
624 lines
18 KiB

var genobj = require('generate-object-property')
var genfun = require('generate-function')
var jsonpointer = require('jsonpointer')
var xtend = require('xtend')
var formats = require('./formats')
var get = function(obj, additionalSchemas, ptr) {
var visit = function(sub) {
if (sub && sub.id === ptr) return sub
if (typeof sub !== 'object' || !sub) return null
return Object.keys(sub).reduce(function(res, k) {
return res || visit(sub[k])
}, null)
var res = visit(obj)
if (res) return res
ptr = ptr.replace(/^#/, '')
ptr = ptr.replace(/\/$/, '')
try {
return jsonpointer.get(obj, decodeURI(ptr))
} catch (err) {
var end = ptr.indexOf('#')
var other
// external reference
if (end !== 0) {
// fragment doesn't exist.
if (end === -1) {
other = additionalSchemas[ptr]
} else {
var ext = ptr.slice(0, end)
other = additionalSchemas[ext]
var fragment = ptr.slice(end).replace(/^#/, '')
try {
return jsonpointer.get(other, fragment)
} catch (err) {}
} else {
other = additionalSchemas[ptr]
return other || null
var types = {}
types.any = function() {
return 'true'
types.null = function(name) {
return name+' === null'
types.boolean = function(name) {
return 'typeof '+name+' === "boolean"'
types.array = function(name) {
return 'Array.isArray('+name+')'
types.object = function(name) {
return 'typeof '+name+' === "object" && '+name+' && !Array.isArray('+name+')'
types.number = function(name) {
return 'typeof '+name+' === "number" && isFinite('+name+')'
types.integer = function(name) {
return 'typeof '+name+' === "number" && (Math.floor('+name+') === '+name+' || '+name+' > 9007199254740992 || '+name+' < -9007199254740992)'
types.string = function(name) {
return 'typeof '+name+' === "string"'
var unique = function(array, len) {
len = Math.min(len === -1 ? array.length : len, array.length)
var list = []
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
list.push(typeof array[i] === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(array[i]) : array[i])
for (var i = 1; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list.indexOf(list[i]) !== i) return false
return true
var isMultipleOf = function(name, multipleOf) {
var res;
var factor = ((multipleOf | 0) !== multipleOf) ? Math.pow(10, multipleOf.toString().split('.').pop().length) : 1
if (factor > 1) {
var factorName = ((name | 0) !== name) ? Math.pow(10, name.toString().split('.').pop().length) : 1
if (factorName > factor) res = true
else res = Math.round(factor * name) % (factor * multipleOf)
else res = name % multipleOf;
return !res;
var testLimitedRegex = function (r, s, maxLength) {
if (maxLength > -1 && s.length > maxLength) return true
return r.test(s)
var compile = function(schema, cache, root, reporter, opts) {
var fmts = opts ? xtend(formats, opts.formats) : formats
var scope = {unique:unique, formats:fmts, isMultipleOf:isMultipleOf, testLimitedRegex:testLimitedRegex}
var verbose = opts ? !!opts.verbose : false;
var greedy = opts && opts.greedy !== undefined ?
