add shrink playbooks: mons and osds

We now have the ability to shrink a ceph cluster with the help of 2 new
playbooks. Even if a lot portions of those are identical I thought I
would make more sense to separate both for several reasons:

* it is rare to remove mon(s) and osd(s)
* this remains a tricky process so to avoid any overlap we keep things
* separated

For monitors, just select the list of the monitor hostnames you want to
delete from the cluster and execute the playbook like this. The hostname
must be resolvable. Then run the playbook like this:

ansible-playbook shrink-cluster.yml -e mon_host=ceph-mon-01,ceph-mon-02
Are you sure you want to shrink the cluster? [no]: yes

For OSDs, just select the list of the OSD id you want to delete from the
cluster and execute the playbook like this:

ansible-playbook shrink-cluster.yml -e osd_ids=0,2,4
Are you sure you want to shrink the cluster? [no]: yes

If you know what you're doing you can run it like this:

ansible-playbook shrink-cluster.yml -e ireallymeanit=yes -e

Thanks a lot to @SamYaple for his help on the complex

Signed-off-by: Sébastien Han <>
Sébastien Han 2016-08-11 17:20:07 +02:00
parent fd28573f4a
commit a76bc46d2a
2 changed files with 273 additions and 0 deletions

shrink-mon.yml 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
# This playbook shrinks the Ceph monitors from your cluster
# It can remove any number of monitor(s) from the cluster and ALL THEIR DATA
# Use it like this:
# ansible-playbook shrink-mon.yml -e mon_host=ceph-mon01,ceph-mon02
# Prompts for confirmation to shrink, defaults to no and
# doesn't shrink the cluster. yes shrinks the cluster.
# ansible-playbook -e ireallymeanit=yes|no shrink-cluster.yml
# Overrides the prompt using -e option. Can be used in
# automation scripts to avoid interactive prompt.
- name: confirm whether user really meant to remove monitor(s) from the ceph cluster
- localhost
gather_facts: false
become: true
- name: ireallymeanit
prompt: Are you sure you want to shrink the cluster?
default: 'no'
private: no
- include_vars: roles/ceph-common/defaults/main.yml
- include_vars: group_vars/all
- name: exit playbook, if user did not mean to shrink cluster
msg: "Exiting shrink-mon playbook, no monitor(s) was/were removed.
To shrink the cluster, either say 'yes' on the prompt or
or use `-e ireallymeanit=yes` on the command line when
invoking the playbook"
when: ireallymeanit != 'yes'
- name: exit playbook, if no monitor(s) was/were given
msg: "mon_host must be declared
Exiting shrink-cluster playbook, no monitor(s) was/were removed.
On the command line when invoking the playbook, you can use
-e mon_host=ceph-mon01,ceph-mon02 argument."
when: mon_host is not defined
- name: test if ceph command exist
command: command -v ceph
changed_when: false
failed_when: false
register: ceph_command
- name: exit playbook, if ceph command does not exist
msg: "The ceph command is not available, please install it :("
run_once: true
- ceph_command.rc != 0
- name: exit playbook, if cluster files do not exist
path: "{{ item }}"
register: ceph_conf_key
- /etc/ceph/{{ cluster }}.conf
- /etc/ceph/{{ cluster }}.client.admin.keyring
failed_when: false
- fail:
msg: "Ceph's configuration file is not present in /etc/ceph"
with_items: "{{ceph_conf_key.results}}"
- item.stat.exists == false
- name: exit playbook, if can not connect to the cluster
command: timeout 5 ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} health
register: ceph_health
until: ceph_health.stdout.find("HEALTH") > -1
retries: 5
delay: 2
- name: verify given monitors are reachable
command: ping -c 1 {{ item }}
with_items: "{{mon_host.split(',')}}"
register: mon_reachable
failed_when: false
- fail:
msg: "One or more monitors are not reachable, please check your /etc/hosts or your DNS"
with_items: "{{mon_reachable.results}}"
- item.rc != 0
- name: stop monitor service (systemd)
name: ceph-mon@{{ item }}
state: stopped
enabled: no
with_items: "{{mon_host.split(',')}}"
delegate_to: "{{item}}"
failed_when: false
- name: purge monitor store
path: /var/lib/ceph/mon/{{ cluster }}-{{ item }}
state: absent
with_items: "{{mon_host.split(',')}}"
delegate_to: "{{item}}"
- name: remove monitor from the quorum
command: ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} mon remove {{ item }}
failed_when: false
with_items: "{{mon_host.split(',')}}"
# NOTE (leseb): sorry for the 'sleep' command
# but it will take a couple of seconds for other monitors
# to notice that one member has left.
# 'sleep 5' is not that bad and should be sufficient
- name: verify the monitor is out of the cluster
shell: "sleep 5 && ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} -s | grep monmap | sed 's/.*quorum//' | egrep -sq {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{mon_host.split(',')}}"
failed_when: false
register: ceph_health_mon
- name: please remove the monitor from your ceph configuration file
msg: "The monitor(s) has/have been successfully removed from the cluster.
Please remove the monitor(s) entry(ies) from the rest of your ceph configuration files, cluster wide."
run_once: true
with_items: "{{ceph_health_mon.results}}"
- item.rc != 0
- name: please remove the monitor from your ceph configuration file
msg: "Monitor(s) appear(s) to still be part of the cluster, please check what happened."
run_once: true
with_items: "{{ceph_health_mon.results}}"
- item.rc == 0

