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Design sketch: libtorch code generation round-trip

It has been brought up a couple of times that having a dynamic fallback to libtorch for kernel calls that the compiler does not recognize could be advantageous. This is a sketch of how such a facility could work.

Op background

When programs are imported from Torch (either via acap/driver capture or from TorchScript), kernel calls are mapped to a torch.kernel_call op, which it is useful to visualize:

%0 = torch.kernel_call "aten::mm" %arg0, %arg1 :
    (!numpy.ndarray<[2,3]:f32>, !numpy.ndarray<[3,4]:f32>) ->
      sigArgTypes = ["Tensor", "Tensor"],
      sigIsMutable = false,
      sigIsVararg = false,
      sigIsVarret = false,
      sigRetTypes = ["Tensor"]

A couple of things to note at this level:

  • Tensor operands/results are all represented by mutable ndarray types.
  • The kernel call name ("aten::mm" above) is the c10::OperatorName.
  • sigArgTypes and sigRetTypes correspond to the rest of a signature. Together with the kernel name, it is sufficient to find a precise OpHandle that can be used for making calls.
  • The torch.kernel_call implements the TorchKernelOpInterface which provides structured access to this metadata.

From here, one typically uses the pass aten-recognize-kernels to promote torch.kernel_call ops that the compiler has concretely modeled into corresponding aten dialect ops. Here is an example of a function containing the above, with aten kernels recognized:

  func @mm(%arg0: !numpy.ndarray<[2,3]:f32>, %arg1: !numpy.ndarray<[3,4]:f32>) -> !numpy.ndarray<[2,4]:f32> {
    %0 = numpy.copy_to_tensor %arg0 : (!numpy.ndarray<[2,3]:f32>) -> tensor<2x3xf32>
    %1 = numpy.copy_to_tensor %arg1 : (!numpy.ndarray<[3,4]:f32>) -> tensor<3x4xf32>
    %2 = ""(%0, %1) : (tensor<2x3xf32>, tensor<3x4xf32>) -> tensor<2x4xf32>
    %3 = numpy.create_array_from_tensor %2 : (tensor<2x4xf32>) -> !numpy.ndarray<[2,4]:f32>
    return %3 : !numpy.ndarray<[2,4]:f32>

A few things to note about this form:

  • These recognized kernels are generated from the script, which imposes some mapping policy on them.
  • Most kernels are aggressively converted to operate on ssa tensor values via copy_to_tensor/create_array_from_tensor ops, making the majority of ops in the aten dialect which are purely functional operate just on value semantic types.
  • The metadata is stripped off of the originating torch.kernel_call but each aten op implements TorchKernelOpInterface, giving it access to the kernel name and a signature matching its operands/results of a Torch kernel that implements the computation.
  • There is some information loss here but there should be enough retained to perform the correct calculation, if not execute it exactly as the original program specified (i.e. out= and other "ergonomic" aliases will be rewritten into dedicated stores, etc).

General fallback flow

The most straight-forward way to execute a torch.kernel_call or aten op supporting the TorchKernelOpInterface would be to rewrite it into code that invokes the ATen boxed dispatch mechanism:

  • Looking up a corresponding kernel based on a signature known at compile time (constructed from TorchKernelOpInterface metadata).
  • For each operand, scribble into a Stack (of IValue) list.
  • Invoking c10::Dispatcher::callBoxed() with the stack.
  • Marshaling returned results back out of the return Stack.
  • Performing error and type constraint checking.

The "inside" of such a dispatch function would be somewhat "switchy" but is not all that complicated.

Runtime library

libtorch on its own is not particularly amenable to be invoked from such a low level. It would be better if there were a shared library that provided the above facility as simple C functions that the compiler could emit calls to. It would then be trivial to load/link this shared library in for JIT'ing, AOT compilation, etc.


/// Looks up a Torch op given a signature.
void *refbackFindTorchOp(const char *signature);

/// Creates a 'call' struct from an op returned by `refbackFindTorchOp`.
/// Must be de-allocated via refbackDestroyTorchCall() when done.
void *refbackCreateTorchCall(void *torchOp);

/// Adds IValues to the call stack.
void refbackTorchCallAddTensor(void *call, void *data, int64_t *sizes, int rank);
void refbackTorchCallAddScalar(void *call, int64_t scalar);
// ...

/// Invokes the kernel.
/// After invocation, results can be read out with below methods.
bool refbackTorchInvoke(void *call);

/// Gets IValues from the result stack.
bool refbackTorchGetTensor(void *call, size_t index, void **data, int64_t **sizes, int *rank);
bool refbackTorchGetScalar(void *call, size_t index, int64_t *scalar);

/// Frees any resources associated with the call.
void refbackTorchCallDestroy(void *call);

Generating code

A pass could be written to transform ops implementing TorchKernelOpInterface into llvm calls into the above functions. Details will be a bit thick and depend on precise representations, but it should be fully generic. It should be possible to prototype the whole thing with nothing but command line tools and the existing torch_mlir paths for extracting programs.

Code location recommendations:

  • C-runtime library: frontends/pytorch/csrc/kernelcrt
  • Code generation pass: include/npcomp/Dialects/Torch/Transforms/TorchKernelToLLVMPass.cpp


This facility should work well for Torch kernels that are wholly unknown to the compiler. However, kernels that the compiler fails to lower completely (i.e. due to some unsupported, and unknown at the outset dynamism) way end up as tcf ops or others that cannot be natively lowered via the TorchKernelOpInterface facility. We can deal with this phase ordering in a couple of ways:

  • When converting into tcf be more precise about when certain dynamic constructs are wholly unsupported. Not likely to scale really well unless if just being used as a stop-gap. In that case, possibly having a pass early that marks ops to not lower because we know we want to retain them at the higher level may be fine.
  • Treat aten as both a source and a target dialect for tcf: implement lowerings to aten that run after the rest of tcf has been lowered.
  • Implement TorchKernelOpInterface on the tcf ops (or have some other interface for mapping them back).