# This compose file will start 4 hyperledger peer nodes + 1 CA node. # We add a delay to start the VP nodes after CA node: # command: sh -c "sleep 5; peer node start" # # vp0: validating node as root # vp1: validating node as peer # vp2: validating node as peer # vp3: validating node as peer # https://github.com/yeasy/docker-compose-files version: '2' services: # blockchain-explorer explorer: extends: file: explorer.yml service: explorer hostname: explorer environment: - HYP_REST_ENDPOINT=http://vp0:7050 ports: - "9090:9090" membersrvc0: extends: file: membersrvc.yml service: membersrvc hostname: membersrvc environment: - CORE_LOGGING_SERVER=debug ports: - "7054:7054" command: membersrvc # this repeats the default cmd to make sure # vp0 will be used for client interactive operations # If you want to run fabric command on the host, then map 7051:7051 to host # port, or use like `CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=` to specify peer addr. vp0: # validating node as the root extends: file: peer.yml service: vp_sec hostname: vp0 environment: - CORE_PEER_ID=vp0 - CORE_SECURITY_ENROLLID=test_vp0 - CORE_SECURITY_ENROLLSECRET=MwYpmSRjupbT ports: - "7050:7050" - "7051:7051" links: - membersrvc0 command: sh -c "sleep 10; peer node start" vp1: extends: file: peer.yml service: vp_sec hostname: vp1 environment: - CORE_PEER_ID=vp1 - CORE_PEER_DISCOVERY_ROOTNODE=vp0:7051 - CORE_SECURITY_ENROLLID=test_vp1 - CORE_SECURITY_ENROLLSECRET=5wgHK9qqYaPy links: - vp0 - membersrvc0 command: sh -c "sleep 10; peer node start" vp2: extends: file: peer.yml service: vp_sec hostname: vp2 environment: - CORE_PEER_ID=vp2 - CORE_PEER_DISCOVERY_ROOTNODE=vp0:7051 - CORE_SECURITY_ENROLLID=test_vp2 - CORE_SECURITY_ENROLLSECRET=vQelbRvja7cJ links: - vp0 - membersrvc0 command: sh -c "sleep 10; peer node start" vp3: extends: file: peer.yml service: vp_sec hostname: vp3 environment: - CORE_PEER_ID=vp3 - CORE_PEER_DISCOVERY_ROOTNODE=vp0:7051 - CORE_SECURITY_ENROLLID=test_vp3 - CORE_SECURITY_ENROLLSECRET=9LKqKH5peurL links: - vp0 - membersrvc0 command: sh -c "sleep 10; peer node start" #networks: # default: # external: # name: fabric_pbft