cephadm_adopt: fetch and write ceph minimal config

This commit makes the playbook fetch the minimal current ceph
configuration and write it later on monitoring nodes so `cephadm` can
proceed with the adoption.
When a monitoring stack was deployed on a dedicated node, it means no
`ceph.conf` file was written, `cephadm` requires a `ceph.conf` in order
to adopt the daemon present on the node.

Closes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1939887

Signed-off-by: Guillaume Abrioux <gabrioux@redhat.com>
(cherry picked from commit b445df0479)
Guillaume Abrioux 2021-03-17 10:07:27 +01:00
parent 80bf7030f7
commit f42ee9f940
1 changed files with 139 additions and 121 deletions

View File

@ -118,144 +118,162 @@
serial: 1
become: True
- name: remove ceph aliases
path: /etc/profile.d/ceph-aliases.sh
state: absent
when: containerized_deployment | bool
- name: upgrade ceph mon cluster
- name: remove ceph aliases
path: /etc/profile.d/ceph-aliases.sh
state: absent
when: containerized_deployment | bool
- name: set mon_host_count
mon_host_count: "{{ groups[mon_group_name] | length }}"
- name: set mon_host_count
mon_host_count: "{{ groups[mon_group_name] | length }}"
- name: fail when less than three monitors
msg: "Upgrade of cluster with less than three monitors is not supported."
when: mon_host_count | int < 3
- name: fail when less than three monitors
msg: "Upgrade of cluster with less than three monitors is not supported."
when: mon_host_count | int < 3
- name: select a running monitor
mon_host: "{{ groups[mon_group_name] | difference([inventory_hostname]) | last }}"
- name: select a running monitor
mon_host: "{{ groups[mon_group_name] | difference([inventory_hostname]) | last }}"
- import_role:
name: ceph-defaults
- import_role:
name: ceph-facts
- block:
- name: get ceph cluster status
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} health -f json"
register: check_cluster_health
delegate_to: "{{ mon_host }}"
- import_role:
name: ceph-defaults
- import_role:
name: ceph-facts
- block:
- name: display ceph health detail
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} health detail"
- name: get ceph cluster status
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} health -f json"
register: check_cluster_health
delegate_to: "{{ mon_host }}"
- name: fail if cluster isn't in an acceptable state
msg: "cluster is not in an acceptable state!"
when: (check_cluster_health.stdout | from_json).status == 'HEALTH_ERR'
when: inventory_hostname == groups[mon_group_name] | first
- block:
- name: display ceph health detail
command: "{{ container_exec_cmd }} ceph --cluster {{ cluster }} health detail"
delegate_to: "{{ mon_host }}"
- name: ensure /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rbd-mirror is present
path: /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rbd-mirror
owner: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment else 'ceph' }}"
group: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment else 'ceph' }}"
mode: '755'
state: directory
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups[mon_group_name] }}"
- cephx | bool
- inventory_hostname == groups[mon_group_name][0]
- name: fail if cluster isn't in an acceptable state
msg: "cluster is not in an acceptable state!"
when: (check_cluster_health.stdout | from_json).status == 'HEALTH_ERR'
when: inventory_hostname == groups[mon_group_name] | first
- name: create potentially missing keys (rbd and rbd-mirror)
name: "client.{{ item.0 }}"
dest: "/var/lib/ceph/{{ item.0 }}/"
mon: "allow profile {{ item.0 }}"
cluster: "{{ cluster }}"
delegate_to: "{{ item.1 }}"
- ['bootstrap-rbd', 'bootstrap-rbd-mirror']
- "{{ groups[mon_group_name] }}" # so the key goes on all the nodes
CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment else None }}"
CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}"
- cephx | bool
- inventory_hostname == groups[mon_group_name][0]
- name: ensure /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rbd-mirror is present
path: /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rbd-mirror
owner: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment else 'ceph' }}"
group: "{{ ceph_uid if containerized_deployment else 'ceph' }}"
mode: '755'
state: directory
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups[mon_group_name] }}"
- cephx | bool
- inventory_hostname == groups[mon_group_name][0]
# NOTE: we mask the service so the RPM can't restart it
# after the package gets upgraded
- name: stop ceph mon
name: ceph-mon@{{ item }}
state: stopped
enabled: no
masked: yes
- "{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}"
- "{{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }}"
- name: create potentially missing keys (rbd and rbd-mirror)
name: "client.{{ item.0 }}"
dest: "/var/lib/ceph/{{ item.0 }}/"
mon: "allow profile {{ item.0 }}"
cluster: "{{ cluster }}"
delegate_to: "{{ item.1 }}"
- ['bootstrap-rbd', 'bootstrap-rbd-mirror']
- "{{ groups[mon_group_name] }}" # so the key goes on all the nodes
CEPH_CONTAINER_IMAGE: "{{ ceph_docker_registry + '/' + ceph_docker_image + ':' + ceph_docker_image_tag if containerized_deployment else None }}"
CEPH_CONTAINER_BINARY: "{{ container_binary }}"
- cephx | bool
- inventory_hostname == groups[mon_group_name][0]
