mirror of https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible.git
ceph_key: add a get_key function
When checking if a key exists we also have to ensure that the key exists
on the filesystem, the key can change on Ceph but still have an outdated
version on the filesystem. This solves this issue.
Signed-off-by: Sébastien Han <seb@redhat.com>
(cherry picked from commit 691f373543
@ -97,13 +97,21 @@ options:
- Destination to write the keyring
required: false
default: /etc/ceph/
- Fetch client.admin and bootstrap key.
This is only needed for Nautilus and above.
Writes down to the filesystem the initial keys generated by the monitor. # noqa E501
This command can ONLY run from a monitor node.
required: false
default: false
- { name: client.key, key: "AQAin8tUUK84ExAA/QgBtI7gEMWdmnvKBzlXdQ==", caps: { mon: "allow rwx", mds: "allow *" } , mode: "0600" }
- { name: client.cle, caps: { mon: "allow r", osd: "allow *" } , mode: "0600" }
- { name: client.key, key: "AQAin8tUUK84ExAA/QgBtI7gEMWdmnvKBzlXdQ==", caps: { mon: "allow rwx", mds: "allow *" } , mode: "0600" } # noqa e501
- { name: client.cle, caps: { mon: "allow r", osd: "allow *" } , mode: "0600" } # noqa e501
mon: "allow rwx"
@ -130,7 +138,7 @@ caps:
secret: AQAin8tUMICVFBAALRHNrV0Z4MXupRw4v9JQ6Q==
mon: allow *
dest: "/var/lib/ceph/tmp/keyring.mon"
dest: "/var/lib/ceph/tmp/"
import_key: False
- name: create cephx key
@ -165,16 +173,28 @@ caps:
- name: list cephx keys
state: list
- name: fetch cephx keys
state: fetch_initial_keys
RETURN = '''# '''
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
import datetime
import os
import struct
import time
import base64
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule # noqa E402
import datetime # noqa E402
import grp # noqa E402
import json # noqa E402
import os # noqa E402
import pwd # noqa E402
import stat # noqa E402
import struct # noqa E402
import time # noqa E402
import base64 # noqa E402
import socket # noqa E402
CEPH_INITIAL_KEYS = ['client.admin', 'client.bootstrap-mds', 'client.bootstrap-mgr', # noqa E501
'client.bootstrap-osd', 'client.bootstrap-rbd', 'client.bootstrap-rbd-mirror', 'client.bootstrap-rgw'] # noqa E501
def fatal(message, module):
@ -217,7 +237,7 @@ def generate_caps(cmd, _type, caps):
return cmd
def generate_ceph_cmd(cluster, args, containerized=None):
def generate_ceph_cmd(cluster, args, user, user_key, containerized=None):
Generate 'ceph' command line to execute
@ -226,6 +246,10 @@ def generate_ceph_cmd(cluster, args, containerized=None):
base_cmd = [
@ -239,18 +263,15 @@ def generate_ceph_cmd(cluster, args, containerized=None):
return cmd
def generate_ceph_authtool_cmd(cluster, name, secret, caps, auid, dest, containerized=None):
def generate_ceph_authtool_cmd(cluster, name, secret, caps, auid, dest, containerized=None): # noqa E501
Generate 'ceph-authtool' command line to execute
file_destination = os.path.join(
dest + "/" + cluster + "." + name + ".keyring")
cmd = [
@ -268,17 +289,15 @@ def generate_ceph_authtool_cmd(cluster, name, secret, caps, auid, dest, containe
return cmd
def create_key(module, result, cluster, name, secret, caps, import_key, auid, dest, containerized=None):
def create_key(module, result, cluster, name, secret, caps, import_key, auid, dest, containerized=None): # noqa E501
Create a CephX key
file_path = os.path.join(dest + "/" + cluster + "." + name + ".keyring")
args = [
cmd_list = []
@ -289,7 +308,12 @@ def create_key(module, result, cluster, name, secret, caps, import_key, auid, de
cluster, name, secret, caps, auid, dest, containerized))
if import_key:
cmd_list.append(generate_ceph_cmd(cluster, args, containerized))
user = "client.admin"
user = "client.admin"
user_key = os.path.join(
"/etc/ceph/" + cluster + ".client.admin.keyring")
cluster, args, user, user_key, containerized))
return cmd_list
@ -307,7 +331,11 @@ def update_key(cluster, name, caps, containerized=None):
args = generate_caps(args, "ceph", caps)
cmd_list.append(generate_ceph_cmd(cluster, args, containerized))
user = "client.admin"
user_key = os.path.join(
"/etc/ceph/" + cluster + ".client.admin.keyring")
cluster, args, user, user_key, containerized))
return cmd_list
@ -324,12 +352,39 @@ def delete_key(cluster, name, containerized=None):
cmd_list.append(generate_ceph_cmd(cluster, args, containerized))
user = "client.admin"
user_key = os.path.join(
"/etc/ceph/" + cluster + ".client.admin.keyring")
cluster, args, user, user_key, containerized))
return cmd_list
def info_key(cluster, name, containerized=None):
def get_key(cluster, name, dest, containerized=None):
Get a CephX key (write on the filesystem)
cmd_list = []
args = [
user = "client.admin"
user_key = os.path.join(
"/etc/ceph/" + cluster + ".client.admin.keyring")
cluster, args, user, user_key, containerized))
return cmd_list
def info_key(cluster, name, user, user_key, output_format, containerized=None):
