Implement __array_func__ hook and use it to trace

* Creates an abstraction/registry around emitters (intended to generalize to AST compilation as well).
* Reworks ufuncs to use the same mechanism as array funcs.
* Adds the op.
Stella Laurenzo 2020-05-04 15:47:01 -07:00
parent 1f54838d2e
commit a5f755d406
5 changed files with 420 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,32 @@ include ""
include "mlir/Interfaces/"
include "mlir/IR/"
// IR casting and conversions
def Numpy_NarrowOp : Numpy_Op<"narrow", []> {
let summary = "Narrows an array to a known type at boundaries.";
let description = [{
During tracing, specific data types are often unknown. This op generically
narrows from an unknown to a known data type at boundaries.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict `:` functional-type($operand, $result)
// Universal function ops (ufunc)
// See:
def Numpy_BuiltinUfuncOp : Numpy_Op<"builtin_ufunc", [Symbol]> {
let summary = "References a built-in universal function";
let description = [{
@ -69,20 +95,37 @@ def Numpy_UfuncCallOp : Numpy_Op<"ufunc_call", []> {
def Numpy_Narrow : Numpy_Op<"narrow", []> {
let summary = "Narrows an array to a known type at boundaries.";
// Built-in array functions
// These are ops that mirror supported array functions in numpy or related
// libraries. Note that there is some evolution happening on the dispatch
// mechanism for these.
// See:
// See:
// Note that operators are in general free to take any arguments, but there
// are some conventions that are mirrored here:
// - `out` arguments indicate that the operation should perform a mutation
// of a specific array. This is not modeled at the individual op level,
// instead producing IR constructs to map the intent.
def Numpy_DotOp : Numpy_Op<"dot", []> {
let summary = "Represents the `` operator";
let description = [{
During tracing, specific data types are often unknown. This op generically
narrows from an unknown to a known data type at boundaries.
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs
let assemblyFormat = [{
$operand attr-dict `:` functional-type($operand, $result)
operands attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, $output)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
based_on_style = google
column_limit = 80
indent_width = 2

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ _BUILTIN_MODULE_ASM = r"""
numpy.ufunc_return %0 : f32
numpy.generic_ufunc @numpy.multiple (
numpy.generic_ufunc @numpy.multiply (
overload(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i32) -> i32 {
%0 = muli %arg0, %arg1 : i32
numpy.ufunc_return %0 : i32

View File

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
class Protocol(Enum):
class TraceValueType(Enum):
class TraceValue(
namedtuple("TraceValue", ["value", "type"],
__slots__ = ()
"""A Python value and the trace type that it should correspond to."""
class TraceInvocation(
namedtuple("TraceInvocation", ["inputs", "kwargs", "protocol", "method"],
defaults=(Protocol.ARRAY_FUNC, "__call__"))):
"""An invocation of a single functions.
This abstracts over both ufuncs and array_funcs, differentiating by the
protocol and method.
__slots__ = ()
class EmissionRequest(
namedtuple("EmissionRequest", ["input_ssa_values", "ops", "types", "extra"],
"""Represents the result of processing inputs from an invocation.
The `input_ssa_values` are instances corresponding to
input_trace_values in TraceValueMap.
The `extra` value is only relevant to the producer and can be used as a
blackbox mechanism to transfer un-tracked state from an invocation to
The `ops` and `types` fields correspond to and
instances respectively.
__slots__ = ()
class TraceValueMap(
["input_trace_values", "result_trace_value_types", "extra"],
"""The result of mapping an invocation to corresponding op structure.
This type associates:
- Python (object, TraceValueType) representing invocation inputs that
correspond to SSA values in the IR.
- TraceValueTypes that are the expected logical result types from the
- 'extra' object that is passed to followon Emitter methods.
__slots__ = ()
class FuncEmitter:
"""An emitter for an op-like function invocation."""
def map_invocation(self, trace_invocation: TraceInvocation) -> TraceValueMap:
"""Maps from an invocation to EmissionRequest.
This hook is also responsible for validating the invocation and should
raise appropriate user-visible exceptions (i.e. when invoked with incorrect
This hook is used to prepare for emission in a define-by-run scenario.
Static emission from an AST needs to be prepared via another mechanism.
trace_invocation: An Invocation instance to map.
