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Getting started

The easiest way to run the deployement is to use the kargo-cli tool. A complete documentation can be found in its github repository.

Here is a simple example on AWS:

  • Create instances and generate the inventory
kargo aws --instances 3
  • Run the deployment
kargo deploy --aws -u centos -n calico

Building your own inventory

Ansible inventory can be stored in 3 formats: YAML, JSON, or INI-like. There is an example inventory located here.

You can use an inventory generator to create or modify an Ansible inventory. Currently, it is limited in functionality and is only use for making a basic Kargo cluster, but it does support creating large clusters. It now supports separated ETCD and Kubernetes master roles from node role if the size exceeds a certain threshold. Run inventory.py help for more information.

Example inventory generator usage:

cp -r inventory my_inventory
declare -a IPS=(
CONFIG_FILE=my_inventory/inventory.cfg python3 contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py ${IPS[@]}

Starting custom deployment

Once you have an inventory, you may want to customize deployment data vars and start the deployment:

IMPORTANT: Edit my_inventory/groups_vars/*.yaml to override data vars

ansible-playbook -i my_inventory/inventory.cfg cluster.yml -b -v \

See more details in the ansible guide.