Get information about a CephX key
@ -340,15 +395,16 @@ def info_key(cluster, name, containerized=None):
cmd_list.append(generate_ceph_cmd(cluster, args, containerized))
cluster, args, user, user_key, containerized))
return cmd_list
def list_keys(cluster, containerized=None):
def list_keys(cluster, user, user_key, containerized=None):
List all CephX keys
@ -361,7 +417,8 @@ def list_keys(cluster, containerized=None):
cmd_list.append(generate_ceph_cmd(cluster, args, containerized))
cluster, args, user, user_key, containerized))
return cmd_list
@ -379,6 +436,56 @@ def exec_commands(module, cmd_list):
return rc, cmd, out, err
def lookup_ceph_initial_entities(out):
Lookup Ceph initial keys entries in the auth map
# convert out to json, ansible returns a string...
out_dict = json.loads(out)
except ValueError as e:
fatal("Could not decode 'ceph auth list' json output: {}".format(e), module) # noqa E501
entities = []
if "auth_dump" in out_dict:
for key in out_dict["auth_dump"]:
for k, v in key.items():
if k == "entity":
fatal("'auth_dump' key not present in json output:", module) # noqa E501
if len(entities) != len(CEPH_INITIAL_KEYS):
return None
return entities
def build_key_path(cluster, entity):
Build key path depending on the key type
if "admin" in entity:
path = "/etc/ceph"
key_path = os.path.join(
path + "/" + cluster + "." + entity + ".keyring")
elif "bootstrap" in entity:
path = "/var/lib/ceph"
# bootstrap keys show up as 'client.boostrap-osd'
# however the directory is called '/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd'
# so we need to substring 'client.'
entity_split = entity.split('.')[1]
key_path = os.path.join(
path + "/" + entity_split + "/" + cluster + ".keyring")
return None
return key_path
def run_module():
module_args = dict(
cluster=dict(type='str', required=False, default='ceph'),
@ -389,7 +496,7 @@ def run_module():
secret=dict(type='str', required=False, default=None),
import_key=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=True),
auid=dict(type='str', required=False, default=None),
dest=dict(type='str', required=False, default='/etc/ceph/'),
dest=dict(type='str', required=False, default='/etc/ceph'),
module = AnsibleModule(
@ -428,34 +535,47 @@ def run_module():
# We only want to run this check when a key needs to be added
# There is no guarantee that any cluster is running and we don't need one
if import_key:
user = "client.admin"
user_key = os.path.join(
"/etc/ceph/" + cluster + ".client.admin.keyring")
output_format = "json"
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(
module, info_key(cluster, name, containerized))
module, info_key(cluster, name, user, user_key, output_format, containerized)) # noqa E501
if state == "present":
if not caps:
fatal("Capabilities must be provided when state is 'present'", module)
fatal("Capabilities must be provided when state is 'present'", module) # noqa E501
# Build a different path for bootstrap keys as there are stored as
# /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rbd/ceph.keyring
if 'bootstrap' in dest:
file_path = os.path.join(dest + "/" + cluster + ".keyring")
file_path = os.path.join(dest + "/" + cluster +
"." + name + ".keyring")
# We allow 'present' to override any existing key
# ONLY if a secret is provided
# if not we skip the creation
if import_key:
if rc == 0 and not secret:
result["stdout"] = "skipped, since {0} already exists, if you want to update a key use 'state: update'".format(
# If the key exists in Ceph we must fetch it on the system
# because nothing tells us it exists on the fs or not
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(module, get_key(cluster, name, file_path, containerized)) # noqa E501
result["stdout"] = "skipped, since {0} already exists, we only fetched the key at {1}. If you want to update a key use 'state: update'".format( # noqa E501
name, file_path)
result['rc'] = rc
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(module, create_key(
module, result, cluster, name, secret, caps, import_key, auid, dest, containerized))
module, result, cluster, name, secret, caps, import_key, auid, file_path, containerized)) # noqa E501
file_path = os.path.join(
dest + "/" + cluster + "." + name + ".keyring")
file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
file_args['path'] = file_path
module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
elif state == "update":
if not caps:
fatal("Capabilities must be provided when state is 'update'", module)
fatal("Capabilities must be provided when state is 'update'", module) # noqa E501
if rc != 0:
result["stdout"] = "skipped, since {0} does not exist".format(name)
@ -464,6 +584,8 @@ def run_module():
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(
module, update_key(cluster, name, caps, containerized))
# After the update we don't need to overwrite the key on the filesystem
# since the secret has not changed
elif state == "absent":
