156 KiB
156 KiB
Attaching to prometheus, peer1.org2.example.com, peer0.org2.example.com, peer1.org1.example.com, peer0.org1.example.com, fabric-cli, orderer0.example.com
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.180735Z caller=main.go:243 msg="Starting Prometheus" version="(version=2.6.0, branch=HEAD, revision=dbd1d58c894775c0788470944b818cc724f550fb)"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.180848Z caller=main.go:244 build_context="(go=go1.11.3, user=root@bf5760470f13, date=20181217-15:14:46)"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.1820035Z caller=main.go:245 host_details="(Linux 4.9.125-linuxkit #1 SMP Fri Sep 7 08:20:28 UTC 2018 x86_64 prometheus (none))"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.1821975Z caller=main.go:246 fd_limits="(soft=1048576, hard=1048576)"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.1825707Z caller=main.go:247 vm_limits="(soft=unlimited, hard=unlimited)"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.1858639Z caller=main.go:561 msg="Starting TSDB ..."
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.188724Z caller=web.go:429 component=web msg="Start listening for connections" address=
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.207464Z caller=main.go:571 msg="TSDB started"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.2076109Z caller=main.go:631 msg="Loading configuration file" filename=prometheus.yml
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.2207253Z caller=main.go:657 msg="Completed loading of configuration file" filename=prometheus.yml
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.2208131Z caller=main.go:530 msg="Server is ready to receive web requests."
peer1.org2.example.com | [001 07-02 06:03:06.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer:
peer1.org2.example.com | Version: 1.4.0
peer1.org2.example.com | Commit SHA: development build
peer1.org2.example.com | Go version: go1.11.4
peer1.org2.example.com | OS/Arch: linux/amd64
peer1.org2.example.com | Chaincode:
peer1.org2.example.com | Base Image Version: 0.4.14
peer1.org2.example.com | Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer1.org2.example.com | Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric
peer1.org2.example.com | Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer1.org2.example.com | [002 07-02 06:03:06.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger mgmt
peer1.org2.example.com | [003 07-02 06:03:06.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger provider
peer1.org2.example.com | [004 07-02 06:03:07.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger provider Initialized
peer1.org2.example.com | [005 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger mgmt initialized
peer1.org2.example.com | [006 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer1.org2.example.com | [007 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer1.org2.example.com:7051
peer1.org2.example.com | [008 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer1.org2.example.com | [009 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer1.org2.example.com:7051
peer1.org2.example.com | [00a 07-02 06:03:07.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with TLS enabled
peer1.org2.example.com | [00b 07-02 06:03:07.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname: peer1.org2.example.com
peer1.org2.example.com | [00c 07-02 06:03:07.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Exit with ccEndpoint: peer1.org2.example.com:7052
peer1.org2.example.com | [00d 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) registered
peer1.org2.example.com | [00e 07-02 06:03:07.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) registered
peer1.org2.example.com | [00f 07-02 06:03:07.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) registered
peer1.org2.example.com | [010 07-02 06:03:07.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle,true) disabled
peer1.org2.example.com | [011 07-02 06:03:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initialize gossip with endpoint peer1.org2.example.com:7051 and bootstrap set [peer0.org2.example.com:7051]
peer1.org2.example.com | [012 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint: peer1.org2.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer1.org2.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 54071d960ff51087a5562fde4801dfa904c634c6c3c38da0d982a0b1f62f0a27, Metadata:
peer1.org2.example.com | [013 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Gossip instance peer1.org2.example.com:7051 started
peer1.org2.example.com | [014 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [015 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer1.org2.example.com | [016 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [017 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer1.org2.example.com | [018 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [019 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer1.org2.example.com | [01a 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Deployed system chaincodes
peer1.org2.example.com | [01b 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000
peer1.org2.example.com | [01c 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Discovery service activated
peer1.org2.example.com | [01d 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with ID=[name:"peer1.org2.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer1.org2.example.com:7051]
peer1.org2.example.com | [01e 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Started peer with ID=[name:"peer1.org2.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer1.org2.example.com:7051]
peer1.org2.example.com | [01f 07-02 06:03:18.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][b138ed1a] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [020 07-02 06:03:18.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer1.org2.example.com | [021 07-02 06:03:18.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
peer1.org2.example.com | [022 07-02 06:03:18.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 16ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=8ms state_commit=3ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [023 07-02 06:03:18.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer1.org2.example.com | [024 07-02 06:03:18.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org2.example.com | [025 07-02 06:03:18.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org2.example.com | [026 07-02 06:03:18.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org2.example.com | [027 07-02 06:03:18.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1
peer1.org2.example.com | [028 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [029 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer1.org2.example.com | [02a 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [02b 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer1.org2.example.com | [02c 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [02d 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer1.org2.example.com | [02e 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][b138ed1a] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (71ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [02f 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:18.903Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "72.346ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [030 07-02 06:03:19.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][8bb17607] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [031 07-02 06:03:19.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][8bb17607] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [032 07-02 06:03:19.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:19.881Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.0174ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [033 07-02 06:03:20.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][71ab40b3] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [034 07-02 06:03:20.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][71ab40b3] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [035 07-02 06:03:20.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:20.745Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.4362ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [036 07-02 06:03:23.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051]] , current view: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051]]
peer1.org2.example.com | [037 07-02 06:03:24.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO 54071d960ff51087a5562fde4801dfa904c634c6c3c38da0d982a0b1f62f0a27 : Some peer is already a leader
peer1.org2.example.com | [038 07-02 06:03:24.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [1] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [039 07-02 06:03:24.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org2.example.com | [03a 07-02 06:03:24.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org2.example.com | [03b 07-02 06:03:24.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org2.example.com | [03c 07-02 06:03:24.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org2.example.com | [03d 07-02 06:03:24.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [1] in 72ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [03e 07-02 06:03:24.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 20ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=11ms state_commit=4ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [03f 07-02 06:03:24.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [2] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [040 07-02 06:03:24.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org2.example.com | [041 07-02 06:03:24.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org2.example.com | [042 07-02 06:03:24.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org2.example.com | [043 07-02 06:03:24.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org2.example.com | [044 07-02 06:03:25.02 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [2] in 132ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [045 07-02 06:03:25.04 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN peer0.org1.example.com:7051, PKIid:3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106 isn't responsive: EOF
peer1.org2.example.com | [046 07-02 06:03:25.04 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Entering [3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106]
peer1.org2.example.com | [047 07-02 06:03:25.04 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Closing connection to Endpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: , PKI-ID: 3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106, Metadata:
peer1.org2.example.com | [048 07-02 06:03:25.04 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Exiting
peer1.org2.example.com | [049 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 33ms (state_validation=2ms block_commit=24ms state_commit=3ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [04a 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN peer0.org2.example.com:7051, PKIid:75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b isn't responsive: EOF
peer1.org2.example.com | [04b 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Entering [75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b]
peer1.org2.example.com | [04c 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Closing connection to Endpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b, Metadata:
peer1.org2.example.com | [04d 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Exiting
peer1.org2.example.com | [04e 07-02 06:03:26.33 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.333Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:28.332Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "111.1µs"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [04f 07-02 06:03:26.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.357Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:28.356Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "126.2µs"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [050 07-02 06:03:26.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN StateInfo message GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info:<timestamp:<inc_num:1562047398540966900 seq_num:1562047404606853900 > pki_id:"\013\341\342C\224\001E\365\343\257,\206_\343\031\345Q\243\003\363\001=\323J\372\t\327\360\\\006S\312" channel_MAC:"\344\265j[\3752\300\2262w\333\215z9\310\264&\370\364\372}~\262\333\217\027\344\276\327Lt\315" properties:<ledger_height:3 > > , Envelope: 98 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes is found invalid: PKIID wasn't found
peer1.org2.example.com | [051 07-02 06:03:26.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Message GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info:<timestamp:<inc_num:1562047398540966900 seq_num:1562047404606853900 > pki_id:"\013\341\342C\224\001E\365\343\257,\206_\343\031\345Q\243\003\363\001=\323J\372\t\327\360\\\006S\312" channel_MAC:"\344\265j[\3752\300\2262w\333\215z9\310\264&\370\364\372}~\262\333\217\027\344\276\327Lt\315" properties:<ledger_height:3 > > , Envelope: 98 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes isn't valid
peer1.org2.example.com | [052 07-02 06:03:28.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer0.org1.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051 ]]
peer1.org2.example.com | [053 07-02 06:03:30.11 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5e41467d] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [054 07-02 06:03:30.11 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Installed Chaincode [exp02] Version [1.0] to peer
peer1.org2.example.com | [055 07-02 06:03:30.11 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5e41467d] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (2ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [056 07-02 06:03:30.11 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:30.111Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "4.886ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [057 07-02 06:03:32.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:32.847Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.847Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "122.8µs"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [058 07-02 06:03:38.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer1.org1.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer1.org1.example.com:7051 ] [peer0.org2.example.com:7051] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051 ]]
peer1.org2.example.com | [059 07-02 06:04:20.34 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:20.339Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.5278ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [05a 07-02 06:04:21.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [3] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [05b 07-02 06:04:21.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [3] in 12ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [05c 07-02 06:04:21.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Channel [businesschannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [exp02]
peer1.org2.example.com | [05d 07-02 06:04:21.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 24ms (state_validation=3ms block_commit=16ms state_commit=2ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [05e 07-02 06:04:22.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][c4c94030] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer1.org2.example.com | [05f 07-02 06:04:22.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO building chaincode with ldflagsOpt: '-ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags '-static'"'
peer1.org2.example.com | [060 07-02 06:04:56.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][c4c94030] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (33910ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [061 07-02 06:04:56.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:22.539Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "33.9132304s"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [062 07-02 06:04:56.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][172e8ea2] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer1.org2.example.com | [063 07-02 06:04:56.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][172e8ea2] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (4ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [064 07-02 06:04:56.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:56.757Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "8.1751ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [065 07-02 06:04:58.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [4] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [066 07-02 06:04:58.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [4] in 2ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [067 07-02 06:04:58.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 23ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=16ms state_commit=3ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [068 07-02 06:04:58.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][a4467a4f] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer1.org2.example.com | [069 07-02 06:04:58.95 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][a4467a4f] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (3ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [06a 07-02 06:04:58.95 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:58.945Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "5.6172ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [06b 07-02 06:04:59.11 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][abc1602d] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer1.org2.example.com | [06c 07-02 06:04:59.12 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][abc1602d] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (6ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [06d 07-02 06:04:59.12 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:59.117Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "8.4232ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [06e 07-02 06:05:01.15 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [5] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [06f 07-02 06:05:01.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [5] in 2ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [070 07-02 06:05:01.18 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [5] with 1 transaction(s) in 21ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=13ms state_commit=4ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [071 07-02 06:05:14.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [6] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [072 07-02 06:05:14.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer1.org2.example.com | [073 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer1.org2.example.com | [074 07-02 06:05:14.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 3 organizations
peer1.org2.example.com | [075 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org2.example.com | [076 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org2.example.com | [077 07-02 06:05:14.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org3MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org2.example.com | [078 07-02 06:05:14.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org2.example.com | [079 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.335Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "1m48.5187551s"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [07a 07-02 06:05:14.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [6] in 130ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [07b 07-02 06:05:14.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [6] with 1 transaction(s) in 21ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=15ms state_commit=2ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [07c 07-02 06:05:14.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.361Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "1m48.5453374s"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [07d 07-02 06:05:14.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.808Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.807Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "217.9µs"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [07e 07-02 06:05:14.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.825Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "EOF", "grpc.code": "Unknown", "grpc.call_duration": "49.4312ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [07f 07-02 06:05:24.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][cf7af212] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [080 07-02 06:05:24.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][cf7af212] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (0ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [081 07-02 06:05:24.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.931Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.3807ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [082 07-02 06:05:25.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][a6a2900f] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [083 07-02 06:05:25.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][a6a2900f] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (1ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [084 07-02 06:05:25.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:25.823Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.3856ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [001 07-02 06:03:06.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer:
peer0.org2.example.com | Version: 1.4.0
peer0.org2.example.com | Commit SHA: development build
peer0.org2.example.com | Go version: go1.11.4
peer0.org2.example.com | OS/Arch: linux/amd64
peer0.org2.example.com | Chaincode:
peer0.org2.example.com | Base Image Version: 0.4.14
peer0.org2.example.com | Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer0.org2.example.com | Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric
peer0.org2.example.com | Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer0.org2.example.com | [002 07-02 06:03:06.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger mgmt
peer0.org2.example.com | [003 07-02 06:03:06.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger provider
peer0.org2.example.com | [004 07-02 06:03:07.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger provider Initialized
peer0.org2.example.com | [005 07-02 06:03:07.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger mgmt initialized
peer0.org2.example.com | [006 07-02 06:03:07.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer0.org2.example.com | [007 07-02 06:03:07.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer0.org2.example.com:7051
peer0.org2.example.com | [008 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer0.org2.example.com | [009 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer0.org2.example.com:7051
peer0.org2.example.com | [00a 07-02 06:03:07.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with TLS enabled
peer0.org2.example.com | [00b 07-02 06:03:07.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname: peer0.org2.example.com
peer0.org2.example.com | [00c 07-02 06:03:07.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Exit with ccEndpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7052
peer0.org2.example.com | [00d 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) registered
peer0.org2.example.com | [00e 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) registered
peer0.org2.example.com | [00f 07-02 06:03:07.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) registered
peer0.org2.example.com | [010 07-02 06:03:07.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle,true) disabled
peer0.org2.example.com | [011 07-02 06:03:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initialize gossip with endpoint peer0.org2.example.com:7051 and bootstrap set [peer0.org2.example.com:7051]
peer0.org2.example.com | [012 07-02 06:03:07.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b, Metadata:
peer0.org2.example.com | [013 07-02 06:03:07.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Gossip instance peer0.org2.example.com:7051 started
peer0.org2.example.com | [014 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [015 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer0.org2.example.com | [016 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [017 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer0.org2.example.com | [018 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [019 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer0.org2.example.com | [01a 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Deployed system chaincodes
peer0.org2.example.com | [01b 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000
peer0.org2.example.com | [01c 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Discovery service activated