opts.greedy : false;
var syms = {}
var allocated = []
var gensym = function(name) {
var res = name+(syms[name] = (syms[name] || 0)+1)
return res
var formatName = function(field) {
var s = JSON.stringify(field)
try {
var pattern = /\[([^\[\]"]+)\]/
while (pattern.test(s)) s = s.replace(pattern, replacer)
return s
} catch (_) {
return JSON.stringify(field)
function replacer (match, v) {
if (allocated.indexOf(v) === -1) throw new Error('Unreplaceable')
return '." + ' + v + ' + "'
var reversePatterns = {}
var patterns = function(p) {
if (reversePatterns[p]) return reversePatterns[p]
var n = gensym('pattern')
scope[n] = new RegExp(p)
reversePatterns[p] = n
return n
var vars = ['i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','x','y','z']
var genloop = function() {
var v = vars.shift()
return v
var visit = function(name, node, reporter, filter, schemaPath) {
var properties = node.properties
var type = node.type
var tuple = false
if (Array.isArray(node.items)) { // tuple type
properties = {}
node.items.forEach(function(item, i) {
properties[i] = item
type = 'array'
tuple = true
var indent = 0
var error = function(msg, prop, value) {
if (reporter === true) {
validate('if (validate.errors === null) validate.errors = []')
if (verbose) {
formatName(prop || name),
value || name,
} else {
validate('validate.errors.push({field:%s,message:%s})', formatName(prop || name), JSON.stringify(msg))
if (node.required === true) {
validate('if (%s === undefined) {', name)
error('is required')
validate('} else {')
} else {
validate('if (%s !== undefined) {', name)
var valid = [].concat(type)
.map(function(t) {
if (t && !types.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + t)
return types[t || 'any'](name)
.join(' || ') || 'true'
if (valid !== 'true') {
validate('if (!(%s)) {', valid)
error('is the wrong type')
validate('} else {')
if (tuple) {
if (node.additionalItems === false) {
validate('if (%s.length > %d) {', name, node.items.length)
error('has additional items')
} else if (node.additionalItems) {
var i = genloop()
validate('for (var %s = %d; %s < %s.length; %s++) {', i, node.items.length, i, name, i)
visit(name+'['+i+']', node.additionalItems, reporter, filter, schemaPath.concat('additionalItems'))
if (node.format && fmts[node.format]) {
if (type !== 'string' && formats[node.format]) validate('if (%s) {', types.string(name))
var n = gensym('format')
scope[n] = fmts[node.format]
if (typeof scope[n] === 'function') validate('if (!%s(%s)) {', n, name)
else validate('if (!testLimitedRegex(%s, %s, %d)) {', n, name, typeof node.maxLength === 'undefined' ? -1 : node.maxLength)
error('must be '+node.format+' format')
if (type !== 'string' && formats[node.format]) validate('}')
if (Array.isArray(node.required)) {
var n = gensym('missing')
validate('var %s = 0', n)
var checkRequired = function (req) {
var prop = genobj(name, req);
validate('if (%s === undefined) {', prop)
error('is required', prop)
validate('%s++', n)
validate('if ((%s)) {', type !== 'object' ? types.object(name) : 'true')
if (!greedy) {
validate('if (%s === 0) {', n)
if (node.uniqueItems) {
if (type !== 'array') validate('if (%s) {', types.array(name))
validate('if (!(unique(%s, %d))) {', name, node.maxItems || -1)
error('must be unique')
if (type !== 'array') validate('}')
if (node.enum) {
var complex = node.enum.some(function(e) {
return typeof e === 'object'
var compare = complex ?