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(
@ -475,16 +597,77 @@ def run_module():
result['rc'] = 0
user = "client.admin"
user_key = os.path.join(
"/etc/ceph/" + cluster + ".client.admin.keyring")
output_format = "json"
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(
module, info_key(cluster, name, containerized))
module, info_key(cluster, name, user, user_key, output_format, containerized)) # noqa E501
elif state == "list":
user = "client.admin"
user_key = os.path.join(
"/etc/ceph/" + cluster + ".client.admin.keyring")
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(
module, list_keys(cluster, containerized))
module, list_keys(cluster, user, user_key, containerized))
elif state == "fetch_initial_keys":
hostname = socket.gethostname()
user = "mon."
user_key = os.path.join(
"/var/lib/ceph/mon/" + cluster + "-" + hostname + "/keyring")
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(
module, list_keys(cluster, user, user_key, containerized))
if rc != 0:
result["stdout"] = "failed to retrieve ceph keys".format(name)
result['rc'] = 0
entities = lookup_ceph_initial_entities(out)
if entities is None:
fatal("Failed to find some of the initial entities", module)
# get ceph's group and user id
ceph_uid = pwd.getpwnam('ceph').pw_uid
ceph_grp = grp.getgrnam('ceph').gr_gid
output_format = "plain"
for entity in entities:
key_path = build_key_path(cluster, entity)
if key_path is None:
fatal("Failed to build key path, no entity yet?", module)
elif os.path.isfile(key_path):
# if the key is already on the filesystem
# there is no need to fetch it again
extra_args = [
info_cmd = info_key(cluster, entity, user,
user_key, output_format, containerized)
# we use info_cmd[0] because info_cmd is an array made of an array
rc, cmd, out, err = exec_commands(
module, info_cmd) # noqa E501
# apply ceph:ceph ownership and mode 0400 on keys
# FIXME by using
# file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
# file_args['path'] = dest
# module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
os.chown(key_path, ceph_uid, ceph_grp)
os.chmod(key_path, stat.S_IRUSR)
except OSError as e:
fatal("Failed to set owner/group/permissions of %s: %s" % (
key_path, str(e)), module)
msg='State must either be "present" or "absent" or "update" or "list" or "info".', changed=False, rc=1)
msg='State must either be "present" or "absent" or "update" or "list" or "info" or "fetch_initial_keys".', changed=False, rc=1) # noqa E501
endd = datetime.datetime.now()
delta = endd - startd
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import json
import os
import pytest
from . import ceph_key
from ansible.compat.tests.mock import MagicMock
class TestCephKeyModule(object):
@ -49,19 +50,28 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
def test_generate_ceph_cmd_list_non_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_args = ['arg']
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
expected_command_list = [
result = ceph_key.generate_ceph_cmd(fake_cluster, fake_args)
result = ceph_key.generate_ceph_cmd(
fake_cluster, fake_args, fake_user, fake_key)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_generate_ceph_cmd_list_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_args = ['arg']
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
fake_containerized = "docker exec -ti ceph-mon"
expected_command_list = [
@ -69,13 +79,17 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
result = ceph_key.generate_ceph_cmd(
fake_cluster, fake_args, fake_containerized)
fake_cluster, fake_args, fake_user, fake_key, fake_containerized)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_generate_ceph_authtool_cmd_non_container_no_auid(self):
@ -106,7 +120,7 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
'allow rwx',
result = ceph_key.generate_ceph_authtool_cmd(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_auid, fake_dest)
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_auid, fake_file_destination) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_generate_ceph_authtool_cmd_non_container_auid(self):
@ -139,7 +153,7 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
'allow rwx',
result = ceph_key.generate_ceph_authtool_cmd(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_auid, fake_dest)
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_auid, fake_file_destination) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_generate_ceph_authtool_cmd_container(self):
@ -175,7 +189,7 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
'allow rwx'
result = ceph_key.generate_ceph_authtool_cmd(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_auid, fake_dest, fake_containerized)
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_auid, fake_file_destination, fake_containerized) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_create_key_non_container(self):