peer0.org2.example.com | [01d 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with ID=[name:"peer0.org2.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer0.org2.example.com:7051]
peer0.org2.example.com | [01e 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Started peer with ID=[name:"peer0.org2.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer0.org2.example.com:7051]
peer0.org2.example.com | [01f 07-02 06:03:07.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.9Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:09.895Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "116.4µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [020 07-02 06:03:07.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.906Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:17.905Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "7.7874ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [021 07-02 06:03:07.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.943Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:09.943Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "258.5µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [022 07-02 06:03:18.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][eb8ba98a] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [023 07-02 06:03:18.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer0.org2.example.com | [024 07-02 06:03:18.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
peer0.org2.example.com | [025 07-02 06:03:18.72 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 15ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=8ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [026 07-02 06:03:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer0.org2.example.com | [027 07-02 06:03:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org2.example.com | [028 07-02 06:03:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org2.example.com | [029 07-02 06:03:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org2.example.com | [02a 07-02 06:03:18.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1
peer0.org2.example.com | [02b 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [02c 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer0.org2.example.com | [02d 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [02e 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer0.org2.example.com | [02f 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [030 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer0.org2.example.com | [031 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][eb8ba98a] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (62ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [032 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:18.699Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "63.7341ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [033 07-02 06:03:19.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5c7d9300] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [034 07-02 06:03:19.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5c7d9300] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (2ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [035 07-02 06:03:19.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:19.712Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.2294ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [036 07-02 06:03:20.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][4c829be2] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [037 07-02 06:03:20.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][4c829be2] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [038 07-02 06:03:20.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:20.594Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.8229ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [039 07-02 06:03:23.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer1.org2.example.com:7051]] , current view: [[peer1.org2.example.com:7051]]
peer0.org2.example.com | [03a 07-02 06:03:24.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.559Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.558Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "169.4µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [03b 07-02 06:03:24.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.577Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.574Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "6.5019ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [03c 07-02 06:03:24.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.597Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.596Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "254.7µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [03d 07-02 06:03:24.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.604Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.604Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "19.3669ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [03e 07-02 06:03:24.64 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.64Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.636Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "168.9µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [03f 07-02 06:03:24.64 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.643Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.642Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "769.2µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [040 07-02 06:03:24.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO 75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b : Becoming a leader
peer0.org2.example.com | [041 07-02 06:03:24.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Elected as a leader, starting delivery service for channel businesschannel
peer0.org2.example.com | [042 07-02 06:03:24.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [1] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [043 07-02 06:03:24.81 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org2.example.com | [044 07-02 06:03:24.81 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org2.example.com | [045 07-02 06:03:24.81 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org2.example.com | [046 07-02 06:03:24.83 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [1] in 50ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [047 07-02 06:03:24.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.645Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "204.4894ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [048 07-02 06:03:24.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 24ms (state_validation=3ms block_commit=14ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [049 07-02 06:03:24.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [2] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [04a 07-02 06:03:24.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org2.example.com | [04b 07-02 06:03:24.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org2.example.com | [04c 07-02 06:03:24.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org2.example.com | [04d 07-02 06:03:24.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself
peer0.org2.example.com | [04e 07-02 06:03:25.01 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [2] in 154ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [04f 07-02 06:03:25.03 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:25.038Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:27.038Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "371.3µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [050 07-02 06:03:25.05 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 31ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=20ms state_commit=5ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [051 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.948Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "17.1118033s"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [052 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:25.055Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:35.054Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "6.4581ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [053 07-02 06:03:28.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer1.org1.example.com:7051 ] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer1.org2.example.com:7051] [peer1.org1.example.com:7051 ] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051 ]]
peer0.org2.example.com | [054 07-02 06:03:29.40 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][6cf0010b] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [055 07-02 06:03:29.40 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Installed Chaincode [exp02] Version [1.0] to peer
peer0.org2.example.com | [056 07-02 06:03:29.40 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][6cf0010b] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (1ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [057 07-02 06:03:29.40 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:29.4Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.7054ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [058 07-02 06:04:21.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [3] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [059 07-02 06:04:21.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [3] in 3ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [05a 07-02 06:04:21.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Channel [businesschannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [exp02]
peer0.org2.example.com | [05b 07-02 06:04:21.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 20ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=12ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [05c 07-02 06:04:58.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [4] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [05d 07-02 06:04:58.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [4] in 1ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [05e 07-02 06:04:58.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 35ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=22ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [05f 07-02 06:05:01.14 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [5] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [060 07-02 06:05:01.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [5] in 12ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [061 07-02 06:05:01.19 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [5] with 1 transaction(s) in 30ms (state_validation=7ms block_commit=15ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [062 07-02 06:05:14.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [6] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [063 07-02 06:05:14.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer0.org2.example.com | [064 07-02 06:05:14.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer0.org2.example.com | [065 07-02 06:05:14.66 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.66Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.66Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "144µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [066 07-02 06:05:14.66 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.66Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.66Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "1.4715ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [067 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 3 organizations
peer0.org2.example.com | [068 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org2.example.com | [069 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org2.example.com | [06a 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself
peer0.org2.example.com | [06b 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org3MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org2.example.com | [06c 07-02 06:05:14.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.65Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "1m50.1810089s"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [06d 07-02 06:05:14.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.685Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.685Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "11.1749ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [06e 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.713Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.712Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "227.6µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [06f 07-02 06:05:14.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.674Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.674Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "62.4265ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [070 07-02 06:05:14.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [6] in 165ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [071 07-02 06:05:14.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.737Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.732Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "35.4238ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [072 07-02 06:05:14.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.779Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.778Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "101µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [073 07-02 06:05:14.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [6] with 1 transaction(s) in 35ms (state_validation=2ms block_commit=27ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [074 07-02 06:05:14.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.79Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "11.2411ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [075 07-02 06:05:14.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.846Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.845Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "129.2µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [076 07-02 06:05:14.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.86Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.86Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "168.8µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [077 07-02 06:05:24.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][f7b9f84c] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [078 07-02 06:05:24.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][f7b9f84c] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (0ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [079 07-02 06:05:24.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.804Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.0864ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [07a 07-02 06:05:25.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5a5b7f67] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [07b 07-02 06:05:25.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5a5b7f67] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [07c 07-02 06:05:25.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:25.68Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.6499ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [001 07-02 06:03:06.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer:
peer0.org1.example.com | Version: 1.4.0
peer0.org1.example.com | Commit SHA: development build
peer0.org1.example.com | Go version: go1.11.4
peer0.org1.example.com | OS/Arch: linux/amd64
peer0.org1.example.com | Chaincode:
peer0.org1.example.com | Base Image Version: 0.4.14
peer0.org1.example.com | Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer0.org1.example.com | Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric
peer0.org1.example.com | Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer0.org1.example.com | [002 07-02 06:03:06.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger mgmt
peer0.org1.example.com | [003 07-02 06:03:06.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger provider
peer0.org1.example.com | [004 07-02 06:03:07.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger provider Initialized
peer0.org1.example.com | [005 07-02 06:03:07.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger mgmt initialized
peer0.org1.example.com | [006 07-02 06:03:07.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer0.org1.example.com | [007 07-02 06:03:07.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer0.org1.example.com:7051
peer0.org1.example.com | [008 07-02 06:03:07.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer0.org1.example.com | [009 07-02 06:03:07.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer0.org1.example.com:7051
peer0.org1.example.com | [00a 07-02 06:03:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with TLS enabled
peer0.org1.example.com | [00b 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname: peer0.org1.example.com
peer0.org1.example.com | [00c 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Exit with ccEndpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7052
peer0.org1.example.com | [00d 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) registered
peer0.org1.example.com | [00e 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) registered
peer0.org1.example.com | [00f 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) registered
peer0.org1.example.com | [010 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle,true) disabled
peer0.org1.example.com | [011 07-02 06:03:07.92 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initialize gossip with endpoint peer0.org1.example.com:7051 and bootstrap set []
peer0.org1.example.com | [012 07-02 06:03:07.95 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106, Metadata:
peer0.org1.example.com | [013 07-02 06:03:07.95 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Gossip instance peer0.org1.example.com:7051 started
peer0.org1.example.com | [014 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [015 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer0.org1.example.com | [016 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [017 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer0.org1.example.com | [018 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [019 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer0.org1.example.com | [01a 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Deployed system chaincodes
peer0.org1.example.com | [01b 07-02 06:03:07.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000
peer0.org1.example.com | [01c 07-02 06:03:07.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Discovery service activated
peer0.org1.example.com | [01d 07-02 06:03:07.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with ID=[name:"peer0.org1.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer0.org1.example.com:7051]
peer0.org1.example.com | [01e 07-02 06:03:07.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Started peer with ID=[name:"peer0.org1.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer0.org1.example.com:7051]
peer0.org1.example.com | [01f 07-02 06:03:07.98 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.983Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:09.983Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "116.2µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [020 07-02 06:03:08.00 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.989Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:17.989Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "17.4901ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [021 07-02 06:03:08.01 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:08.018Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:10.017Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "282.6µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [022 07-02 06:03:18.28 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][cbe66b76] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [023 07-02 06:03:18.28 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer0.org1.example.com | [024 07-02 06:03:18.29 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
peer0.org1.example.com | [025 07-02 06:03:18.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 17ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=9ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [026 07-02 06:03:18.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer0.org1.example.com | [027 07-02 06:03:18.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org1.example.com | [028 07-02 06:03:18.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org1.example.com | [029 07-02 06:03:18.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org1.example.com | [02a 07-02 06:03:18.34 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1
peer0.org1.example.com | [02b 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [02c 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer0.org1.example.com | [02d 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [02e 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer0.org1.example.com | [02f 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [030 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer0.org1.example.com | [031 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][cbe66b76] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (72ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [032 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:18.28Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "76.1139ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [033 07-02 06:03:19.43 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][204ad7b1] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [034 07-02 06:03:19.43 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][204ad7b1] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [035 07-02 06:03:19.43 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:19.431Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.9963ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [036 07-02 06:03:20.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][33454904] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [037 07-02 06:03:20.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][33454904] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [038 07-02 06:03:20.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:20.312Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.5714ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [039 07-02 06:03:23.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer1.org1.example.com:7051]] , current view: [[peer1.org1.example.com:7051]]
peer0.org1.example.com | [03a 07-02 06:03:24.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO 3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106 : Becoming a leader
peer0.org1.example.com | [03b 07-02 06:03:24.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Elected as a leader, starting delivery service for channel businesschannel
peer0.org1.example.com | [03c 07-02 06:03:24.37 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [1] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [03d 07-02 06:03:24.40 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org1.example.com | [03e 07-02 06:03:24.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org1.example.com | [03f 07-02 06:03:24.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself
peer0.org1.example.com | [040 07-02 06:03:24.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org1.example.com | [041 07-02 06:03:24.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.452Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.452Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "177.3µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [042 07-02 06:03:24.47 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.471Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.47Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.2664ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [043 07-02 06:03:24.47 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [1] in 95ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [044 07-02 06:03:24.47 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:08.022Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "16.4521964s"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [045 07-02 06:03:24.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 31ms (state_validation=3ms block_commit=18ms state_commit=5ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [046 07-02 06:03:24.51 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [2] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [047 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org1.example.com | [048 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org1.example.com | [049 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself
