
69 lines
1.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Use ${FABRIC_CFG_PATH}/configtx.yaml to generate following materials,
# and put under /tmp/$CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS:
# system channel genesis block
# new app channel tx
# update anchor peer tx
cd /tmp # we use /tmp as the base working path
# Define those global variables
if [ -f ./ ]; then
source ./
elif [ -f scripts/ ]; then
source scripts/
echo "Cannot find the files, pls check"
exit 1
if [ "$(ls -A ${CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS})" ]; then
echo "channel artifacts data existed, can clean it by 'make clean_config'"
exit 0
# rm -rf ${CRYPTO_CONFIG_PATH}/*
cd ${CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS} # all generated materials will be put under /tmp/$CHANNEL_ARTIFACTS
echo "Generate genesis block for system channel using configtx.yaml"
configtxgen \
-configPath ${FABRIC_CFG_PATH} \
-channelID ${SYS_CHANNEL} \
-outputBlock ${ORDERER_GENESIS}
echo "Create the new app channel tx using configtx.yaml"
configtxgen \
-configPath ${FABRIC_CFG_PATH} \
-channelID ${APP_CHANNEL} \
-outputCreateChannelTx ${APP_CHANNEL_TX} \
configtxgen \
-inspectChannelCreateTx ${APP_CHANNEL_TX} > ${APP_CHANNEL_TX}.json
echo "Create the anchor peer configuration tx for org1 and org2"
configtxgen \
-configPath ${FABRIC_CFG_PATH} \
-channelID ${APP_CHANNEL} \
-asOrg ${ORG1MSP} \
-outputAnchorPeersUpdate ${UPDATE_ANCHOR_ORG1_TX}
configtxgen \
-configPath ${FABRIC_CFG_PATH} \
-channelID ${APP_CHANNEL} \
-asOrg ${ORG2MSP} \
-outputAnchorPeersUpdate ${UPDATE_ANCHOR_ORG2_TX}
echo "Output the json for org1, org2 and org3"
configtxgen \
-configPath ${FABRIC_CFG_PATH} \
-printOrg ${ORG1MSP} >${ORG1MSP}.json
configtxgen \
-configPath ${FABRIC_CFG_PATH} \
-printOrg ${ORG2MSP} >${ORG2MSP}.json
configtxgen \
-configPath /tmp/org3/ \
-printOrg ${ORG3MSP} >${ORG3MSP}.json