Google Analytics tracking for GitBook ============== You can use install it via **NPM**: ``` $ npm install gitbook-plugin-ga ``` And use it for your book with in the book.json: ``` { "plugins": ["ga"] } ``` You can set the Google Analytics tracking ID using the plugins configuration in the book.json: ``` { "plugins": ["ga"], "pluginsConfig": { "ga": { "token": "UA-XXXX-Y" } } } ``` You can customize the tracker object by passing additional configuration options. You can either pass in `auto`, `none` or an object: ``` { "plugins": ["ga"], "pluginsConfig": { "ga": { "token": "UA-XXXX-Y", "configuration": { "cookieName": "new_cookie_name", "cookieDomain": "" } } } } ``` For an overview of all available configuration parameters, please refer to the [analytics.js field reference](