# Include code snippets in your GitBook This plugins makes it easy to import code files or uses variables in codeblocks in your GitBook. ### How to use it? Add it to your `book.json` configuration: ``` { "plugins": ["codesnippet"] } ``` And then in your content: ```md This is a code snippet: {% codesnippet "./myfile.js" %}{% endcodesnippet %} ``` Using a specific language: ```md This is a code snippet, display as HTML: {% codesnippet "./myfile.ejs", language="html" %}{% endcodesnippet %} ``` Include a range of lines: ```md This is a code snippet, display as HTML: {% codesnippet "./myfile.ejs", lines="2:5" %}{% endcodesnippet %} ``` Code blocks with templating syntax: ```md This is a code snippet, display as HTML: {% codesnippet %} curl {{ book.hostname|d("http://localhost") }}/myapi {% endcodesnippet %} ```