Editor } if historyId <= 0 { c.ShowErrorPage(60002, "参数错误") } history, err := models.NewDocumentHistory().Find(historyId) if err != nil { beego.Error("DocumentController.Compare => ", err) c.ShowErrorPage(60003, err.Error()) } doc, err := models.NewDocument().Find(history.DocumentId) if doc.BookId != bookId { c.ShowErrorPage(60002, "参数错误") } c.Data["HistoryId"] = historyId c.Data["DocumentId"] = doc.DocumentId if editor == "markdown" { c.Data["HistoryContent"] = history.Markdown c.Data["Content"] = doc.Markdown } else { c.Data["HistoryContent"] = template.HTML(history.Content) c.Data["Content"] = template.HTML(doc.Content) } } // 判断用户是否可以阅读文档 func (c *DocumentController) isReadable(identify, token string) *models.BookResult { book, err := models.NewBook().FindByFieldFirst("identify", identify) if err != nil { beego.Error(err) c.ShowErrorPage(500, "项目不存在") } bookResult := models.NewBookResult().ToBookResult(*book) isOk := false if c.isUserLoggedIn() { roleId, err := models.NewBook().FindForRoleId(book.BookId, c.Member.MemberId) if err == nil { isOk = true bookResult.MemberId = c.Member.MemberId bookResult.RoleId = roleId } } // 如果文档是私有的 if book.PrivatelyOwned == 1 && (!c.isUserLoggedIn() || !c.Member.IsAdministrator()) { if book.PrivateToken != "" && !isOk && token != "" { // 如果有访问的 Token,并且该项目设置了访问 Token,并且和用户提供的相匹配,则记录到 Session 中。 // 如果用户未提供 Token 且用户登录了,则判断用户是否参与了该项目。 // 如果用户未登录,则从 Session 中读取 Token。 if token != "" && strings.EqualFold(token, book.PrivateToken) { c.SetSession(identify, token) } else if token, ok := c.GetSession(identify).(string); !ok || !strings.EqualFold(token, book.PrivateToken) { c.ShowErrorPage(403, "权限不足") } } else if password := c.GetString("bPassword", "");!isOk && book.BookPassword != "" && password != ""{ //如果设置了密码,则判断密码是否正确 if book.BookPassword != password { c.JsonResult(5001, "密码错误") } else { c.SetSession(identify, password) c.JsonResult(0,"OK") } } else if !isOk { //如果设置了密码,则显示密码输入页面 if book.BookPassword != "" { //判断已存在的密码是否正确 if password, ok := c.GetSession(identify).(string); !ok || !strings.EqualFold(password, book.BookPassword) { body, err := c.ExecuteViewPathTemplate("document/document_password.tpl", map[string]string{"Identify": book.Identify}); if err != nil { beego.Error("显示密码页面失败 ->", err) } c.CustomAbort(200, body) } } else { c.ShowErrorPage(403, "权限不足") } } } return bookResult } func promptUserToLogIn(c *DocumentController) { beego.Info("Access " + c.Ctx.Request.URL.RequestURI() + " not permitted.") beego.Info(" Access will be redirected to login page(SessionId: " + c.CruSession.SessionID() + ").") if c.IsAjax() { c.JsonResult(6000, "请重新登录。") } else { c.Redirect(conf.URLFor("AccountController.Login")+"?url="+url.PathEscape(conf.BaseUrl+c.Ctx.Request.URL.RequestURI()), 302) } }