2021-03-30 04:54:46 +08:00
# Generate a valid msp dir based on given certificates.json and admin-credential
# It will overwrite any local msp path with the same name as msp-${mspId}
# Usage: ./script mspId
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Please use the <msp id> as the argument" && exit 1
echo "msp id = ${mspId}"
mkdir -p "msp-${mspId}"
pushd "msp-${mspId}" && mkdir tlscacerts signcerts keystore cacerts admincerts && popd || exit 1
echo "Unzip ${mspId}-admin-credential.zip file to create the ${admin_dir}"
unzip -d "${mspId}-admin-credential" "${mspId}-admin-credential.zip"
echo "Get tlscacert from ${cert_file}"
jq -r .certs.tlscacert "${cert_file}" > "msp-${mspId}/tlscacerts/tlsca.cert"
echo "Get signcerts from ${admin_dir}"
cp "${admin_dir}/${mspId}-cert.pem" "msp-${mspId}/signcerts/"
echo "Get keystore from ${admin_dir}"
cp "${admin_dir}/${mspId}-key" "msp-${mspId}/keystore/"
echo "Get cacerts from ${cert_file}"
jq -r .certs.cacert "${cert_file}" > "msp-${mspId}/cacerts/ca.cert"
echo "Get admincerts from ${admin_dir}"
cp "${admin_dir}/${mspId}-cert.pem" "msp-${mspId}/admincerts/"
2021-08-19 05:19:57 +08:00
echo "Clean the temp dir of ${mspId}-admin-credential"
rm -rf ${mspId}-admin-credential