# only mask the service for mgr because it must be upgraded
# after ALL monitors, even when collocated
- name: mask the mgr service
name: ceph-mgr@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}
masked: yes
when: inventory_hostname in groups[mgr_group_name] | default([])
or groups[mgr_group_name] | default([]) | length == 0
# NOTE: we mask the service so the RPM can't restart it
# after the package gets upgraded
- name: stop ceph mon
name: ceph-mon@{{ item }}
state: stopped
enabled: no
masked: yes
- "{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}"
- "{{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }}"
- import_role:
name: ceph-handler
- import_role:
name: ceph-common
when: not containerized_deployment | bool
- import_role:
name: ceph-container-common
when: containerized_deployment | bool
- import_role:
name: ceph-config
- import_role:
name: ceph-mon
# only mask the service for mgr because it must be upgraded
# after ALL monitors, even when collocated
- name: mask the mgr service
name: ceph-mgr@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}
masked: yes
when: inventory_hostname in groups[mgr_group_name] | default([])
or groups[mgr_group_name] | default([]) | length == 0
- name: start ceph mgr
name: ceph-mgr@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}
state: started
enabled: yes
masked: no
when: inventory_hostname in groups[mgr_group_name] | default([])
or groups[mgr_group_name] | default([]) | length == 0
- import_role:
name: ceph-handler
- import_role:
name: ceph-common
when: not containerized_deployment | bool
- import_role:
name: ceph-container-common
when: containerized_deployment | bool
- import_role:
name: ceph-config
- import_role:
name: ceph-mon
- name: non container | waiting for the monitor to join the quorum...
command: ceph --cluster "{{ cluster }}" -m "{{ hostvars[groups[mon_group_name][0]]['_current_monitor_address'] }}" quorum_status --format json
register: ceph_health_raw
- ceph_health_raw.rc == 0
- (hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['hostname'] in (ceph_health_raw.stdout | default('{}') | from_json)["quorum_names"] or
hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['fqdn'] in (ceph_health_raw.stdout | default('{}') | from_json)["quorum_names"])
retries: "{{ health_mon_check_retries }}"
delay: "{{ health_mon_check_delay }}"
when: not containerized_deployment | bool
- name: start ceph mgr
name: ceph-mgr@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}
state: started
enabled: yes
masked: no
when: inventory_hostname in groups[mgr_group_name] | default([])
or groups[mgr_group_name] | default([]) | length == 0
- name: container | waiting for the containerized monitor to join the quorum...
command: >
{{ container_binary }} exec ceph-mon-{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }} ceph --cluster "{{ cluster }}" -m "{{ hostvars[groups[mon_group_name][0]]['_current_monitor_address'] }}" quorum_status --format json
register: ceph_health_raw
- ceph_health_raw.rc == 0
- (hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['hostname'] in (ceph_health_raw.stdout | default('{}') | from_json)["quorum_names"] or
hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['fqdn'] in (ceph_health_raw.stdout | default('{}') | from_json)["quorum_names"])
retries: "{{ health_mon_check_retries }}"
delay: "{{ health_mon_check_delay }}"
when: containerized_deployment | bool
- name: non container | waiting for the monitor to join the quorum...
command: ceph --cluster "{{ cluster }}" -m "{{ hostvars[groups[mon_group_name][0]]['_current_monitor_address'] }}" quorum_status --format json
register: ceph_health_raw
- ceph_health_raw.rc == 0
- (hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['hostname'] in (ceph_health_raw.stdout | default('{}') | from_json)["quorum_names"] or
hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['fqdn'] in (ceph_health_raw.stdout | default('{}') | from_json)["quorum_names"])
retries: "{{ health_mon_check_retries }}"
delay: "{{ health_mon_check_delay }}"
when: not containerized_deployment | bool
- name: container | waiting for the containerized monitor to join the quorum...
command: >
{{ container_binary }} exec ceph-mon-{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }} ceph --cluster "{{ cluster }}" -m "{{ hostvars[groups[mon_group_name][0]]['_current_monitor_address'] }}" quorum_status --format json
register: ceph_health_raw
- ceph_health_raw.rc == 0
- (hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['hostname'] in (ceph_health_raw.stdout | default('{}') | from_json)["quorum_names"] or
hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['fqdn'] in (ceph_health_raw.stdout | default('{}') | from_json)["quorum_names"])
retries: "{{ health_mon_check_retries }}"
delay: "{{ health_mon_check_delay }}"
when: containerized_deployment | bool
- name: unmask the mon service
name: ceph-mon@{{ item }}
enabled: yes
masked: no
- "{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}"
- "{{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }}"
- name: unmask the mgr service
name: ceph-mgr@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}
masked: no
when: inventory_hostname in groups[mgr_group_name] | default([])
or groups[mgr_group_name] | default([]) | length == 0
- name: reset mon_host
hosts: "{{ mon_group_name|default('mons') }}"