# This will boot 4 containers: 3 mongo as a cluster, and 1 to issue mongo commands to others # mongo3: image: mongo:3.0 hostname: mongo3 expose: - "27017" - "28017" restart: always entrypoint: [ "/usr/bin/mongod", "--replSet", "rs", "--rest", "--httpinterface" ] mongo2: image: mongo:3.0 hostname: mongo2 expose: - "27017" - "28017" restart: always entrypoint: [ "/usr/bin/mongod", "--replSet", "rs", "--rest", "--httpinterface" ] mongo1: image: mongo:3.0 hostname: mongo1 expose: - "27017" - "28017" links: - mongo2:mongo2 - mongo3:mongo3 restart: always entrypoint: [ "/usr/bin/mongod", "--replSet", "rs", "--rest", "--httpinterface" ] mongosetup: image: mongo:3.0 links: - mongo1:mongo1 - mongo2:mongo2 - mongo3:mongo3 volumes: - ./scripts:/scripts restart: always entrypoint: [ "bash", "/scripts/mongosetup.sh" ]