peer0.org1.example.com | [04a 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org1.example.com | [04b 07-02 06:03:24.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.604Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.599Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "1.7391ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [04c 07-02 06:03:24.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [2] in 89ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [04d 07-02 06:03:24.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.612Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.612Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.5828ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [04e 07-02 06:03:24.65 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 41ms (state_validation=7ms block_commit=27ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [04f 07-02 06:03:24.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.825Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.822Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "177.8µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [050 07-02 06:03:24.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.831Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.829Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "17.2948ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [051 07-02 06:03:24.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.885Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.884Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "181.9µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [052 07-02 06:03:24.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.892Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.89Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "20.7936ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [053 07-02 06:03:24.92 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.925Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.925Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "399.2µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [054 07-02 06:03:24.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.936Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.935Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "123.9µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [055 07-02 06:03:24.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.931Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.931Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "7.5403ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [056 07-02 06:03:24.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.976Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.976Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "126.6µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [057 07-02 06:03:25.01 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:25.016Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:27.015Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "162.9µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [058 07-02 06:03:25.03 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.945Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "85.7102ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [059 07-02 06:03:25.03 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:25.027Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:35.027Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "5.1685ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [05a 07-02 06:03:27.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5dced216] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [05b 07-02 06:03:27.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Installed Chaincode [exp02] Version [1.0] to peer
peer0.org1.example.com | [05c 07-02 06:03:27.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5dced216] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [05d 07-02 06:03:27.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:27.784Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.2001ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [05e 07-02 06:03:28.29 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051 ] [peer1.org2.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051 ] [peer1.org2.example.com:7051 ] [peer1.org1.example.com:7051]]
peer0.org1.example.com | [05f 07-02 06:03:30.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][30a7958f] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [060 07-02 06:03:30.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO building chaincode with ldflagsOpt: '-ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags '-static'"'
peer0.org1.example.com | [061 07-02 06:04:19.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][30a7958f] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (49165ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [062 07-02 06:04:19.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:30.577Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "49.1685545s"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [063 07-02 06:04:21.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [3] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [064 07-02 06:04:21.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [3] in 4ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [065 07-02 06:04:21.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Channel [businesschannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [exp02]
peer0.org1.example.com | [066 07-02 06:04:21.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 41ms (state_validation=16ms block_commit=17ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [067 07-02 06:04:56.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][0bf8975f] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer0.org1.example.com | [068 07-02 06:04:56.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][0bf8975f] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (4ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [069 07-02 06:04:56.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:56.599Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "7.0653ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [06a 07-02 06:04:58.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [4] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [06b 07-02 06:04:58.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [4] in 1ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [06c 07-02 06:04:58.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 26ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=17ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [06d 07-02 06:04:59.29 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][e6f95b27] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer0.org1.example.com | [06e 07-02 06:04:59.29 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][e6f95b27] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (3ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [06f 07-02 06:04:59.29 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:59.292Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "5.4187ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [070 07-02 06:05:01.14 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [5] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [071 07-02 06:05:01.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [5] in 21ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [072 07-02 06:05:01.19 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [5] with 1 transaction(s) in 26ms (state_validation=3ms block_commit=16ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [073 07-02 06:05:01.46 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][dde26863] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer0.org1.example.com | [074 07-02 06:05:01.46 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][dde26863] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [075 07-02 06:05:01.46 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:01.458Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "4.2623ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [076 07-02 06:05:02.01 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][33f2bf47] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [077 07-02 06:05:02.01 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][33f2bf47] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [078 07-02 06:05:02.02 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:02.016Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.9199ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [079 07-02 06:05:02.18 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][4ef5bdd1] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [07a 07-02 06:05:02.18 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][4ef5bdd1] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [07b 07-02 06:05:02.18 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:02.184Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "4.3711ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [07c 07-02 06:05:02.36 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][12c6725b] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [07d 07-02 06:05:02.36 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][12c6725b] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (3ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [07e 07-02 06:05:02.36 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:02.363Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "5.25ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [07f 07-02 06:05:02.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][44aaf7e3] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [080 07-02 06:05:02.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][44aaf7e3] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [081 07-02 06:05:02.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:02.581Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.3636ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [082 07-02 06:05:02.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][512a1d44] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [083 07-02 06:05:02.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][512a1d44] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [084 07-02 06:05:02.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:02.843Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "4.2714ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [085 07-02 06:05:03.43 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][0dbb5703] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [086 07-02 06:05:03.44 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][0dbb5703] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [087 07-02 06:05:03.44 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:03.437Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "5.9449ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [088 07-02 06:05:03.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][f2a1202d] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [089 07-02 06:05:03.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][f2a1202d] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [08a 07-02 06:05:03.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:03.711Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.7422ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [08b 07-02 06:05:04.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][e8dea976] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [08c 07-02 06:05:04.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][e8dea976] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [08d 07-02 06:05:04.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:04.452Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.3441ms"}
orderer0.example.com | 2019-07-02 06:03:02.856 UTC [localconfig] completeInitialization -> INFO 001 Kafka.Version unset, setting to
orderer0.example.com | [002 07-02 06:03:03.02 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Orderer config values:
orderer0.example.com | General.LedgerType = "file"
orderer0.example.com | General.ListenAddress = ""
orderer0.example.com | General.ListenPort = 7050
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.Enabled = true
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.PrivateKey = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/server.key"
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.Certificate = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/server.crt"
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.RootCAs = [/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/ca.crt]
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.RootCAs = [/etc/hyperledger/fabric/tls/ca.crt]
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.ClientCertificate = ""
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.ClientPrivateKey = ""
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.DialTimeout = 5s
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.RPCTimeout = 7s
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.ReplicationBufferSize = 20971520
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.ReplicationPullTimeout = 5s
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.ReplicationRetryTimeout = 5s
orderer0.example.com | General.Keepalive.ServerMinInterval = 1m0s
orderer0.example.com | General.Keepalive.ServerInterval = 2h0m0s
orderer0.example.com | General.Keepalive.ServerTimeout = 20s
orderer0.example.com | General.GenesisMethod = "file"
orderer0.example.com | General.GenesisProfile = "SampleInsecureSolo"
orderer0.example.com | General.SystemChannel = "test-system-channel-name"
orderer0.example.com | General.GenesisFile = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/orderer.genesis.block"
orderer0.example.com | General.Profile.Enabled = false
orderer0.example.com | General.Profile.Address = ""
orderer0.example.com | General.LocalMSPDir = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/msp"
orderer0.example.com | General.LocalMSPID = "OrdererMSP"
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.ProviderName = "SW"
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.SecLevel = 256
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.HashFamily = "SHA2"
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.Ephemeral = false
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.FileKeystore.KeyStorePath = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/msp/keystore"
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.DummyKeystore =
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.InmemKeystore =
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.PluginOpts =
orderer0.example.com | General.Authentication.TimeWindow = 15m0s
orderer0.example.com | FileLedger.Location = "/var/hyperledger/production/orderer"
orderer0.example.com | FileLedger.Prefix = "hyperledger-fabric-ordererledger"
orderer0.example.com | RAMLedger.HistorySize = 1000
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.ShortInterval = 5s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.ShortTotal = 10m0s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.LongInterval = 5m0s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.LongTotal = 12h0m0s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.DialTimeout = 10s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.ReadTimeout = 10s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.WriteTimeout = 10s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.Metadata.RetryMax = 3
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.Metadata.RetryBackoff = 250ms
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.Producer.RetryMax = 3
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.Producer.RetryBackoff = 100ms
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.Consumer.RetryBackoff = 2s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Verbose = false
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Version =
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.Enabled = false
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.PrivateKey = ""
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.Certificate = ""
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.RootCAs = []
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.SASLPlain.Enabled = false
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.SASLPlain.User = ""
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.SASLPlain.Password = ""
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Topic.ReplicationFactor = 3
orderer0.example.com | Debug.BroadcastTraceDir = ""
orderer0.example.com | Debug.DeliverTraceDir = ""
orderer0.example.com | Consensus = map[SnapDir:/var/hyperledger/production/orderer/etcdraft/snapshot WALDir:/var/hyperledger/production/orderer/etcdraft/wal]
orderer0.example.com | Operations.ListenAddress = ""
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.Enabled = false
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.PrivateKey = ""
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.Certificate = ""
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.RootCAs = []
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []
orderer0.example.com | Metrics.Provider = "prometheus"
orderer0.example.com | Metrics.Statsd.Network = "udp"
orderer0.example.com | Metrics.Statsd.Address = ""
orderer0.example.com | Metrics.Statsd.WriteInterval = 30s
orderer0.example.com | Metrics.Statsd.Prefix = ""
orderer0.example.com | [003 07-02 06:03:03.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting orderer with TLS enabled
orderer0.example.com | [004 07-02 06:03:03.07 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
orderer0.example.com | [005 07-02 06:03:03.10 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting system channel 'testchainid' with genesis block hash cde6efa82d0288cf91294accd919b39e2e13c658393e2d2d62d545b9d2dd5999 and orderer type solo
orderer0.example.com | [006 07-02 06:03:03.10 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting orderer:
orderer0.example.com | Version: 1.4.0
orderer0.example.com | Commit SHA: development build
orderer0.example.com | Go version: go1.11.4
orderer0.example.com | OS/Arch: linux/amd64
orderer0.example.com | [007 07-02 06:03:03.10 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Beginning to serve requests
orderer0.example.com | [008 07-02 06:03:17.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:17.579Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "98.064ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [009 07-02 06:03:17.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
orderer0.example.com | [00a 07-02 06:03:17.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created and starting new chain businesschannel
orderer0.example.com | [00b 07-02 06:03:17.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [00c 07-02 06:03:17.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:17.525Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "215.8888ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [00d 07-02 06:03:21.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [00e 07-02 06:03:21.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:21.136Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "30.2847ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [00f 07-02 06:03:21.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [010 07-02 06:03:21.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:21.15Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "16.4721ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [011 07-02 06:03:23.30 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [012 07-02 06:03:23.30 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:23.282Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "27.1643ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [013 07-02 06:03:23.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [014 07-02 06:03:23.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:23.294Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "17.0559ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [015 07-02 06:04:19.72 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [016 07-02 06:04:19.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:30.573Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "49.1915753s"}
orderer0.example.com | [017 07-02 06:04:56.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
peer0.org1.example.com | [08e 07-02 06:05:04.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][d95f0f2d] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [08f 07-02 06:05:04.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][d95f0f2d] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (0ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [090 07-02 06:05:04.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:04.675Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.3588ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [091 07-02 06:05:04.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][9cb60321] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [092 07-02 06:05:04.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][9cb60321] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [093 07-02 06:05:04.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:04.972Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "4.8751ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [094 07-02 06:05:14.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [6] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [095 07-02 06:05:14.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer0.org1.example.com | [096 07-02 06:05:14.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer0.org1.example.com | [097 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 3 organizations
peer0.org1.example.com | [098 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org1.example.com | [099 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself
peer0.org1.example.com | [09a 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org1.example.com | [09b 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org3MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org1.example.com | [09c 07-02 06:05:14.64 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [6] in 88ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [09d 07-02 06:05:14.65 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.659Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.658Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "162.7µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [09e 07-02 06:05:14.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.665Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.665Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "4.5813ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [09f 07-02 06:05:14.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [6] with 1 transaction(s) in 26ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=17ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a0 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.689Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.689Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "308.5µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a1 07-02 06:05:14.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.979Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "EOF", "grpc.code": "Unknown", "grpc.call_duration": "1m49.8564035s"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a2 07-02 06:05:14.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.703Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.703Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "117.8µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a3 07-02 06:05:14.72 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.723Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.723Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "117.9µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a4 07-02 06:05:14.72 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.708Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.707Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "19.8871ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a5 07-02 06:05:14.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.746Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.745Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "206.4µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a6 07-02 06:05:14.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.732Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.732Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "20.0237ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a7 07-02 06:05:14.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.774Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.774Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "176.7µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a8 07-02 06:05:14.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.78Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "EOF", "grpc.code": "Unknown", "grpc.call_duration": "21.3955ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a9 07-02 06:05:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][f12b097d] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [0aa 07-02 06:05:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][f12b097d] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
