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# Kubernetes on UpCloud with Terraform
Provision a Kubernetes cluster on [UpCloud](https://upcloud.com/) using Terraform and Kubespray
## Overview
The setup looks like following
Kubernetes cluster
| +--------------+ |
| | +--------------+ |
| --> | | | |
| | | Master/etcd | |
| | | node(s) | |
| +-+ | |
| +--------------+ |
| ^ |
| | |
| v |
| +--------------+ |
| | +--------------+ |
| --> | | | |
| | | Worker | |
| | | node(s) | |
| +-+ | |
| +--------------+ |
The nodes uses a private network for node to node communication and a public interface for all external communication.
## Requirements
* Terraform 0.13.0 or newer
## Quickstart
NOTE: Assumes you are at the root of the kubespray repo.
For authentication in your cluster you can use the environment variables.
To allow API access to your UpCloud account, you need to allow API connections by visiting [Account-page](https://hub.upcloud.com/account) in your UpCloud Hub.
Copy the cluster configuration file.
cp -r inventory/sample inventory/$CLUSTER
cp contrib/terraform/upcloud/cluster-settings.tfvars inventory/$CLUSTER/
export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=ansible.cfg
cd inventory/$CLUSTER
Edit `cluster-settings.tfvars` to match your requirement.
Run Terraform to create the infrastructure.
terraform init ../../contrib/terraform/upcloud
terraform apply --var-file cluster-settings.tfvars \
-state=tfstate-$CLUSTER.tfstate \
You should now have a inventory file named `inventory.ini` that you can use with kubespray.
You can use the inventory file with kubespray to set up a cluster.
It is a good idea to check that you have basic SSH connectivity to the nodes. You can do that by:
ansible -i inventory.ini -m ping all
You can setup Kubernetes with kubespray using the generated inventory:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini ../../cluster.yml -b -v
## Teardown
You can teardown your infrastructure using the following Terraform command:
terraform destroy --var-file cluster-settings.tfvars \
-state=tfstate-$CLUSTER.tfstate \
## Variables
* `prefix`: Prefix to add to all resources, if set to "" don't set any prefix
* `template_name`: The name or UUID of a base image
* `username`: a user to access the nodes, defaults to "ubuntu"
* `private_network_cidr`: CIDR to use for the private network, defaults to ""
* `ssh_public_keys`: List of public SSH keys to install on all machines
* `zone`: The zone where to run the cluster
* `machines`: Machines to provision. Key of this object will be used as the name of the machine
* `node_type`: The role of this node *(master|worker)*
* `cpu`: number of cpu cores
* `mem`: memory size in MB
* `disk_size`: The size of the storage in GB
* `additional_disks`: Additional disks to attach to the node.
* `size`: The size of the additional disk in GB
* `tier`: The tier of disk to use (`maxiops` is the only one you can choose atm)