function(e) {
return 'JSON.stringify('+name+')'+' !== JSON.stringify('+JSON.stringify(e)+')'
} :
function(e) {
return name+' !== '+JSON.stringify(e)
validate('if (%s) {', node.enum.map(compare).join(' && ') || 'false')
error('must be an enum value')
if (node.dependencies) {
if (type !== 'object') validate('if (%s) {', types.object(name))
Object.keys(node.dependencies).forEach(function(key) {
var deps = node.dependencies[key]
if (typeof deps === 'string') deps = [deps]
var exists = function(k) {
return genobj(name, k) + ' !== undefined'
if (Array.isArray(deps)) {
validate('if (%s !== undefined && !(%s)) {', genobj(name, key), deps.map(exists).join(' && ') || 'true')
error('dependencies not set')
if (typeof deps === 'object') {
validate('if (%s !== undefined) {', genobj(name, key))
visit(name, deps, reporter, filter, schemaPath.concat(['dependencies', key]))
if (type !== 'object') validate('}')
if (node.additionalProperties || node.additionalProperties === false) {
if (type !== 'object') validate('if (%s) {', types.object(name))
var i = genloop()
var keys = gensym('keys')
var toCompare = function(p) {
return keys+'['+i+'] !== '+JSON.stringify(p)
var toTest = function(p) {
return '!'+patterns(p)+'.test('+keys+'['+i+'])'
var additionalProp = Object.keys(properties || {}).map(toCompare)
.concat(Object.keys(node.patternProperties || {}).map(toTest))
.join(' && ') || 'true'
validate('var %s = Object.keys(%s)', keys, name)
('for (var %s = 0; %s < %s.length; %s++) {', i, i, keys, i)
('if (%s) {', additionalProp)
if (node.additionalProperties === false) {
if (filter) validate('delete %s', name+'['+keys+'['+i+']]')
error('has additional properties', null, JSON.stringify(name+'.') + ' + ' + keys + '['+i+']')
} else {
visit(name+'['+keys+'['+i+']]', node.additionalProperties, reporter, filter, schemaPath.concat(['additionalProperties']))
if (type !== 'object') validate('}')
if (node.$ref) {
var sub = get(root, opts && opts.schemas || {}, node.$ref)
if (sub) {
var fn = cache[node.$ref]
if (!fn) {
cache[node.$ref] = function proxy(data) {
return fn(data)
fn = compile(sub, cache, root, false, opts)
var n = gensym('ref')
scope[n] = fn
validate('if (!(%s(%s))) {', n, name)
error('referenced schema does not match')
if (node.not) {
var prev = gensym('prev')
validate('var %s = errors', prev)
visit(name, node.not, false, filter, schemaPath.concat('not'))
validate('if (%s === errors) {', prev)
error('negative schema matches')
validate('} else {')
('errors = %s', prev)
if (node.items && !tuple) {
if (type !== 'array') validate('if (%s) {', types.array(name))
var i = genloop()
validate('for (var %s = 0; %s < %s.length; %s++) {', i, i, name, i)
visit(name+'['+i+']', node.items, reporter, filter, schemaPath.concat('items'))
if (type !== 'array') validate('}')
if (node.patternProperties) {
if (type !== 'object') validate('if (%s) {', types.object(name))
var keys = gensym('keys')
var i = genloop()
('var %s = Object.keys(%s)', keys, name)
('for (var %s = 0; %s < %s.length; %s++) {', i, i, keys, i)
Object.keys(node.patternProperties).forEach(function(key) {
var p = patterns(key)
validate('if (%s.test(%s)) {', p, keys+'['+i+']')
visit(name+'['+keys+'['+i+']]', node.patternProperties[key], reporter, filter, schemaPath.concat(['patternProperties', key]))
if (type !== 'object') validate('}')
if (node.pattern) {
var p = patterns(node.pattern)
if (type !== 'string') validate('if (%s) {', types.string(name))
validate('if (!(testLimitedRegex(%s, %s, %d))) {', p, name, typeof node.maxLength === 'undefined' ? -1 : node.maxLength)
error('pattern mismatch')
if (type !== 'string') validate('}')
if (node.allOf) {
node.allOf.forEach(function(sch, key) {
visit(name, sch, reporter, filter, schemaPath.concat(['allOf', key]))
if (node.anyOf && node.anyOf.length) {
var prev = gensym('prev')
node.anyOf.forEach(function(sch, i) {
if (i === 0) {
validate('var %s = errors', prev)
} else {
validate('if (errors !== %s) {', prev)
('errors = %s', prev)
visit(name, sch, false, false, schemaPath)
node.anyOf.forEach(function(sch, i) {
