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# 安装heapster插件
到 [heapster release 页面](https://github.com/kubernetes/heapster/releases) 下载最新版本的 heapster。
``` bash
wget https://github.com/kubernetes/heapster/archive/v1.3.0.zip
unzip v1.3.0.zip
mv v1.3.0.zip heapster-1.3.0
文件目录: `heapster-1.3.0/deploy/kube-config/influxdb`
``` bash
$ cd heapster-1.3.0/deploy/kube-config/influxdb
$ ls *.yaml
grafana-deployment.yaml grafana-service.yaml heapster-deployment.yaml heapster-service.yaml influxdb-deployment.yaml influxdb-service.yaml heapster-rbac.yaml
已经修改好的 yaml 文件见:[heapster](../manifests/heapster/)
## 配置 grafana-deployment
``` bash
$ diff grafana-deployment.yaml.orig grafana-deployment.yaml
< image: gcr.io/google_containers/heapster-grafana-amd64:v4.0.2
> image: sz-pg-oam-docker-hub-001.tendcloud.com/library/heapster-grafana-amd64:v4.0.2
< # value: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-grafana/
< value: /
> value: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-grafana/
> #value: /
+ 如果后续使用 kube-apiserver 或者 kubectl proxy 访问 grafana dashboard则必须将 `GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL` 设置为 `/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-grafana/`否则后续访问grafana时访问时提示找不到`` 页面;
## 配置 heapster-deployment
``` bash
$ diff heapster-deployment.yaml.orig heapster-deployment.yaml
< image: gcr.io/google_containers/heapster-amd64:v1.3.0-beta.1
> image: sz-pg-oam-docker-hub-001.tendcloud.com/library/heapster-amd64:v1.3.0-beta.1
## 配置 influxdb-deployment
influxdb 官方建议使用命令行或 HTTP API 接口来查询数据库,从 v1.1.0 版本开始默认关闭 admin UI,将在后续版本中移除 admin UI 插件。
开启镜像中 admin UI的办法如下:先导出镜像中的 influxdb 配置文件,开启 admin 插件后,再将配置文件内容写入 ConfigMap,最后挂载到镜像中,达到覆盖原始配置的目的:
注意:manifests 目录已经提供了 [修改后的 ConfigMap 定义文件](https://github.com/opsnull/follow-me-install-kubernetes-cluster/blob/master/manifests/heapster/influxdb-cm.yaml)
``` bash
$ # 导出镜像中的 influxdb 配置文件
$ docker run --rm --entrypoint 'cat' -ti lvanneo/heapster-influxdb-amd64:v1.1.1 /etc/config.toml >config.toml.orig
$ cp config.toml.orig config.toml
$ # 修改:启用 admin 接口
$ vim config.toml
$ diff config.toml.orig config.toml
< enabled = false
> enabled = true
$ # 将修改后的配置写入到 ConfigMap 对象中
$ kubectl create configmap influxdb-config --from-file=config.toml -n kube-system
configmap "influxdb-config" created
$ # ConfigMap 中的配置文件挂载到 Pod 中,达到覆盖原始配置的目的
$ diff influxdb-deployment.yaml.orig influxdb-deployment.yaml
< image: gcr.io/google_containers/heapster-influxdb-amd64:v1.1.1
> image: sz-pg-oam-docker-hub-001.tendcloud.com/library/heapster-influxdb-amd64:v1.1.1
> - mountPath: /etc/
> name: influxdb-config
> - name: influxdb-config
> configMap:
> name: influxdb-config
## 配置 monitoring-influxdb Service
$ diff influxdb-service.yaml.orig influxdb-service.yaml
> type: NodePort
> name: http
> - port: 8083
> targetPort: 8083
> name: admin
- 定义端口类型为 NodePort额外增加了 admin 端口映射,用于后续浏览器访问 influxdb 的 admin UI 界面;
## 执行所有定义文件
``` bash
$ pwd
$ ls *.yaml
grafana-service.yaml heapster-rbac.yaml influxdb-cm.yaml influxdb-service.yaml
grafana-deployment.yaml heapster-deployment.yaml heapster-service.yaml influxdb-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f .
deployment "monitoring-grafana" created
service "monitoring-grafana" created
deployment "heapster" created
serviceaccount "heapster" created
clusterrolebinding "heapster" created
service "heapster" created
configmap "influxdb-config" created
deployment "monitoring-influxdb" created
service "monitoring-influxdb" created
## 检查执行结果
检查 Deployment
``` bash
$ kubectl get deployments -n kube-system | grep -E 'heapster|monitoring'
heapster 1 1 1 1 2m
monitoring-grafana 1 1 1 1 2m
monitoring-influxdb 1 1 1 1 2m
检查 Pods
``` bash
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep -E 'heapster|monitoring'
heapster-110704576-gpg8v 1/1 Running 0 2m
monitoring-grafana-2861879979-9z89f 1/1 Running 0 2m
monitoring-influxdb-1411048194-lzrpc 1/1 Running 0 2m
检查 kubernets dashboard 界面,看是显示各 NodesPods CPU、内存、负载等利用率曲线图;
## 访问 grafana
1. 通过 kube-apiserver 访问:
获取 monitoring-grafana 服务 URL
``` bash
$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
Heapster is running at
KubeDNS is running at
kubernetes-dashboard is running at
monitoring-grafana is running at
monitoring-influxdb is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
浏览器访问 URL ``
2. 通过 kubectl proxy 访问:
``` bash
$ kubectl proxy --address='' --port=8086 --accept-hosts='^*$'
Starting to serve on
浏览器访问 URL``
## 访问 influxdb admin UI
获取 influxdb http 8086 映射的 NodePort
$ kubectl get svc -n kube-system|grep influxdb
monitoring-influxdb <nodes> 8086:32299/TCP,8083:30269/TCP 9m
通过 kube-apiserver 的**非安全端口**访问 influxdb admin UI 界面: ``
在页面的 Connection Settings Host 中输入 node IP Port 中输入 8086 映射的 nodePort 如上面的 32299,点击 Save 即可(我的集群中的地址是172.20.0.113:32299