# Gitbook Page TOC Button Plugin [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/gitbook-plugin-page-toc-button.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/gitbook-plugin-page-toc-button) This plugin adds a table of content (TOC) button to your GitBook page. All three GitBook themes (White, Sepia, Night) are supported. This project took heavy inspiration from https://plugins.gitbook.com/plugin/anchor-navigation. ## Usage ### Installation Add the plugin to your `book.json`: ``` { "plugins" : [ "page-toc-button" ] } ``` ### Optional configuration You can add the following configuration params to your `book.json`: ``` { "plugins" : [ "page-toc-button" ], "pluginsConfig": { "page-toc-button": { "maxTocDepth": 2, "minTocSize": 2   } } } ``` Name | Type | Default | Description ----------- | ------- | ------- | ------------ maxTocDepth | Number | 2 | Maximal depth of headers (2 = h1 + h2 + h3). A value > 2 is not supported. minTocSize | Number | 2 | Minimal number of toc entries for showing the toc button. ## Screenshots The page toc button: ![Page Toc Button](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stuebersystems/gitbook-plugin-page-toc-button/master/screenshot1.png) The page toc menu: ![Page Toc Menu](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stuebersystems/gitbook-plugin-page-toc-button/master/screenshot2.png) ## Changelog * 0.1.0 Releases: * 0.1.0 First release * 0.1.1 Button icon switched