shrink-osd.yml 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# This playbook shrinks Ceph OSDs.
# It can remove any number of OSD(s) from the cluster and ALL THEIR DATA
# Use it like this:
# ansible-playbook shrink-osd.yml -e osd_id=0,2,6
# Prompts for confirmation to shrink, defaults to no and
# doesn't shrink the cluster. yes shrinks the cluster.
# ansible-playbook -e ireallymeanit=yes|no shrink-osd.yml
# Overrides the prompt using -e option. Can be used in
# automation scripts to avoid interactive prompt.
- name: confirm whether user really meant to remove osd(s) from the cluster
- localhost
gather_facts: false
become: true
- name: ireallymeanit
prompt: Are you sure you want to shrink the cluster?
default: 'no'
private: no
- include_vars: roles/ceph-common/defaults/main.yml
- include_vars: group_vars/all
- name: exit playbook, if user did not mean to shrink cluster
msg: "Exiting shrink-osd playbook, no osd(s) was/were removed..
To shrink the cluster, either say 'yes' on the prompt or
or use `-e ireallymeanit=yes` on the command line when
invoking the playbook"
when: ireallymeanit != 'yes'
- name: exit playbook, if no osd(s) was/were given
msg: "osd_ids must be declared
Exiting shrink-osd playbook, no OSD()s was/were removed.
On the command line when invoking the playbook, you can use
-e osd_ids=0,1,2,3 argument."
when: osd_ids is not defined
- name: test if ceph command exist
command: command -v ceph
changed_when: false
failed_when: false
register: ceph_command
- name: exit playbook, if ceph command does not exist
msg: "The ceph command is not available, please install it :("
run_once: true
- ceph_command.rc != 0
- name: exit playbook, if cluster files do not exist
path: "{{ item }}"
register: ceph_conf_key
- /etc/ceph/{{ cluster }}.conf
- /etc/ceph/{{ cluster }}.client.admin.keyring
failed_when: false
- fail:
msg: "Ceph's configuration file is not present in /etc/ceph"
with_items: "{{ceph_conf_key.results}}"
- item.stat.exists == false
- name: exit playbook, if can not connect to the cluster
command: timeout 5 ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} health
register: ceph_health
until: ceph_health.stdout.find("HEALTH") > -1
retries: 5
delay: 2
# NOTE (leseb): just in case, the complex filters mechanism below does not work anymore.
# This will be a quick and easy fix but will require using the shell module.
# - name: find the host where the osd(s) is/are running on
# shell: |
# ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} osd find {{ item }} | grep -Po '(?<="ip": ")[^:]*'
# with_items: "{{osd_ids.split(',')}}"
# register: osd_hosts
- name: find the host where the osd(s) is/are running on
command: ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} osd find {{ item }}
with_items: "{{osd_ids.split(',')}}"
register: osd_hosts
- set_fact: ip_item="{{(item.stdout | from_json).ip}}"
with_items: "{{osd_hosts.results}}"
register: ip_result
- set_fact: ips="{{ ip_result.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.ip_item') | list }}"
- set_fact: real_ips="{{ ips | regex_replace(':[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]', '') }}"
- name: check if ceph admin key exists on the osd nodes
path: "/etc/ceph/{{ cluster }}.client.admin.keyring"
register: ceph_admin_key
with_items: "{{real_ips}}"
delegate_to: "{{item}}"
failed_when: false
- fail:
msg: "The Ceph admin key is not present on the OSD node, please add it and remove it after the playbook is done."
with_items: "{{ceph_admin_key.results}}"
- item.stat.exists == false
- name: deactivating osd(s)
command: ceph-disk deactivate --cluster {{ cluster }} --deactivate-by-id {{ item.0 }} --mark-out
- "{{osd_ids.split(',')}}"
- "{{real_ips}}"
delegate_to: "{{item.1}}"
- name: destroying osd(s)
command: ceph-disk destroy --cluster {{ cluster }} --destroy-by-id {{ item.0 }} --zap
- "{{osd_ids.split(',')}}"
- "{{real_ips}}"
delegate_to: "{{item.1}}"