@ -194,13 +208,13 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(
fake_dest + "/" + fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring")
expected_command_list = [
['ceph-authtool', '--create-keyring', fake_file_destination, '--name', fake_name,
'--add-key', fake_secret, '--cap', 'mon', 'allow *', '--cap', 'osd', 'allow rwx'],
['ceph', '--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth',
['ceph-authtool', '--create-keyring', fake_file_destination, '--name', fake_name, # noqa E501
'--add-key', fake_secret, '--cap', 'mon', 'allow *', '--cap', 'osd', 'allow rwx'], # noqa E501
['ceph', '-n', 'client.admin', '-k', '/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring', '--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', # noqa E501
'import', '-i', fake_file_destination],
result = ceph_key.create_key(fake_module, fake_result, fake_cluster,
fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_auid, fake_dest)
fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_auid, fake_file_destination) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_create_key_container(self):
@ -220,13 +234,13 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(
fake_dest + "/" + fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring")
expected_command_list = [
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph-authtool', '--create-keyring', fake_file_destination,
'--name', fake_name, '--add-key', fake_secret, '--cap', 'mon', 'allow *', '--cap', 'osd', 'allow rwx'],
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph', '--cluster',
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph-authtool', '--create-keyring', fake_file_destination, # noqa E501
'--name', fake_name, '--add-key', fake_secret, '--cap', 'mon', 'allow *', '--cap', 'osd', 'allow rwx'], # noqa E501
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph', '-n', 'client.admin', '-k', '/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring', '--cluster', # noqa E501
fake_cluster, 'auth', 'import', '-i', fake_file_destination],
result = ceph_key.create_key(fake_module, fake_result, fake_cluster, fake_name,
fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_auid, fake_dest, fake_containerized)
result = ceph_key.create_key(fake_module, fake_result, fake_cluster, fake_name, # noqa E501
fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_auid, fake_file_destination, fake_containerized) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_create_key_non_container_no_import(self):
@ -244,7 +258,7 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
fake_auid = None
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(
fake_dest + "/" + fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring")
# create_key passes (one for ceph-authtool and one for itself) itw own array so the expected result is an array within an array
# create_key passes (one for ceph-authtool and one for itself) itw own array so the expected result is an array within an array # noqa E501
expected_command_list = [[
@ -261,7 +275,7 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
'allow rwx', ]
result = ceph_key.create_key(fake_module, fake_result, fake_cluster,
fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_auid, fake_dest)
fake_name, fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_auid, fake_file_destination) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_create_key_container_no_import(self):
@ -280,7 +294,7 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(
fake_dest + "/" + fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring")
fake_auid = None
# create_key passes (one for ceph-authtool and one for itself) itw own array so the expected result is an array within an array
# create_key passes (one for ceph-authtool and one for itself) itw own array so the expected result is an array within an array # noqa E501
expected_command_list = [[
@ -300,8 +314,8 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
'allow rwx', ]
result = ceph_key.create_key(fake_module, fake_result, fake_cluster, fake_name,
fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_auid, fake_dest, fake_containerized)
result = ceph_key.create_key(fake_module, fake_result, fake_cluster, fake_name, # noqa E501
fake_secret, fake_caps, fake_import_key, fake_auid, fake_file_destination, fake_containerized) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_update_key_non_container(self):
@ -312,7 +326,7 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
'osd': 'allow rwx',
expected_command_list = [
['ceph', '--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'caps',
['ceph', '-n', 'client.admin', '-k', '/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring', '--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'caps', # noqa E501
fake_name, 'mon', 'allow *', 'osd', 'allow rwx'],