A TraceValueMap describing the structure of the invocation as mapped
to/from IR.
raise NotImplementedError()
def map_results(self, py_results, extra):
"""Maps a list of python results to actual function return values.
py_results: List of python results corresponding to the emitted op
extra: The extra object returned by map_invocation.
Actual function result. Typically this requires special handling to
unpack the result of functions that return 1 item.
raise NotImplementedError()
def emit(self, request: EmissionRequest):
"""Emits IR using the provided ops and types factories.
emission_inputs: An EmissionRequest produced by tracing each TraceValue
from a previous call to map_invocation and the corresponding extra
An iterable of instances representing the outputs of the
operation. The `builder` on `ops` must be positioned to consume these
raise NotImplementedError()
class GenericCallUfuncEmitter(FuncEmitter):
"""A FuncEmitter for generic ufuncs requiring no special behavior.
>>> emitter = GenericCallUfuncEmitter("numpy.add")
>>> emitter
<ufunc emitter 'numpy.add'>
>>> inv = TraceInvocation([1, 2], {}, protocol=Protocol.UFUNC)
>>> inputs = emitter.map_invocation(inv)
>>> inputs
TraceValueMap(input_trace_values=[TraceValue(value=1, type=<TraceValueType.NDARRAY: 1>), TraceValue(value=2, type=<TraceValueType.NDARRAY: 1>)], result_trace_value_types=[<TraceValueType.NDARRAY: 1>], extra=None)
Error on unsupported kwargs:
>>> inv = TraceInvocation([1, 2], {"foobar": 1}, protocol=Protocol.UFUNC)
>>> emitter.map_invocation(inv)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Unexpected keyword args for ufunc numpy.add: foobar
__slots__ = ("_ufunc_name")
def __init__(self, ufunc_name: str):
self._ufunc_name = ufunc_name
def __repr__(self):
return "<ufunc emitter '%s'>" % self._ufunc_name
def map_invocation(self,
trace_invocation: TraceInvocation) -> EmissionRequest:
assert trace_invocation.protocol == Protocol.UFUNC
assert trace_invocation.method == "__call__"
if trace_invocation.kwargs:
raise ValueError(
"Unexpected keyword args for ufunc %s: %s" %
(self._ufunc_name, ", ".join(trace_invocation.kwargs.keys())))
# Without above special cases, any positional args map to emission
# inputs.
return TraceValueMap([
TraceValue(i, TraceValueType.NDARRAY) for i in trace_invocation.inputs
], [TraceValueType.NDARRAY],
def map_results(self, py_results, extra):
# Ufuncs always return one result, so just unpack it.
return py_results[0]
def emit(self, request: EmissionRequest):
op_result_type = request.types.tensor(request.types.numpy_any_dtype)
call_op = request.ops.numpy_ufunc_call_op(self._ufunc_name, op_result_type,
return call_op.results
class GenericArrayFuncEmitter(FuncEmitter):
"""Emitter for array funcs that don't do anything 'special'."""
__slots__ = ("_op_name", "_nresults")
def __init__(self, op_name: str, nresults: int = 1):
self._op_name = op_name
self._nresults = nresults
def __repr__(self):
return "<array_func emitter '%s'>" % self._op_name
def map_invocation(self,
trace_invocation: TraceInvocation) -> EmissionRequest:
assert trace_invocation.protocol == Protocol.ARRAY_FUNC
if trace_invocation.method != "__call__":
raise NotImplementedError("Only __call__ is supported for %s (got '%s')" %
if trace_invocation.kwargs:
raise ValueError(
"Unexpected keyword args for %s: %s" %
(self._op_name, ", ".join(trace_invocation.kwargs.keys())))
# Without above special cases, any positional args map to emission
# inputs.
return TraceValueMap([
TraceValue(i, TraceValueType.NDARRAY) for i in trace_invocation.inputs
], [TraceValueType.NDARRAY] * self._nresults,
def map_results(self, py_results, extra):
if self._nresults == 1:
return py_results[0]
return tuple(py_results)
def emit(self, request: EmissionRequest):
op_result_types = [request.types.tensor(request.types.numpy_any_dtype)
] * self._nresults
op = request.ops.op(self._op_name, op_result_types,
return op.results
class EmitterRegistry:
"""Registry of known Emitter instances mapped to source function.
