# Hyperledger fabric You can use the following script to install docker and start PBFT cluster in one instruction. ```sh $ bash setupPbft.sh ``` If you want to start it manually, follow the steps: First, pull an `openblockchain/baseimage:latest` first. ```sh $ docker pull yeasy/hyperledger:latest && docker tag yeasy/hyperledger:latest hyperledger/fabric-baseimage:latest $ docker pull yeasy/hyperledger-peer:latest $ docker pull yeasy/hyperledger-membersrvc:latest ``` Then go into the specific consensus directory, then you can start a 4 nodes hyperledger cluster. E.g., for pbft consensus, use ```sh $ cd pbft; docker-compose up ``` After the cluster is synced, you can validate by deploying, invoking or querying chaincode from the container or from the host. See [hyperledger-peer](https://github.com/yeasy/docker-hyperledger-peer) if you've not familiar on that. This refers the example from the [hyperledger](https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/tree/master/consensus/docker-compose-files) project. ## noops Use the noops as consensus, i.e., no consensus. ## pbft Use pbft as consensus.