orderer0.example.com | [018 07-02 06:04:56.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:56.598Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "15.0771ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [019 07-02 06:04:59.13 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
peer0.org1.example.com | [0ab 07-02 06:05:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.531Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "1.6095ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0ac 07-02 06:05:25.39 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][4374cbfb] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [0ad 07-02 06:05:25.39 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][4374cbfb] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [0ae 07-02 06:05:25.39 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:25.394Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.8239ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [01a 07-02 06:04:59.13 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:59.116Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "16.4677ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [01b 07-02 06:05:05.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [01c 07-02 06:05:05.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:05.592Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "6.8306ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [01d 07-02 06:05:05.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [01e 07-02 06:05:05.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:05.881Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "12.6673ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [01f 07-02 06:05:06.07 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [020 07-02 06:05:06.07 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:06.059Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "12.0987ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [021 07-02 06:05:06.27 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [022 07-02 06:05:06.27 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:06.267Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.5641ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [023 07-02 06:05:06.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [024 07-02 06:05:06.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:06.712Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "23.0308ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [025 07-02 06:05:07.05 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [026 07-02 06:05:07.05 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:07.024Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "30.3476ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [027 07-02 06:05:07.22 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [028 07-02 06:05:07.22 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:07.219Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "7.6827ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [029 07-02 06:05:07.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [02a 07-02 06:05:07.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:07.41Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "7.9262ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [02b 07-02 06:05:07.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [02c 07-02 06:05:07.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:07.619Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "11.0868ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [02d 07-02 06:05:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [02e 07-02 06:05:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:07.8Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "22.6492ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [02f 07-02 06:05:08.02 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [030 07-02 06:05:08.02 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:08.013Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.7325ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [031 07-02 06:05:08.17 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [032 07-02 06:05:08.17 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:08.17Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.2452ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [033 07-02 06:05:14.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
orderer0.example.com | [034 07-02 06:05:14.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
orderer0.example.com | [035 07-02 06:05:14.52 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
orderer0.example.com | [036 07-02 06:05:14.52 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
orderer0.example.com | [037 07-02 06:05:14.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [038 07-02 06:05:14.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.499Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "36.5827ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [001 07-02 06:03:06.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer:
peer1.org1.example.com | Version: 1.4.0
peer1.org1.example.com | Commit SHA: development build
peer1.org1.example.com | Go version: go1.11.4
peer1.org1.example.com | OS/Arch: linux/amd64
peer1.org1.example.com | Chaincode:
peer1.org1.example.com | Base Image Version: 0.4.14
peer1.org1.example.com | Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer1.org1.example.com | Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric
peer1.org1.example.com | Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer1.org1.example.com | [002 07-02 06:03:06.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger mgmt
peer1.org1.example.com | [003 07-02 06:03:06.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger provider
peer1.org1.example.com | [004 07-02 06:03:07.17 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger provider Initialized
peer1.org1.example.com | [005 07-02 06:03:07.34 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger mgmt initialized
peer1.org1.example.com | [006 07-02 06:03:07.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer1.org1.example.com | [007 07-02 06:03:07.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer1.org1.example.com:7051
peer1.org1.example.com | [008 07-02 06:03:07.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer1.org1.example.com | [009 07-02 06:03:07.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer1.org1.example.com:7051
peer1.org1.example.com | [00a 07-02 06:03:07.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with TLS enabled
peer1.org1.example.com | [00b 07-02 06:03:07.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname: peer1.org1.example.com
peer1.org1.example.com | [00c 07-02 06:03:07.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Exit with ccEndpoint: peer1.org1.example.com:7052
peer1.org1.example.com | [00d 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) registered
peer1.org1.example.com | [00e 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) registered
peer1.org1.example.com | [00f 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) registered
peer1.org1.example.com | [010 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle,true) disabled
peer1.org1.example.com | [011 07-02 06:03:07.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initialize gossip with endpoint peer1.org1.example.com:7051 and bootstrap set [peer0.org1.example.com:7051]
peer1.org1.example.com | [012 07-02 06:03:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint: peer1.org1.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer1.org1.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 0be1e243940145f5e3af2c865fe319e551a303f3013dd34afa09d7f05c0653ca, Metadata:
peer1.org1.example.com | [013 07-02 06:03:07.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Gossip instance peer1.org1.example.com:7051 started
peer1.org1.example.com | [014 07-02 06:03:07.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [015 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer1.org1.example.com | [016 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [017 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer1.org1.example.com | [018 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [019 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer1.org1.example.com | [01a 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Deployed system chaincodes
peer1.org1.example.com | [01b 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000
peer1.org1.example.com | [01c 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Discovery service activated
peer1.org1.example.com | [01d 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with ID=[name:"peer1.org1.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer1.org1.example.com:7051]
peer1.org1.example.com | [01e 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Started peer with ID=[name:"peer1.org1.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer1.org1.example.com:7051]
peer1.org1.example.com | [01f 07-02 06:03:18.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][2e1ce63c] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [020 07-02 06:03:18.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer1.org1.example.com | [021 07-02 06:03:18.51 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
peer1.org1.example.com | [022 07-02 06:03:18.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 13ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=7ms state_commit=2ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [023 07-02 06:03:18.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer1.org1.example.com | [024 07-02 06:03:18.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org1.example.com | [025 07-02 06:03:18.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org1.example.com | [026 07-02 06:03:18.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org1.example.com | [027 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1
peer1.org1.example.com | [028 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [029 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer1.org1.example.com | [02a 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [02b 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer1.org1.example.com | [02c 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [02d 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer1.org1.example.com | [02e 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][2e1ce63c] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (60ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [02f 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:18.505Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "61.5965ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [030 07-02 06:03:19.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][c00c8981] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [031 07-02 06:03:19.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][c00c8981] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [032 07-02 06:03:19.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:19.569Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.5565ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [033 07-02 06:03:20.44 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][c70a65f6] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [034 07-02 06:03:20.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][c70a65f6] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [035 07-02 06:03:20.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:20.448Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.7207ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [036 07-02 06:03:23.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer0.org1.example.com:7051]] , current view: [[peer0.org1.example.com:7051]]
peer1.org1.example.com | [037 07-02 06:03:24.37 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO 0be1e243940145f5e3af2c865fe319e551a303f3013dd34afa09d7f05c0653ca : Some peer is already a leader
peer1.org1.example.com | [038 07-02 06:03:24.39 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [1] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [039 07-02 06:03:24.42 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org1.example.com | [03a 07-02 06:03:24.42 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org1.example.com | [03b 07-02 06:03:24.42 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org1.example.com | [03c 07-02 06:03:24.43 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org1.example.com | [03d 07-02 06:03:24.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [1] in 63ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [03e 07-02 06:03:24.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 30ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=19ms state_commit=5ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [03f 07-02 06:03:24.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [2] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [040 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org1.example.com | [041 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org1.example.com | [042 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org1.example.com | [043 07-02 06:03:24.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org1.example.com | [044 07-02 06:03:24.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [2] in 69ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [045 07-02 06:03:24.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 29ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=18ms state_commit=5ms)
orderer0.example.com | [039 07-02 06:05:14.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [03a 07-02 06:05:14.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.488Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "48.4293ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [03b 07-02 06:05:16.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [03c 07-02 06:05:16.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.683Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "10.8515ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [03d 07-02 06:05:16.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [03e 07-02 06:05:16.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.864Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "10.303ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [03f 07-02 06:05:17.38 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [040 07-02 06:05:17.38 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:17.377Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.8806ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [041 07-02 06:05:17.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [042 07-02 06:05:17.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:17.569Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "18.8275ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [043 07-02 06:05:17.83 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [044 07-02 06:05:17.83 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:17.822Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "13.8132ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [045 07-02 06:05:18.13 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [046 07-02 06:05:18.13 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:18.116Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "19.3021ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [047 07-02 06:05:18.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [048 07-02 06:05:18.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:18.314Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "10.1042ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [049 07-02 06:05:18.52 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [04a 07-02 06:05:18.52 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:18.518Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "10.0073ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [04b 07-02 06:05:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [04c 07-02 06:05:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:18.72Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "15.2931ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [04d 07-02 06:05:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [04e 07-02 06:05:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:18.968Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "11.5942ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [04f 07-02 06:05:19.21 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [050 07-02 06:05:19.21 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:19.209Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.0046ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [051 07-02 06:05:19.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [052 07-02 06:05:19.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:19.403Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "8.8138ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [053 07-02 06:05:19.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [054 07-02 06:05:19.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:19.61Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "14.3418ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [055 07-02 06:05:19.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [056 07-02 06:05:19.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:19.774Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "20.5956ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [057 07-02 06:05:20.07 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [058 07-02 06:05:20.07 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:20.065Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.4663ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [046 07-02 06:03:24.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN peer0.org1.example.com:7051, PKIid:3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106 isn't responsive: EOF
peer1.org1.example.com | [047 07-02 06:03:24.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Entering [3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106]
peer1.org1.example.com | [048 07-02 06:03:24.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Closing connection to Endpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106, Metadata:
peer1.org1.example.com | [049 07-02 06:03:24.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Exiting
peer1.org1.example.com | [04a 07-02 06:03:26.38 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.382Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:28.38Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "139.7µs"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [04b 07-02 06:03:28.49 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][90b04aaf] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [04c 07-02 06:03:28.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Installed Chaincode [exp02] Version [1.0] to peer
peer1.org1.example.com | [04d 07-02 06:03:28.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][90b04aaf] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (1ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [04e 07-02 06:03:28.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:28.497Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.6526ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [04f 07-02 06:03:28.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051 ] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051]]
peer1.org1.example.com | [050 07-02 06:03:38.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer1.org2.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051 ] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051] [peer1.org2.example.com:7051 ]]
peer1.org1.example.com | [051 07-02 06:04:21.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [3] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [052 07-02 06:04:21.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [3] in 10ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [053 07-02 06:04:21.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Channel [businesschannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [exp02]
peer1.org1.example.com | [054 07-02 06:04:21.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 28ms (state_validation=6ms block_commit=14ms state_commit=4ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [055 07-02 06:04:58.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [4] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [056 07-02 06:04:58.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [4] in 3ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [057 07-02 06:04:58.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 22ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=17ms state_commit=2ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [058 07-02 06:05:01.14 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [5] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [059 07-02 06:05:01.14 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [5] in 2ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [05a 07-02 06:05:01.17 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [5] with 1 transaction(s) in 26ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=18ms state_commit=3ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [05b 07-02 06:05:14.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [6] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [05c 07-02 06:05:14.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer1.org1.example.com | [05d 07-02 06:05:14.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer1.org1.example.com | [05e 07-02 06:05:14.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 3 organizations
peer1.org1.example.com | [05f 07-02 06:05:14.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org1.example.com | [060 07-02 06:05:14.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org3MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org1.example.com | [061 07-02 06:05:14.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org1.example.com | [062 07-02 06:05:14.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org1.example.com | [063 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [6] in 50ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [064 07-02 06:05:14.64 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [6] with 1 transaction(s) in 24ms (state_validation=4ms block_commit=11ms state_commit=4ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [065 07-02 06:05:14.66 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.384Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "1m48.4190484s"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [066 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN peer0.org2.example.com:7051, PKIid:75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b isn't responsive: EOF
peer1.org1.example.com | [067 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Entering [75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b]
peer1.org1.example.com | [068 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Closing connection to Endpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: , PKI-ID: 75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b, Metadata:
peer1.org1.example.com | [069 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Exiting
peer1.org1.example.com | [06a 07-02 06:05:14.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.897Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.897Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "166.7µs"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [06b 07-02 06:05:24.66 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][730b3cbe] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [06c 07-02 06:05:24.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][730b3cbe] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [06d 07-02 06:05:24.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.668Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "1.9748ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [06e 07-02 06:05:25.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][b51c9bb7] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [06f 07-02 06:05:25.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][b51c9bb7] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [070 07-02 06:05:25.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:25.555Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.5252ms"}
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.180735Z caller=main.go:243 msg="Starting Prometheus" version="(version=2.6.0, branch=HEAD, revision=dbd1d58c894775c0788470944b818cc724f550fb)"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.180848Z caller=main.go:244 build_context="(go=go1.11.3, user=root@bf5760470f13, date=20181217-15:14:46)"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.1820035Z caller=main.go:245 host_details="(Linux 4.9.125-linuxkit #1 SMP Fri Sep 7 08:20:28 UTC 2018 x86_64 prometheus (none))"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.1821975Z caller=main.go:246 fd_limits="(soft=1048576, hard=1048576)"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.1825707Z caller=main.go:247 vm_limits="(soft=unlimited, hard=unlimited)"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.1858639Z caller=main.go:561 msg="Starting TSDB ..."
