ceph_key: remove 'update' state

With this change, the state `present` is enough to update a keyring.
If the keyring already exist, it will be updated if caps or secret
passed to the module are different.
If the keyring doen't exist, it will be created.

Closes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1808367

Signed-off-by: Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
(cherry picked from commit 553584cbd0)
Guillaume Abrioux 2020-03-17 15:34:11 +01:00 committed by Dimitri Savineau
parent edfeb98593
commit b107dcf80b
1 changed files with 44 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -57,12 +57,10 @@ options:
If 'absent' is used, the module will simply delete the keyring.
If 'list' is used, the module will list all the keys and will
return a json output.
If 'update' is used, the module will **only** update
the capabilities of a given keyring.
If 'info' is used, the module will return in a json format the
description of a given keyring.
required: true
choices: ['present', 'absent', 'list', 'update', 'info']
choices: ['present', 'absent', 'list', 'info']
default: list
@ -154,12 +152,6 @@ caps:
caps: "{{ caps }}"
import_key: False
- name: update cephx key
name: "my_key"
state: update
caps: "{{ caps }}"
- name: delete cephx key
name: "my_key"
@ -318,29 +310,7 @@ def create_key(module, result, cluster, name, secret, caps, import_key, auid, de
return cmd_list
def update_key(cluster, name, caps, containerized=None):
Update a CephX key's capabilities
cmd_list = []
args = [
args = generate_caps(args, "ceph", caps)
user = "client.admin"
user_key = os.path.join(
"/etc/ceph/" + cluster + ".client.admin.keyring")
cluster, args, user, user_key, containerized))
return cmd_list
def delete_key(cluster, name, containerized=None):
def delete_key(cluster, name, container_image=None):
Delete a CephX key
@ -518,8 +488,10 @@ def run_module():
auid = module.params.get('auid')
dest = module.params.get('dest')
changed = False
result = dict(
@ -536,17 +508,33 @@ def run_module():
# Test if the key exists, if it does we skip its creation
# We only want to run this check when a key needs to be added
# There is no guarantee that any cluster is running and we don't need one
if import_key:
key_exist = 1
_secret = secret
_caps = caps
if (state in ["present", "update"] and import_key) or state == "info":
user = "client.admin"
user_key = os.path.join(
"/etc/ceph/" + cluster + ".client.admin.keyring")
output_format = "json"
_info_key = []
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(
module, info_key(cluster, name, user, user_key, output_format, containerized)) # noqa E501
key_exist = rc
if key_exist == 0:
_info_key = json.loads(out)
_secret = _info_key[0]['key']
_caps = _info_key[0]['caps']
if import_key and secret == _secret and caps == _caps:
result["stdout"] = "{0} already exists and doesn't need to be updated.".format(name) # noqa E501
result["rc"] = 0
if state == "present":
if not caps:
# "update" is here only for backward compatibility
if state in ["present", "update"]:
if not caps and import_key and rc != 0:
fatal("Capabilities must be provided when state is 'present'", module) # noqa E501
if import_key and key_exist != 0 and secret is None and caps is None:
fatal("Keyring doesn't exist, you must provide 'secret' and 'caps'", module) # noqa E501
# Build a different path for bootstrap keys as there are stored as
# /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rbd/ceph.keyring
@ -558,36 +546,28 @@ def run_module():
file_args['path'] = file_path
# We allow 'present' to override any existing key
# ONLY if a secret is provided
# if not we skip the creation
if import_key:
if rc == 0 and not secret:
# If the key exists in Ceph we must fetch it on the system
# because nothing tells us it exists on the fs or not
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(module, get_key(cluster, name, file_path, containerized)) # noqa E501
result["stdout"] = "skipped, since {0} already exists, we only fetched the key at {1}. If you want to update a key use 'state: update'".format( # noqa E501
name, file_path)
result['rc'] = rc
module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
# There's no need to run create_key() if neither secret nor caps have changed
if (key_exist == 0 and (secret != _secret or caps != _caps)) or key_exist != 0:
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(module, create_key(
module, result, cluster, name, secret, caps, import_key, auid, file_path, containerized)) # noqa E501
module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
elif state == "update":
if not caps:
fatal("Capabilities must be provided when state is 'update'", module) # noqa E501
if rc != 0:
result["stdout"] = "skipped, since {0} does not exist".format(name)
result['rc'] = 0
result["stdout"] = "Couldn't create or update {0}".format(name)
result["stderr"] = err
changed = True
# fetch the key on the system
if key_exist != 1 and not import_key:
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(module, get_key(cluster, name, file_path, containerized)) # noqa E501
result["rc"] = rc
if rc != 0:
result["stdout"] = "Couldn't fetch the key {0} at {1}.".format( # noqa E501
name, file_path)
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(
module, update_key(cluster, name, caps, containerized))
# After the update we don't need to overwrite the key on the filesystem
# since the secret has not changed
result["stdout"] = "fetched the key {0} at {1}.".format( # noqa E501
name, file_path)
module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
elif state == "absent":
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(
@ -669,7 +649,7 @@ def run_module():
msg='State must either be "present" or "absent" or "update" or "list" or "info" or "fetch_initial_keys".', changed=False, rc=1) # noqa E501
msg='State must either be "present" or "absent" or "list" or "info" or "fetch_initial_keys".', changed=False, rc=1) # noqa E501
endd = datetime.datetime.now()
delta = endd - startd
@ -682,7 +662,7 @@ def run_module():
if rc != 0: