var Prism = require('prismjs'); var languages = require('prismjs').languages; var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var cheerio = require('cheerio'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 'markup'; var MAP_LANGUAGES = { 'py': 'python', 'js': 'javascript', 'rb': 'ruby', 'cs': 'csharp', 'sh': 'bash', 'html': 'markup' }; // Base languages syntaxes (as of prism@1.6.0), extended by other syntaxes. // They need to be required before the others. var PRELUDE = [ 'markup-templating', 'clike', 'javascript', 'markup', 'c', 'ruby', 'css', // The following depends on previous ones 'java', 'php' ];; /** * Load the syntax definition for a language id */ function requireSyntax(lang) { require('prismjs/components/prism-' + lang + '.js'); } function getConfig(context, property, defaultValue) { var config = context.config ? /* 3.x */ context.config : /* 2.x */; return config.get(property, defaultValue); } function isEbook(book) { // 2.x if (book.options && book.options.generator) { return book.options.generator === 'ebook'; } // 3.x return === 'ebook'; } function getAssets() { var cssFiles = getConfig(this, 'pluginsConfig.prism.css', []); var cssFolder = null; var cssNames = []; var cssName = null; if (cssFiles.length === 0) { cssFiles.push('prismjs/themes/prism.css'); } cssFiles.forEach(function(cssFile) { var cssPath = require.resolve(cssFile); cssFolder = path.dirname(cssPath); cssName = path.basename(cssPath); cssNames.push(cssName); }); return { assets: cssFolder, css: cssNames }; } module.exports = { book: getAssets, ebook: function() { // Adding prism-ebook.css to the CSS collection forces Gitbook // reference to it in the html markup that is converted into a PDF. var assets =; assets.css.push('prism-ebook.css'); return assets; }, blocks: { code: function(block) { var highlighted = ''; var userDefined = getConfig(this, 'pluginsConfig.prism.lang', {}); var userIgnored = getConfig(this, 'pluginsConfig.prism.ignore', []); // Normalize language id var lang = block.kwargs.language || DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; lang = userDefined[lang] || MAP_LANGUAGES[lang] || lang; // Check to see if the lang is ignored if (userIgnored.indexOf(lang) > -1) { return block.body; } // Try and find the language definition in components folder if (!languages[lang]) { try { requireSyntax(lang); } catch (e) { console.warn('Failed to load prism syntax: ' + lang); console.warn(e); } } if (!languages[lang]) lang = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; // Check against html, prism "markup" works for this if (lang === 'html') { lang = 'markup'; } try { // The process can fail (failed to parse) highlighted = Prism.highlight(block.body, languages[lang]); } catch (e) { console.warn('Failed to highlight:'); console.warn(e); highlighted = block.body; } return highlighted; } }, hooks: { // Manually copy prism-ebook.css into the temporary directory that Gitbook uses for inlining // styles from this plugin. The getAssets() (above) function can't be leveraged because // ebook-prism.css lives outside the folder referenced by this plugin's config. // // @Inspiration init: function() { var book = this; if (!isEbook(book)) { return; } var outputDirectory = path.join(book.output.root(), '/gitbook/gitbook-plugin-prism'); var outputFile = path.resolve(outputDirectory, 'prism-ebook.css'); var inputFile = path.resolve(__dirname, './prism-ebook.css'); mkdirp.sync(outputDirectory); try { fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, fs.readFileSync(inputFile)); } catch (e) { console.warn('Failed to write prism-ebook.css. See for side effects.'); console.warn(e); } }, page: function(page) { var highlighted = false; var $ = cheerio.load(page.content); // Prism css styles target the and
 blocks using
      // a substring CSS selector:
      //    code[class*="language-"], pre[class*="language-"]
      // Adding "language-" to 
 element should be sufficient to trigger
      // correct color theme.
      $('pre').each(function() {
        highlighted = true;
        const $this = $(this);

      if (highlighted) {
        page.content = $.html();

      return page;