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.188724Z caller=web.go:429 component=web msg="Start listening for connections" address=
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.207464Z caller=main.go:571 msg="TSDB started"
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.2076109Z caller=main.go:631 msg="Loading configuration file" filename=prometheus.yml
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.2207253Z caller=main.go:657 msg="Completed loading of configuration file" filename=prometheus.yml
prometheus | level=info ts=2019-07-02T06:03:09.2208131Z caller=main.go:530 msg="Server is ready to receive web requests."
peer1.org2.example.com | [001 07-02 06:03:06.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer:
peer1.org2.example.com | Version: 1.4.0
peer1.org2.example.com | Commit SHA: development build
peer1.org2.example.com | Go version: go1.11.4
peer1.org2.example.com | OS/Arch: linux/amd64
peer1.org2.example.com | Chaincode:
peer1.org2.example.com | Base Image Version: 0.4.14
peer1.org2.example.com | Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer1.org2.example.com | Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric
peer1.org2.example.com | Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer1.org2.example.com | [002 07-02 06:03:06.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger mgmt
peer1.org2.example.com | [003 07-02 06:03:06.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger provider
peer1.org2.example.com | [004 07-02 06:03:07.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger provider Initialized
peer1.org2.example.com | [005 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger mgmt initialized
peer1.org2.example.com | [006 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer1.org2.example.com | [007 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer1.org2.example.com:7051
peer1.org2.example.com | [008 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer1.org2.example.com | [009 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer1.org2.example.com:7051
peer1.org2.example.com | [00a 07-02 06:03:07.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with TLS enabled
peer1.org2.example.com | [00b 07-02 06:03:07.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname: peer1.org2.example.com
peer1.org2.example.com | [00c 07-02 06:03:07.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Exit with ccEndpoint: peer1.org2.example.com:7052
peer1.org2.example.com | [00d 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) registered
peer1.org2.example.com | [00e 07-02 06:03:07.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) registered
peer1.org2.example.com | [00f 07-02 06:03:07.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) registered
peer1.org2.example.com | [010 07-02 06:03:07.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle,true) disabled
peer1.org2.example.com | [011 07-02 06:03:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initialize gossip with endpoint peer1.org2.example.com:7051 and bootstrap set [peer0.org2.example.com:7051]
peer1.org2.example.com | [012 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint: peer1.org2.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer1.org2.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 54071d960ff51087a5562fde4801dfa904c634c6c3c38da0d982a0b1f62f0a27, Metadata:
peer1.org2.example.com | [013 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Gossip instance peer1.org2.example.com:7051 started
peer1.org2.example.com | [014 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [015 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer1.org2.example.com | [016 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [017 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer1.org2.example.com | [018 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [019 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer1.org2.example.com | [01a 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Deployed system chaincodes
peer1.org2.example.com | [01b 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000
peer1.org2.example.com | [01c 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Discovery service activated
peer1.org2.example.com | [01d 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with ID=[name:"peer1.org2.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer1.org2.example.com:7051]
peer1.org2.example.com | [01e 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Started peer with ID=[name:"peer1.org2.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer1.org2.example.com:7051]
peer1.org2.example.com | [01f 07-02 06:03:18.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][b138ed1a] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [020 07-02 06:03:18.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer1.org2.example.com | [021 07-02 06:03:18.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
peer1.org2.example.com | [022 07-02 06:03:18.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 16ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=8ms state_commit=3ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [023 07-02 06:03:18.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer1.org2.example.com | [024 07-02 06:03:18.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org2.example.com | [025 07-02 06:03:18.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org2.example.com | [026 07-02 06:03:18.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org2.example.com | [027 07-02 06:03:18.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1
peer1.org2.example.com | [028 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [029 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer1.org2.example.com | [02a 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [02b 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer1.org2.example.com | [02c 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer1.org2.example.com | [02d 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer1.org2.example.com | [02e 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][b138ed1a] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (71ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [02f 07-02 06:03:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:18.903Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "72.346ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [030 07-02 06:03:19.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][8bb17607] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [031 07-02 06:03:19.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][8bb17607] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [032 07-02 06:03:19.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:19.881Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.0174ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [033 07-02 06:03:20.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][71ab40b3] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [034 07-02 06:03:20.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][71ab40b3] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [035 07-02 06:03:20.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:20.745Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.4362ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [036 07-02 06:03:23.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051]] , current view: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051]]
peer1.org2.example.com | [037 07-02 06:03:24.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO 54071d960ff51087a5562fde4801dfa904c634c6c3c38da0d982a0b1f62f0a27 : Some peer is already a leader
peer1.org2.example.com | [038 07-02 06:03:24.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [1] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [039 07-02 06:03:24.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org2.example.com | [03a 07-02 06:03:24.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org2.example.com | [03b 07-02 06:03:24.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org2.example.com | [03c 07-02 06:03:24.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org2.example.com | [03d 07-02 06:03:24.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [1] in 72ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [03e 07-02 06:03:24.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 20ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=11ms state_commit=4ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [03f 07-02 06:03:24.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [2] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [040 07-02 06:03:24.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org2.example.com | [041 07-02 06:03:24.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org2.example.com | [042 07-02 06:03:24.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org2.example.com | [043 07-02 06:03:24.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org2.example.com | [044 07-02 06:03:25.02 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [2] in 132ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [045 07-02 06:03:25.04 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN peer0.org1.example.com:7051, PKIid:3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106 isn't responsive: EOF
peer1.org2.example.com | [046 07-02 06:03:25.04 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Entering [3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106]
peer1.org2.example.com | [047 07-02 06:03:25.04 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Closing connection to Endpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: , PKI-ID: 3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106, Metadata:
peer1.org2.example.com | [048 07-02 06:03:25.04 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Exiting
peer1.org2.example.com | [049 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 33ms (state_validation=2ms block_commit=24ms state_commit=3ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [04a 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN peer0.org2.example.com:7051, PKIid:75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b isn't responsive: EOF
peer1.org2.example.com | [04b 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Entering [75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b]
peer1.org2.example.com | [04c 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Closing connection to Endpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b, Metadata:
peer1.org2.example.com | [04d 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Exiting
peer1.org2.example.com | [04e 07-02 06:03:26.33 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.333Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:28.332Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "111.1µs"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [04f 07-02 06:03:26.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.357Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:28.356Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "126.2µs"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [050 07-02 06:03:26.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN StateInfo message GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info:<timestamp:<inc_num:1562047398540966900 seq_num:1562047404606853900 > pki_id:"\013\341\342C\224\001E\365\343\257,\206_\343\031\345Q\243\003\363\001=\323J\372\t\327\360\\\006S\312" channel_MAC:"\344\265j[\3752\300\2262w\333\215z9\310\264&\370\364\372}~\262\333\217\027\344\276\327Lt\315" properties:<ledger_height:3 > > , Envelope: 98 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes is found invalid: PKIID wasn't found
peer1.org2.example.com | [051 07-02 06:03:26.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Message GossipMessage: tag:CHAN_OR_ORG state_info:<timestamp:<inc_num:1562047398540966900 seq_num:1562047404606853900 > pki_id:"\013\341\342C\224\001E\365\343\257,\206_\343\031\345Q\243\003\363\001=\323J\372\t\327\360\\\006S\312" channel_MAC:"\344\265j[\3752\300\2262w\333\215z9\310\264&\370\364\372}~\262\333\217\027\344\276\327Lt\315" properties:<ledger_height:3 > > , Envelope: 98 bytes, Signature: 71 bytes isn't valid
peer1.org2.example.com | [052 07-02 06:03:28.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer0.org1.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051 ]]
peer1.org2.example.com | [053 07-02 06:03:30.11 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5e41467d] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [054 07-02 06:03:30.11 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Installed Chaincode [exp02] Version [1.0] to peer
peer1.org2.example.com | [055 07-02 06:03:30.11 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5e41467d] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (2ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [056 07-02 06:03:30.11 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:30.111Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "4.886ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [057 07-02 06:03:32.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:32.847Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.847Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "122.8µs"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [058 07-02 06:03:38.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer1.org1.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer1.org1.example.com:7051 ] [peer0.org2.example.com:7051] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051 ]]
peer1.org2.example.com | [059 07-02 06:04:20.34 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:20.339Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.5278ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [05a 07-02 06:04:21.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [3] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [05b 07-02 06:04:21.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [3] in 12ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [05c 07-02 06:04:21.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Channel [businesschannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [exp02]
peer1.org2.example.com | [05d 07-02 06:04:21.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 24ms (state_validation=3ms block_commit=16ms state_commit=2ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [05e 07-02 06:04:22.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][c4c94030] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer1.org2.example.com | [05f 07-02 06:04:22.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO building chaincode with ldflagsOpt: '-ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags '-static'"'
peer1.org2.example.com | [060 07-02 06:04:56.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][c4c94030] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (33910ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [061 07-02 06:04:56.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:22.539Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "33.9132304s"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [062 07-02 06:04:56.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][172e8ea2] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer1.org2.example.com | [063 07-02 06:04:56.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][172e8ea2] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (4ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [064 07-02 06:04:56.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:56.757Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "8.1751ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [065 07-02 06:04:58.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [4] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [066 07-02 06:04:58.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [4] in 2ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [067 07-02 06:04:58.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 23ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=16ms state_commit=3ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [068 07-02 06:04:58.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][a4467a4f] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer1.org2.example.com | [069 07-02 06:04:58.95 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][a4467a4f] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (3ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [06a 07-02 06:04:58.95 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:58.945Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "5.6172ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [06b 07-02 06:04:59.11 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][abc1602d] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer1.org2.example.com | [06c 07-02 06:04:59.12 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][abc1602d] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (6ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [06d 07-02 06:04:59.12 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:59.117Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "8.4232ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [06e 07-02 06:05:01.15 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [5] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [06f 07-02 06:05:01.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [5] in 2ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [070 07-02 06:05:01.18 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [5] with 1 transaction(s) in 21ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=13ms state_commit=4ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [071 07-02 06:05:14.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [6] from buffer
peer1.org2.example.com | [072 07-02 06:05:14.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer1.org2.example.com | [073 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer1.org2.example.com | [074 07-02 06:05:14.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 3 organizations
peer1.org2.example.com | [075 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org2.example.com | [076 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org2.example.com | [077 07-02 06:05:14.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org3MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org2.example.com | [078 07-02 06:05:14.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org2.example.com | [079 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.335Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "1m48.5187551s"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [07a 07-02 06:05:14.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [6] in 130ms
peer1.org2.example.com | [07b 07-02 06:05:14.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [6] with 1 transaction(s) in 21ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=15ms state_commit=2ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [07c 07-02 06:05:14.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.361Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "1m48.5453374s"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [07d 07-02 06:05:14.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.808Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.807Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "217.9µs"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [07e 07-02 06:05:14.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.825Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "EOF", "grpc.code": "Unknown", "grpc.call_duration": "49.4312ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [07f 07-02 06:05:24.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][cf7af212] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [080 07-02 06:05:24.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][cf7af212] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (0ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [081 07-02 06:05:24.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.931Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.3807ms"}
peer1.org2.example.com | [082 07-02 06:05:25.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][a6a2900f] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer1.org2.example.com | [083 07-02 06:05:25.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][a6a2900f] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (1ms)
peer1.org2.example.com | [084 07-02 06:05:25.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:25.823Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.3856ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [001 07-02 06:03:06.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer:
peer0.org2.example.com | Version: 1.4.0
peer0.org2.example.com | Commit SHA: development build
peer0.org2.example.com | Go version: go1.11.4
peer0.org2.example.com | OS/Arch: linux/amd64
peer0.org2.example.com | Chaincode:
peer0.org2.example.com | Base Image Version: 0.4.14
peer0.org2.example.com | Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer0.org2.example.com | Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric
peer0.org2.example.com | Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer0.org2.example.com | [002 07-02 06:03:06.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger mgmt
peer0.org2.example.com | [003 07-02 06:03:06.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger provider
peer0.org2.example.com | [004 07-02 06:03:07.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger provider Initialized
peer0.org2.example.com | [005 07-02 06:03:07.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger mgmt initialized
peer0.org2.example.com | [006 07-02 06:03:07.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer0.org2.example.com | [007 07-02 06:03:07.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer0.org2.example.com:7051
peer0.org2.example.com | [008 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer0.org2.example.com | [009 07-02 06:03:07.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer0.org2.example.com:7051
peer0.org2.example.com | [00a 07-02 06:03:07.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with TLS enabled
peer0.org2.example.com | [00b 07-02 06:03:07.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname: peer0.org2.example.com
peer0.org2.example.com | [00c 07-02 06:03:07.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Exit with ccEndpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7052
peer0.org2.example.com | [00d 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) registered
peer0.org2.example.com | [00e 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) registered
peer0.org2.example.com | [00f 07-02 06:03:07.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) registered
peer0.org2.example.com | [010 07-02 06:03:07.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle,true) disabled
peer0.org2.example.com | [011 07-02 06:03:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initialize gossip with endpoint peer0.org2.example.com:7051 and bootstrap set [peer0.org2.example.com:7051]
peer0.org2.example.com | [012 07-02 06:03:07.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b, Metadata:
peer0.org2.example.com | [013 07-02 06:03:07.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Gossip instance peer0.org2.example.com:7051 started
peer0.org2.example.com | [014 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [015 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer0.org2.example.com | [016 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [017 07-02 06:03:07.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer0.org2.example.com | [018 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [019 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer0.org2.example.com | [01a 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Deployed system chaincodes
peer0.org2.example.com | [01b 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000
peer0.org2.example.com | [01c 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Discovery service activated
peer0.org2.example.com | [01d 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with ID=[name:"peer0.org2.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer0.org2.example.com:7051]
peer0.org2.example.com | [01e 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Started peer with ID=[name:"peer0.org2.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer0.org2.example.com:7051]
peer0.org2.example.com | [01f 07-02 06:03:07.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.9Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:09.895Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "116.4µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [020 07-02 06:03:07.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.906Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:17.905Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "7.7874ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [021 07-02 06:03:07.94 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.943Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:09.943Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "258.5µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [022 07-02 06:03:18.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][eb8ba98a] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [023 07-02 06:03:18.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer0.org2.example.com | [024 07-02 06:03:18.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
