Docker Compose Files === Some typical docker compose examples. # Install Docker and Docker Compose Take ubuntu for example ```sh $ curl -sSL | sh $ sudo pip install docker-compose ``` # Docker-compose Usage See [Docker Compose Documentation]( # Examples files ## [consul-discovery](consul-discovery) Using consul to make a service-discoverable architecture. ## [elk_netflow](elk_netflow) Elk cluster, with netflow support. ```sh docker-compose scale es=3 ``` ## [haproxy_web](haproxy_web) A simple haproxy and web applications cluster. ## [hyperledger](hyperledger) Quickly bootup a hyperledger cluster with several validator nodes, without vagrant or any manual configuration. By default, the cluster enables PBFT as the consensus. See [hyperledger](hyperledger) for more details. ## [mongo_cluster](mongo_cluster) Start 3 mongo instance to make a replica set. ## [mongo-elasticsearch](mongo-elasticsearch) Start mongo (as cluster) and elasticsearch, use a mongo-connector to sync the data from mongo to elasticsearch. ## [mongo_webui](mongo_webui) Start 1 mongo instance and a mongo-express web tool to watch it. The mongo instance will store data into local /opt/data/mongo_home. The web UI will listen on local 8081 port. ## [nginx_auth](nginx_auth) Use nginx as a proxy with authentication for backend application. ## [packetbeat_ek](packetbeat_ek) Demo the packetbeat, elasticsearch and kibana. Some kibana [dashboard config]( files are included. To import them, after all containers startup, go inside the kibana container, and run ```sh $ cd /kibana/beats-dashboards-1.0.1 && ./ http://elasticsearch:9200 ``` ## [registry_mirror](registry_mirror) docker registry mirror, with redis as the backend cache. ## [spark_cluster](spark_cluster) Spark cluster with master and worker nodes. ```sh docker-compose scale worker=2 ``` Try submitting a test pi application using the spark-submit command. ```sh /urs/local/spark/bin/spark-submit --master spark://master:7077 --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi /usr/local/spark/lib/spark-examples-1.4.0-hadoop2.6.0.jar 1000 ```