
6.3 KiB

Cluster Hardening

If you want to improve the security on your cluster and make it compliant with the CIS Benchmarks, here you can find a configuration to harden your kubernetes installation.

To apply the hardening configuration, create a file (eg. hardening.yaml) and paste the content of the following code snippet into that.

Minimum Requirements

The kubernetes version should be at least v1.23.6 to have all the most recent security features (eg. the new PodSecurity admission plugin, etc).

N.B. Some of these configurations have just been added to kubespray, so ensure that you have the latest version to make it works properly. Also, ensure that other configurations doesn't override these.


# Hardening

## kube-apiserver
authorization_modes: ['Node', 'RBAC']
# AppArmor-based OS
# kube_apiserver_feature_gates: ['AppArmor=true']
kube_apiserver_request_timeout: 120s
kube_apiserver_service_account_lookup: true

# enable kubernetes audit
kubernetes_audit: true
audit_log_path: "/var/log/kube-apiserver-log.json"
audit_log_maxage: 30
audit_log_maxbackups: 10
audit_log_maxsize: 100

tls_min_version: VersionTLS12

# enable encryption at rest
kube_encrypt_secret_data: true
kube_encryption_resources: [secrets]
kube_encryption_algorithm: "secretbox"

  - EventRateLimit
  - AlwaysPullImages
  - ServiceAccount
  - NamespaceLifecycle
  - NodeRestriction
  - LimitRanger
  - ResourceQuota
  - MutatingAdmissionWebhook
  - ValidatingAdmissionWebhook
  - PodNodeSelector
  - PodSecurity
kube_apiserver_admission_control_config_file: true
# Creates config file for PodNodeSelector
# kube_apiserver_admission_plugins_needs_configuration: [PodNodeSelector]
# Define the default node selector, by default all the workloads will be scheduled on nodes
# with label network=srv1
# kube_apiserver_admission_plugins_podnodeselector_default_node_selector: "network=srv1"
# EventRateLimit plugin configuration
    type: Namespace
    qps: 50
    burst: 100
    cache_size: 2000
    type: User
    qps: 50
    burst: 100
kube_profiling: false
# Remove anonymous access to cluster
remove_anonymous_access: true

## kube-controller-manager
kube_controller_terminated_pod_gc_threshold: 50
# AppArmor-based OS
# kube_controller_feature_gates: ["RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true", "AppArmor=true"]
kube_controller_feature_gates: ["RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"]

## kube-scheduler
# AppArmor-based OS
# kube_scheduler_feature_gates: ["AppArmor=true"]

## etcd
etcd_deployment_type: kubeadm

## kubelet
kubelet_authorization_mode_webhook: true
kubelet_authentication_token_webhook: true
kube_read_only_port: 0
kubelet_rotate_server_certificates: true
kubelet_protect_kernel_defaults: true
kubelet_event_record_qps: 1
kubelet_rotate_certificates: true
kubelet_streaming_connection_idle_timeout: "5m"
kubelet_make_iptables_util_chains: true
kubelet_feature_gates: ["RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"]
kubelet_seccomp_default: true
kubelet_systemd_hardening: true
# In case you have multiple interfaces in your
# control plane nodes and you want to specify the right
# IP addresses, kubelet_secure_addresses allows you
# to specify the IP from which the kubelet
# will receive the packets.
kubelet_secure_addresses: "localhost link-local {{ kube_pods_subnet }}"

# additional configurations
kube_owner: root
kube_cert_group: root

# create a default Pod Security Configuration and deny running of insecure pods
# kube_system namespace is exempted by default
kube_pod_security_use_default: true
kube_pod_security_default_enforce: restricted

Let's take a deep look to the resultant kubernetes configuration:

  • The anonymous-auth (on kube-apiserver) is set to true by default. This is fine, because it is considered safe if you enable RBAC for the authorization-mode.
  • The enable-admission-plugins includes PodSecurity (for more details, please take a look here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-admission/). Then, we set the EventRateLimit plugin, providing additional configuration files (that are automatically created under the hood and mounted inside the kube-apiserver container) to make it work.
  • The encryption-provider-config provide encryption at rest. This means that the kube-apiserver encrypt data that is going to be stored before they reach etcd. So the data is completely unreadable from etcd (in case an attacker is able to exploit this).
  • The rotateCertificates in KubeletConfiguration is set to true along with serverTLSBootstrap. This could be used in alternative to tlsCertFile and tlsPrivateKeyFile parameters. Additionally it automatically generates certificates by itself. By default the CSRs are approved automatically via kubelet-csr-approver. You can customize approval configuration by modifying Helm values via kubelet_csr_approver_values. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/kubelet-tls-bootstrapping/ for more information on the subject.
  • If you are installing kubernetes in an AppArmor-based OS (eg. Debian/Ubuntu) you can enable the AppArmor feature gate uncommenting the lines with the comment # AppArmor-based OS on top.
  • The kubelet_systemd_hardening, both with kubelet_secure_addresses setup a minimal firewall on the system. To better understand how these variables work, here's an explanatory image: kubelet hardening

Once you have the file properly filled, you can run the Ansible command to start the installation:

ansible-playbook -v cluster.yml \
        -i inventory.ini \
        -b --become-user=root \
        --private-key ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa \
        -e "@vars.yaml" \
        -e "@hardening.yaml"

N.B. The vars.yaml contains our general cluster information (SANs, load balancer, dns, etc..) and hardening.yaml is the file described above.