(function (Prism) { // CAREFUL! // The following patterns are concatenated, so the group referenced by a back reference is non-obvious! var strings = [ // normal string // 1 capturing group /(["'])(?:\\[\s\S]|\$\([^)]+\)|`[^`]+`|(?!\1)[^\\])*\1/.source, // here doc // 1 capturing group /<<-?\s*(\w+?)[ \t]*(?!.)[\s\S]*?[\r\n]\2/.source, // here doc quoted // 2 capturing group /<<-?\s*(["'])(\w+)\3[ \t]*(?!.)[\s\S]*?[\r\n]\4/.source ].join('|'); Prism.languages['shell-session'] = { 'info': { // foo@bar:~/files$ exit // foo@bar$ exit pattern: /^[^\r\n$#*!]+(?=[$#])/m, alias: 'punctuation', inside: { 'path': { pattern: /(:)[\s\S]+/, lookbehind: true }, 'user': /^[^\s@:$#*!/\\]+@[^\s@:$#*!/\\]+(?=:|$)/, 'punctuation': /:/ } }, 'command': { pattern: RegExp(/[$#](?:[^\\\r\n'"<]|\\.|<>)+/.source.replace(/<>/g, function () { return strings; })), greedy: true, inside: { 'bash': { pattern: /(^[$#]\s*)[\s\S]+/, lookbehind: true, alias: 'language-bash', inside: Prism.languages.bash }, 'shell-symbol': { pattern: /^[$#]/, alias: 'important' } } }, 'output': /.(?:.*(?:[\r\n]|.$))*/ }; }(Prism));