>>> r = EmitterRegistry.create_default()
>>> r.lookup_ufunc(np.add, "__call__")
<ufunc emitter 'numpy.add'>
>>> r.lookup_array_func(
<array_func emitter ''>
def __init__(self):
self._ufunc_map = {} # Dictionary of (f, method) -> Emitter
self._arrayfunc_map = {} # Dictionary of f -> Emitter
def create_default(cls):
registry = cls()
return registry
def register_ufunc(self, ufunc, method, emitter):
# Last registration wins.
self._ufunc_map[(ufunc, method)] = emitter
def register_array_func(self, f, emitter):
# Last registration wins.
self._arrayfunc_map[f] = emitter
def lookup_ufunc(self, ufunc, method):
return self._ufunc_map.get((ufunc, method))
def lookup_array_func(self, f):
return self._arrayfunc_map.get(f)
def register_defaults(self):
# Find all ufuncs in the numpy module and register by name.
for member in sorted(dir(np)):
ufunc = getattr(np, member)
if isinstance(ufunc, np.ufunc):
self.register_ufunc(ufunc, "__call__",
GenericCallUfuncEmitter("numpy." + member))
# Register generic 1-result array funcs.
for f, op_name in ((np.inner, "numpy.inner"), (np.outer, "numpy.outer"),
(, ""), (np.vdot, "numpy.vdot"),
(np.linalg.det, "numpy.linalg.det")):
self.register_array_func(f, GenericArrayFuncEmitter(op_name))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest

View File

@ -3,26 +3,30 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
import re
from typing import Iterable
import numpy as np
from ..dialect import Numpy
from ..native.mlir import ir
from .context import *
from .emitters import *
from ..exporter import *
from ..types import *
class ModuleBuilder:
"""Builds an MLIR module by tracing functions."""
def __init__(self, mlir_context=None):
self.context = context if mlir_context else ir.MLIRContext()
def __init__(self, mlir_context=None, emitter_registry=None):
self.context = mlir_context if mlir_context else ir.MLIRContext()
# TODO: Instead of bootstrapping a large module, populate imports
# dynamically.
self.module = Numpy.load_builtin_module(self.context)
self.ops = Numpy.Ops(self.context)
self.types = Numpy.Types(self.context)
self.emitters = (emitter_registry
if emitter_registry else EmitterRegistry.create_default())
def trace(self, export_py_func: ExportPyFunction):
"""Traces and exported python function."""
@ -49,6 +53,7 @@ class FunctionTracer(TraceContext):
def __init__(self, module_builder: ModuleBuilder, epf: ExportPyFunction):
super().__init__(desc="[trace of %s]" % epf.__name__)
self.module_builder = module_builder
@ -65,7 +70,8 @@ class FunctionTracer(TraceContext):
# Extract ArrayParams for all args and results.
self._args_array_params = [
for arg in self.epf.sig.args]
for arg in self.epf.sig.args
self._python_args = [None] * len(self._args_array_params)
self._result_array_params = ArrayParams.from_constraints(
@ -82,9 +88,10 @@ class FunctionTracer(TraceContext):
ops = self._ops
py_results = (self.epf.pyfunc(*self._python_args),)
if len(py_results) != len(self._f_types):
raise TracingError(
"Traced function returned != %d results: %r" % (
len(self._f_types), py_results,))
raise TracingError("Traced function returned != %d results: %r" % (
# Narrow all results to the declared return types.
return_operands = []
@ -106,12 +113,12 @@ class FunctionTracer(TraceContext):
return self._traced_arrays.get(traced_array)
def _validate(self):
if not all(arg.type_class == TypeClass.NdArray
for arg in self.epf.sig.args):
if not all(
arg.type_class == TypeClass.NdArray for arg in self.epf.sig.args):
raise NotImplementedError("Non NdArray args: %r" % (self.epf.sig.args,))
if not self.epf.sig.result.type_class == TypeClass.NdArray:
raise NotImplementedError("Non NdArray result: %r" % (
raise NotImplementedError("Non NdArray result: %r" %
def _create_mlir_function(self):
mlir_c = self._mlir_c
@ -119,10 +126,13 @@ class FunctionTracer(TraceContext):
ops = self._ops
types = self._types
epf = self.epf
f_args = [mlir_c.parse_type(ap.mlir_tensor_type_asm)
for ap in self._args_array_params]
f_types = [mlir_c.parse_type(
f_args = [
for ap in self._args_array_params
f_types = [
f_type = types.function(f_args, f_types)
f = ops.func_op(epf.__name__, f_type, create_entry_block=True)
@ -136,54 +146,59 @@ class FunctionTracer(TraceContext):
self.set_traced_array(ta, entry_block.args[index])
self._python_args[index] = ta
def _resolve_input_ssa_values(self, trace_values: Iterable[TraceValue]):
"""Resolves input python values to SSA values."""
