#!/usr/bin/env bash DEFAULT_USER="boot-admin" DEFAULT_PASS="boot-pass" # store the default template for fabric-ca-server-config.yaml CA_SERVER_DEFAULT_CONFIG="" read -r -d '' CA_SERVER_DEFAULT_CONFIG << EOF version: 1.4.0 port: 7054 debug: false crlsizelimit: 512000 tls: enabled: false certfile: keyfile: clientauth: type: noclientcert certfiles: ca: name: keyfile: certfile: chainfile: crl: expiry: 24h registry: maxenrollments: -1 # Contains identity information which is used when LDAP is disabled identities: - name: admin pass: adminpw type: client affiliation: "" attrs: hf.Registrar.Roles: "*" hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles: "*" hf.Revoker: true hf.IntermediateCA: true hf.GenCRL: true hf.Registrar.Attributes: "*" hf.AffiliationMgr: true db: type: sqlite3 datasource: fabric-ca-server.db tls: enabled: false certfiles: client: certfile: keyfile: ldap: enabled: false url: ldap://:@:/ tls: certfiles: client: certfile: keyfile: attribute: names: ['uid','member'] converters: - name: value: maps: groups: - name: value: affiliations: org1: - department1 - department2 org2: - department1 signing: default: usage: - digital signature expiry: 87600h profiles: ca: usage: - cert sign - crl sign expiry: 43800h caconstraint: isca: true maxpathlen: 0 tls: usage: - signing - key encipherment - server auth - client auth - key agreement expiry: 8760h csr: cn: fabric-ca-server keyrequest: algo: ecdsa size: 256 names: - C: US ST: "North Carolina" L: O: Hyperledger OU: Fabric hosts: - 4462096fc0ba - localhost ca: expiry: 131400h pathlength: 1 idemix: rhpoolsize: 1000 nonceexpiration: 15s noncesweepinterval: 15m bccsp: default: SW sw: hash: SHA2 security: 256 filekeystore: # The directory used for the software file-based keystore keystore: msp/keystore cacount: cafiles: intermediate: parentserver: url: caname: enrollment: hosts: profile: label: tls: certfiles: client: certfile: keyfile: cfg: identities: passwordattempts: 10 EOF #echo "${CA_SERVER_DEFAULT_CONFIG}"