# This compose file will boot a elk cluster. # elasticsearch will listen on local 9200, and use /opt/data/elasticsearch for storage. # es node can scale out. # logstash will liten on local udp 2055. # kibana will liten on local 5601. # After startup, import the visualization in the kibana-exports.json file. # https://github.com/yeasy/docker-compose-files # scale this with docker-compose scale es=3 es: image: elasticsearch:1.7 expose: - "9200" - "9300" #elasticsearch configuration node, should not be scaled #config is under /usr/share/elasticsearch/config #data is under /usr/share/elasticsearch/data elasticsearch: image: yeasy/elasticsearch:1.7 hostname: elasticsearch links: - es:es ports: - "9200:9200" expose: - "9300" volumes: - /opt/data/elasticsearch:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data command: sh -c "sleep 10; curl -XPUT es:9200/_template/logstash_netflow -d@'/tmp/logstash_netflow.json';elasticsearch" kibana: image: kibana:4.1 ports: - "5601:5601" links: - elasticsearch:elasticsearch logstash: image: yeasy/logstash:1.5 ports: - "2055/udp:2055/udp" links: - elasticsearch:elasticsearch command: logstash agent -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/