if (i) validate('}')
validate('if (%s !== errors) {', prev)
error('no schemas match')
if (node.oneOf && node.oneOf.length) {
var prev = gensym('prev')
var passes = gensym('passes')
('var %s = errors', prev)
('var %s = 0', passes)
node.oneOf.forEach(function(sch, i) {
visit(name, sch, false, false, schemaPath)
validate('if (%s === errors) {', prev)
('%s++', passes)
('} else {')
('errors = %s', prev)
validate('if (%s !== 1) {', passes)
error('no (or more than one) schemas match')
if (node.multipleOf !== undefined) {
if (type !== 'number' && type !== 'integer') validate('if (%s) {', types.number(name))
validate('if (!isMultipleOf(%s, %d)) {', name, node.multipleOf)
error('has a remainder')
if (type !== 'number' && type !== 'integer') validate('}')
if (node.maxProperties !== undefined) {
if (type !== 'object') validate('if (%s) {', types.object(name))
validate('if (Object.keys(%s).length > %d) {', name, node.maxProperties)
error('has more properties than allowed')
if (type !== 'object') validate('}')
if (node.minProperties !== undefined) {
if (type !== 'object') validate('if (%s) {', types.object(name))
validate('if (Object.keys(%s).length < %d) {', name, node.minProperties)
error('has less properties than allowed')
if (type !== 'object') validate('}')
if (node.maxItems !== undefined) {
if (type !== 'array') validate('if (%s) {', types.array(name))
validate('if (%s.length > %d) {', name, node.maxItems)
error('has more items than allowed')
if (type !== 'array') validate('}')
if (node.minItems !== undefined) {
if (type !== 'array') validate('if (%s) {', types.array(name))
validate('if (%s.length < %d) {', name, node.minItems)
error('has less items than allowed')
if (type !== 'array') validate('}')
if (node.maxLength !== undefined) {
if (type !== 'string') validate('if (%s) {', types.string(name))
validate('if (%s.length > %d) {', name, node.maxLength)
error('has longer length than allowed')
if (type !== 'string') validate('}')
if (node.minLength !== undefined) {
if (type !== 'string') validate('if (%s) {', types.string(name))
validate('if (%s.length < %d) {', name, node.minLength)
error('has less length than allowed')
if (type !== 'string') validate('}')
if (node.minimum !== undefined) {
if (type !== 'number' && type !== 'integer') validate('if (%s) {', types.number(name))
validate('if (%s %s %d) {', name, node.exclusiveMinimum ? '<=' : '<', node.minimum)
error('is less than minimum')
if (type !== 'number' && type !== 'integer') validate('}')
if (node.maximum !== undefined) {
if (type !== 'number' && type !== 'integer') validate('if (%s) {', types.number(name))
validate('if (%s %s %d) {', name, node.exclusiveMaximum ? '>=' : '>', node.maximum)
error('is more than maximum')
if (type !== 'number' && type !== 'integer') validate('}')
if (properties) {
Object.keys(properties).forEach(function(p) {
if (Array.isArray(type) && type.indexOf('null') !== -1) validate('if (%s !== null) {', name)
genobj(name, p),
schemaPath.concat(tuple ? p : ['properties', p])
if (Array.isArray(type) && type.indexOf('null') !== -1) validate('}')
while (indent--) validate('}')
var validate = genfun
('function validate(data) {')
// Since undefined is not a valid JSON value, we coerce to null and other checks will catch this
('if (data === undefined) data = null')
('validate.errors = null')
('var errors = 0')
visit('data', schema, reporter, opts && opts.filter, [])
('return errors === 0')
validate = validate.toFunction(scope)
validate.errors = null
if (Object.defineProperty) {
Object.defineProperty(validate, 'error', {
get: function() {
if (!validate.errors) return ''
return validate.errors.map(function(err) {
return err.field + ' ' + err.message;
validate.toJSON = function() {
return schema
return validate
module.exports = function(schema, opts) {
if (typeof schema === 'string') schema = JSON.parse(schema)
return compile(schema, {}, schema, true, opts)
module.exports.filter = function(schema, opts) {
var validate = module.exports(schema, xtend(opts, {filter: true}))
return function(sch) {
return sch