peer0.org2.example.com | [025 07-02 06:03:18.72 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 15ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=8ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [026 07-02 06:03:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer0.org2.example.com | [027 07-02 06:03:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org2.example.com | [028 07-02 06:03:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org2.example.com | [029 07-02 06:03:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org2.example.com | [02a 07-02 06:03:18.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1
peer0.org2.example.com | [02b 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [02c 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer0.org2.example.com | [02d 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [02e 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer0.org2.example.com | [02f 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer0.org2.example.com | [030 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer0.org2.example.com | [031 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][eb8ba98a] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (62ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [032 07-02 06:03:18.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:18.699Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "63.7341ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [033 07-02 06:03:19.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5c7d9300] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [034 07-02 06:03:19.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5c7d9300] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (2ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [035 07-02 06:03:19.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:19.712Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.2294ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [036 07-02 06:03:20.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][4c829be2] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [037 07-02 06:03:20.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][4c829be2] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [038 07-02 06:03:20.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:20.594Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.8229ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [039 07-02 06:03:23.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer1.org2.example.com:7051]] , current view: [[peer1.org2.example.com:7051]]
peer0.org2.example.com | [03a 07-02 06:03:24.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.559Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.558Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "169.4µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [03b 07-02 06:03:24.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.577Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.574Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "6.5019ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [03c 07-02 06:03:24.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.597Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.596Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "254.7µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [03d 07-02 06:03:24.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.604Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.604Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "19.3669ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [03e 07-02 06:03:24.64 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.64Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.636Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "168.9µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [03f 07-02 06:03:24.64 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.643Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.642Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "769.2µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [040 07-02 06:03:24.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO 75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b : Becoming a leader
peer0.org2.example.com | [041 07-02 06:03:24.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Elected as a leader, starting delivery service for channel businesschannel
peer0.org2.example.com | [042 07-02 06:03:24.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [1] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [043 07-02 06:03:24.81 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org2.example.com | [044 07-02 06:03:24.81 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org2.example.com | [045 07-02 06:03:24.81 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org2.example.com | [046 07-02 06:03:24.83 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [1] in 50ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [047 07-02 06:03:24.85 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.645Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "204.4894ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [048 07-02 06:03:24.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 24ms (state_validation=3ms block_commit=14ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [049 07-02 06:03:24.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [2] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [04a 07-02 06:03:24.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org2.example.com | [04b 07-02 06:03:24.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org2.example.com | [04c 07-02 06:03:24.90 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org2.example.com | [04d 07-02 06:03:24.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself
peer0.org2.example.com | [04e 07-02 06:03:25.01 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [2] in 154ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [04f 07-02 06:03:25.03 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:25.038Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:27.038Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "371.3µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [050 07-02 06:03:25.05 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 31ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=20ms state_commit=5ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [051 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.948Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "17.1118033s"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [052 07-02 06:03:25.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:25.055Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:35.054Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "6.4581ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [053 07-02 06:03:28.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer1.org1.example.com:7051 ] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer1.org2.example.com:7051] [peer1.org1.example.com:7051 ] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051 ]]
peer0.org2.example.com | [054 07-02 06:03:29.40 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][6cf0010b] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [055 07-02 06:03:29.40 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Installed Chaincode [exp02] Version [1.0] to peer
peer0.org2.example.com | [056 07-02 06:03:29.40 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][6cf0010b] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (1ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [057 07-02 06:03:29.40 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:29.4Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.7054ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [058 07-02 06:04:21.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [3] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [059 07-02 06:04:21.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [3] in 3ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [05a 07-02 06:04:21.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Channel [businesschannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [exp02]
peer0.org2.example.com | [05b 07-02 06:04:21.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 20ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=12ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [05c 07-02 06:04:58.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [4] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [05d 07-02 06:04:58.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [4] in 1ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [05e 07-02 06:04:58.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 35ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=22ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [05f 07-02 06:05:01.14 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [5] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [060 07-02 06:05:01.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [5] in 12ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [061 07-02 06:05:01.19 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [5] with 1 transaction(s) in 30ms (state_validation=7ms block_commit=15ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [062 07-02 06:05:14.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [6] from buffer
peer0.org2.example.com | [063 07-02 06:05:14.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer0.org2.example.com | [064 07-02 06:05:14.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer0.org2.example.com | [065 07-02 06:05:14.66 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.66Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.66Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "144µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [066 07-02 06:05:14.66 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.66Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.66Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "1.4715ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [067 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 3 organizations
peer0.org2.example.com | [068 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org2.example.com | [069 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org2.example.com | [06a 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself
peer0.org2.example.com | [06b 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org3MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org2.example.com | [06c 07-02 06:05:14.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.65Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "1m50.1810089s"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [06d 07-02 06:05:14.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.685Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.685Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "11.1749ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [06e 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.713Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.712Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "227.6µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [06f 07-02 06:05:14.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.674Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.674Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "62.4265ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [070 07-02 06:05:14.76 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [6] in 165ms
peer0.org2.example.com | [071 07-02 06:05:14.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.737Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.732Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "35.4238ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [072 07-02 06:05:14.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.779Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.778Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "101µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [073 07-02 06:05:14.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [6] with 1 transaction(s) in 35ms (state_validation=2ms block_commit=27ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [074 07-02 06:05:14.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.79Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "11.2411ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [075 07-02 06:05:14.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.846Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.845Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "129.2µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [076 07-02 06:05:14.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.86Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.86Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "168.8µs"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [077 07-02 06:05:24.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][f7b9f84c] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [078 07-02 06:05:24.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][f7b9f84c] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (0ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [079 07-02 06:05:24.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.804Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.0864ms"}
peer0.org2.example.com | [07a 07-02 06:05:25.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5a5b7f67] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org2.example.com | [07b 07-02 06:05:25.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5a5b7f67] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer0.org2.example.com | [07c 07-02 06:05:25.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:25.68Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.6499ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [001 07-02 06:03:06.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer:
peer0.org1.example.com | Version: 1.4.0
peer0.org1.example.com | Commit SHA: development build
peer0.org1.example.com | Go version: go1.11.4
peer0.org1.example.com | OS/Arch: linux/amd64
peer0.org1.example.com | Chaincode:
peer0.org1.example.com | Base Image Version: 0.4.14
peer0.org1.example.com | Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer0.org1.example.com | Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric
peer0.org1.example.com | Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer0.org1.example.com | [002 07-02 06:03:06.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger mgmt
peer0.org1.example.com | [003 07-02 06:03:06.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger provider
peer0.org1.example.com | [004 07-02 06:03:07.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger provider Initialized
peer0.org1.example.com | [005 07-02 06:03:07.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger mgmt initialized
peer0.org1.example.com | [006 07-02 06:03:07.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer0.org1.example.com | [007 07-02 06:03:07.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer0.org1.example.com:7051
peer0.org1.example.com | [008 07-02 06:03:07.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer0.org1.example.com | [009 07-02 06:03:07.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer0.org1.example.com:7051
peer0.org1.example.com | [00a 07-02 06:03:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with TLS enabled
peer0.org1.example.com | [00b 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname: peer0.org1.example.com
peer0.org1.example.com | [00c 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Exit with ccEndpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7052
peer0.org1.example.com | [00d 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) registered
peer0.org1.example.com | [00e 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) registered
peer0.org1.example.com | [00f 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) registered
peer0.org1.example.com | [010 07-02 06:03:07.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle,true) disabled
peer0.org1.example.com | [011 07-02 06:03:07.92 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initialize gossip with endpoint peer0.org1.example.com:7051 and bootstrap set []
peer0.org1.example.com | [012 07-02 06:03:07.95 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106, Metadata:
peer0.org1.example.com | [013 07-02 06:03:07.95 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Gossip instance peer0.org1.example.com:7051 started
peer0.org1.example.com | [014 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [015 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer0.org1.example.com | [016 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [017 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer0.org1.example.com | [018 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [019 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer0.org1.example.com | [01a 07-02 06:03:07.96 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Deployed system chaincodes
peer0.org1.example.com | [01b 07-02 06:03:07.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000
peer0.org1.example.com | [01c 07-02 06:03:07.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Discovery service activated
peer0.org1.example.com | [01d 07-02 06:03:07.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with ID=[name:"peer0.org1.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer0.org1.example.com:7051]
peer0.org1.example.com | [01e 07-02 06:03:07.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Started peer with ID=[name:"peer0.org1.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer0.org1.example.com:7051]
peer0.org1.example.com | [01f 07-02 06:03:07.98 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.983Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:09.983Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "116.2µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [020 07-02 06:03:08.00 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:07.989Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:17.989Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "17.4901ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [021 07-02 06:03:08.01 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:08.018Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:10.017Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "282.6µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [022 07-02 06:03:18.28 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][cbe66b76] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [023 07-02 06:03:18.28 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer0.org1.example.com | [024 07-02 06:03:18.29 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
peer0.org1.example.com | [025 07-02 06:03:18.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 17ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=9ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [026 07-02 06:03:18.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer0.org1.example.com | [027 07-02 06:03:18.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org1.example.com | [028 07-02 06:03:18.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org1.example.com | [029 07-02 06:03:18.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org1.example.com | [02a 07-02 06:03:18.34 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1
peer0.org1.example.com | [02b 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [02c 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer0.org1.example.com | [02d 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [02e 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer0.org1.example.com | [02f 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer0.org1.example.com | [030 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer0.org1.example.com | [031 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][cbe66b76] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (72ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [032 07-02 06:03:18.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:18.28Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "76.1139ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [033 07-02 06:03:19.43 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][204ad7b1] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [034 07-02 06:03:19.43 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][204ad7b1] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [035 07-02 06:03:19.43 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:19.431Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.9963ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [036 07-02 06:03:20.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][33454904] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [037 07-02 06:03:20.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][33454904] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [038 07-02 06:03:20.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:20.312Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.5714ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [039 07-02 06:03:23.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer1.org1.example.com:7051]] , current view: [[peer1.org1.example.com:7051]]
peer0.org1.example.com | [03a 07-02 06:03:24.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO 3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106 : Becoming a leader
peer0.org1.example.com | [03b 07-02 06:03:24.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Elected as a leader, starting delivery service for channel businesschannel
peer0.org1.example.com | [03c 07-02 06:03:24.37 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [1] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [03d 07-02 06:03:24.40 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org1.example.com | [03e 07-02 06:03:24.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org1.example.com | [03f 07-02 06:03:24.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself
peer0.org1.example.com | [040 07-02 06:03:24.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org1.example.com | [041 07-02 06:03:24.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.452Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.452Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "177.3µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [042 07-02 06:03:24.47 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.471Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.47Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.2664ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [043 07-02 06:03:24.47 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [1] in 95ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [044 07-02 06:03:24.47 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:08.022Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "16.4521964s"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [045 07-02 06:03:24.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 31ms (state_validation=3ms block_commit=18ms state_commit=5ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [046 07-02 06:03:24.51 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [2] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [047 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer0.org1.example.com | [048 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org1.example.com | [049 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself
