update: avoid skipping single mds deployment upgrade

otherwise a single MDS would never be updated.

Signed-off-by: Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
Guillaume Abrioux 2019-10-23 19:39:15 +02:00
parent 5ec906c3af
commit 1122da7f4a
1 changed files with 58 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -542,77 +542,80 @@
become: true
- name: deactivate all mds rank > 0
when: groups.get(mds_group_name, []) | length > 1
when: groups.get(mds_group_name, []) | length > 0
- import_role:
name: ceph-defaults
- import_role:
name: ceph-facts
- name: set max_mds 1 on ceph fs
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} fs set {{ cephfs }} max_mds 1"
changed_when: false
- name: deactivate all mds rank > 0 if any
when: groups.get(mds_group_name, []) | length > 1
- name: set max_mds 1 on ceph fs
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} fs set {{ cephfs }} max_mds 1"
changed_when: false
- name: wait until only rank 0 is up
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} fs get {{ cephfs }} -f json"
changed_when: false
register: wait_rank_zero
retries: 720
delay: 5
until: (wait_rank_zero.stdout | from_json).mdsmap.in | length == 1 and (wait_rank_zero.stdout | from_json).mdsmap.in[0] == 0
- name: wait until only rank 0 is up
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} fs get {{ cephfs }} -f json"
changed_when: false
register: wait_rank_zero
retries: 720
delay: 5
until: (wait_rank_zero.stdout | from_json).mdsmap.in | length == 1 and (wait_rank_zero.stdout | from_json).mdsmap.in[0] == 0
- name: get name of remaining active mds
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} fs dump -f json"
changed_when: false
register: _mds_active_name
- name: get name of remaining active mds
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} fs dump -f json"
changed_when: false
register: _mds_active_name
- name: set_fact mds_active_name
mds_active_name: "{{ [(_mds_active_name.stdout | from_json)['filesystems'][0]['mdsmap']['info'][item.key]['name']] }}"
with_dict: "{{ (_mds_active_name.stdout | from_json).filesystems[0]['mdsmap']['info'] }}"
- name: set_fact mds_active_name
mds_active_name: "{{ [(_mds_active_name.stdout | from_json)['filesystems'][0]['mdsmap']['info'][item.key]['name']] }}"
with_dict: "{{ (_mds_active_name.stdout | from_json).filesystems[0]['mdsmap']['info'] }}"
- name: create standby_mdss group
name: "{{ item }}"
groups: standby_mdss
ansible_host: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_host'] | default(omit) }}"
ansible_port: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_port'] | default(omit) }}"
with_items: "{{ groups[mds_group_name] | difference(mds_active_name) }}"
- name: stop standby ceph mds
name: "ceph-mds@{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname'] }}"
state: stopped
enabled: no
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['standby_mdss'] }}"
when: groups['standby_mdss'] | default([]) | length > 0
# dedicated task for masking systemd unit
# somehow, having a single task doesn't work in containerized context
- name: mask systemd units for standby ceph mds
name: "ceph-mds@{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname'] }}"
masked: yes
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['standby_mdss'] }}"
when: groups['standby_mdss'] | default([]) | length > 0
- name: wait until all standbys mds are stopped
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} fs dump -f json"
changed_when: false
register: wait_standbys_down
retries: 300
delay: 5
until: (wait_standbys_down.stdout | from_json).standbys | length == 0
- name: create active_mdss group
name: "{{ mds_active_name[0] }}"
name: "{{ mds_active_name[0] if mds_active_name is defined else groups.get(mds_group_name)[0] }}"
groups: active_mdss
ansible_host: "{{ hostvars[mds_active_name]['ansible_host'] | default(omit) }}"
ansible_port: "{{ hostvars[mds_active_name]['ansible_port'] | default(omit) }}"
- name: create standby_mdss group
name: "{{ item }}"
groups: standby_mdss
ansible_host: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_host'] | default(omit) }}"
ansible_port: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_port'] | default(omit) }}"
with_items: "{{ groups[mds_group_name] | difference(mds_active_name) }}"
- name: stop standby ceph mds
name: "ceph-mds@{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname'] }}"
state: stopped
enabled: no
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['standby_mdss'] }}"
when: groups['standby_mdss'] | default([]) | length > 0
# dedicated task for masking systemd unit
# somehow, having a single task doesn't work in containerized context
- name: mask systemd units for standby ceph mds
name: "ceph-mds@{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname'] }}"
masked: yes
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['standby_mdss'] }}"
when: groups['standby_mdss'] | default([]) | length > 0
- name: wait until all standbys mds are stopped
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd | default('') }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} fs dump -f json"
changed_when: false
register: wait_standbys_down
retries: 300
delay: 5
until: (wait_standbys_down.stdout | from_json).standbys | length == 0
- name: upgrade active mds