Make numerical stability test more perverse

To test the summation stability of `torch.aten.var`, add a large
constant to it, which increases the effective precision requirements.
Sean Silva 2022-08-03 17:32:28 +00:00
parent c94431f71c
commit 6484776a25
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -688,4 +688,4 @@ class VarCorrectionLargeInputModule(torch.nn.Module):
@register_test_case(module_factory=lambda: VarCorrectionLargeInputModule())
def VarCorrectionLargeInputModule_basic(module, tu: TestUtils):
module.forward(tu.rand(3, 4, 1024, 8192))
module.forward(100 + tu.rand(3, 4, 1024, 8192))