peer0.org1.example.com | [04a 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org1.example.com | [04b 07-02 06:03:24.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.604Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.599Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "1.7391ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [04c 07-02 06:03:24.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [2] in 89ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [04d 07-02 06:03:24.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.612Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.612Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.5828ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [04e 07-02 06:03:24.65 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 41ms (state_validation=7ms block_commit=27ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [04f 07-02 06:03:24.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.825Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.822Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "177.8µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [050 07-02 06:03:24.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.831Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.829Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "17.2948ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [051 07-02 06:03:24.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.885Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.884Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "181.9µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [052 07-02 06:03:24.91 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.892Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.89Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "20.7936ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [053 07-02 06:03:24.92 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.925Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.925Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "399.2µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [054 07-02 06:03:24.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.936Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.935Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "123.9µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [055 07-02 06:03:24.93 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.931Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:34.931Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "7.5403ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [056 07-02 06:03:24.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.976Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.976Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "126.6µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [057 07-02 06:03:25.01 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:25.016Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:27.015Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "162.9µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [058 07-02 06:03:25.03 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.945Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "85.7102ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [059 07-02 06:03:25.03 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:25.027Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:35.027Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "5.1685ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [05a 07-02 06:03:27.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5dced216] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [05b 07-02 06:03:27.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Installed Chaincode [exp02] Version [1.0] to peer
peer0.org1.example.com | [05c 07-02 06:03:27.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][5dced216] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [05d 07-02 06:03:27.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:27.784Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.2001ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [05e 07-02 06:03:28.29 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051 ] [peer1.org2.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051 ] [peer1.org2.example.com:7051 ] [peer1.org1.example.com:7051]]
peer0.org1.example.com | [05f 07-02 06:03:30.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][30a7958f] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [060 07-02 06:03:30.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO building chaincode with ldflagsOpt: '-ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags '-static'"'
peer0.org1.example.com | [061 07-02 06:04:19.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][30a7958f] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (49165ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [062 07-02 06:04:19.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:30.577Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "49.1685545s"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [063 07-02 06:04:21.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [3] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [064 07-02 06:04:21.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [3] in 4ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [065 07-02 06:04:21.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Channel [businesschannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [exp02]
peer0.org1.example.com | [066 07-02 06:04:21.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 41ms (state_validation=16ms block_commit=17ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [067 07-02 06:04:56.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][0bf8975f] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer0.org1.example.com | [068 07-02 06:04:56.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][0bf8975f] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (4ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [069 07-02 06:04:56.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:56.599Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "7.0653ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [06a 07-02 06:04:58.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [4] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [06b 07-02 06:04:58.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [4] in 1ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [06c 07-02 06:04:58.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 26ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=17ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [06d 07-02 06:04:59.29 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][e6f95b27] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer0.org1.example.com | [06e 07-02 06:04:59.29 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][e6f95b27] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (3ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [06f 07-02 06:04:59.29 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:59.292Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "5.4187ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [070 07-02 06:05:01.14 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [5] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [071 07-02 06:05:01.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [5] in 21ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [072 07-02 06:05:01.19 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [5] with 1 transaction(s) in 26ms (state_validation=3ms block_commit=16ms state_commit=3ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [073 07-02 06:05:01.46 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][dde26863] Entry chaincode: name:"exp02"
peer0.org1.example.com | [074 07-02 06:05:01.46 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][dde26863] Exit chaincode: name:"exp02" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [075 07-02 06:05:01.46 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:01.458Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "4.2623ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [076 07-02 06:05:02.01 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][33f2bf47] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [077 07-02 06:05:02.01 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][33f2bf47] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [078 07-02 06:05:02.02 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:02.016Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.9199ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [079 07-02 06:05:02.18 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][4ef5bdd1] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [07a 07-02 06:05:02.18 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][4ef5bdd1] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [07b 07-02 06:05:02.18 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:02.184Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "4.3711ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [07c 07-02 06:05:02.36 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][12c6725b] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [07d 07-02 06:05:02.36 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][12c6725b] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (3ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [07e 07-02 06:05:02.36 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:02.363Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "5.25ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [07f 07-02 06:05:02.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][44aaf7e3] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [080 07-02 06:05:02.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][44aaf7e3] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [081 07-02 06:05:02.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:02.581Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.3636ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [082 07-02 06:05:02.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][512a1d44] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [083 07-02 06:05:02.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][512a1d44] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [084 07-02 06:05:02.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:02.843Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "4.2714ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [085 07-02 06:05:03.43 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][0dbb5703] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [086 07-02 06:05:03.44 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][0dbb5703] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [087 07-02 06:05:03.44 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:03.437Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "5.9449ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [088 07-02 06:05:03.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][f2a1202d] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [089 07-02 06:05:03.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][f2a1202d] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [08a 07-02 06:05:03.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:03.711Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.7422ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [08b 07-02 06:05:04.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][e8dea976] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [08c 07-02 06:05:04.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][e8dea976] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [08d 07-02 06:05:04.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:04.452Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.3441ms"}
orderer0.example.com | 2019-07-02 06:03:02.856 UTC [localconfig] completeInitialization -> INFO 001 Kafka.Version unset, setting to
orderer0.example.com | [002 07-02 06:03:03.02 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Orderer config values:
orderer0.example.com | General.LedgerType = "file"
orderer0.example.com | General.ListenAddress = ""
orderer0.example.com | General.ListenPort = 7050
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.Enabled = true
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.PrivateKey = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/server.key"
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.Certificate = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/server.crt"
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.RootCAs = [/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/ca.crt]
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false
orderer0.example.com | General.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.RootCAs = [/etc/hyperledger/fabric/tls/ca.crt]
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.ClientCertificate = ""
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.ClientPrivateKey = ""
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.DialTimeout = 5s
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.RPCTimeout = 7s
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.ReplicationBufferSize = 20971520
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.ReplicationPullTimeout = 5s
orderer0.example.com | General.Cluster.ReplicationRetryTimeout = 5s
orderer0.example.com | General.Keepalive.ServerMinInterval = 1m0s
orderer0.example.com | General.Keepalive.ServerInterval = 2h0m0s
orderer0.example.com | General.Keepalive.ServerTimeout = 20s
orderer0.example.com | General.GenesisMethod = "file"
orderer0.example.com | General.GenesisProfile = "SampleInsecureSolo"
orderer0.example.com | General.SystemChannel = "test-system-channel-name"
orderer0.example.com | General.GenesisFile = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/orderer.genesis.block"
orderer0.example.com | General.Profile.Enabled = false
orderer0.example.com | General.Profile.Address = ""
orderer0.example.com | General.LocalMSPDir = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/msp"
orderer0.example.com | General.LocalMSPID = "OrdererMSP"
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.ProviderName = "SW"
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.SecLevel = 256
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.HashFamily = "SHA2"
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.Ephemeral = false
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.FileKeystore.KeyStorePath = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/msp/keystore"
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.DummyKeystore =
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.SwOpts.InmemKeystore =
orderer0.example.com | General.BCCSP.PluginOpts =
orderer0.example.com | General.Authentication.TimeWindow = 15m0s
orderer0.example.com | FileLedger.Location = "/var/hyperledger/production/orderer"
orderer0.example.com | FileLedger.Prefix = "hyperledger-fabric-ordererledger"
orderer0.example.com | RAMLedger.HistorySize = 1000
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.ShortInterval = 5s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.ShortTotal = 10m0s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.LongInterval = 5m0s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.LongTotal = 12h0m0s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.DialTimeout = 10s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.ReadTimeout = 10s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.WriteTimeout = 10s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.Metadata.RetryMax = 3
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.Metadata.RetryBackoff = 250ms
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.Producer.RetryMax = 3
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.Producer.RetryBackoff = 100ms
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Retry.Consumer.RetryBackoff = 2s
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Verbose = false
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Version =
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.Enabled = false
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.PrivateKey = ""
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.Certificate = ""
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.RootCAs = []
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.SASLPlain.Enabled = false
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.SASLPlain.User = ""
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.SASLPlain.Password = ""
orderer0.example.com | Kafka.Topic.ReplicationFactor = 3
orderer0.example.com | Debug.BroadcastTraceDir = ""
orderer0.example.com | Debug.DeliverTraceDir = ""
orderer0.example.com | Consensus = map[SnapDir:/var/hyperledger/production/orderer/etcdraft/snapshot WALDir:/var/hyperledger/production/orderer/etcdraft/wal]
orderer0.example.com | Operations.ListenAddress = ""
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.Enabled = false
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.PrivateKey = ""
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.Certificate = ""
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.RootCAs = []
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false
orderer0.example.com | Operations.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []
orderer0.example.com | Metrics.Provider = "prometheus"
orderer0.example.com | Metrics.Statsd.Network = "udp"
orderer0.example.com | Metrics.Statsd.Address = ""
orderer0.example.com | Metrics.Statsd.WriteInterval = 30s
orderer0.example.com | Metrics.Statsd.Prefix = ""
orderer0.example.com | [003 07-02 06:03:03.06 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting orderer with TLS enabled
orderer0.example.com | [004 07-02 06:03:03.07 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
orderer0.example.com | [005 07-02 06:03:03.10 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting system channel 'testchainid' with genesis block hash cde6efa82d0288cf91294accd919b39e2e13c658393e2d2d62d545b9d2dd5999 and orderer type solo
orderer0.example.com | [006 07-02 06:03:03.10 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting orderer:
orderer0.example.com | Version: 1.4.0
orderer0.example.com | Commit SHA: development build
orderer0.example.com | Go version: go1.11.4
orderer0.example.com | OS/Arch: linux/amd64
orderer0.example.com | [007 07-02 06:03:03.10 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Beginning to serve requests
orderer0.example.com | [008 07-02 06:03:17.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:17.579Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "98.064ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [009 07-02 06:03:17.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
orderer0.example.com | [00a 07-02 06:03:17.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created and starting new chain businesschannel
orderer0.example.com | [00b 07-02 06:03:17.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [00c 07-02 06:03:17.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:17.525Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "215.8888ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [00d 07-02 06:03:21.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [00e 07-02 06:03:21.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:21.136Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "30.2847ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [00f 07-02 06:03:21.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [010 07-02 06:03:21.16 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:21.15Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "16.4721ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [011 07-02 06:03:23.30 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [012 07-02 06:03:23.30 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:23.282Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "27.1643ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [013 07-02 06:03:23.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [014 07-02 06:03:23.31 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:23.294Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "17.0559ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [015 07-02 06:04:19.72 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [016 07-02 06:04:19.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:30.573Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "49.1915753s"}
orderer0.example.com | [017 07-02 06:04:56.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
peer0.org1.example.com | [08e 07-02 06:05:04.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][d95f0f2d] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [08f 07-02 06:05:04.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][d95f0f2d] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (0ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [090 07-02 06:05:04.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:04.675Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.3588ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [091 07-02 06:05:04.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][9cb60321] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [092 07-02 06:05:04.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel][9cb60321] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [093 07-02 06:05:04.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:04.972Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "4.8751ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [094 07-02 06:05:14.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [6] from buffer
peer0.org1.example.com | [095 07-02 06:05:14.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer0.org1.example.com | [096 07-02 06:05:14.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer0.org1.example.com | [097 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 3 organizations
peer0.org1.example.com | [098 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org1.example.com | [099 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself
peer0.org1.example.com | [09a 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer0.org1.example.com | [09b 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org3MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer0.org1.example.com | [09c 07-02 06:05:14.64 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [6] in 88ms
peer0.org1.example.com | [09d 07-02 06:05:14.65 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.659Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.658Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "162.7µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [09e 07-02 06:05:14.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.665Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.665Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "4.5813ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [09f 07-02 06:05:14.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [6] with 1 transaction(s) in 26ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=17ms state_commit=4ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a0 07-02 06:05:14.68 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.689Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.689Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "308.5µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a1 07-02 06:05:14.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:24.979Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "EOF", "grpc.code": "Unknown", "grpc.call_duration": "1m49.8564035s"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a2 07-02 06:05:14.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.703Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.703Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "117.8µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a3 07-02 06:05:14.72 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.723Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.723Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "117.9µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a4 07-02 06:05:14.72 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.708Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.707Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "19.8871ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a5 07-02 06:05:14.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.746Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.745Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer1.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "206.4µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a6 07-02 06:05:14.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.732Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.732Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "20.0237ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a7 07-02 06:05:14.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.774Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.774Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "176.7µs"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a8 07-02 06:05:14.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.78Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "EOF", "grpc.code": "Unknown", "grpc.call_duration": "21.3955ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0a9 07-02 06:05:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][f12b097d] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [0aa 07-02 06:05:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][f12b097d] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
orderer0.example.com | [018 07-02 06:04:56.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:56.598Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "15.0771ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [019 07-02 06:04:59.13 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
peer0.org1.example.com | [0ab 07-02 06:05:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.531Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "1.6095ms"}