result = ceph_key.update_key(fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_caps)
@ -327,8 +341,8 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
'osd': 'allow rwx',
expected_command_list = [
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph', '--cluster', fake_cluster,
'auth', 'caps', fake_name, 'mon', 'allow *', 'osd', 'allow rwx'],
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph', '-n', 'client.admin', '-k', '/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring', '--cluster', fake_cluster, # noqa E501
'auth', 'caps', fake_name, 'mon', 'allow *', 'osd', 'allow rwx'], # noqa E501
result = ceph_key.update_key(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_caps, fake_containerized)
@ -338,7 +352,8 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
expected_command_list = [
['ceph', '--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'del', fake_name],
['ceph', '-n', 'client.admin', '-k', '/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring', # noqa E501
'--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'del', fake_name],
result = ceph_key.delete_key(fake_cluster, fake_name)
assert result == expected_command_list
@ -348,7 +363,7 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_containerized = "docker exec -ti ceph-mon"
expected_command_list = [
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph',
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph', '-n', 'client.admin', '-k', '/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring', # noqa E501
'--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'del', fake_name],
result = ceph_key.delete_key(
@ -358,38 +373,129 @@ class TestCephKeyModule(object):
def test_info_key_non_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
fake_output_format = "json"
expected_command_list = [
['ceph', '--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth',
['ceph', '-n', "fake-user", '-k', "/tmp/my-key", '--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', # noqa E501
'get', fake_name, '-f', 'json'],
result = ceph_key.info_key(fake_cluster, fake_name)
result = ceph_key.info_key(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_user, fake_key, fake_output_format)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_info_key_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
fake_containerized = "docker exec -ti ceph-mon"
fake_output_format = "json"
expected_command_list = [
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph', '--cluster',
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph', '-n', "fake-user", '-k', "/tmp/my-key", '--cluster', # noqa E501
fake_cluster, 'auth', 'get', fake_name, '-f', 'json'],
result = ceph_key.info_key(fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_containerized)
result = ceph_key.info_key(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_user, fake_key, fake_output_format, fake_containerized) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_list_key_non_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
expected_command_list = [
['ceph', '--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'ls', '-f', 'json'],
['ceph', '-n', "fake-user", '-k', "/tmp/my-key",
'--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'ls', '-f', 'json'],
result = ceph_key.list_keys(fake_cluster)
result = ceph_key.list_keys(fake_cluster, fake_user, fake_key)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_get_key_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_containerized = "docker exec -ti ceph-mon"
fake_dest = "/fake/ceph"
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(
fake_dest + "/" + fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring")
expected_command_list = [
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph', '-n', "client.admin", '-k', "/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring", '--cluster', # noqa E501
fake_cluster, 'auth', 'get', fake_name, '-o', fake_file_destination], # noqa E501
result = ceph_key.get_key(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_file_destination, fake_containerized) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_get_key_non_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_dest = "/fake/ceph"
fake_name = "client.fake"
fake_file_destination = os.path.join(
fake_dest + "/" + fake_cluster + "." + fake_name + ".keyring")
expected_command_list = [
['ceph', '-n', "client.admin", '-k', "/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring", # noqa E501
'--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'get', fake_name, '-o', fake_file_destination], # noqa E501
result = ceph_key.get_key(
fake_cluster, fake_name, fake_file_destination) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_list_key_non_container_with_mon_key(self):
fake_hostname = "mon01"
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_user = "mon."
