#! /bin/bash # Generating # * crypto-config # * channel-artifacts # * orderer.genesis.block # * channel.tx # * Org1MSPanchors.tx # * Org2MSPanchors.tx [ $# -ne 1 ] && echo_b "Need config path as param" && exit 1 MODE=$1 # Run cmd inside the container con_exec() { docker exec -it $GEN_CONTAINER "$@" } if [ -f ./func.sh ]; then source ./func.sh elif [ -f scripts/func.sh ]; then source scripts/func.sh fi echo_b "Generating artifacts for ${MODE}" echo_b "Clean existing container $GEN_CONTAINER" [ "$(docker ps -a | grep $GEN_CONTAINER)" ] && docker rm -f $GEN_CONTAINER pushd ${MODE} echo_b "Check whether channel-artifacts or crypto-config exist already" GEN_CRYPTO=true if [ -d ${CRYPTO_CONFIG} ]; then #already exist, no need to re-gen crypto echo_b "${CRYPTO_CONFIG} existed, won't regenerate it." GEN_CRYPTO=false else mkdir ${CRYPTO_CONFIG} fi GEN_ARTIFACTS=true if [ -d ${CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS} ]; then echo_b "${CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS} existed, won't regenerate it." GEN_ARTIFACTS=false else mkdir ${CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS} fi if [ "${GEN_CRYPTO}" = "false" -a "${GEN_ARTIFACTS}" = "false" ]; then echo_g "No need to generate new config, exiting..." exit 0 fi echo_b "Starting container $GEN_CONTAINER in background" docker run \ -d -it \ --name $GEN_CONTAINER \ -e "CONFIGTX_LOGGING_LEVEL=DEBUG" \ -e "CONFIGTX_LOGGING_FORMAT=%{color}[%{id:03x} %{time:01-02 15:04:05.00 MST}] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> %{level:.4s}%{color:reset} %{message}" \ -v $PWD/configtx.yaml:${FABRIC_CFG_PATH}/configtx.yaml \ -v $PWD/crypto-config.yaml:${FABRIC_CFG_PATH}/crypto-config.yaml \ -v $PWD/${CRYPTO_CONFIG}:${FABRIC_CFG_PATH}/${CRYPTO_CONFIG} \ -v $PWD/${CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS}:/tmp/${CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS} \ ${GEN_IMG} bash -c 'while true; do sleep 20171001; done' if [ "${GEN_CRYPTO}" = "true" ]; then echo_b "Generating crypto-config" con_exec cryptogen generate --config=$FABRIC_CFG_PATH/crypto-config.yaml --output ${FABRIC_CFG_PATH}/crypto-config fi if [ "${GEN_ARTIFACTS}" = "true" ]; then echo_b "Generate genesis block file for system channel using configtx.yaml" con_exec configtxgen -profile TwoOrgsOrdererGenesis -outputBlock /tmp/${CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS}/${ORDERER_GENESIS} echo_b "Create the new app channel tx using configtx.yaml" con_exec configtxgen -profile TwoOrgsChannel -outputCreateChannelTx /tmp/$CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS/channel.tx -channelID ${APP_CHANNEL} echo_b "Create the anchor peer configuration tx using configtx.yaml" con_exec configtxgen -profile TwoOrgsChannel -outputAnchorPeersUpdate /tmp/${CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS}/Org1MSPanchors.tx -channelID ${APP_CHANNEL} -asOrg Org1MSP con_exec configtxgen -profile TwoOrgsChannel -outputAnchorPeersUpdate /tmp/${CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS}/Org2MSPanchors.tx -channelID ${APP_CHANNEL} -asOrg Org2MSP fi echo_b "Remove the container $GEN_CONTAINER" && docker rm -f $GEN_CONTAINER echo_g "Generated artifacts for ${MODE}"