peer0.org1.example.com | [0ac 07-02 06:05:25.39 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][4374cbfb] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer0.org1.example.com | [0ad 07-02 06:05:25.39 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][4374cbfb] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer0.org1.example.com | [0ae 07-02 06:05:25.39 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:25.394Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.8239ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [01a 07-02 06:04:59.13 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:04:59.116Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "16.4677ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [01b 07-02 06:05:05.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [01c 07-02 06:05:05.59 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:05.592Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "6.8306ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [01d 07-02 06:05:05.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [01e 07-02 06:05:05.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:05.881Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "12.6673ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [01f 07-02 06:05:06.07 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [020 07-02 06:05:06.07 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:06.059Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "12.0987ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [021 07-02 06:05:06.27 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [022 07-02 06:05:06.27 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:06.267Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.5641ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [023 07-02 06:05:06.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [024 07-02 06:05:06.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:06.712Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "23.0308ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [025 07-02 06:05:07.05 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [026 07-02 06:05:07.05 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:07.024Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "30.3476ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [027 07-02 06:05:07.22 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [028 07-02 06:05:07.22 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:07.219Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "7.6827ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [029 07-02 06:05:07.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [02a 07-02 06:05:07.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:07.41Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "7.9262ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [02b 07-02 06:05:07.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [02c 07-02 06:05:07.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:07.619Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "11.0868ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [02d 07-02 06:05:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [02e 07-02 06:05:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:07.8Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "22.6492ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [02f 07-02 06:05:08.02 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [030 07-02 06:05:08.02 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:08.013Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.7325ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [031 07-02 06:05:08.17 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [032 07-02 06:05:08.17 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:08.17Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.2452ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [033 07-02 06:05:14.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
orderer0.example.com | [034 07-02 06:05:14.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
orderer0.example.com | [035 07-02 06:05:14.52 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
orderer0.example.com | [036 07-02 06:05:14.52 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
orderer0.example.com | [037 07-02 06:05:14.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [038 07-02 06:05:14.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.499Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "36.5827ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [001 07-02 06:03:06.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer:
peer1.org1.example.com | Version: 1.4.0
peer1.org1.example.com | Commit SHA: development build
peer1.org1.example.com | Go version: go1.11.4
peer1.org1.example.com | OS/Arch: linux/amd64
peer1.org1.example.com | Chaincode:
peer1.org1.example.com | Base Image Version: 0.4.14
peer1.org1.example.com | Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer1.org1.example.com | Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric
peer1.org1.example.com | Docker Namespace: hyperledger
peer1.org1.example.com | [002 07-02 06:03:06.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger mgmt
peer1.org1.example.com | [003 07-02 06:03:06.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initializing ledger provider
peer1.org1.example.com | [004 07-02 06:03:07.17 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger provider Initialized
peer1.org1.example.com | [005 07-02 06:03:07.34 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO ledger mgmt initialized
peer1.org1.example.com | [006 07-02 06:03:07.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer1.org1.example.com | [007 07-02 06:03:07.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer1.org1.example.com:7051
peer1.org1.example.com | [008 07-02 06:03:07.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Auto-detected peer address:
peer1.org1.example.com | [009 07-02 06:03:07.35 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Returning peer1.org1.example.com:7051
peer1.org1.example.com | [00a 07-02 06:03:07.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with TLS enabled
peer1.org1.example.com | [00b 07-02 06:03:07.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname: peer1.org1.example.com
peer1.org1.example.com | [00c 07-02 06:03:07.70 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Exit with ccEndpoint: peer1.org1.example.com:7052
peer1.org1.example.com | [00d 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) registered
peer1.org1.example.com | [00e 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) registered
peer1.org1.example.com | [00f 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) registered
peer1.org1.example.com | [010 07-02 06:03:07.77 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle,true) disabled
peer1.org1.example.com | [011 07-02 06:03:07.80 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Initialize gossip with endpoint peer1.org1.example.com:7051 and bootstrap set [peer0.org1.example.com:7051]
peer1.org1.example.com | [012 07-02 06:03:07.82 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint: peer1.org1.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer1.org1.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 0be1e243940145f5e3af2c865fe319e551a303f3013dd34afa09d7f05c0653ca, Metadata:
peer1.org1.example.com | [013 07-02 06:03:07.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Gossip instance peer1.org1.example.com:7051 started
peer1.org1.example.com | [014 07-02 06:03:07.84 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [015 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer1.org1.example.com | [016 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [017 07-02 06:03:07.86 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer1.org1.example.com | [018 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [019 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer1.org1.example.com | [01a 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Deployed system chaincodes
peer1.org1.example.com | [01b 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000
peer1.org1.example.com | [01c 07-02 06:03:07.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Discovery service activated
peer1.org1.example.com | [01d 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Starting peer with ID=[name:"peer1.org1.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer1.org1.example.com:7051]
peer1.org1.example.com | [01e 07-02 06:03:07.88 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Started peer with ID=[name:"peer1.org1.example.com" ], network ID=[dev], address=[peer1.org1.example.com:7051]
peer1.org1.example.com | [01f 07-02 06:03:18.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][2e1ce63c] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [020 07-02 06:03:18.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Creating ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer1.org1.example.com | [021 07-02 06:03:18.51 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Getting block information from block storage
peer1.org1.example.com | [022 07-02 06:03:18.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 13ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=7ms state_commit=2ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [023 07-02 06:03:18.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Created ledger [businesschannel] with genesis block
peer1.org1.example.com | [024 07-02 06:03:18.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org1.example.com | [025 07-02 06:03:18.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org1.example.com | [026 07-02 06:03:18.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org1.example.com | [027 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1
peer1.org1.example.com | [028 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode lscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/lscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [029 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init CSCC
peer1.org1.example.com | [02a 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode cscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/cscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [02b 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Init QSCC
peer1.org1.example.com | [02c 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode qscc/businesschannel(github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/scc/qscc) deployed
peer1.org1.example.com | [02d 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO system chaincode (+lifecycle,github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/lifecycle) disabled
peer1.org1.example.com | [02e 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][2e1ce63c] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (60ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [02f 07-02 06:03:18.56 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:18.505Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "61.5965ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [030 07-02 06:03:19.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][c00c8981] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [031 07-02 06:03:19.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][c00c8981] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [032 07-02 06:03:19.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:19.569Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.5565ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [033 07-02 06:03:20.44 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][c70a65f6] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [034 07-02 06:03:20.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][c70a65f6] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [035 07-02 06:03:20.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:20.448Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.7207ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [036 07-02 06:03:23.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer0.org1.example.com:7051]] , current view: [[peer0.org1.example.com:7051]]
peer1.org1.example.com | [037 07-02 06:03:24.37 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO 0be1e243940145f5e3af2c865fe319e551a303f3013dd34afa09d7f05c0653ca : Some peer is already a leader
peer1.org1.example.com | [038 07-02 06:03:24.39 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [1] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [039 07-02 06:03:24.42 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org1.example.com | [03a 07-02 06:03:24.42 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org1.example.com | [03b 07-02 06:03:24.42 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org1.example.com | [03c 07-02 06:03:24.43 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org1.example.com | [03d 07-02 06:03:24.45 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [1] in 63ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [03e 07-02 06:03:24.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 30ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=19ms state_commit=5ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [03f 07-02 06:03:24.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [2] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [040 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 2 organizations
peer1.org1.example.com | [041 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org1.example.com | [042 07-02 06:03:24.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org1.example.com | [043 07-02 06:03:24.54 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org1.example.com | [044 07-02 06:03:24.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [2] in 69ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [045 07-02 06:03:24.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 29ms (state_validation=1ms block_commit=18ms state_commit=5ms)
orderer0.example.com | [039 07-02 06:05:14.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [03a 07-02 06:05:14.53 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.488Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "48.4293ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [03b 07-02 06:05:16.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [03c 07-02 06:05:16.69 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.683Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "10.8515ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [03d 07-02 06:05:16.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [03e 07-02 06:05:16.87 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.864Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "10.303ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [03f 07-02 06:05:17.38 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [040 07-02 06:05:17.38 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:17.377Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.8806ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [041 07-02 06:05:17.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [042 07-02 06:05:17.58 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:17.569Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "18.8275ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [043 07-02 06:05:17.83 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [044 07-02 06:05:17.83 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:17.822Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "13.8132ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [045 07-02 06:05:18.13 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [046 07-02 06:05:18.13 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:18.116Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "19.3021ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [047 07-02 06:05:18.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [048 07-02 06:05:18.32 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:18.314Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "10.1042ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [049 07-02 06:05:18.52 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [04a 07-02 06:05:18.52 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:18.518Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "10.0073ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [04b 07-02 06:05:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [04c 07-02 06:05:18.73 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:18.72Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "15.2931ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [04d 07-02 06:05:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [04e 07-02 06:05:18.97 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:18.968Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "11.5942ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [04f 07-02 06:05:19.21 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [050 07-02 06:05:19.21 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:19.209Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.0046ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [051 07-02 06:05:19.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [052 07-02 06:05:19.41 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:19.403Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "8.8138ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [053 07-02 06:05:19.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [054 07-02 06:05:19.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:19.61Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "14.3418ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [055 07-02 06:05:19.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [056 07-02 06:05:19.79 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:19.774Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "20.5956ms"}
orderer0.example.com | [057 07-02 06:05:20.07 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
orderer0.example.com | [058 07-02 06:05:20.07 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:20.065Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "9.4663ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [046 07-02 06:03:24.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN peer0.org1.example.com:7051, PKIid:3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106 isn't responsive: EOF
peer1.org1.example.com | [047 07-02 06:03:24.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Entering [3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106]
peer1.org1.example.com | [048 07-02 06:03:24.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Closing connection to Endpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: peer0.org1.example.com:7051, PKI-ID: 3d21b0bc142d8ddae3c27797c0c2bf16b05e0414b227484fdbfabf9859231106, Metadata:
peer1.org1.example.com | [049 07-02 06:03:24.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Exiting
peer1.org1.example.com | [04a 07-02 06:03:26.38 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.382Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:03:28.38Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "139.7µs"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [04b 07-02 06:03:28.49 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][90b04aaf] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [04c 07-02 06:03:28.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Installed Chaincode [exp02] Version [1.0] to peer
peer1.org1.example.com | [04d 07-02 06:03:28.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][90b04aaf] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (1ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [04e 07-02 06:03:28.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:28.497Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "2.6526ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [04f 07-02 06:03:28.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051 ] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051]]
peer1.org1.example.com | [050 07-02 06:03:38.50 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Membership view has changed. peers went online: [[peer1.org2.example.com:7051 ]] , current view: [[peer0.org2.example.com:7051 ] [peer0.org1.example.com:7051] [peer1.org2.example.com:7051 ]]
peer1.org1.example.com | [051 07-02 06:04:21.74 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [3] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [052 07-02 06:04:21.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [3] in 10ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [053 07-02 06:04:21.75 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Channel [businesschannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [exp02]
peer1.org1.example.com | [054 07-02 06:04:21.78 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 28ms (state_validation=6ms block_commit=14ms state_commit=4ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [055 07-02 06:04:58.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [4] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [056 07-02 06:04:58.61 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [4] in 3ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [057 07-02 06:04:58.63 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 22ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=17ms state_commit=2ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [058 07-02 06:05:01.14 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [5] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [059 07-02 06:05:01.14 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [5] in 2ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [05a 07-02 06:05:01.17 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [5] with 1 transaction(s) in 26ms (state_validation=0ms block_commit=18ms state_commit=3ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [05b 07-02 06:05:14.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Received block [6] from buffer
peer1.org1.example.com | [05c 07-02 06:05:14.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer1.org1.example.com | [05d 07-02 06:05:14.57 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN De-duplicating identity [Org1MSP0270edfed53a78d7d3c66dc25737f57f956e48ef69dca5ecc91c26679dd4eff3] at index 2 in signature set
peer1.org1.example.com | [05e 07-02 06:05:14.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Joining gossip network of channel businesschannel with 3 organizations
peer1.org1.example.com | [05f 07-02 06:05:14.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org2.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org1.example.com | [060 07-02 06:05:14.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO No configured anchor peers of Org3MSP for channel businesschannel to learn about
peer1.org1.example.com | [061 07-02 06:05:14.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel businesschannel : [{peer0.org1.example.com 7051}]
peer1.org1.example.com | [062 07-02 06:05:14.60 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with businesschannel id was not found
peer1.org1.example.com | [063 07-02 06:05:14.62 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Validated block [6] in 50ms
peer1.org1.example.com | [064 07-02 06:05:14.64 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [businesschannel] Committed block [6] with 1 transaction(s) in 24ms (state_validation=4ms block_commit=11ms state_commit=4ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [065 07-02 06:05:14.66 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:03:26.384Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "GossipStream", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org1.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "1m48.4190484s"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [066 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN peer0.org2.example.com:7051, PKIid:75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b isn't responsive: EOF
peer1.org1.example.com | [067 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Entering [75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b]
peer1.org1.example.com | [068 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Closing connection to Endpoint: peer0.org2.example.com:7051, InternalEndpoint: , PKI-ID: 75b2768046f1cff79a75d29027b3162b4c2d489ed2c22c48403d0760a7c0a76b, Metadata:
peer1.org1.example.com | [069 07-02 06:05:14.71 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> WARN Exiting
peer1.org1.example.com | [06a 07-02 06:05:14.89 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:14.897Z", "grpc.service": "gossip.Gossip", "grpc.method": "Ping", "grpc.request_deadline": "2019-07-02T06:05:16.897Z", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.peer_subject": "CN=peer0.org2.example.com,L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "166.7µs"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [06b 07-02 06:05:24.66 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][730b3cbe] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [06c 07-02 06:05:24.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][730b3cbe] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (1ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [06d 07-02 06:05:24.67 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:24.668Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "1.9748ms"}
peer1.org1.example.com | [06e 07-02 06:05:25.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][b51c9bb7] Entry chaincode: name:"qscc"
peer1.org1.example.com | [06f 07-02 06:05:25.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO [][b51c9bb7] Exit chaincode: name:"qscc" (2ms)
peer1.org1.example.com | [070 07-02 06:05:25.55 UTC] [%{longpkg}] %{callpath} -> INFO unary call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-07-02T06:05:25.555Z", "grpc.service": "protos.Endorser", "grpc.method": "ProcessProposal", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.5252ms"}