fake_key = os.path.join("/var/lib/ceph/mon/" + fake_cluster + "-" + fake_hostname + "/keyring") # noqa E501
expected_command_list = [
['ceph', '-n', "mon.", '-k', "/var/lib/ceph/mon/fake-mon01/keyring", # noqa E501
'--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'ls', '-f', 'json'],
result = ceph_key.list_keys(fake_cluster, fake_user, fake_key)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_list_key_container_with_mon_key(self):
fake_hostname = "mon01"
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_containerized = "docker exec -ti ceph-mon"
fake_user = "mon."
fake_key = os.path.join("/var/lib/ceph/mon/" + fake_cluster + "-" + fake_hostname + "/keyring") # noqa E501
expected_command_list = [
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon','ceph', '-n', "mon.", '-k', "/var/lib/ceph/mon/fake-mon01/keyring", # noqa E501
'--cluster', fake_cluster, 'auth', 'ls', '-f', 'json'],
result = ceph_key.list_keys(fake_cluster, fake_user, fake_key, fake_containerized) # noqa E501
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_list_key_container(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
fake_containerized = "docker exec -ti ceph-mon"
fake_user = "fake-user"
fake_key = "/tmp/my-key"
expected_command_list = [
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph', '--cluster',
['docker', 'exec', '-ti', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph', '-n', "fake-user", '-k', "/tmp/my-key", '--cluster', # noqa E501
fake_cluster, 'auth', 'ls', '-f', 'json'],
result = ceph_key.list_keys(fake_cluster, fake_containerized)
result = ceph_key.list_keys(
fake_cluster, fake_user, fake_key, fake_containerized)
assert result == expected_command_list
def test_lookup_ceph_initial_entities(self):
# fake_module = MagicMock()
fake_ceph_dict = {"auth_dump":[{"entity":"osd.0","key":"AQAJkMhbszeBBBAA4/V1tDFXGlft1GnHJS5wWg==","caps":{"mgr":"allow profile osd","mon":"allow profile osd","osd":"allow *"}},{"entity":"osd.1","key":"AQAjkMhbshueAhAAjZec50aBgd1NObLz57SQvg==","caps":{"mgr":"allow profile osd","mon":"allow profile osd","osd":"allow *"}},{"entity":"client.admin","key":"AQDZjshbrJv6EhAAY9v6LzLYNDpPdlC3HD5KHA==","auid":0,"caps":{"mds":"allow","mgr":"allow *","mon":"allow *","osd":"allow *"}},{"entity":"client.bootstrap-mds","key":"AQDojshbc4QCHhAA1ZTrkt9dbSZRVU2GzI6U4A==","caps":{"mon":"allow profile bootstrap-mds"}},{"entity":"client.bootstrap-osd","key":"AQDjjshbYW+uGxAAyHcPCXXmVoL8VsTBI8z1Ng==","caps":{"mon":"allow profile bootstrap-osd"}},{"entity":"client.bootstrap-rbd","key":"AQDyjshb522eIhAAtAz6nUPMOdG4H9u0NgpXhA==","caps":{"mon":"allow profile bootstrap-rbd"}},{"entity":"client.bootstrap-rgw","key":"AQDtjshbDl8oIBAAq1SfSYQKDR49hJNWJVwDQw==","caps":{"mon":"allow profile bootstrap-rgw"}},{"entity":"mgr.mon0","key":"AQA0j8hbgGapORAAoDkyAvXVkM5ej4wNn4cwTQ==","caps":{"mds":"allow *","mon":"allow profile mgr","osd":"allow *"}}]} # noqa E501
fake_ceph_dict_str = json.dumps(fake_ceph_dict) # convert to string
expected_entity_list = ['client.admin', 'client.bootstrap-mds', 'client.bootstrap-osd', 'client.bootstrap-rbd', 'client.bootstrap-rgw'] # noqa E501
result = ceph_key.lookup_ceph_initial_entities(fake_ceph_dict_str)
assert result == expected_entity_list
def test_build_key_path_admin(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
entity = "client.admin"
expected_result = "/etc/ceph/fake.client.admin.keyring"
result = ceph_key.build_key_path(fake_cluster, entity)
assert result == expected_result
def test_build_key_path_bootstrap_osd(self):
fake_cluster = "fake"
entity = "bootstrap-osd"
expected_result = "/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/fake.keyring"
result = ceph_key.build_key_path(fake_cluster, entity)
assert result == expected_result
Reference in New Issue