ssa_values = []
for tv in trace_values:
assert tv.type == TraceValueType.NDARRAY, (
"Unsupported TraceValueType: %r" % tv.type)
ssa_value = self.get_traced_array_value(tv.value)
if ssa_value is None:
raise TracingError(
"Required a traced python NDARRAY but not found: %r" % (tv,))
return ssa_values
def _resolve_result_py_values(self,
trace_value_types: Iterable[TraceValueType],
"""Resolves result SSA values to runtime python values."""
assert len(trace_value_types) == len(ssa_values), (
"Mismatched emitter declared result types and results")
py_values = []
for trace_value_type, ssa_value in zip(trace_value_types, ssa_values):
assert trace_value_type == TraceValueType.NDARRAY, (
"Unsupported TraceValueType: %r" % trace_value_type)
py_value = TracedArray(self)
self.set_traced_array(py_value, ssa_value)
return py_values
def _emit_invocation(self, emitter: FuncEmitter, invocation: TraceInvocation):
tv_map = emitter.map_invocation(invocation)
input_ssa_values = self._resolve_input_ssa_values(tv_map.input_trace_values)
request = EmissionRequest(input_ssa_values,
result_ssa_values = emitter.emit(request)
py_values = self._resolve_result_py_values(tv_map.result_trace_value_types,
return emitter.map_results(py_values, tv_map.extra)
def _handle_ufunc(self, ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs):
if method == "__call__":
if kwargs:
raise TracingError("Generic ufunc with kwargs not supported %r" % (
emitter = self.module_builder.emitters.lookup_ufunc(ufunc, method)
if not emitter:
return NotImplemented
invocation = TraceInvocation(inputs, kwargs, Protocol.UFUNC, method)
return self._emit_invocation(emitter, invocation)
# Map inputs to TracedArrays.
# TODO: Process captures, promotions, etc.
op_inputs = []
for py_input in inputs:
if not isinstance(py_input, TracedArray):
raise TracingError("Unsupported ufunc input: %r", (py_input,))
op_input = self.get_traced_array_value(py_input)
if op_input is None:
raise TracingError("Unregistered traced array: %r", (py_input,))
# Emit op.
types = self._types
mlir_m = self._mlir_m
callee_symbol = _UFUNC_SYMBOL_MAP.get(ufunc)
if not callee_symbol:
raise TracingError("Unsupported ufunc: %r" % ufunc)
op_result_type = types.tensor(types.numpy_any_dtype)
call_op = self._ops.numpy_ufunc_call_op(
callee_symbol, op_result_type, *op_inputs)
op_result = call_op.results[0]
# Wrap returns.
return_array = TracedArray(self)
self.set_traced_array(return_array, op_result)
return return_array
# Unsupported method.
raise TracingError("Unsupported ufunc method %r:%r" % (ufunc, method,))
# TODO: There should be an open registry of ufuncs. But for now, just map
# introspect the numpy package and record them.
def _build_ufunc_symbol_map():
d = {}
for member in dir(np):
ufunc = getattr(np, member)
if isinstance(ufunc, np.ufunc):
d[ufunc] = "numpy." + member
return d
_UFUNC_SYMBOL_MAP = _build_ufunc_symbol_map()
def _handle_array_func(self, func, types, inputs, kwargs):
emitter = self.module_builder.emitters.lookup_array_func(func)
if not emitter:
return NotImplemented
invocation = TraceInvocation(inputs, kwargs, Protocol.ARRAY_FUNC)
return self._emit_invocation(emitter, invocation)
if __name__ == "__main__":